JQuery :: Function With Multiple Parameters As Argument In SetTimeout
Feb 22, 2011
I have written the following code (quite meaningless. Just to check why setTimeout is not working in a similar real-life code) to enable the user to input a given time interval (hh:mm:ss) when a p is clicked, and then alerting the user with the time entered in the seconds portion one second after the div is clicked. But it is not working. I think the setTimeout is the culprit, the way I am passing parameters to the function inside it, but don't know where exactly am I erring.
It seems like it just runs the last setTimeout line and pops out all at once. I've even tried adding a=, b=, c=,. etc at the begining of each line to no avail.
This should execute the method start every 200 milisec, but (in some cases) it gives me an error because arguments.caller is null. Is there a "direct" method to use setTimeout without this arguments? stuff?
I'm probably missing something simple here. I have this function called display:
function display(name3,office3,officePH3,mobile3,email3) { document.getElementById('viewer').src=('Location_Files/')+(office3)+('.htm') }
It's supposed to take 5 values and do various things with them. When I only had one parameter it worked fine, it took an office number which was the value of a listbox option and turned it into a path and then pointed an iframe to that path. Then I changed it so the value of the listbox option was 5 parameters separated by commas. Here's the listbox now:
You can see display is executed as "display(this.value)" so in theory it should take "test name,1656,phone,NONE,email" as its parameters and it should accept 1656 as the "office3" parameter. For some reason it's not working out that way, the function executes and the iframe changes but I get an unable to display webpage message like the path is broken. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
how to you use the result of a function as the argument for another function instead of passing the actual function to it. i.e.
function foo2(){}
function foo(func){}
This passes foo2 to foo, can I do foo(foo2()) ? i.e. is the difference between whether a function is passed or evaluated dependent on whether you use "()" after the function name?
So I have a function, and in that function there are two paramaters: index and newLocation. Each of these parameters can initially either be an integer or a string: The string can only be the values of "first" or "last". I can do a long set of code for both parameters, but I was wondering if there was a way to iterate through the parameters to make the code more compact and reusable.
if(parseInt(index, 10) == "NaN") { if(index == "first") { //The first index of the array index = 0;
I am in the process of creating an ajax like upload control (like the one described here: [URL].. I have ran into an unexpected problem that I can't seem to find a solution to. Javascript is not my favoured tech, and maybe there is something fundamental about this that I don't understand. could point out what I'm doing wrong:
I am using setTimeout to basically show a dummy progress bar (by manipulating backcolour of td elements). I start the process like this:
Is there a way to send multiple search paramaters using the jQuery UI 1.8.1 Autocomplete feature? Currently, I am able to send only the text entered in the text box which automatically maps to the "term" querystring paramater. I need to send couple of additional parameters to my server side code for filtering the search. Is this possible?
I have used an object in the past as a function argument, but this was for a plugin that I wrote. Using it in the architecture of a plugin it worked. BUT, this time, I just want to write a normal function, but still use an object to set defaults and pass in changes to those defaults through as a param. Is this possible, or do I have to make this a jQuery function like $.myfunction() ?
Selecting elements using multiple parameters like here: $('descendant', 'ancestor').text(); seems to be way more popular than css-like syntax: $('ancestor descendant').text(); Do those two differ in performance, or is it just about being intuitive to particular people?
All the function extending I see extends on an _object_. I want to extend on a string. /** * Returns a slug version of a string */ jQuery.extend ({ slug: function( text ) { return text.trim().toLowerCase().replace( /[^-a-zA-Z0-9s]/g,'' ).replace( /[s]/g, '-' ); }}); I want to be able to do something like: $('#form_element').val().slug(); The above does not work. I even tried modifying the 'trim' function in jQuery core to include the rest of the enhancements, but it didn't work.
I am new to Jquery and would like to know, when we write a Jquery function and pass 'e' or any other word or letter as first argument, what does it represent? Also If I want to pass some parameter to my function along with 'e', how can I pass it?
I have tried the following code on FF and Safari on OSX 10.6.3 , and FF stop at after print out "step 2", whereas Safari did not print out "step 2" after the setTimeout("step2();",10000);
<html> <p><b> SetTimeout Testing </b> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin
Ok I am pretty sure Javascript is the only way to do this I need to pass more than one parameter from a form to a url For example:
I need this output
Code: http://mywebsite.com/index.php?price_min=10&price_max=20&sort=featured I would have no problem if I only needed Code: http://mywebsite.com/index.php?price=10 Code: <form method="get" action="http://mywebsite.com/index.php"
for example if you have a <span id = "test" onMouseOver ="myfunc(x)>
eg you have lots of differant span id's but you want then all to have a certain background-color with each individual on mouseover event without having to write separate code for each span id eg <span id=" test2"onmouseover ="this.style.background ='red'>....
I have a problem with a function i created. I want an image to move from a to b and then start from a again. Without parameters this works really fine, but now that I have got more images I use parameters but I have no clue how to call the funtion again.
I tried to replace show(100,flo) with show(100,flo(zahl,r_g)) but then the divs only move from a to b but even will not come back to a again. I think the solution should be pretty simple but i cant figure it out.
Hi all.Am new to this forum so cut me some slack if I don't articulate my problem with utmost clarity.My problem is that I have a javascript function such as:
function modReg(x,y) { <!-- var answer = confirm ("Do you really want to deregister user" +x+"?") if (answer) { document.leo["id"].value=x;
Now, leo is a hidden form with the 2 fields namely "id and "two".Viewing source, I see that the parameters I need are well acquired by the function.In next page, I haven't been successful at retrieving the passed parameters.
I'm trying to pass an array as an argument for a function on load of an html page, but can't seem to get it to work. Here is my code.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
How can I create argument defaults for a function? I have this function (the purpose of the lines I included were to set defaults if the user forget to input something simply to prevent an error.
I would like to save some programming space and time by finding another way to set defaults. I saw somewhere that you could set a default in the arguments list Code: function someFunction(aVariable = false) { //some code } But when I try to do this with all my arguments, I get the error: "Missing ) after formal parameters".