Function That Can Cause An Element To Slide Down As In Fly From An Edge Of A Screen To The Location That It Is Supposed To Be At??

Feb 8, 2011

Is there a jQuery function that can cause an element to slide down as in fly from an edge of a screen to the location that it is supposed to be at? The slideDown();function causes an element to start at the top of the container the element it is applied to and then roll down. I guess what I am looking for is something that would on an event slide from an edge of a screen or browser window to where it is supposed to go? Are there any functions or transitions like that?

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Jquery :: Edge Of The Screen

Oct 23, 2009

I have a div with an image in it that when clicked steps the page to the right by 600px

This is it:

What i want to do is remove the button when the page cant scroll any further to the right. then re add it when i go left again. if this makes any sense!

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JQuery :: Sliding Down From Screen Edge?

Dec 4, 2010

Is there a jQuery function that can cause an element to slide down as in fly from an edge of a screen to the location that it is supposed to be at?The slideDown();functioncauses an element to start at the top of the container the element it is applied to and then roll down.

I guess what I am looking for is something that would on an event slide from an edge of a screen or browser window to where it is supposed to go?

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Make Dropdown Menu Expand Left Rather Than Right If Screen Edge

Sep 5, 2010

I installed a template on the following site and did not actually write the javascript dropdown menu seen at the top of [url]

The problem is that if parent list items Ministries and Parish Leadership have enough children, they expand out right off of the screen of low resolution setups.

I am totally new to javascipt programming so excuse my ignorance when I ask how to make the children items to expand out left instead of right if it's detected that the menu has hit the right side of the browser window.

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How Can One Find The Absolute X-value (from Body 0) Of The Lower Edge Of A Given Element

Jan 6, 2006

Imagine a mess of div-elements nested inside each other
some relative, some absolute.

Some of them grows when their children grows...

And at some point, I want the x-coordinate of the bottom
edge of the element that is lowest down on the page.

Of course I need to support the most popular UAs on each
major platform (Not NS4.x)

(In my particular case, I'm only interested in div elements)...

Any hints on this?

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Jquery :: Get Width From The Center Of An Element To The Edge Of Viewport?

Apr 9, 2010

Essentially the idea is to make Element-B and Element-C to cover the area horizontally starting from center of Element-A and ending at the edge of viewport.So, I guess i want to get the distance value from the center of Element-A to the edge of viewport

Additional notes:

Element-A doesnt have static position or size.
Element-B and Element-C verticalposition or height is

I was thinking something like this:Calculate width of Element-A and divide it by two ( Or just get half the width if theres a way. )
Get the distance from the edge of Element-A to the edge of Viewport Add up these calculated values.Of course unless theres way to get that this width straight up )I was trying to look for a way to do list item 2.

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JQuery :: Use The .show() The Element Appears Form Its Upper Left Edge?

Jan 21, 2010

if you use the .show() the element appears form its upper left edge ... can you spec from which edge it shoud appear?

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JQuery :: Can't Get The Serialize Function That Is Supposed To Create A String To Work

Aug 8, 2010

I can't get the serialize function that is supposed to create a query string to work.My HTML contains one form with one input of type "text" inside it. Both of these return an empty string.

var queryString = $('form').serialize();
var queryString = $('#myInputId').serialize();

What could I be doing wrong?

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Dynamically Create An Image - Slide Down The Screen?

Apr 16, 2010

i have a function to dynamically create an image on the screen.the problem is i need it to slide down the screen, and i am using the function to have the picture up in more than one place at more then one one their anything i can build into the div tag containing the image that would let it scroll down on its own (or some other method of accomplishing this i haven't thought of)i am putting my function below

function newtree(){

the 'height' and 'width' variable are already set to the available room in pixels

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JQuery :: Create Buttons That Slide Onto Screen And Then Animate Slightly When Mouse Over?

Oct 21, 2010

I've been trying to find a jQuery that will have buttons float from left to right onto a page, then grow a little / shrink back to normal size on mouseover.

I've found lots of things that are predominantly for drop down menus - that's not really it.

Using my (limited) javascript skills I've modified a script that moves buttons or divs onto a page but it looks very dull. Powerpoint-like even.

Here's a link: [URL]

All the buttons need to do is jump to another page - the background image does not need to change at all / slide out or anything like that.

So basically what I'm looking for is a pointer to a jQuery thingy [!] that will do the above while looking a lot snazzier

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JQuery :: $.url() Function - Being Utilized For Parsing Out The Window.location Or Parameters

Feb 14, 2010

Danged if I can find the thread, but I swear I saw a $.url() reference in here a day or two ago. It was beingutilized for parsing out the window.location or parameters. I made a mental note because that was something I would be needing to do.

Now I can't find it, either because the search isn't finding it or I was dreaming about this function existing.

I rummaged about the API docs and didn't find it there either. Is it something provided by one of the plugins and not a function native to jQuery?

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Return Location Of A CSS Element?

Aug 4, 2009

I would like to return the style left value from an element. Is this possible with javascript?

<script type="text/javascript">
function moveleft() a test function
document.getElementById("first").style.left = "50px";
if I try alert(document.getElementById("first").style.left);


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JQuery :: Get The Position Of An Element On The Screen?

Feb 13, 2011

Is this possible at all this element is notabsolutelypositioned?

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Element Position Relative To Screen

Nov 23, 2007

Is there any way in Javascript to find the position of an element relative to the screen rather than the browser viewport? I can't find anything.

Is this possible? The reason I ask is I wish the values to be used in Java, which needs coordinates relative to the screen.

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Finding The Position Of An Element On The Screen

Oct 30, 2002

Is it possible to do this? Say I want to find out where on the screen a specific div is, and i want to know the values of the left and top properties. Can i find this out? If so, how?

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Create An Element At Script Location

Jul 1, 2006

I made the game on the left side of the page two months ago in C++, and a month ago translated it to TI-BASIC on the TI-83, and then yesterday moved it to javascript. I've goota say, Javascript is the way to go! My headaches of TI-BASIC were instantly relieved when I went back to Javascript.

Now for my problem. There isn't really a problem in the sense that the game is fully functional, it's more of just something that bugs me. I created the game in hopes of making it as unobtrusive as possible to the page. The entire game uses 3 css classes and one JS Object named bloc. I want the game to generate its own div to live within, which it currenyl does, but I want the div to be name-less and ID-less, so other scripts in any page will not interfere. Code:

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Image Gallery Slide Last Element

Oct 8, 2011

I am currently stuck up on something.. check this page [URL] Well for starters.. I am trying to mimic this effect.. [URL] The slider on the very top.. A quick preview of what I did was.. I used this plugin.. easyslider().. And then edited it.. since I am still learning jQuery and javascript.. so I made changes to the controls... usually the elements for design.. all I did was that.. The first problem was how to make it center like the one on the vogue.. so it was done...

Second the masking problem.. I had alot of trouble thinking how I am going to do this.. because whenever I used absolute position on masks and the controls, everything is messed up on all browser.. So my problem primarily was how to make the effect like vogue mask, so what I did was used opacity on the list... and add a class active that regains the opacity 1 on the middle part of the slider.. so that was done..

My follow up problem is whenever I am navigating through the slider.. I add the "active" class on the next item on the list.. up until there I am fine.. but when I am at almost at the end, at the 5th slider, I am not getting the active class? and after a couple of clicks on the "next".. it wont navigate through...


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JQuery :: Bring An Element To Be Visible On Screen?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a setup where clicking on one of several spots on the screen shows one of the two forms that are hidden by default. I was wondering if there's a way to scroll the screen so this element is visible. Otherwise I can open below the fold and people will not know that something happened. The elements that I click on are not hyperlinks, jut regular divs. I was wondering if there's some method I overlooked that lets me take the page to a specific element.

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JQuery :: Center An Element On Screen That Scrolls

Jul 26, 2010

I need to find out how to center an element on a form that scrolls. I have code (below) that displays a dialog, but I can't figure out how to make sure the dialog is centered on the page when the dialog displays as the user scrolls down the page. The dialog is displayed from a click on a href tag. I thought I could get the x,y coordinates where the href was click, but can't figure out how to center since the href can be at either the upper or low end of the page when it shown.

<script type="text/javascript">
var xCoord;
var yCoord;
$(document).ready(function () {
// if user clicked on button, the overlay layer or the dialogbox, close the dialog
$('a.btn-ok, #dialog-overlay, #dialog-box').click(function () {

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JQuery :: List Element Slide In Links?

Sep 2, 2009

I have the following HTML...

<div id="files">
<ul id="filelist">
<a href="/image/b/" title="Uploaded on 02-09-2009 at 5:53 PM BST">delle4200_1.png<span class="size">34.6 KB</span></a>


When the user hovers their mouse over the <a> inside the list item I need the <span class="size"> to sort of slide to the left a bit and another span to be inserted where the current one is (fade in)... This new span will have links like "Share", "Bookmark", etc inside of it.

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JQuery :: Trigger An Event When Some Element Appears On Screen?

Aug 26, 2010

Trigger an Event when some element appears on the screen, (like the person is scrolling when the element that we set appears, the event trigger) , how to do that, does anyone know?

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JQuery :: Drop Down Slide Menu And A Parralex Slide Gallery - Submenu Of The Slide Down Menu Does Not Work

Feb 2, 2011

I'm having a little trouble with 2 differentJS scripts. I have a drop down slide menu and a parralex slide gallery. Both work on separate pages and puton the same page they still work however the submenu of the slide down menu does not. if I remove the style sheet that belongs to the gallery

Then the munu works, however (obviously) the page layout goes wrong. if i remove<h1 class="title">Alex Holland Perspective</h1> the menu works however page layout goes wrong andI loose my header

Here is the code.

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JQuery :: Using The Location Object To Conditionally Exclude An Element In A Selector List?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a single web page that is broken into content sections that are all assigned element id's (home, about, services, and contact) and have a fixed navigation bar that points to anchors associated with each element id / page section. Since the navigation bar is fixed, it comes along with us as we scroll through the page. I've got a jQuery smooth scrolling effect that makes a nice transition between sections of the page when you click on one of the navigation links. Between the sections I have an image that looks cool as the page scrolls past between sections.

Problem:Since the page is kind of long, I would like to use the jQuery .hide method to remove page sections that lie between the current section of the page that is being viewed and the section targeted by the navigation link. At the same time, the .show method will be used to ensure the target section of the page is visible. Therefore, I need to include an exception to the list of elements that I am hiding - the element that I am currently viewing (and is consequently being displayed as the current url in the browser due to the anchor tags).ExampleFor instance, say you're viewing the "about" section of the page and you click the navigation link to the "contact" section. The "contact" link in the navigation bar is assigned the id="nav_contact." When you click the "contact" button, I've made the following jQuery happen:

$("#nav_contact").click(function ( event ) {


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JQuery :: Onclick Slide An Element To Left Then Show A Nested Hidden Div?

May 18, 2010

I have a vertical navigation menu with the basics (a <ul> with four <li>) but I need one of these list elements to slide to the left and when it finishes show or slide down a nested <ul> with its own li that is now hidden with display: none. and when I click again the first list element I wish everything to close back. or alternatively to close with a timeout. so far I got to this:

$("#gioca").animate({ left: "+=400" }, 1200)


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Links Not Hiding When They Are Supposed To

Aug 31, 2010

I have a back button and a forward button. When the first paragraph fades in, back button should be hidden. When the last paragraph fades in, the forward button should be hidden. Yet, neither of them are hiding, ever:

$nextGraph = $('#group1 p:first');
$('#group1 .slidernav').prepend("<a href='#' class='control' id='leftControl'>Back</a>").append("<a href='#' class='control' id='rightControl'>Forward</a>");
$('#group1 .slidernav a').bind('click', function(){
var triggerID = $active.attr("rel") - 1;
var image_reelPosition = triggerID * imageWidth;
// clearInterval(play);

$nextGraph = ($(this).attr('id')=='rightControl') ? $ : $nextGraph.prev();
$(".image_reel p").animate({
opacity: 0,
left: image_reelPosition + 500
}, 500 );
opacity: 1,
left: image_reelPosition
}, 800 );

function manageControls(currentGraph){
(currentGraph==$('#group1 p:first')) ? $('#leftControl').hide() : $('#leftControl').show();
(currentGraph==$('#group1 p:last')) ? $('#rightControl').hide() : $('#rightControl').show();

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Is This Generated Javascript Supposed To Be There?

Dec 10, 2004

Hi all,
I have a site with frames. There is a list in the left hand frame generated by php/MySQL - list.php, and the detail of one of the listed items is shown in the main page - main.php.

While list.php reads each item from the database it generates a clickable link to main.php of the form:

<a href="javascript:void
When list.php comes to the default item, it also generates an autolink of the form:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
Although this works OK, when I look at the generated HTML (using the browser 'source' view) there is the following javascript coding in addition to the above - is this supposed to be there or is it an error?

<script language="JavaScript">
function SymError()
return true;
var SymRealWinOpen =;
function SymWinOpen(url, name, attributes)
return (new Object());
} = SymWinOpen;
and ...

<script language="JavaScript">
var SymRealOnLoad;
var SymRealOnUnload;
function SymOnUnload()
{ = SymWinOpen;
if(SymRealOnUnload != null)
function SymOnLoad()
if(SymRealOnLoad != null)
SymRealOnLoad(); = SymRealWinOpen;
SymRealOnUnload = window.onunload;
SymRealOnLoad = window.onload;
Thanks, Jack.

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