JQuery :: Dynamically Generate Specific Numbers Of Form Input Fields?
Sep 22, 2010
I am not new to jQuery but I just want to ask the best way to approach this. Basically I have a textfield in which the user is going to type in a number (for example 20) and after this textfield lose focus jQuery will be triggered to create whatever number of textfields the user put before (in this case 20).
So, to illustrate: How many users do you have: [ 2 ](and after the field above lose focus, the below will be generated)
Fullname: [ ]
Fullname: [ ]
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Nov 19, 2009
I have a table with a couple random numbers, and i want to click a button that will dynamically regenerate the numbers each time the button is clicked without re-generating the entire table., im using DOM and innerhtml for these random numbers. heres the javascript and html code. so far, it just generates the random numbers when the page loads.[code]...
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Nov 19, 2009
I have a table with a couple random numbers, and i want to click a button that will dynamically regenerate the numbers each time the button is clicked without re-generating the entire table., im using DOM and innerhtml for these random numbers. heres the javascript and html code. so far, it just generates the random numbers when the page loads.code...
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May 21, 2002
I am looking for a method to automatically generate form fields.
Initially on the form there will be 2 select fields right next to each other. These fields are not multiple fields and multiple fields will not work with this scenario because both fields correspond to each other.
Now if the user selects something in each of these fields 2 more select boxes will generate directly below them. and on and on and on......
Does anyone have any thoughts on the best way to approach this...
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Oct 10, 2009
There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B is required. ( A is required OR B is required). In other words, a user can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but he can not input data to Both A and B at the same time. How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?
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Oct 27, 2010
On submit of a form I want to check some fields. I cannot get JQuery to do it.
The alert never fires. I prefer to refer to a specific element in a specific form, hence the line $("form[name="+theForm+"]:input[name="+checkFields[i]+"]"); What am I doing wrong and how can I do this???
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Nov 5, 2009
Within a classic asp webform (using vbscript) I would like part of the form (input boxes within table structure) to be specific/displayed depending on the users selection from the combo box in the row above.
I think the best solution would be using Javascript can anyone suggest a solution or example code?
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Jul 8, 2010
The site I am working on has a few forms that allow the user to add new form fields (textbox, textarea, etc.) dynamically. I am using a structure smiler to:
<label>Name : </label> <input type = "text" / >
<label>Age : </label> <input type = "text" />
<span id = "add_field"> Add Field </span>
<script type = "text/javascript">
//create a new field then append it before the add field button
var new_field = " <label>Name : </label> <input type = "text" / >";
new_field+="<label>Age : </label> <input type = "text" />";
As you can see I create the field using javascript and just insert it before the add field button. However I have seen lots of other sites have a smiler sort of function but they seem to make an ajax call for the field as they use a loading-type animation during the few seconds it takes for the field to be added. My questions are : Which is a better way of doing this type of thing? And why is one better than the other? If it is better to create the field client-side should I change how I am doing it? Instead of creating a string representing html and appending it should I be doing it a different way?
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Oct 11, 2006
I have been looking for the past 2 days for a script that I can add and delete table rows.
I have found a lot but so far all of them add an input field but I desperatly need a textarea or ideally a section of input fields.
I have tried to change the code from input to text area but none of them worked.
Have you come across to a similar script.
I would appreciate any contributions.
What I am trying to do is a page where the user will add their employees details so we can order business cards for them. So I have fileds such as, Name, Tel Num, Email, Cell etc.
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Sep 28, 2005
I have a problem with getting the length of the dynamically generated input fields by the getElementbyname method. Here is my code:
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Mar 3, 2011
The link below is a stripped down section of a form.
The problem I'm having is with altering the names of the fields. I'm trying to add an identifier on the end. "_X_1", "_X_2" after the new sections are added.
Incidentally, "_X_" is a delimiter so the key can be converted into an array on the back end to extract data from it.
I can't alter the "repeater" variable because it would be extremely complicated on the back end.
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Aug 11, 2009
I am trying to add these 2 numbers as the form input. When I add 5 and 5 it returns 55 instead of 10.
var a = document.f.children.value;
var b = document.f.totalguest.value;
var c = a+b;
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Jun 17, 2011
I have a form that has a reset button, and when it's closed, the form is reset. However, at least in testing on my own machine, I notice that the form fields are remembering past input (on Firefox 4 anyway). Once this goes public, I don't want the form remembering anything in case the website is viewed on a public machine. How can I keep the form fields from remembering any past input?
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May 14, 2011
I got this code and it generates random numbers but with repeating code...
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Apr 25, 2011
Generate a series of 13 digit numbers and output them to a text file.
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Nov 21, 2010
I'm having some trouble with my dynamically generated form fields.
As you can see I'm generating new form fields, but the problem lies within the grade field. I have it set up now so that when you change the grade the color of the <select> box changes relative to the grade. A-D are green, F is black with white text, Not Taken is just regular white with black text and In Progress is lightly shaded grey.
I want it so that each one can be changed individually, but I can't seem to be able to figure out how to do that. Heck if you change the first one's grade field, that colour follows the rest of the clones.
This is the jQuery I'm using to change the color of the thing.
$(this).each(function () {
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Jun 21, 2011
I've got my code, and the task is to generate two random numbers, the user then inputs an answer for them added together, then the program checks the answer and displays either "correct" or "wrong". Here's some of my code:
<TITLE>Assessment Task 3 : Rohan Gardiner</TITLE>
function maths(){
var response;
var answer;
answer = document.questions.answer.value;
if (answer==document.adding){
response = "correct";
} else {
response = "wrong";
} document.questions.result.value = response ;
} function randoms() {
rndNum = Math.random();
Num = rndNum*20;
document.write(Math.round(Num)+"+"+ Math.round(Num1));
} function adding() {
document.write(Math.round(Num) + Math.round(Num1)); }
<h1 align="center">Rohan Gardiner Assessment Task 3</h1>
<FORM NAME = "questions">
<SCRIPT Language=JavaScript> randoms(); </script>
<INPUT TYPE = "textbox" NAME = "answer" > <BR>
<INPUT NAME = "dobutton" TYPE = "button" Value = "check" onClick= "maths()">
<INPUT TYPE = "textbox" NAME = "result" >
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May 5, 2009
I'm trying to generate random numbers 0-8 to use to access array indices.[code]Every once in a while, I'm getting a -1 in my console log. I read on a site that this line:[code]will generate a number between 0 and 10 (so 1-9).How is -1 being generated?
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Jun 24, 2011
I created a form that contains about 10 form fields and would like to add the option to dynamically add more sets of those 10 fields if a user clicks a word or a button but I need help. I'm a beginner when it comes to JavaScript. This is what I need to generate dynamically.
<div id="dynamicInput">
<li><input name='textfield1' type='text' size='10' /></li>
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Jan 20, 2011
I need to make a form in which I have to enter upto 20 email addresses. But I want to show only 5 fields first and then an Add More button. Upon pressing the Add More button it should add another field into the form and displayed. I have seen this type of thing on several websites but don't know how to do it.
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Jul 27, 2010
Below is the html and js I have so far to dynamically place form fields on the form when a certain radio button is marked (Fixed hours). Problem is I can't get the fields to go away if the other radio button is marked (Variable hours). Solutions on what code my js needs to remove the fields when the opposite radio button is marked?
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a form with 3 fields that will allow a user to search a database of clients by either name, email, or client id number. However, I would like the user to only be able to put information in one field. It can be done be either deleting the other two fields when the user inputs information into a different field, or by disabling the other two fields when the user enters information in one (and also frees up all fields if the user ends up deleting what they entered).
Below is a start of what I had. Basically, it will disable the fields when I mouse out of them but won't re-enable them when I mouse back in. As you can see, I tried various combinations of events. (My code below also doesnt null out the other fields when the user opts to use a different field than the one they first began to enter info in).
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeDisable($ID){
var x=document.getElementById($ID)
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Nov 2, 2004
My client wants to upload multiple files to the server using the FILE type input of the form. Their requirement says that once they click the browse button of the FILE INPUT type , besides file browsing window another FILE FIELD is added at the bottom of this one. and when the user clicks the browse button of second, it adds another until the user clicks the UPLOAD button to submit the form.
I dont know it is possible or not ???? if yes then please tell me how.
The alternate way is to give drop down menu with number and when the USER chooses certain number then ..that amount of FILE FORM FIELDS will be added. i.e if user chooses 3 then three file fields are there to upload 3 files at a time.
I have written a script that i am pasting here, but when i choose the drop down menu and select value the FILE FIELDS are shown but the original drop down menu vanishes..
Please review my code and modify it or refer some script to me.
IF The first choice is possible, i mean adding each FILED by browse button click , then tell me its code, other wise modify this code that i am pasting or give me some link to download a premade script. Code:
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a set of input fields that can be dynamically duplicated/cloned or removed and submitted. I'm looking for a ways to configure the form for easy processing without having to loop through each input field inside the divs:
<form action="dummy.php" method="post">
<div id="customer1">
Name: <input type="text" name="name1">
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Oct 11, 2006
I created this test routine to return the form containing a certain
input element:
function GetElementForm(element)
// Return the form that contains element.
varmyElement = element;
while (myElement)
myElement = myElement.parentNode;
if (myElement)
var sTagName = myElement.tagName;
if (sTagName)
if (sTagName.toLowerCase() == "form")
return myElement;}
This seems to work for "well formed" HTML, but fails for example, when
a form is defined within a table.
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Jul 8, 2009
I am trying to assign values to a bunch of form fields. However, I don't want to loop through EVERY field in the form, just a specific subset of fields. The fields I am trying to change are all named similarly myField1, myField2, myField3.So, my thought is that I would like to use a for loop and loop through the appropriate fields by simply incrementing a variable and appending it to the end of the string "myField" in order to change the appropriate field.How can I evaluate "myField + iterator" into a useable reference to change the value of said field?
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