JQuery :: SlideToggle Open One Of Two Hidden Sub-nav Bars When Either Of Two Different Menu Items Are Clicked Upon - Instead Of A Drop Down Menu
Oct 26, 2009
The purpose of the code is to slideToggle open one of two hidden sub-nav bars when either of two different menu items are clicked upon - instead of a drop down menu. What doesn't work is the hiding of the div that is not required, if it is already open. Viewing in firebug shows that the appropriate classes are being applied - I suspect the reason is that slideToggle has been somehow set and cannot be unset via another object - but perhaps that is not it at all?
$(document).ready(function() {
//add .toggle function to appropriate li element
$('#hozmenu li:nth-child(4)').toggle(function () {
//set 4th menu links colour to be green whilst div is shown
$('#hozmenu li:nth-child(4) a').css('color', '#95d890');
I have created a jquery accordion menu for a brilliant CMS called 'Concrete5' and all works lovely BUT I now would like the menu to stay open if a menu item is selected within the drop list.I have manged to create the following.....
var pathname = window.location.pathname; var selecteda = $(".nav-selected a").attr("href"); // alert (selecteda)
..but it doesn't seem to work.I'm not a JQuery GOD like most of you on here but I am trying my hardest The accordion menu I am trying to get this to happen on is Accordion Menu.
I don't know much about javascript, but it seems every time I come across something relating to "drop down menus" such as this one: [url] - you have to enter the link codes on every page you display the menu on.
So, here's my question. I want to display a drop-down menu bar similiar to the one in the link. I want it on ALL of my pages within my website, and the website has LOTS of pages - those I've built in Frontpage with HTML. I know I have to have the .js file and something else copied into the header of the pages, but it's telling me to copy and paste the menu bar part (with the links) into the body. If I do that, I'll have to go in and manual change all the links in EVERY page if I want to add or delete a link. I know there has to be a way in which I can make this happen on every page without and just edit one file if need to change something.
For some reason the dropdown list in my menu becomes hidden underneath the jquery fading images. If i dont fade the image it displays fine. You can check out the issue here[URL].. When you rollover Javascript, the 2 items beneath it become blocked by the images which are fading in the right panel.
how to make the menu items a fixed width in a horizontal Superfish menu . I've tried mucking about with the CSS but no luck so far. I'm sure it's easy, but I can't seem to work it out.
To build a menu block which should be switchable with hide/unhide of the menu items, I'm using .append html. The code idea is this:
As can be seen from above posted code there is a line "<div id="' + menuSlider + '" style="display:none">". Appending that -- AFAIS -- the .append is automatically (????) adding "</div>" which closes the statement. That breaks my idea of the whole concept! The menu part isn't included in the 'menuSlider '. QQ: How to change it -- NOT to have that "</div" added to it??
I have a scenario where I show a drop-down-with-few-items in a JSP page, to the user. The length of few options in the drop down is greater than that of the drop down's, hence our requirement is to show the hovered (not selected) option as tooltip for user's convenience. I am not able to use title attribute for displaying tooltips in my browser. Now the code ... implements a tooltip for multiple select drop down menu.Can you modify the code for single select
I have a slideshow of quotes based on the "Ultimate Fade-in slideshow (v2.1)" at Dynamic Drive:This is right under my navigation bar, and the drop-down menu items are hidden behind the javascript slideshow.Some background: The reason I did it this way because I first started out with a Flash banner with quotes fading in and out, and I ran into the problem with the drop-down menu items hiding behind the Flash... of course I Googled that and found the solution.But in the meantime I played with the javascript slideshow and it worked better for me because it was easier to add new quotes just within the html, without having to go back and edit the Flash item.Anyway, so is there a solution to the drop-downs being hidden behind the .js slideshow? Or should I go back to the Flash? Or is there some other sort of solution or script that would fit my needs better?
I am trying to create a specific menu using jQuery where i want to toggle a clicked menu item. I used toggleClass to accomplish this. All fine and well, but what i want is that once i click a menu item, the previously clicked item should have the active state/class toggled off.. The menu is variable. (I tried and tried and searched all over the internet, but i cannot find it... spent 5 hours trying to combine various selectors and if/else statements, but it did'nt work.)
I have a html form with two drop down menu's. Now what i need is if some one selects a certain option in the first drop down menu then it will show the second one, Otherwise it stays hidden.
I have a mega menu that when the main menu items is hovered over the mega menu the div is displayed. I want to keep the div from being shown off the right of the browser screen. I have the following that determines the amount a div is off the right of the browser:
Code: function keepMenuLeft(){ var div_width = $("li.hovering div").width();
How to add sub menus that should appear on mouse click and should disappear on mouse click.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
Recently I've been using a .slideToggle script to show big images when thumbnails are clicked.
However, the <div> that is revealed does not Toggle Up when multiple thumbs are clicked, so I'm left with a bunch of open <div>s on the page.
I'm not sure what to do -- I think it has something to do with the siblings of the class "largeexamples" but I'm not sure. I've also been reading about eq, but I'm not there yet.
I am trying to use the Jquery selecmenu to skin dropdowns.There are extra UL LI getting formed with data "undefined" so dropdown is showing undefined in end.
I'm creating a menu using html, css and a javascript, I found a tutorial to follow online. What I am trying to achieve is when the mouse hovers over the menu items, each item will have a different colour background. the problem is that i can do this but it only works with one colour and not different colours.this is the html:
, I'd like to think this is fairly simple but unfortunately my knowldege of jquery is limited to using prebuilt scripts and changing a few variables to get what i need. I created a drop down menu with a slide down/up animation for submenus, which worked out just as I wanted. I ran into troubles though when trying to add a nested menu to the drop down, but with a slide animation going from left to right. I'm sure my explanation isn't very clear, so please take a look [URL] The nested submenu I am speaking of should only open when hovering occurs on the 'Item 01' link, but as you can see it also opens when hovering over the buyers link. Secondly, my attempt to slide from left to right on this ul is not working, it seems to be sliding down even though this was not defined in the code.
I'm trying to make this menu go up and down when the arrows are clicked. Right now, it shows all of them and I can't figure out how to make it so that it only shows the first 9 and will show the rest in the menu when it's clicked. I really don't know where to start. I found some scripts but they turned out really funky. Even if it's something super simple is cool, just where to begin??
version of Apycom's jQuery menu; you can find itat http://apycom.com/ and it is looking really good.I have uploaded files, and published it on a test site - www.flexin.beUnfortunately, some of the submenus starting from the second that haschildren elements, it adds the item on the top level in InternetExplorer.Does anyone on this list has any experience with this library?
So my problem is that I've got a main navigation with a dropdown menu underneath "products". I positioned the dropdown menu, set it to display: none, then wrote jQuery to slideToggle the menu when a particular LI is hovered over. The issue is that when I hover over the "Products" LI and try to hover over the dropdown, it disappears because I'm no longer hovering over that LI.
You're probably thinking "Just make nested lists!!!!". Well, I don't want to. I've got some jQuery being applied to the main navigation that I don't want to effect the dropdown. I just want a way to be sure the dropdown is open when the mouse is hovered over either the main LI or the dropdown UL and that the dropdown is closed when the mouse is hovered over neither.
In my code I've tried to make it so that if the mouse is over the dropdown UL it stays open, but the mouse leaving the LI trumps that maybe? HELP PLEASE! My HTML and jQuery is below.
Is there any way to lock down the menu bars? I currently have a form that was created in Adobe Professional. I have hidden the menu bars on initial view of this form, in an effort to force the sales associates to use buttons that I created that will show them all fields that are required. This worked for a while, but now the sales associates have found out how to unhide the menu bars and are again submitting incomplete forms. I would like to have something in place, that if they do unhide the menu bars, there are certain commands that they cannot use (i.e. Attach to E-mail). Is there any way to put script on this form that will gray out certain commands on the menu bars?
I actually want to make a horizontal drop down menu with a sub menu.As far as I have researched, I think that it can be done by JavaScript. I have searched for some java scripts but they are very long and complex.
That made me wonder that for a funcitonality like a Drop down is so complex?
So here is my question : Is there any JavaScript that can be applied for drop down menu exclusively? Which just presents logic of drop down solely?