JQuery :: SuckerFish Menus "covered" By Main Content?
May 11, 2009
[URL]...- site i am working on my drop down menus do not show up. they seem to be trapped in the menu box.please look and see what i mean. i feel like this is a CSS issue.
I have an animated main menu that uses slideDown() to show the sub-menus, triggered by the .hover() event on the parent. There's another animation on the home page that uses jCarousel to rotate the items in a <ul> every three seconds. Whenever a hover event on a parent menu item coincides with the animation trying to load a new frame, the menu freezes until the other animation is loaded. As common as animated menus are these days, I can't believe I'm the only one who has ever come up against this problem.What I want is for the menu animation to take precedence no matter what, but I understand that JS has no "priority" feature (not being multi-threaded)
I have a page with links that use jQuery to load individual pages of content into a main content area. On one of these pages, I want to be able to link to a specific anchor. (ie, when you click the link named "exec" on the main page, it loads the "services" page and then scrolls to the "exec" div.
Everything works beautifully in FF and Opera but in IE, I get an error message saying "top is null or not an object". It's referencing the line where "target_offset.top" is called, but this is legitimate syntax, so I don't understand the problem.
Here's my problem. I have a list with items, it's a <ul> containing <li> elements. These are covered by a transparent <div> (used for mousetracking and speed calculations). Now how do I get jquery to catch the onmouseover event on the list elements? The div is catching all events, so none of them are fired by the li elements. Is there a way?
/thread title I have some custom tab images that I would like to put on the suckerfish menus, is this possible? I did have a search but this is a terrible setup for a forum
I have an ajax script which loads new content onto the page when the main navigation links is clicked. I also have a jquery script which fades divs in and out when another subset of links are clicked.
I guess these scripts essentially do the same thing but the first basically is loading in 'pages' without the page having to refresh. The second is just fading in and out divs that are on a page.
The problem is is that the second script only seems to work once, when the page is loaded.
I would like to create a mega drop down navigation in my next project but which includes a page content fade out on hover so the contents of the drop down nav are brought to the front and focused on. I've seen this technique here [URL] and was wondering how I would create this effect myself?
We are looking to implement something similar to the navigation found at this site: [URL] When you click on ABOUT, CONTACT, or LAB, the appropriate div within the content-main div shows/hides as appropriate. Fancy. I'm happy to read up on this on my own, but I don't really know how they accomplished this, so I'm not sure what to research. Since the page doesn't refresh, I'm assuming AJAX may be involved? Most importantly, I'm very interested in how their URL structure works. It looks like #about is an anchor that they are linking to. I thought about doing it in PHP, which I'm more familiar with, but I'd rather not refresh the page if I don't have to.
The code for the pop window is: <a href="#" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('alabaster/pop1.html','alabaster','width=490,height=630')">View large image</a>
The problem I am having is that on the main content page, you scroll down, click on link to pop up (page loads) but the main parent content jumps back to the top of page, meaning you have to scroll back down to where you were.
I am currently trying to use Javascript to dynamically resize a navigation div (that is present on every page) according to the size of the main content div.
I am currently using the following code;
This works the first time I go to the site and if I refresh a page. However, if I use my on site navigation to switch between pages the div simply uses the height variable defined within my CSS (this needs to be here for users with JS disabled)
Does anybody have any ideas on what the problem might be. It's as if the script is only executed the first time any page on the site is loaded, but then not again.
I am trying to make a form where the user is only able to select an option from one of the drop down menus and if they click both then submit an error should pop up telling them to select just one. Now I have found this code:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"'> <!-- function validateForm(){[code]....
the first problem is that my menu must be named "id[2]2" which causes a problem due to the bracketed 2 and the 2 after. Is there any way around that?the second problem I forsee is that this will only work with 1 drop down box being unselected. I need a code that will give the warning if nothing is selected OR if something is selected in both drop downs.
I installed the Superfish Module and all appears to be workingproperly, My question is The Original Horizontal Nav is still showingup? How do I Disable?Also, The links with drop down's are gray and the links with nodropdown are red?
Is it possible to detect the #nav_top ul li li click and manipulate the #nav_top ul li? For example when I click on <li><a href="#">About Us</a></li> I would like to detect also who is the li that this About Us belongs to, in this case this li belongs to <li><a href="#">Site</a>
My accordions work great, but in IE 6 or 7, when the animation is done, the entire contents of that div flicker for a split second. Is there a solution to this? My page is here [URL].
I'm not sure what's going on with the background fade of the my dropdowns and flyouts.When I mouseout, the background disappears, but the text remains.
I have a nav bar, each link in it activates/triggers a megamenu (each link has its own megamenu). I need a way to have each link activate its own megamenu, the megamenu should close when: 1. The user clicks on another item in the nav bar. 2. The user clicks on the same item in the nav bar. 3. The user clicks on a 'close button' (X) graphic inside the megamenu (not shown in the HTML for simplicity sake).
I've seen the script of 'Sexy Drop Down Menu' but the problem is that it closes the menu triggered by the click on hover, and as I said, I'm new to jQuery and I can't figure out a way to adapt it to what I need. [URL]
I'm usingSuperfish for a popout context menu and it works up to a point, then the screen gets littered with the visible submenu items that are no where near their parent.I have several "views", and 250 things with menus on 1 page seems OK, but 450 is not. I don't have one in between at the moment. Also, my "pages" are in jqueryUI tabs, the tab divs have a table in them, the table td's is where I'm sticking the ul for the menus. I have have many tabs and they all work, even with over 600 in total, it's just the one table with over 400 rows that doesn't look right.Is there some technical limitation on applying sf-menu class to a UL as a child to a table where it hits a ceiling, or do i need to make a mockup test case to figure out what's going on?
I'm working on a project that uses mega menus. Mega Joomla mega menu URL... was put into place before the project was handed off to me . The only problem with it, is that when you are browsing the site on an iOS device (ipad, iphone, etc), and you press on a main menu item, it goes straight to the page it links to instead of opening up the mega menu like the 'hover' is supposed to do.I was looking at Superfish and it looks like it meets my requirements of having the menu be CSS based (so it degrades nicely when JS is turned off), accessible (you can tab through the menu) AND it appears that when you are on an iOS device, you can touch the menu item once, and it will open the menu, touch it twice and it will go to the link which is what I need (i tested this with the sample menu given on the Superfish site).
I've tried to set it up but it's not working and I think it's because it's not expecting children <ul>'s. Mine are all being hidden. I've read through this thread URL... and according to Charlie, Superfish is supposed to work with children <ul>'s and <div>'s but I just can't get mine to work.Is there anyway to adapt Superfish to this?
In addition to an accordion-related problem in IE (URL...), I'm having a headache regarding drop down menus.this is only in IE (version 8) - every other browser in the known galaxy responds well to the JS and the HTML setup.The idea is there's a horizontal nav bar of five 'blocks', each with a heading. Hover over the heading and the 'block' (actually an <li>) extends to accommodate a small sentence underneath with a link. Hover off, and the block shrinks back to its original form, with the link hidden.All good in FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome. In IE, though, the <li> block doesn't extend - the link is shown beneath it, but it's outside its frame and looks awful.
I've got a website that displays all my products together within a table and the user can then click on the product they want to buy or obtain more info on. This is always displayed in four columns.
However if you have a few pages of products for one category it can be displayed across a few pages. For some reason the content management system I use will display only 1, 2 or columns on the last page if there are less than 4 products on the last page. When this happens you can get the produts displayed with a different width to what I've set within the CSS because the table's with is set to 100%.
When this happens is it possible to set the the width of the table to:
75% if there are 3 columns
50% if there are 2 columns
25% if there is only one column
Or is it possible to keep the width of the table at 100% and just add the extra columns if there are not 4?
The table id="catprods_tbl" and the columns (td) are is set to id="column_main"
I have included the example of the layout when there are only two columns on the last page.