An Animated Main Menu That Uses SlideDown() To Show The Sub-menus?
Jul 27, 2010
I have an animated main menu that uses slideDown() to show the sub-menus, triggered by the .hover() event on the parent. There's another animation on the home page that uses jCarousel to rotate the items in a <ul> every three seconds. Whenever a hover event on a parent menu item coincides with the animation trying to load a new frame, the menu freezes until the other animation is loaded. As common as animated menus are these days, I can't believe I'm the only one who has ever come up against this problem.What I want is for the menu animation to take precedence no matter what, but I understand that JS has no "priority" feature (not being multi-threaded)
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Jun 28, 2009
I am working on my portfolio site and I've come to a bit of a wall. I have a main navigation which, when clicked animates a div containing my content to be visible. I have this working fine but now I want to have external content loaded into this containing div when different navigation items are clicked, which I also have working, but I cannot get these to work together. First off, if the div is not shown I want the appropriate content to be loaded then the div to animate, and if the div is showing, I want it to hide, swap the content then animate. I am sure its just a case of structuring my code properly but I just cant seem to get it right.
Show the div
$(document).ready //content animate show (
function() {
$('.navigation a').click (
function() {
$('.content').stop().animate ({
marginTop : "0px" },{
easing : "easeOutQuint",
duration : 2000
Hide the div
$(document).ready //content animate hide (
function() {
$('#hide').click (
function() {
marginTop : "200px" },{
easing : "easeInQuint",
duration : 1500
And finally swap the content:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Check for hash value in URL
var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);
var href = $('.navigation a').each(function(){
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var toLoad = hash+'.php .content';
$('.navigation a').click(function() {
var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' .content';
window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr('href').length-4);
function loadContent() {
} function showNewContent() {
} return false;
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Jan 24, 2010
I'm building a small script for creating sub menus that display as you move your mouse over the main buttons
HTML Code:
its not working, and this is my first JS script
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May 11, 2009
[URL]...- site i am working on my drop down menus do not show up. they seem to be trapped in the menu box.please look and see what i mean. i feel like this is a CSS issue.
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Jun 10, 2010
On this link you will see my test site:At the moment I am not too happy with the animation on the navigation menu.As you will see as you click quickly through the various links the animation is very jumpy because of the way I have coded it.Also when you click on the gallery page and then select the various gallery images, the animated ball moves all the way to the left.Here is the JQuery code for the animation:
PHP Code:$(function() {//event object (notice it in the parameter list) contains data about the event handled$(".linkbox").mouseover(function(event){//selectedDiv is the clicked object, so you can do what ever u want on the box clicked ;)var selectedDiv = $(this);var divPosition = selectedDiv.position();var divPositionLeft = divPosition.left;$(".circle").animate( {"left": + divPositionLeft}, "100" );})})function movebacka() {Each page has an include file with the nav menu contents, so every time you click a link in the nav menu, a new page has to load, therefor causing the jumpiness in the animation. What are the best ways to resolve these kind of issues.
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Oct 28, 2010
I would like to create a slidedown menu similar to the one that can be seen here..[URL]...
The main points are:submenu slides down when main nav item is clicked, not on hover submenu stays open until another top level menu item is clicked, which makes the first submenu slide closed and the new submenu slide open active items in top level menu and submenu are highlighted. when a page linked to from a submenu loads, it's submenu is visible.
I'm afraid when it comes to JS/jQuery, while I'm usually capable of modifying existing plugins to fit my needs like superfish etc, I'm not able to roll my own yet. Unfortunately I can't seem to find an existing plugin that basically does what I want on this occasion..
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a mega menu that when the main menu items is hovered over the mega menu the div is displayed. I want to keep the div from being shown off the right of the browser screen. I have the following that determines the amount a div is off the right of the browser:
function keepMenuLeft(){
var div_width = $("li.hovering div").width();
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May 27, 2009
<script type="text/javascript"
The problem i have is when i try to move my mouse down too the menu that slides on mouseover. The moment i remove my mouse from the menu it moves away again(just like i made it).
So my question is: can i make a div that pauses all script? That way i could do that with menycontent and force the menycontent to show.
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May 11, 2010
I am trying to show/hide div tag using the script below.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script language=javascript type='text/javascript'>
function showDiv(pass) {
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
if(divs[i].id.match(pass)){//if they are 'see' divs
if (document.getElementById) // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
divs[i].style.visibility="visible";// show/hide
if (document.layers) // Netscape 4
document.layers[divs[i]].display = 'visible';
else // IE 4
document.all.divs[i].visibility = 'visible';
} else {
if (document.getElementById)
if (document.layers) // Netscape 4
document.divs[i].visibility = 'hidden';
else // IE 4
document.all.divs[i].visibility = 'hidden';
} } }
<a href="javascript:showDiv('F256')">Home</a>
<a href="javascript:showDiv('F512')"> About Us</a>
<div id="F2561" style="position: absolute; left:5px; top:54px; background-color: #0093DD; border: 1px none #000000; visibility: hidden">
<div id="F512" style="position: absolute; left:5px; top:54px; background-color: #0093DD; border: 1px none #000000" >
About Us
When I tested the above, everything works fine. But when I tested it on my real web, it went wrong. The div tag that I want to show after clicking a link disappear rather than displayed, not only that specific div tag, but all of div tags were gone. What I did in principle was trying the script only on the first 2 menus; home and about us. The home div is set to have absolute position and no visibility property being on the landing page. The about us div is set to have absolute position and hidden. When the about us button was clicked the whole div tags disappeared (only showing the flash banner). My main div consists of other sub divs but without id, only classes, could this be the reason?
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Feb 16, 2010
i am using jQuery UI1.7.2. and jQuery 1.3.2
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// hides the slickbox as soon as the DOM is ready
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Dec 7, 2010
I'm looking for a Javascript workaround that'll allow me to indicate the current page on the main menu(basically, the menu button for that page will be a different colour to the rest of the menu buttons). The main menu is in CSS but isn't bringing up the required image for the "current menu item" indicator automatically and no one knows why.
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Sep 21, 2009
I was told to use some Javascript to achieve collapsing menus. This is my current try, but it doesn't seem to be working. The end result should be like the menus on this site: [URL]
This is my code so far:
<script type="text/javascript">
var hide = 0;
function Show(){
if ( hide == 0 ){
document.write("<a href=\"county.htm\">County</a>");
hide = 1;
} else {
hide = 0;
<input type="button" onclick="Show()" value="Services" />
For some reason, Show isn't being called. The alert doesn't even show up. Though I'm under the impression the script should go above the first time it's used in the document.
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Feb 26, 2010
I recently created a website with a spry dropdown navigation bar. On preview from Dreamweaver CS4, in Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, all elements work properly and the dropdown menus work as well. However, when I upload it to my server at the domain URl..., the dropdown menus do not show up on rollover. I don't know what is going on. The .js file and .css file are both appropriately linked to the root folders as well.The dropdowns are supposed to be displayed under 'online resources' and 'citing your work'
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Aug 9, 2010
I want to create a menu what has got sub menus on mouse over .
Example can be
Home (Mouse over)
Submenu 1
Sub menu 2
Sub menu 3
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May 29, 2009
I'm having trouble making a main vertical navigation with two drop down menus and wondering if anyone can please help as I'm not great with javascript! I have a main menu and two drop down menus. At the moment I get them to open fine when the main link is clicked and close when it is clicked again. But I want dropdownmenu1 to close when opening dropdownmenu2 so that they are not open at the same time!
This is my javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function showElement(layer){
var planLayer = document.getElementById(layer);
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Mar 3, 2010
I have several switch menus that are VITAL to my website's navigation. They all worked very well when I tested the pages in all browsers. However, I finally FTPed my site to the internet, now when you click a link from a switch menu, instead of staying opened due to the onLoad function in the body, they do not appear.
Strangely, the only way to get my switch menus to show is to refresh the page.
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May 17, 2010
The are two drop down boxes, the first one populating the second (state/county --> town)The first box is single choice, the second is multiple choice. I'm looking for a script that would be able to deal with generating the code for all possible values that could be chosen in the second drop down box.The drop down boxes are part of a form which allow people to search for educational courses within areas of a state/county.
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Sep 20, 2010
when a user clicks on a link, a new window opens. what I want to do is that if the user closes that popup but click on that same link again, the window should open..
<script language="javascript">
var winOpen = "";
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Mar 23, 2009
I'm designing a web page, Having a banner on top, then a search option following it.
There is a menu item list below it on to the left.And the content of the links of those menu item should get loaded in the center of the page.And a footer having some copyright info.All these are in div tags.
The problem is when i click on any menu item it should be loaded in the center div tag.Ive tried using Iframes but there is a scrollbar coming only in that area of center div tag.I don't wan't this to happen.Based on the size of the html page to be loaded the div tag size should increase, and so the whole page.Have tried using Ajax but not working.
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a problem with my menu. I am trying to add and remove classes when clicking on the main menu links. For instance when on load, the 'Home' is the current tab clicked, but when I click on 'Contact Me' I would like the class current to be removed from 'Home' and added to
'Contact Me' instead.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The code im using is the one below.</div>[code]....
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Jun 4, 2011
My goal right now is to make a two-part navigation bar where you don't have to reload the whole site, when you click on a link. The navigation bar consists of two <ul> lists with <li> float:left and <a> display:block, so I basically have two lines. It's probably easier to understand if you see it for yourself: jsfiddle (had to change the css style, because I use .less but it works)
When you load the page it's just like that, you have your main category (A,B,C,D,...) and the sub-category (A1,A2,A3,...). What I want: If you click on B, the sub category changes to B1,B2,.... If you click on a sub category the site loads the requested page (with ajax = best solution?!)
My thoughts
At first I thought about just changing the name and href attribute of the second list, but the main categories have different amounts of sub categories, so I would need to add or remove <li>'s. Then I thought about using .load() but I somehow screwed up (of course) and the loaded <ul> doesn't have any css style (wrong order?) and I can't see anything. (with a loaded test.html site containing only the word "test" it worked) Is ajax "overkill" as a solution?
CodeIgniter and the URL
I use CodeIgniter (a PHP framework) for the website and URLs like this: (e.g. That's no problem at all, if I don't use any javascript and reload the whole site every time. But is it possible to change the URL with jQuery when the user clicks through the navigation bar? You click on B, the URL changes to all the subcategories change to B1,B2,...When you click on B2 the URL changes to and the site loads the requested page (I guess with ajax, so the navigation stays the same?!)
Minor problem: when you load the site, click on B, then B3 for example, you would get the url If you now save this link, close the site and reopen it with the link, CodeIgniter would load the right site and everything, but the navigation would show A1,A2,.. in the sub category.
Hover vs click
Almost every page where I saw this kind of menu they used hover to change the sub category. But I thought click would be better, so you don't have to avoid touching B,C,D,.. if you want to go from A to A9 for example. Only downside is that you have to click before you see the sub categories.
A two part navigation menu you can use without reloading, changing URLs (when possible) and probably ajax to load the actual content.
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May 19, 2009
I want that when i click on a other main item that the other will close. Now it still keep open and then ill get a long menu list. How do i do it , i dont have js experience.
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Jun 15, 2009
I have been working on a dropdown menu using Clarklab's Tutorial:The only problem is that this tutorial only shows how to create one dropdown instance.It's in use here:My issue is that when I click on one menu item, all the submenus open up. Is there a simple fix that I just haven't figured out yet?My instinct is to give each ul it's own id, but I'm not sure how to direct the jquery in the header to work with individual elements.
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Apr 6, 2011
But I am doing both front and backend for a project and having an issue with a jquery slider which, when inserted, is breaking 2 other js scripts in the page, including my main menu.Can anyone point me to a resource that outlines best practices for working with more than one js library and/or raw js .I'm doing some tests on the order of the scripts right now, but wanted to put a feeler out there to see if someone has dealt with this before.
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Feb 11, 2009
I am trying to make a form where the user is only able to select an option from one of the drop down menus and if they click both then submit an error should pop up telling them to select just one. Now I have found this code:
function validateForm(){[code]....
the first problem is that my menu must be named "id[2]2" which causes a problem due to the bracketed 2 and the 2 after. Is there any way around that?the second problem I forsee is that this will only work with 1 drop down box being unselected. I need a code that will give the warning if nothing is selected OR if something is selected in both drop downs.
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Nov 17, 2010
In one of my web page I want to show an image preloader. ie When I clicked on the small thumbnail in my web page then the main large image will load. My code looks something like this
$("#images li").click(function(){
var image=this.href;
I want to show the Loading sign until the main image loads completely.
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