Generate Random Numbers 0-8 To Use To Access Array Indices
May 5, 2009
I'm trying to generate random numbers 0-8 to use to access array indices.[code]Every once in a while, I'm getting a -1 in my console log. I read on a site that this line:[code]will generate a number between 0 and 10 (so 1-9).How is -1 being generated?
I have a table with a couple random numbers, and i want to click a button that will dynamically regenerate the numbers each time the button is clicked without re-generating the entire table., im using DOM and innerhtml for these random numbers. heres the javascript and html code. so far, it just generates the random numbers when the page loads.[code]...
I have a table with a couple random numbers, and i want to click a button that will dynamically regenerate the numbers each time the button is clicked without re-generating the entire table., im using DOM and innerhtml for these random numbers. heres the javascript and html code. so far, it just generates the random numbers when the page loads.code...
I've got my code, and the task is to generate two random numbers, the user then inputs an answer for them added together, then the program checks the answer and displays either "correct" or "wrong". Here's some of my code:
Code: <HTML> <TITLE>Assessment Task 3 : Rohan Gardiner</TITLE> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE ="JavaScript"> function maths(){ var response; var answer; answer = document.questions.answer.value; if (answer==document.adding){ response = "correct"; } else { response = "wrong"; } document.questions.result.value = response ; } function randoms() { rndNum = Math.random(); Num = rndNum*20; Num1=rndNum*10 document.write(Math.round(Num)+"+"+ Math.round(Num1)); } function adding() { document.write(Math.round(Num) + Math.round(Num1)); } </SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY> <h1 align="center">Rohan Gardiner Assessment Task 3</h1> <FORM NAME = "questions"> <SCRIPT Language=JavaScript> randoms(); </script> = <INPUT TYPE = "textbox" NAME = "answer" > <BR> <INPUT NAME = "dobutton" TYPE = "button" Value = "check" onClick= "maths()"> <INPUT TYPE = "textbox" NAME = "result" > </BODY></HTML>
I have a quick question with multiple array and random numbers. If i generate my random numbers in one array, how would i take a selection of those numbers and put them in another array?
Ex: array 1: 25, 34, 38, 40, 22, 49
Want to move numbers between 30 and 50 to another array.
array 2: 34, 38, 40, 49
Is it as simple as for loops and if statements setting the conditions? do i use a sorting method? (selection? bubble?)
I am working on a problem that wants me to use a for loop to give an array a random number for each of it's elements (total of 10) and then using a second loop to add them up and display the result.
i need to display an image randomly from an array that holds 4 addresses to 4 different images.i am having a hard time writing the img tag to the html page that will display the it possible to use document.getElementById('id').innerHTML= "<img src="imgurl" />"?i have a span with an id of "theImage".i want to plop the img tag inside this span tag, but can't seem to get it to work.
I am not new to jQuery but I just want to ask the best way to approach this. Basically I have a textfield in which the user is going to type in a number (for example 20) and after this textfield lose focus jQuery will be triggered to create whatever number of textfields the user put before (in this case 20).
So, to illustrate: How many users do you have: [ 2 ](and after the field above lose focus, the below will be generated)
So to start out, this is my first post on CodingForums! :) I've only recently started learning web development so I figured it would be a good idea to get involved with some active forums.
I am trying to open a random page in a frame, but I am trying to call the Javascript to do so in another frame. I currently have an html page with a frameset which has two frames. One of the frames is a toolbar that sits at the top of the page and it has an image that acts as button. When the user clicks on this image, the bottom frame generates a random page from an array of links I have hardcoded into the Javascript. The bottom frame is just set to as a default because I couldn't really think of anything to put in an html file there.
The problem I'm having is when I click on the image to open a random page in the bottom frame, nothing happens. The code for all the files are below. code...
Following code. I wanted to generate a set of random number on the pinpad everytime the page is being loaded. (1-9 but the number can only appear once)
I've looked for a solution to this issue, but it seems like a little different scenario than other situations. I made a system for generating friend requests on Facebook. I have a grid that is 6 x 3, for a total of 18 cells. Each cell has a picture in it, and the picture is linked to the Facebook friend request page. My problem is that since each cell is populated at random from the array, I'm getting lots of repeats. For example, some picutures are in 5 cells, and some are in none. I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that once a picture is used once in the grid, it does not get used again in the same grid.I still want every cell filled at random on each page load, I just want to prevent the repeating.
Here's my current code: <script type="text/javascript"> var vip_list=new Array( new Array('',''), new Array('',''),
I'll get to the point, I'm a noob I'm using greasemonkey for a certain website. Basically, I'm using gm to refresh the page after a certain time, I was however wondering, If I can set it to a random number between 2 specific times?
The code I'm using atm is setTimeout(function() { document.location.reload(); } , 10000); I know I have to use math.random, well, I think I do. But I'm not sure how to do it between 2 certain times? So to summarise, I'm trying to refresh a page at any given random time between say 5-10 minutes.
<script language="JavaScript"> // Unique Random Numbers Picker // By Premshree Pillai
var numArr = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); // Add elements here var pickArr = new Array(); // The array that will be formed var count=0; var doFlag=false; var iterations=0;
This script is a slightly modified version of "Unique Random Numbers". In this script it becomes easier to implement more than one instances of "Picking Unique Random Numbers".
This JavaScript picks up a number of unique random elements from an array.
For example; if you have an array myArray consisting of 10 elements and want to pick 5 unique random elements. Suppose initially myArray[3] is picked randomly, then myArray[3] should not be picked again.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Unique Random Numbers II</title> <!--BEGIN HEAD SECTION CODE--> <script language="JavaScript"> // Unique Random Numbers II // -Picks a number of unique random numbers from an array // By Premshree Pillai //,
function pickNums(nums, numArr, pickArr, count, doFlag, iterations) { iterations+=1; var currNum = Math.round((numArr.length-1)*Math.random()); if(count!=0) { for(var i=0; i<pickArr.length; i++) { if(numArr[currNum]==pickArr[i]) { doFlag=true; break; } } } if(!doFlag) { pickArr[count]=numArr[currNum]; document.write('<b>' + numArr[currNum] + '</b> <font color="#808080">|</font> '); /* Modify above line for a different format output */ count+=1; } if(iterations<(numArr.length*3)) // Compare for max iterations you want { if((count<nums)) { pickNums(nums, numArr, pickArr, count, doFlag, iterations); } } else { location.reload(); } } </script> </head> <!--END HEAD SECTION CODE--> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!--BEGIN BODY SECTION CODE--> <script language="JavaScript"> var numArr1 = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); // Add elements here var pickArr1 = new Array(); // The array that will be formed var count1=0; var doFlag1=false; var iterations1=0;
pickNums(5, numArr1, pickArr1, count1, doFlag1, iterations1); // Call the function, the argument is the number of elements you want to pick. // Here we pick 5 unique random numbers </script> <!--END BODY SECTION CODE-->
My Name is Tom I am from the UK and I am (for my own entertainment and learning) creating a dvd indexing web application to sort and catagorize my dad's dvd collection. On the homepage for this website I have dynamically (using JS) appended 3 image elements which contain the images of dvd box art at "x by 225" pixel dimensions i.e. when I resize the dvd box art they all have to be 225 pixels in height and constrain to the necessary width in contrast to the height. Now that the images are working, I now want them to be randomized so 3 unique box art images are displayed everytime the page is refreshed. So far my script is:
// Image Rotation Javascript function imageRotation() { // Preload images
Problem with this is that sometimes I get results from the random number generation that are non-unique i.e. sometimes random_number1, random_number2 and random_number3 yield: 3,3 and 11 etc. I need to make it so that you never get such clashes or it will show 2 or more identical images on the homepage. How can I change the random number generators to achieve this?
how to plug the imgObj into the image elements as to use the preloaded images instead (at the moment their just hard coded.)
I would like to create a Blackjack style game for one of my high school programming classes. I can generate 3 different random numbers and use these random numbers to display an image with that number on it.
How do I add the 3 separately generated numbers together to show the total??
Here is my code so far. Specifically I would like to add the myNumber1(), myNumber2() and myNumber3() results together.
<html> <head> <title>Play 21</title> <script language="javascript"> function myNumber1(){
I have a form wich has a add/remove row button, this so the visitor can select multiple sets of data. All is fine and is being submitted via PHP.
Only problem is from number 10 and up, i am getting strange random numbers in the new rows that are added in their name. Like 1111 (instead of 11), 122222 (instead of 12). And because of this, every row from 10 and up won't be send through php, giving this random effect.
I am implementing several scriptaculous sliders in my app... and one thing I can see being an issue is setting their "values" property to limit the selectable values.
This property takes an array of integers representing the allowable values. Unfortunately without this property, the slider will allow you to select a decimal value, so I can't just use a min and max if I only want integer values output.
Creating an array for a small data set is simple: for example "values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
But some of my sliders will range into the hundreds and need an array of hundreds of allowable values. Is there a simple way to generate an array of 0 to 100 integer values (or more). I know I could use a for loop but it seems to me there might be an even easier way, though I cannot find it.
I would like it to fit in a code block like this:
javascript Code:
var s1 = new Control.Slider('handle1', 'track1', { axis:'horizontal',
EDIT: for further clarification, I found that PHP has a range() function that does exactly what I want. Anything comparable in Javascript? [URL]
I am trying to create a javascript code in which I prompt the user for a number (an integer from 0 to 100) to search for, then search a function with the number they entered and then display whether the number was found, and if found, a location where it can be found within the list.
Whats wrong with this code? i decalre resultArray as a new Array(). Then in a for loop for each resultCount i declare resultArray[resultCount] = new Array(). Then i try putting in values for every resultArray[x][y], but when i go to output the array in another function, everything in resultArray is undefined.code...