I am trying to pass dynamic String parameter to my javascript. The user enters sdome value and that is passed to the javascript as parameter. My problem is when user enters something of type cs204-1 or cs204.1 etc, the javascript does not run. On passsing simple parameters like cs204 or 111 etc, the javascript works fine. I need to pass any type of parameters to the javascript ( cs204-1 or cs204.1 etc) as I am making this for my college and the values to be entered by the user are of such type. My javascript code is : Code:
I tested the working of the javascript by using alert. It came for normal parameters but not for cs204-1 or cs204.1 types.
I am trying to pass dynamic String parameter to my javascript. The user enters sdome value and that is passed to the javascript as parameter. My problem is when user enters something of type cs204-1 or cs204.1 etc, the javascript does not run. On passing simple parameters like cs204 or 111 etc, the javascript works fine. I need to pass any type of parameters to the javascript ( cs204-1 or cs204.1 etc) as I am making this for my college and the values to be entered by the user are of such type.
My javascript code is : function deleteQuestion(id){ alert(id); questionId= eval("document.form1.deleteQ"+id+".value"); url='/DeleteQuestionServlet?questionId='+escape(questionId); document.form1.action=url; } I tested the working of the javascript by using alert. It came for normal parameters but not for cs204-1 or cs204.1 types.
I have an easy question, likely, that has me in a headspin. I have an include file to a frames based site that basically forces frames on the end user if they visit the site and hit a non-frames created page...
Simply, it is:
if (parent != self) self.parent.location.replace("/");
However, now I would like to force an inner frame to populate based on what frame someone was redirected from the include (above). So, if I visit http://domain/frame/innerframe_3.html, then I want to redirect to the above, but pass in /frame/innerframe_3.html to be included as a URL parameter for an inner frame to be populated.
When I modify this link to:
if (parent != self) self.parent.location.replace("/index.php?redir=" & location.href);
Then, the replaced location doesn't seem to recognize the ?redir= portion of the new location.
Is there a different way to do this? I can't use a META tag because I want the TARGET to be _TOP, basically.
My button when click call cal function, inside cal function I need to find parent so I can access other element, but I donot know how to pass parameter to Selectors/has(for some reason $("div :button").each(function()... no work here)
Code as below: function cal(event) { if (!event) event = window.event;
Hi all.Am new to this forum so cut me some slack if I don't articulate my problem with utmost clarity.My problem is that I have a javascript function such as:
function modReg(x,y) { <!-- var answer = confirm ("Do you really want to deregister user" +x+"?") if (answer) { document.leo["id"].value=x;
Now, leo is a hidden form with the 2 fields namely "id and "two".Viewing source, I see that the parameters I need are well acquired by the function.In next page, I haven't been successful at retrieving the passed parameters.
This is for uploadify script for previewing an image that is uploaded, it creates the link fine, but won't trigger the function "del_image" unless I delete the parameters in the onclick, which leads me to believe it is something to do with my quoting. Here is the function:
I have been checking out the following sitepoint tutorial on creating a plugin using Jquery http:[url]....I have some Questions about the selector and the parameters.Say for example, I wanted to pass parameters into the plugin:
And conversely if the plugin takes no parameters $(selector).MyPlugin(); Firstly is my understanding correct and secondly what if the plugin doesn't require a selector? What if it doesn't need to do anything to a given DOM element? would it be something like:
I am passing parameters via URL to my HTML form. The hardcoded hidden values work. Does anyone know how I can modify this so that the parameters can also write to the hidden values?code...
The problem is I keep getting an error along the lines of: TypeError: Result of expression 'house' [[object Object]] is not a constructor. It seemed to work when I wasn't passing the other objects as parameters in the constructor. I just created and assigned them later. As in:
I need to open a popup window from a PHP site and pass in some parameters to use in the pop up window. I have the params in an input box and need to get the val of the box into a param and pass it to the new popup window. All pages are local and in the same folder. The id of the input box is 'ddutykey'. The name of the new window would be showduty.php if possible.
I am sending credit card information to a merchant account script. The documentation for the MA states the variable names it requires, things like card-type, card-number, card-exp. So I have input fields for each.
The problem is my JS validation function will not recognize these variables if they have a hyphen. If I change the hyphen to underscore, the function will recognize them, ex: <input type="text" name="card-number"> <input type="text" name="card_number">
I can not change the field names to use underscores because the payment script is looking for the hyphen variable name. Anyone know how I can get the values of these fields with hyphens?
I am currently working with a cms system that doesnt keep within the correct name conventions (pre defined).Within a form, I simply want to set a date to todays date:
<script type="text/javascript"> function initdt(mf) { var t = new Date;
This works perfect on a form I create, but sadly I must use a form within a pre defined system that uses "01-date" Is there a way around this? A simple way of setting 01-date to t.getDate();
I'm trying to match all integers before and after the hyphen:
This is what I tried but always returns null
var divID = '12345-5'; var idPattern = /^[0-9]+$/; //Matching one or more numbers before the hyphen var id2Pattern = /^-[0-9]+$/; //Matching starts from the hyphen and all numbers that proceed
I have written a function for accepting name and should be atleast minimum 4 characters. It is accepting all characters including special characters. Now i want my function to accept only a-z0-9 and _(underscore),-(hyphen) and .(dot) Below is my function
This is the regular expression I currently have /^(w+|w+.w+)@(w+|w+-w+).(w{2,3}|w{2,3}.w{2,3})$/; The script dates from about 2006. The script is ok for emails that just contain a "dot" before the @, as in: joe.bloggs@home.com
What needs to be changed in the above script to allow both these types of email? joe.bloggs@home.com and joe.bloggs-smith@home.com
I need US zip code formatting on my page. As zip code can be 5 digits or 5-4 digits, our requirement is that when user types in 6th digit, hyphen automatically gets added between 5th and 6th digit. Ex: user enters 100161, it should become formatted as 10016-1 and then user can continue to add rest of digits.
I have been trying to grasp the whole 'Pass By Value/Reference' thing for a few hours now. From what i can make out:
Passing by value will make a copy of the value, pass it as a function argument and the function will store the changes, the original value is not affected. So for example:
JavaScript Code: var cost = 145;var postage = .3;var a = function() {return cost + postage;} //Using an Anonymous function for this
If you was then to pass the value of 'a' to a function argument it would copy and not change the original value.
If you pass by reference it will change the original value. When you pass a reference to a value through a series of different functions and the value is constantly being changed the change happens on the original value and can be seen outside the function.
The problem is i cannot think of how or why this would be used. I havn't got to develop many large applications so im trying to think of a few situations when passing by reference would be used.
Can someone give me some pointers on how I can read one or more arguements from a url, using js?
Why? I'm working on a LAMP based project and when a user successfully registers, the header redirects to the login screen - I'd like to check for the value of register, if read from:
I am pretty rusty with javascript and I am trying to make a webpage that will basically act as a wrapper from one webpage to another. What I mean by this is that I will hit this page like: webpage.htm?Param1=... and I will take the passed params and post them to another page. I have the post part working, but I was just wondering how I can use just Javascript and read those values passed to this webpage. Is this even possible?
I found this little script for extracting parameters from a url but wondered what the shortest and most efficient way to do it would be, like the following or via regexp?
function getParameter(paramName) { var currentUrl = window.location.search var strBegin = currentUrl.indexOf(paramName) + (paramName.length+1) var strEnd = currentUrl.indexOf("&",strBegin)
if (strEnd==-1) strEnd = currentUrl.length return currentUrl.substring(strBegin,strEnd) }
I have an onclick function that pops a new window (nothing fancy) the problem is that whenever I want to return to the page where I popped the new window from I find that it is reloaded and has taken me to the fist line of the page. What parameter (or anything else for that matter) can I add in order to pop up a new window and still be in the same place when I return to the previous page?
I need to know a way to get/set URL parameters with jQuery.
Here is the flow between pages im having:
What i want to have is:
Each page offers a choice to user and must add the choice in url. Actually im using forms with submit buttons to do it but i dont know how to keep parameters from previous page in the current page.