Generate An Array Of Integers?

May 26, 2010

I am implementing several scriptaculous sliders in my app... and one thing I can see being an issue is setting their "values" property to limit the selectable values.

This property takes an array of integers representing the allowable values. Unfortunately without this property, the slider will allow you to select a decimal value, so I can't just use a min and max if I only want integer values output.

Creating an array for a small data set is simple: for example "values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"

But some of my sliders will range into the hundreds and need an array of hundreds of allowable values. Is there a simple way to generate an array of 0 to 100 integer values (or more). I know I could use a for loop but it seems to me there might be an even easier way, though I cannot find it.

I would like it to fit in a code block like this:

javascript Code:

var s1 = new Control.Slider('handle1',


EDIT: for further clarification, I found that PHP has a range() function that does exactly what I want. Anything comparable in Javascript? [URL]

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Counting Integers In An Array?

Sep 19, 2009

I have an array holding 100 randomly generated integers between 0-9 inclusive...firstArray[99]

how do i use a second array to keep count of how many times each integer is generated..secondArray[9]

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Adding Integers In An Array?

Feb 5, 2011

im just doing a little test and this might seem like a really stupid question but i cant figure it out...all i simply want to do is take all those numbers and get the sum then display the sum in a document.write in theory i should get 10 but i dont and idk why i have tried many many things

var numbers = new Array();
numbers[0] = 1;
numbers[1] = 2;
numbers[2] = 3;
numbers[3] = 4;

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Sort Is Not A Function Error When Ordering An Array Of Integers

Sep 21, 2009

I have an array containing numbers. I want to order this numbers contained from major to minor in order to print them .. Here's what I have done:

var arr = new Array(6);
arr[0] = "10";
arr[1] = "5";


But I get no alert and a "myarray.sort is not a function" error.

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Can't Dynamically Generate Multidimensional Array / Fix It?

Mar 25, 2011

Whats wrong with this code? i decalre resultArray as a new Array(). Then in a for loop for each resultCount i declare resultArray[resultCount] = new Array().
Then i try putting in values for every resultArray[x][y], but when i go to output the array in another function, everything in resultArray is undefined.code...

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JQuery :: How To Generate Workable Copy Of Array

Sep 7, 2011

I have an array of reference points on a canvas which should remain intact and reusable for repeated 'games'. I need a function to make a duplicate of myArray and call it pool, which I can have jQuery manipulate, such as remove indices from, without ever tampering with myArray.

Do I use:
var myArray = ['string1','string2',...]
$(myArray).map(function) {
return this = pool;

Or perhaps:
var myArray = ['string1','string2',...]
(function(makepool){function(.map(myArray) {
return this = pool;

Then call:
var pool = ' '
And refer to the new element as $(pool)

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Generate Random Numbers 0-8 To Use To Access Array Indices

May 5, 2009

I'm trying to generate random numbers 0-8 to use to access array indices.[code]Every once in a while, I'm getting a -1 in my console log. I read on a site that this line:[code]will generate a number between 0 and 10 (so 1-9).How is -1 being generated?

View 4 Replies View Related

Resolved Google Maps API V3 - Generate Markers From Array?

Aug 24, 2009

I pulled this code from Google's example section to make markers on a v3 Google Maps API (I have added my own lat/long points and corresponding event listeners, of course, but this is still the spirit of the code):


It's not throwing up any errors in Firefox's developer or in IE but there it sits, a blank map. I'm sure this isn't clean or optimized code, but it looks correct to me. I've color-coded the code above to show what "for" loops are being used to try to replace which code. Hopefully that makes this more sensible.

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Positive Integers

May 11, 2006

Write a program which takes a series of positive integers as input : 1, 2, 3 …
When input is complete, as indicated by entry of an end of data flag ( -2), the program will output the largest of the entered values.

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Program That Adds All Even Integers Between 1 To 100

Jun 21, 2010

javescript program that adds all even integers between 1 to 100

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Match All Integers Before And After The Hyphen?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm trying to match all integers before and after the hyphen:


This is what I tried but always returns null


var divID = '12345-5';
var idPattern = /^[0-9]+$/; //Matching one or more numbers before the hyphen
var id2Pattern = /^-[0-9]+$/; //Matching starts from the hyphen and all numbers that proceed


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JQuery :: Playing Arround With Integers?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm playing arround with integers.

1.000.000,00 // throw error
1,000,000,00 // throw error

1000,00 // success
100.00 // success

And on success I have to get all numbers before the dot or comma .

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Calculating Sum And Average Of Integers And Display Value

May 25, 2009

I'm a newbie to javascript and I made this script
var num = parseInt(prompt("Enter the number of integers to follow"));
var sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
sum += parseInt(prompt("Enter a number"));

if (isNaN(num)) {
} else {
if (sum < 0) {
document.writeln("The sum is 0 and the average is 0");
} else {
document.writeln("The sum is " + sum + " and the average is " + sum/num);

The scenario : Create in javascript that will read a series of integers at the terminal. The first integer is special, as it indicates how many more integers will follow. Your javascript is to calculate the sum and average of the integers, excluding the first integer, and display these values to the screen. If the total is not greater than 0 then display "The sum is 0 and the average is 0". Did I write the script correctly? am I missing anything that a dumb person might do? for example the person might type in letters instead of numbers.

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Prompt User To Enter Integers?

Dec 4, 2009



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Test For Numeric Values Vs Integers

Feb 22, 2010

i have the following script below, that tests for an integer.How do i enable it to test for numeric, ie when u have a period.

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Write A /HTML Program That Inputs Two Integers A And B?

May 5, 2009

Write a JavaScript/HTML program that inputs two integers a and b in an input text box, and outputs all odd numbers between a and b (a and b are expected to be between 1 and 30, and a<b)

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Simple Addition Using Integers Stored In Variables

Mar 31, 2007

i have this simple function...

function update(value, oldvalue)
var a = value;
var b = oldvalue;
var result = a + b;

and call the function using a field with this...

onkeyup="update(this.value, other)"

But all its doing is concatenating the 2 numbers together as though they are strings!!!

so if this.value = 11
and other = 15
it displays 1115

i want to add them and display the total, do i need to specify them as being integers or something?

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Generate XML From XMLDocument

Jul 23, 2005

I have an XMLDocument that my web page downloads and manipulates as a
response to user input. I have lots of JavaScript that acts as a
controller between my view (html) and my model (xml). That works fine.

Once the user's done editing, I want to send the modified XMLDocument
back up to my server (as XML). The problem is, I can't find a way to
use JavaScript to generate XML from an XMLDocument. Is there some
obvious API that I'm missing? I assume there's more than one way to do
it (one way for IE and one way for Mozilla, who knows how many others),
anybody want to share?

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Generate Unique ID

Jul 23, 2005

I have a page with 641 images in it. Each image can be clicked with as
result that the image source will be changed. For this the images need
to have a unique ID. But to do this manually for 641 is just too much.
Is there a way to give each image his own unique id without setting
them myself?

The image:

<img src="images/hokje.gif" id=""

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Way To Generate PDF File

Jul 13, 2009

I want to generate PDF File using java script, how to generate PDF file using javascript.

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Possible To Generate Pdf File?

Jun 17, 2009

Is it possible to generate pdf file using javascript?

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Generate A DIV For Each DOM Element?

Mar 23, 2009

i am going to retrieve the html source code of a web page..

i want to encapsulate each DOM element in the html code with a DIV tag..



<img src="welcome.jpg" />


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How To Generate Selectbox Dynamically

Mar 24, 2009

how can i generate selectbox dynamically using javascript.

what i mean is
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
<select name="list" id="listid"><option>1</option></select>

every time i have to change the id of select tag.

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How To Generate Textfield With A Button

Oct 9, 2009

I'm looking to create a web form with various text field to get input from users. Upon enter data to each field, users should have option to genenrate another text field underneath (i.e. a sub criteria of the above field). This is what i have so far, but i cannot get each button to generate the textfield right underneath. Here's my code:

var maxFieldWidth = "500";


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How To Generate Link To PDF From Current Url

Jul 20, 2010

I've looked on the forums and google for this, and I can't find anything exactly right:I have a universal navigation, one link is "Print PDF" - I don't want to hand code each page individually.How can I use the current page url - such as "" to print a PDF named after the page, like "accomodations.pdf", or even better "pdfs/accomodations.php"?OR just any way to print a PDF associated with the current page - I guess it doesn't necessarily need to be the URL that links the files.

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Generate A Password That Contain 8 - 10 Characters?

Aug 21, 2011

in the program i need to generate a password that contain 8 - 10 charachters. i did it, but without regex, how to do this with the regular exp ?

the criterias for the pass are:

1- the length 8 -10 chars.

2- the pass must contain just [a-z] or [A-Z] or [0-9].

3- i must use the char just once in the all pass

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