I am making a function that executes code as AJAX readyState's are returned. If readyState = 3 then I running code through eval but I want to be able to run functions with parameters, within the parameter that is evetually executed by the eval
Heres abit of pseudo code of what I am talking about
function receiveRequest(whileLoading, whenDone) { // AJAX stuff... blah... blah... blah... if request is being processed: eval(whileLoading) if request is done: eval(whenDone)
I haven't used Javascript in agggeeesss and I can barely remember anything anymore - PHP <3
I keep getting a runtime error stating that this document.adddealer.dealertoadd.value = dealer; is null or not an object. I've rewritten the Function everyway I could think of, and couldn't find any thread examples of my problem.
Here is my Function;
<Script language="JavaScript"> <!--//hide function AddDealer(dealer) { document.adddealer.dealertoadd.value = dealer; document.adddealer.submit();
} //--> </script>
This calls the Function;
<input type="button" value="Make This My Dealer" name="button">
When the code breaks and I bring up Microsoft Debugger it shows a value in the parameter.
I have a problem with a function i created. I want an image to move from a to b and then start from a again. Without parameters this works really fine, but now that I have got more images I use parameters but I have no clue how to call the funtion again.
I tried to replace show(100,flo) with show(100,flo(zahl,r_g)) but then the divs only move from a to b but even will not come back to a again. I think the solution should be pretty simple but i cant figure it out.
I have a following JS code and have two similar onclick event handler functions as below. The two onclick events happen two different section elements. if there is a way to use only onclick event handler for both sections.
if(document.getElementById('featuredmedia')) { var fmElements = document.getElementById('featuredmedia').getElementsByTagName('li');
I want to attach a js function to be called when a img is clicked and I'm changing the functions of onclick based on the image. I used setattribute but it doesn't works in IE. So I decided to use object.onclick = somefunction; but my functions are based on parameters and the whole function runs based on the passed parameter.
So I tried: like this object.onclick = "somefunction('"+mat+"')"; but doesn't work. I need a code which can attach the function on click event for both firefox and IE.
Problem: I have two functions that send an AJAX call via an attached .js file (engine.js) and then deal with the response. My problem is this, the function can be called by any number of different triggers and needs to pass the data to a different element depending on which one calls it. These different triggers are produced via a repeating region created by Coldfusion. Each element that can get acted upon by "updateImgCount_response" is named "imgCount[recordID]" where "recordID" is a value inserted by coldfusion. This way each Element has a unique ID. Now I just need to know how to tack the "recordID" value returned as part of "obj" onto the 'imgCount' in document.getElementById() the updateImgCount_response function. Code:
I was reading through a book that talked about unobtrusive javascript, and it gave this example of how to trigger a function instead of using an inline onmouseover event handler.
document.getElementById("RandomElementId").onmouseover=RandomFunction; I thought this would be cool, but I can't seem to find a way to pass parameters to the function this way. I assumed you just use RandomFunction(parameter1,parameter2); but no go.
Is there a different syntax for this, or does this technique forbid using parameters?
I'm probably missing something simple here. I have this function called display:
function display(name3,office3,officePH3,mobile3,email3) { document.getElementById('viewer').src=('Location_Files/')+(office3)+('.htm') }
It's supposed to take 5 values and do various things with them. When I only had one parameter it worked fine, it took an office number which was the value of a listbox option and turned it into a path and then pointed an iframe to that path. Then I changed it so the value of the listbox option was 5 parameters separated by commas. Here's the listbox now:
You can see display is executed as "display(this.value)" so in theory it should take "test name,1656,phone,NONE,email" as its parameters and it should accept 1656 as the "office3" parameter. For some reason it's not working out that way, the function executes and the iframe changes but I get an unable to display webpage message like the path is broken. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
I might register an event like this: var a = document.getElementById('elementid'); a.onclick = doSomething; To keep the function from firing at registration, I assign 'a.onclick' to doSomething rather than doSomething(). Suppose the event I want to fire requires sending parameters to the function doSomething()? How can I send the parameters?
I have some jQuery.ajax() calls. It'is all the same but success function and I'd like get less code by taking all ajax calls in the same function.But I need one additional parameter I am using later in the success function, for instance.My actual code is like this:
I have written the following code (quite meaningless. Just to check why setTimeout is not working in a similar real-life code) to enable the user to input a given time interval (hh:mm:ss) when a p is clicked, and then alerting the user with the time entered in the seconds portion one second after the div is clicked. But it is not working. I think the setTimeout is the culprit, the way I am passing parameters to the function inside it, but don't know where exactly am I erring.
I totally understand that in order to learn javascript I need to know how functions work, I understand the basics of passing in parameters and then calling the function with the values to maybe add something together etc I ve read countless articles about functions as well as books etc but I just dont get how they are used and when they should be used etc, the more advanced functions that have maybe 4 parameters and are doing different calculations and returning various values that get fired back into the script just totally confuses me.
What I would like to know is first of all how can I overcome this confusion and also any words of wisdom you may have. I will also add that I have no prior programming experience and have spent the last 2 months frequently hitting my head off a brick wall as I just cant understand javascript.
html code: view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 2. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I want - when the page load in result div will apper "Hello bla bla". It works for me if I dont use parameter(aka data: "{ }" and HelloToYou dont accept parameters)
So I have a function, and in that function there are two paramaters: index and newLocation. Each of these parameters can initially either be an integer or a string: The string can only be the values of "first" or "last". I can do a long set of code for both parameters, but I was wondering if there was a way to iterate through the parameters to make the code more compact and reusable.
if(parseInt(index, 10) == "NaN") { if(index == "first") { //The first index of the array index = 0;
success(data, textStatus, jqXHR)Function, Array A function to be called if the request succeeds. The function gets passed three arguments: The data returned from the server, formatted according to the dataType parameter; a string describing the status; and the jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHttpRequest) object.
'success': function(html){ jQuery("#quote-of-the-day").html(html) } success: function(data) { var out = "<ol>"; $(data).each(function(){ out+="<li>"+this.title+"</li>"; });
The above 2 ways of defining the success call back confused me.
1) According to definition, it should take 3 parameters, why here it only takes 1 parameter? 2) Why the name of parameter passed into function() can be different? Does this name matter?
Danged if I can find the thread, but I swear I saw a $.url() reference in here a day or two ago. It was beingutilized for parsing out the window.location or window.location.search parameters. I made a mental note because that was something I would be needing to do.
Now I can't find it, either because the search isn't finding it or I was dreaming about this function existing.
I rummaged about the API docs and didn't find it there either. Is it something provided by one of the plugins and not a function native to jQuery?
Can someone give me some pointers on how I can read one or more arguements from a url, using js?
Why? I'm working on a LAMP based project and when a user successfully registers, the header redirects to the login screen - I'd like to check for the value of register, if read from: