JQuery :: Create Little Windows That Aren't Entire New Pop Up Pages?

Jul 6, 2011

I've recently begun this week going through tutorials to learn some jQuery. My whole motivation was to create little windows that aren't entire new pop up pages. Think of being on facebook, going through some pictures and clicking the "Share" button. It's a new window that pops up but not an entirely new page if that makes sense.Unfortunately the w3schools tutorial didn't really point me in a direction to be able to do this. Any ideas on where to learn it?My real intentions are to learn how to do something like the pop up that you see when you first load this page:

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JQuery :: Loads Entire Page - For Multiple Pages

Aug 2, 2010

I have a page generated by php specifically for use in jQuery. It has 3 divs with 3 different IDs.

I've been using .load() to get the contents of each div and put it within the page, but I've realized that if I use it multiple times within the page (ex: load the same page, get different div each time) it actually reloads the page every time it's used.

I'm not very experienced with jQuery, so I don't know how to get the html of the page just once and then manipulate it so I can get the contents of each div. I assume with .ajax right? But can someone point me in the direction of how exactly I'd do that--the jQuery docs don't help me out too much with this.

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JQuery :: Adding Basic Animation - Allows To Create Pages And Navigate Between Them

Mar 26, 2010

I have been playing with a bit of code I found of the web and it works well, it basicly allows me to create pages and navigate between them all done via JQuery. The one question I have is, how hard is it to add some simple animation to it, such as fadein which if I have read correctly is built into JQuery?

code below:

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Create A Timer For Php Pages ?

Mar 14, 2011

I want to create a timer for my php page i created the page that only 20 second i want that the time should be as 00:00:20 (hh:mm:ss). My scipt are:

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Create Different Pages With Dynamic Tab Titles?

May 1, 2011

I would like to create different pages with dynamic tab titles. I would also like to have multiple level of tab. Currenlty I tried the kooltabs but I have problem for instance my last tab is having the final submit button and when my first tab is having the error I can show the contents of the first tab but the tab is not highlighted to reflect its content. Is there any other relevant tabs.

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JQuery :: FadeTo And Hide Aren't Very Stylish?

Feb 26, 2010

When I call FadeTo or Hide, the fontstyling on my elements seems to get lost. This happens with both1.3.2 and 1.4.1 on IE8, running IIS6 on my local Windows machine. The attachment illustrates the problem. Click the Hide/Show button to toggle between the states. With minor and obvious modifications in the source code you can switch back and forth between the FadeTo and Hide/Show techniques. Both are set to happen slowly, so thatyou can see that the problem begins immediately as soon as the function is called. The font style on the screen visibly changes, and remains corrupted afterwards as you toggle back and forth. My own classes on the elements, linked to the embedded CSS,remain unchanged througout the scenario.The attachment is named test.txt because, of all things, this site doesn't seem to allow htm files to be attached. Rename it to test.htm (youwill also have to adjust the path to your jquery file) and give it a run.I'm a noob,so I fully expect that there's a simple explanation for this. I look forward to it.

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JQuery :: Plugins Aren't Applied On Second Call?

Jun 8, 2009

i've been having an issue with the jPicker and jquerySpinButton plugins. if i apply each plugin to one instance (say, a span) they work fine. however, the next time I do the call, the elements are not modified by the plugin. on the demo page, there should be two spin boxes, and two color selectors. only the top 2 work, the bottom 2 are deformed.[URL]..

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Using Java Script To Create DHTML Pages

Jul 20, 2005

I have the following Script in my web page reduce to two pages.

function details()
document.getElementById('details').style.visibilit y='visible'
document.getElementById('capabilities').style.visi bility='hidden'
function capabilities()
document.getElementById('details').style.visibilit y='hidden'
document.getElementById('capabilities').style.visi bility='visible'

With the following HTML code..

<table id="Menu" border="1" width="100%">
<td><a href="#" onclick="details()">Details</a></td>
<td><a href="#" onclick="capabilities()">Capabilities</a></td>

<div id="details" style="position:absolute; visibility:visible;">
<table border="0"><caption>DETAILS</caption>
<tr><td>Name:</td><td>Enter name</td></tr>
<tr><td>D.O.B:</td><td>Date of Birth</td></tr>

<div id="capabilities" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;">
<table border ="0"><caption>CAPABILITIES</caption>
<tr><td>Java Script</td><tr>
<tr><td>Java Script</td><tr>

What I am trying to do is create a CV where you turn the pages without
reloading the web page. I have successfully done this using the code
above but the links don't work in Internet Explorer until I have gone
through all the pages. Netscape and Opera Works Fine!

The above consists of two pages for convience but my final site will
be approx 6 to 7 pages long.

Can anybody help get the links working on loading up 1st time without
having to go through all the pages or is there a bug with IE?

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Create Dynamic Pages And Buttons On The New Page?

Dec 8, 2009

i have a developed some static pages (around 140) of them which basically is used like a quesstionare or a workflow. If the user answers yes or no then another page opens up bases on the input given by the user.

Now my people want just a single page instead of all the 140 since it takes a lot of space on the server. presently this is still not hosted on the server. Is it possible to embed all of them into one page by writing different functions? i did try and it gives me the next questions by creating a dynamic page but when the yes and no button do not populate. is it possible?

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JQuery :: Submenu Items Aren't Visible When They Are Cufonized?

Oct 31, 2009

Submenu items aren't visible when they are Cufonized. To fix this change superfish.js line 105 to: .find('>ul').hide().css('display','none'); and line 113 to .find('>ul:hidden').css ('display','block');

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Create A Single Report From Multiple Forms On Separate Pages

May 18, 2011

I have made a site with 5 pages, each page contains a form. Each form is a checklist with a dropdown to choose an answer for each individual item.

Here is a same of the form code:

I am trying to write a script that will be called with onclick event from the "Next" button. This script will collect all the "notOK" option value/names and send them to a document, concatenating the info from the next forms until a single report is created with a list of all the "notOK" values. One the user gets to the end of the last form, there will be a submit button which sends the entire report to a specific email address.

Here is the script I have so far, which pulls the "notOK" values for each page:

This piece of code works great for an individual page, but I need to expand it to send the data to a report instead of window.alert, and I need to add some way of concatenating the data from each form to a single page, doc, etc.

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Multiple OnClicks Events Aren't Working Together?

Feb 14, 2009

I have a simple javascript overlay (like a lightbox) with a message that pops up. The user is meant to click a button, see the overlay thanking them for their vote, and then be redirected to the affiliate page (its a poll site) after about 3 seconds. I have everything down, except, it will either display the overlay as one of the onClick events, or it will do the timedRedirect but not both. I've tried putting the redirect before and after, and when its before it redirects, when its after, it shows the overlay. How can I do a timed redirect and show this message?

<script type="text/JavaScript">
redirectTime = "3500";
redirectURL = "http://x.azjmp.com/2KTCs";


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Four Flyer Images Aren't Being Positioned Correctly Upon Uploading Of Page

Feb 1, 2010

I'm not sure is this is a CSS issue or one that can be solved with JavaScript, but I'm having a problem with this page URL...where the text on the four flyer images aren't being positioned correctly upon the uploading of the page. However, when you refresh again, it positions correctly. At first I thought this was a caching issue on my computer, but it did the same thing on someone else's.I'm a perfectionist (as you all are as well ) and I don't like things moving around or being out of position.If it doesn't happen on your computer when you first upload it, try it again because it's an on and off thing.

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Create (or Call) A "Windows-TM" Pop-up In Javascript?

Jul 20, 2005

In fact, I want to suppress the right-click menu and use mine : It must like
same look and feel than the original context menu ...

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DOM Object Properties - Skip All Radio / Checkbox Inputs That Aren't Checked

Apr 27, 2011

I was under the impression, via W3Schools that 'checked' is only a property of radio/checkbox input objects. I was trying out this code that loops through several different types of inputs:

//start loop
var elem = theInput[i]; //grab the input
if('checked' in elem && !elem.checked) { continue; }
//...do some other stuff
//end loop

As you can tell, I want to skip all radio/checkbox inputs that aren't checked because they are meaningless in my circumstance.....the problem is, it skips over EVERYTHING (that isn't checked) regardless of if it's a hidden input, text input, password input, etc..... I did a quick test:


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Open Windows Under Current Windows?

Apr 6, 2010

below is clickunder code , but it open under windows when visitor click everywhere on the pagei need it be speacial for links , whenever visitor click on speacial link , it opens windows

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
function PopShow3() {
CookieTest=navigator.cookieEnabled; if(CookieTest)


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Code Won't Run On Certain Pages/areas On Pages?

Sep 27, 2009

I coded the following JavaScript:

var el = document.createElement("iframe");
el.setAttribute('id', 'ifrm');
el.setAttribute('height', 250);


And am putting it between <script type="text/javascript"> and </script> tags in the <body> section of my site. But, it only works in certain areas of the page.

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Child Windows Can Not Access Window.opener When Multiple Child Windows Are Open

Jul 23, 2005

I have a parent window that pushes a new window object onto an Array
with the following code :


//totalNumWindowsCreated is global

totalNumWindowsCreated = totalNumWindowsCreated + 1;
childWnds.push(window.open(link, "child" +


This pops up a new window with every call. In the child window I call
a parent function onbeforeunload, appClose() :

function appClose(){

if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed){

This is in my frameset tag of the child code :

<frameset ... onbeforeUnload='appClose()'>

The window.opener.CloseChild() function is called perfectly when I have
one child window open, but as soon as I create another child window
both of the open child windows don't ever call it. They do both go
into the onbeforeunload appClose() function, but do not call the
window.opener.CloseChild() function inside of this routine.

Anyone have any ideas why when I have two child windows open I can't
access the window.opener functions?

I have tried taking each new window out of the array and used the
following code in CloseChild() :


//win and totalNumWindowsCreated are both global

totalNumWindowsCreated = totalNumWindowsCreated + 1;
var win = window.open(link, "child" +


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JQuery :: How To Slide Entire Div Down

Nov 4, 2010

I've got a quick question about jQuery's slideDown method. Unfortunately, I can't think of any sites that have this at the moment, but you know how some sites have a menu that has an entire div (or table) slide down when you hover over an element? And then you have the sites that slide down either the same thing or just a bunch of <li>'s? How can the effect of sliding down the entire div be achieved? The animation looks completely different from my site (which I will provide below). I will edit my post if I can remember the sites that have this, but for now, I can only provide my site which has the "rolling down" or "sliding down <li> tags" effect: [URL]

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JQuery :: Dim Background On Entire Page?

Jul 16, 2010

how to dim/fade the entire page using JQuery? I would like a mouseover effect to activate the dimming effect.

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JQuery :: Disable An Entire Form?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm looking for a way to disable an entire form until someone checks a check box. I would like it if the form is visible but has a "grayed out" look, and cannot be submitted.

So by default the form elements are all disabled. Once the checkbox is clicked the elements are enabled.

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JQuery :: Get The Entire Width Of A Page?

Jul 13, 2007

<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">


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JQuery :: Passing Just The ID Or The Entire Element?

Jan 22, 2010

I am working on a mini select manipulation, moving options back and fourth, etc.

What are some of the considerations between passing just the ID names of the two selects from the button that triggers the add/remove versus passing the selects?

function moveOptions("left","right");


function moveOptions($("#left"),$("#right"));

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JQuery :: Maximize A Div To Fill The Entire Screen ?

Feb 28, 2011

I was trying to modify the code-slider plugin so that it would scroll panels that were the size of the entire screen. (the demo on the jquery site has it moving panels that are rather small). So I thought all I had to do was take each div that sandwiches the panel (several are nested) and set their width in code to be the width of the monitor. It did not work.

So I simplified the code to show here. I just have the divs, and their css, and the code that sets them to the width of the screen.

Here's the entire code, css, and html (its not long):

We want the panel to extend the width of the page, and eventually also figure out how to make it extend the height of the page. Then we want to put a menu on top which will scroll from panel to panel, where each panel covers the entire page. The menu would have absolute positioning, so it would stay on top.

Here is another panel, this time in Latin:

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JQuery :: Load An Entire Page With Ajax?

Mar 16, 2011

i want to load my entire front page with jquery, after a button is hit. Something like redirect to front-page.

I've already got the handler on the button, that executes document.location.href = '/index.php' Its working, but i'd like to make its behave like(pseudocode): $.ajax('/index.php') or: $.load('/index.php')

Is that possible, and if it is, how can i do that?

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JQuery :: JEditable: Edit Entire Table Row?

Aug 22, 2011

I want to be able to click in at table row, then it'll make the whole row editable, each cell from that row will have a text field; it will allow me to edit an entire row at once.I installed jEditable and it's working. I can edit ONE cell at a time. I just don't know how to edit an entire row at once.

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