Generate Unique ID
Jul 23, 2005
I have a page with 641 images in it. Each image can be clicked with as
result that the image source will be changed. For this the images need
to have a unique ID. But to do this manually for 641 is just too much.
Is there a way to give each image his own unique id without setting
them myself?
The image:
<img src="images/hokje.gif" id=""
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May 5, 2011
I am developing a html ordering system that does not use a database but sends the data via email. To differentiate between two orders I would like to generate and add an unique identifier to the email. One approach I have seen is using data object to generate an unique id:
function uniqid()
var newDate = new Date;
return newDate.getTime();
This is not guaranteed to be unique as two people can send their request at the exact same time. One question pops up, the data being generated, is this local or utc time? Also, the number being generated in this situation is quite big and not so easy to differentiate two orders for a human. Ideally I would like to generate a global sequence starting at 1 and incrementing by one for each user that clicks on the order button regardless of timing, timezone etc. Is this possible given the constraints given at the start of the post?
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there anything unique on a browser where i can assign it to my session?
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Jan 11, 2006
i have an array and i don't know the content of it, but i want only unique
values. in php there is a function to do this, but how must i do this in javascript?
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Jun 12, 2006
Is there an internally assigned number for each JavaScript object that
I can read? If so how would I do that?
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Oct 12, 2011
I have been trying to figure this out for a while, and I cant manage to get it working. I have a table for instance the one below:
<td><input type='text' id='test_value[]' .... /></td>
<td><input type='text' id='test_value2[]' .... /></td>
<td><input type='text' id='date[]' onclick ="testfunc(this);" .... /></td>
Within my function I can grab the index of the onclick no problem, but when I select the date from the date picker, it always select the first column.
I am using clone to create multiple instances of a row, but how can I use non-unique id (date[]) which all my X rows have the same name, to unique enter the datepicker value.
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Apr 28, 2009
I am trying to loop through my top level nav i.e <ul> <li> and then apply that class name to teh sub level menu of that particular top level. So essentially the clas name on the top <li> wil be applied to its sub level items. Here is my code, which isn't working at the moment:
var pageID = $('body').attr('id');
var uniquePageID
uniquePageID =$("#site-nav ul li",this).attr('id');
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Mar 24, 2010
I'm using the following code to toggle checkbox checked and disabled attributes.
var f = false;
function tick(group) {
if (!f) {
for (var i=0, len = group.length; i < len; i++) {
The checkbox doing the js call uses onclick="tick(country)" and the checkboxes that I want to toggle all have the same id e.g.
<label><input type='checkbox' name='uk[]' id='country' value='England' />England</label><br />
<label><input type='checkbox' name='uk[]' id='country' value='Scotland' />Scotland</label><br />
This all works correctly but does not validate.I need to use unique id's for each name.The easiest way (as each checkbox html is generated by php) is to append the value to the id i.e.
<label><input type='checkbox' name='uk[]' id='countryEngland' value='England' />England</label><br />
<label><input type='checkbox' name='uk[]' id='countryScotland' value='Scotland' />Scotland</label><br />
How can I modify the javascript function factor this in i.e. toggle where id contains country?
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Jul 22, 2002
<script language="JavaScript">
// Unique Random Numbers Picker
// By Premshree Pillai
var numArr = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); // Add elements here
var pickArr = new Array(); // The array that will be formed
var count=0;
var doFlag=false;
var iterations=0;
function pickNums(nums)
var currNum = Math.round((numArr.length-1)*Math.random());
for(var i=0; i<pickArr.length; i++)
document.write('<b>' + numArr[currNum] + '</b> <font color="#808080">|</font> ');
if(iterations<(numArr.length*3)) // Compare for max iterations you want
pickNums(5); // Call the function, the argument is the number of elements you want to pick.
// Here we pick 5 unique random numbers.
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Aug 22, 2002
This script is a slightly modified version of "Unique Random Numbers". In this script it becomes easier to implement more than one instances of "Picking Unique Random Numbers".
This JavaScript picks up a number of unique random elements from an array.
For example; if you have an array myArray consisting of 10 elements and want to pick 5 unique random elements. Suppose initially myArray[3] is picked randomly, then myArray[3] should not be picked again.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Unique Random Numbers II</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
// Unique Random Numbers II
// -Picks a number of unique random numbers from an array
// By Premshree Pillai
function pickNums(nums, numArr, pickArr, count, doFlag, iterations)
var currNum = Math.round((numArr.length-1)*Math.random());
for(var i=0; i<pickArr.length; i++)
document.write('<b>' + numArr[currNum] + '</b> <font color="#808080">|</font> ');
/* Modify above line for a different format output */
if(iterations<(numArr.length*3)) // Compare for max iterations you want
pickNums(nums, numArr, pickArr, count, doFlag, iterations);
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<script language="JavaScript">
var numArr1 = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); // Add elements here
var pickArr1 = new Array(); // The array that will be formed
var count1=0;
var doFlag1=false;
var iterations1=0;
pickNums(5, numArr1, pickArr1, count1, doFlag1, iterations1); // Call the function, the argument is the number of elements you want to pick.
// Here we pick 5 unique random numbers
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Oct 14, 2006
I need a script that will generate a unique ID consecutive to the previous one when a user submits a form. For example, I submit the form and the confirmation page shows:
I will need the next user that submits the form to have the confirmation page show:
and so on and so on...
Is anyone aware of a simple form script that would accomplish this?
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Sep 28, 2010
I have updated my website with Ajax code. How should I get unique url after click on menu. I mean if I click on "about me" on my website the url in the address bar should be [URL]
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Mar 11, 2011
This is the code I have. i want unique Id for each text box(id="messageText"). PLEASE GIVE IDEA. As due to same ID of the text box the JS function is not showing the proper result and the characterleft count is not decreasing automatically.
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Apr 13, 2009
My Name is Tom I am from the UK and I am (for my own entertainment and learning) creating a dvd indexing web application to sort and catagorize my dad's dvd collection. On the homepage for this website I have dynamically (using JS) appended 3 image elements which contain the images of dvd box art at "x by 225" pixel dimensions i.e. when I resize the dvd box art they all have to be 225 pixels in height and constrain to the necessary width in contrast to the height. Now that the images are working, I now want them to be randomized so 3 unique box art images are displayed everytime the page is refreshed. So far my script is:
// Image Rotation Javascript
function imageRotation()
// Preload images
Problem with this is that sometimes I get results from the random number generation that are non-unique i.e. sometimes random_number1, random_number2 and random_number3 yield: 3,3 and 11 etc. I need to make it so that you never get such clashes or it will show 2 or more identical images on the homepage. How can I change the random number generators to achieve this?
how to plug the imgObj into the image elements as to use the preloaded images instead (at the moment their just hard coded.)
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Sep 19, 2009
I've been working on a script to control popup images on the onMouseOver event. The script works as far as producing a popup but I'm have trouble making the popup images unique to the name that is suppose to produce the event. Right now, when the images popup they are all the same, regardless of how it is coded.For referance: huguenotbats/redesignfiles/team.php (just mouse over the players last name for the popup).This is the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowPopup(hoveritem)
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Jul 5, 2009
<select name="account[]" id="account1">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
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Oct 31, 2011
I am using MVC3 with razor and binding dropdownlist with a listNow issue is @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Result, new SelectList(Model.Result.OrderBy(item => item.Enhet), "EnhetID", "Enhet"), "ALL")in Enhet i am getting 3 values Nitin NA NAI want to make sure that values are always unique, how can i remove duplicate values.
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Jun 11, 2009
I'm interested in getting an array of unique class names of all option tags under a specific select element. I'm imagining something like this (which does not do what I want): $ ( '#select_id option.class' ); What's the correct way to do this using jQuery?
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Jan 13, 2012
I'm just learning jquery an have an issue. I have a page, product.php, that is set up with unique urls depending on the product clicked. So, product.php?id=15, but in my PHP code, because I'm pulling from my database, it appears as product.php?id=$id. I am trying to get jquery to load that page, but with the unique id.
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Jan 30, 2010
Let's say you have two elements, and you know their IDs; is there a way to select them both at the same time; something like $('#test #test2')?I realize I could just select them both on two different lines and apply the same function, or use class or something to track them down; but sometimes I just want to grab two elements by ID and do the same thing to them. I assume I'm just missing the syntax.
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Dec 7, 2011
My problem is that im using jQuery to replace the bb tags in a message. I want to replace all the [youtube][/youtube] with a youtube video and so far it works only if there is only 1 [youtube][/youtube] tag. If there is multiple [youtube][/youtube] tags in a message they change all of them to the same video.[code]
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Aug 11, 2007
I realize that expanding/collapsing DIV scripts are common but I can't find one suitable for my code. Most of them seem to rely on a unique DIV ID. I have the following XHTML code on my page.
<div id="container">
<h1>List of Events Happening:</h1>
<div class="event">
<div class="eventtitle">
<h1>Event 1</h1>
<p><a href="#">[ expand++ ]</a></p>
<div class="eventbody">
<!-- stuff -->
<div class="event">
<div class="eventtitle">
<h1>Event 2</h1>
<p><a href="#">[ expand++ ]</a></p>
<div class="eventbody">
<!-- stuff -->
<div class="event">
<div class="eventtitle">
<h1>Event 3</h1>
<p><a href="#">[ expand++ ]</a></p>
<div class="eventbody">
<!-- stuff -->
<!-- etc. -->
Basically I want my link to expand the .eventbody for the particular .event and there could be an unlimited number of .events. I'm not sure how to go about achieving this. I've already got a script that toggles the display(block or none) for a DIV, but it relies on a specific DIV ID.
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Sep 13, 2011
I've got about 40 check-boxes on my 1 form. These check-boxes all have names (obviously) but they are NOT all unique names. The number of UNIQUE names on my form is probably around 8 or 9 (the actual number is NOT important). Because some check-boxes use the same names as other. It's set up this way, please don't ask me to change it, I can't change it.What's the syntax/method for looping through all the names? I was thinking I should do maybe a "for" loop;
for (var i = 0; i < fieldName.length; i++)
But I don't know how to hold a variable of the unique names to start with.
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Nov 21, 2000
does anyone know how to scramble the "box#" in the codes below? Ultimately, I want the checkboxes to be in different order each time I access the web page?
<script lanugage="javascript">
function countChoices(obj) {
max = 3; // max. number allowed at a time
box1 = obj.form.box1.checked; // your checkboxes here
box2 = obj.form.box2.checked;
box3 = obj.form.box3.checked; // add more if necessary
box4 = obj.form.box4.checked;
box5 = obj.form.box5.checked;
count = (box1 ? 1 : 0) + (box2 ? 1 : 0) + (box3 ? 1 : 0) + (box4 ? 1 : 0) + (box5 ? 1 : 0);
if (count > max) {
alert("You can only choose " + max + " of the 5 nominees.");
obj.checked = false;
<input type=checkbox name=box1 onClick="countChoices(this)"> Homer Simpsons <p>
<input type=checkbox name=box2 onClick="countChoices(this)"> Ground's Keeper Willie <p>
<input type=checkbox name=box3 onClick="countChoices(this)"> Mr. Burns <p>
<input type=checkbox name=box4 onClick="countChoices(this)"> Barney <p>
<input type=checkbox name=box5 onClick="countChoices(this)"> Chief Wiggum<p>
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Jun 6, 2010
I've borrowed some code from various sources to get a delicious JSON feed onto my website. The problem is it this loop gives me the entire feed that is available, where I would only like to have 5 current entries. I understand how to do this in a for i=0 loop, however there is an extra bit of code that I do not understand within the loop. What do I need to do to end this loop at 5 entries instead of the 15 or so it generates?
<!--To be honest I have no idea what this does. I sampled code from 3 different resources to make this work, and the author of this code didn't attempt to explain what is going on here. It doesn't work without it. I'm fairly certain it parses the JSON file so that it is readable. --> = function(ms){
this.PID = setInterval(this,ms);
return this;
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Sep 3, 2009
I have a table where the user can press an "add more" button which duplicates the row and displays it on the next line. I use this for my site to have the user input stock prices which may be split in multiple orders after they execute them. Here is my JS code:[code]I am submitting this with a form I need each cell id to have its own unique identifier. The way the code is now, the cloned cell has the same id as the original and only the data for one gets submitted.
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