Hide A Drop Down Menu When Clicking On Other Main Nav?
May 29, 2009
I'm having trouble making a main vertical navigation with two drop down menus and wondering if anyone can please help as I'm not great with javascript! I have a main menu and two drop down menus. At the moment I get them to open fine when the main link is clicked and close when it is clicked again. But I want dropdownmenu1 to close when opening dropdownmenu2 so that they are not open at the same time!
This is my javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function showElement(layer){
var planLayer = document.getElementById(layer);
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a problem with my menu. I am trying to add and remove classes when clicking on the main menu links. For instance when on load, the 'Home' is the current tab clicked, but when I click on 'Contact Me' I would like the class current to be removed from 'Home' and added to
'Contact Me' instead.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The code im using is the one below.</div>[code]....
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Dec 5, 2010
I need a drop down menu to appear when I left-click an image.... have tried a lot but failed...
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Feb 7, 2010
I've hit a little bit of a road block developing this site: [URL]. I'm attempting to use the thumbnails to load a new video in the main object. I've used this:
$('.thumbnail').bind('click', function() {
new_video = $(this).attr('href');
$('.main_video').attr('src', new_video);
$('.main_video').siblings('param').attr('value', new_video);
return false;
To replace the attributes in the object, but at this point, the source has the new arguments, but it needs to reload as the actual element still contains the old video. Should I somehow use AJAX to refresh this div? Should I reconstruct my jQuery somehow?
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a mega menu that when the main menu items is hovered over the mega menu the div is displayed. I want to keep the div from being shown off the right of the browser screen. I have the following that determines the amount a div is off the right of the browser:
function keepMenuLeft(){
var div_width = $("li.hovering div").width();
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Mar 8, 2010
provide me with code to make a collapsible menu? What I'm looking for is a vertical menu, that will open up the sub-categories upon a mouseover. Clicking on the menu item will bring them to the specific page. Oh, and this might not matter, but I'd prefer if I was able to style the menu to fit with my site theme.
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Dec 7, 2010
I'm looking for a Javascript workaround that'll allow me to indicate the current page on the main menu(basically, the menu button for that page will be a different colour to the rest of the menu buttons). The main menu is in CSS but isn't bringing up the required image for the "current menu item" indicator automatically and no one knows why.
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Nov 4, 2011
i'm having with a superfish menu i have tried to add to my wordpress site.The menu seems to work fine for the base-level (top parent pages) menu items.But the drop down menus seem to flash on screen for just a second and then disappear when the mouse hovers over the menu items.To see an example, please check out the top menu on this temporary development page: http:[url].....I have tried adjusting the z-index in superfish.css file but it doesn't seem to be having any effect.
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May 1, 2011
I currently have a Drop-Down menu, which has headers you click on to show the links. This menu only allows one drop to be expanded at a time, and can be viewed here [url].
I would like the headers to be able to have 'sub-headers' inside, which also drop-down,to reveal the links. I want them to have a different header colour, and to have the same rule where only one can be open at a time. while keeping the rule with the main headers.
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Sep 20, 2010
when a user clicks on a link, a new window opens. what I want to do is that if the user closes that popup but click on that same link again, the window should open..
<script language="javascript">
var winOpen = "";
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Mar 23, 2009
I'm designing a web page, Having a banner on top, then a search option following it.
There is a menu item list below it on to the left.And the content of the links of those menu item should get loaded in the center of the page.And a footer having some copyright info.All these are in div tags.
The problem is when i click on any menu item it should be loaded in the center div tag.Ive tried using Iframes but there is a scrollbar coming only in that area of center div tag.I don't wan't this to happen.Based on the size of the html page to be loaded the div tag size should increase, and so the whole page.Have tried using Ajax but not working.
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Jul 27, 2010
I have an animated main menu that uses slideDown() to show the sub-menus, triggered by the .hover() event on the parent. There's another animation on the home page that uses jCarousel to rotate the items in a <ul> every three seconds. Whenever a hover event on a parent menu item coincides with the animation trying to load a new frame, the menu freezes until the other animation is loaded. As common as animated menus are these days, I can't believe I'm the only one who has ever come up against this problem.What I want is for the menu animation to take precedence no matter what, but I understand that JS has no "priority" feature (not being multi-threaded)
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Jul 8, 2011
I want the second element to show/hide when the first element is clicked on, what would the easiest way to do this with javascript
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Apr 23, 2011
I have a table that display users in a database. When a user clicks on the usergroup a dropdown div will appear with a selection of available usergroups. I would like that div to hide again when the user clicks outside that div
Here is the code for the div
HTML Code:
I have no problem displaying the hidden div but i can't get it to close when the user clicks outside.
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Jun 4, 2011
My goal right now is to make a two-part navigation bar where you don't have to reload the whole site, when you click on a link. The navigation bar consists of two <ul> lists with <li> float:left and <a> display:block, so I basically have two lines. It's probably easier to understand if you see it for yourself: jsfiddle (had to change the css style, because I use .less but it works)
When you load the page it's just like that, you have your main category (A,B,C,D,...) and the sub-category (A1,A2,A3,...). What I want: If you click on B, the sub category changes to B1,B2,.... If you click on a sub category the site loads the requested page (with ajax = best solution?!)
My thoughts
At first I thought about just changing the name and href attribute of the second list, but the main categories have different amounts of sub categories, so I would need to add or remove <li>'s. Then I thought about using .load() but I somehow screwed up (of course) and the loaded <ul> doesn't have any css style (wrong order?) and I can't see anything. (with a loaded test.html site containing only the word "test" it worked) Is ajax "overkill" as a solution?
CodeIgniter and the URL
I use CodeIgniter (a PHP framework) for the website and URLs like this: www.example.com/maincategory/subcategory (e.g. example.com/A/A3) That's no problem at all, if I don't use any javascript and reload the whole site every time. But is it possible to change the URL with jQuery when the user clicks through the navigation bar? You click on B, the URL changes to example.com/B all the subcategories change to B1,B2,...When you click on B2 the URL changes to example.com/B/B2 and the site loads the requested page (I guess with ajax, so the navigation stays the same?!)
Minor problem: when you load the site, click on B, then B3 for example, you would get the url example.com/B/B3. If you now save this link, close the site and reopen it with the link, CodeIgniter would load the right site and everything, but the navigation would show A1,A2,.. in the sub category.
Hover vs click
Almost every page where I saw this kind of menu they used hover to change the sub category. But I thought click would be better, so you don't have to avoid touching B,C,D,.. if you want to go from A to A9 for example. Only downside is that you have to click before you see the sub categories.
A two part navigation menu you can use without reloading, changing URLs (when possible) and probably ajax to load the actual content.
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May 19, 2009
I want that when i click on a other main item that the other will close. Now it still keep open and then ill get a long menu list. How do i do it , i dont have js experience.
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Oct 26, 2009
The purpose of the code is to slideToggle open one of two hidden sub-nav bars when either of two different menu items are clicked upon - instead of a drop down menu. What doesn't work is the hiding of the div that is not required, if it is already open. Viewing in firebug shows that the appropriate classes are being applied - I suspect the reason is that slideToggle has been somehow set and cannot be unset via another object - but perhaps that is not it at all?
$(document).ready(function() {
//add .toggle function to appropriate li element
$('#hozmenu li:nth-child(4)').toggle(function () {
//set 4th menu links colour to be green whilst div is shown
$('#hozmenu li:nth-child(4) a').css('color', '#95d890');
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Feb 3, 2010
I want to show and hide a DIV tag in each row by clicking on check box.
my code is here:
$e .='<input onclick="showHide('.$myCont.');" type="checkbox" />
and in another file I create DIV with none static id:
$e .='<div id="container_'.$s.'" style="display:none;">';
it is not work in showHide function when I click on check box.
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Apr 6, 2011
But I am doing both front and backend for a project and having an issue with a jquery slider which, when inserted, is breaking 2 other js scripts in the page, including my main menu.Can anyone point me to a resource that outlines best practices for working with more than one js library and/or raw js .I'm doing some tests on the order of the scripts right now, but wanted to put a feeler out there to see if someone has dealt with this before.
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Nov 3, 2009
I actually want to make a horizontal drop down menu with a sub menu.As far as I have researched, I think that it can be done by JavaScript. I have searched for some java scripts but they are very long and complex.
That made me wonder that for a funcitonality like a Drop down is so complex?
So here is my question : Is there any JavaScript that can be applied for drop down menu exclusively? Which just presents logic of drop down solely?
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Feb 11, 2011
I'm building a drop down menu like [URL] or [URL] or [URL] the effect I'm trying to achieve is to have the top menu item showing a background image via css and create a stylized design with the sub-menu. Using CSS when I hover over the sub menu the background image of the top item disappears. So I'd like some guidance with javascript on how to keep the back-image while hovering on the sub menu.
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Dec 5, 2010
, I'd like to think this is fairly simple but unfortunately my knowldege of jquery is limited to using prebuilt scripts and changing a few variables to get what i need. I created a drop down menu with a slide down/up animation for submenus, which worked out just as I wanted. I ran into troubles though when trying to add a nested menu to the drop down, but with a slide animation going from left to right. I'm sure my explanation isn't very clear, so please take a look [URL] The nested submenu I am speaking of should only open when hovering occurs on the 'Item 01' link, but as you can see it also opens when hovering over the buyers link. Secondly, my attempt to slide from left to right on this ul is not working, it seems to be sliding down even though this was not defined in the code.
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Apr 26, 2010
To build a menu block which should be switchable with hide/unhide of the menu items, I'm using .append html. The code idea is this:
As can be seen from above posted code there is a line "<div id="' + menuSlider + '" style="display:none">". Appending that -- AFAIS -- the .append is automatically (????) adding "</div>" which closes the statement. That breaks my idea of the whole concept! The menu part isn't included in the 'menuSlider '. QQ: How to change it -- NOT to have that "</div" added to it??
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Aug 23, 2011
I was just wondering whether there is a way to hide an element on another page after clicking on a button?Basically, I have a login page, and for testing purposes, I want it so when you click a button, it runs some javascript in a file called ajax.util.js, and I have a jQuery file attached to the HTML file as well URL..., and I am using Google App Engine, which im not sure whether thats relevant. I tried using the show and hide functions provided by the jQuery file, but no luck, i want to hide an element which is a link with ID admintools. I have also tried getting the element by ID and changing the display style to none and hidden but still no luck. Im not sure whether its only possible to hide elements in the login.html page.
What I want it to do basically is click on the submit button in the login page, it will then run a javascript function which redirects you to index.html (which i am doing using window.location), and then hides an element in the index.html page (id=admintools).
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Sep 22, 2011
Ive made a website for a client using an existing skin. He is using pretty old computers and browsers to view the site, although he isnt currently able to tell me which exact browser he is using.
This is the site: [URL]
He tells me that when clicking on a menu item on the top blue bar, his browser crashes. Is this possible, and does it sound like a javascript issue, because I beleive the menu has some jquery in it for the dropdown and I wouldnt have through straight html could crash a browser, even if it is old.
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Dec 5, 2006
If you double click on a empty form box a drop down menu will appear .
But if the form box has text content - then double clicking on the form
box has no effect and a drop down menu doesnt appear .
Or at least it doesnt in IE v7 .
A google search only really brought up the usual beginner type of form
tutorials .
I assume i'm looking for a line like the above that i can add to the
<inputtag - or some other suitable piece of javascript to do the job.
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