What's supposed to happen is when the program is run the user clicks on "Select your Numbers!" their then asked for 5 numbers which they input and then the numbers are checked by a function called �isAlreadySelected� for duplicates and if there is an alert is shown. When 5 numbers are entered correctly then they are shown by a window.alert.
Its done in to 2 functions
When I run the below code I'm prompted for the 5 numbers but it isn't checking for duplicates and my selection is undefined.
I am calling 2 scripts, that are variations of the same script, and am getting unwanted duplicate output into the other div (place-holder) on an html page. I thought it was a scope issue, but that doesn't seem to make sense. The page is: [URL]
features.js $(document).ready(function() { $.get('xml/features.xml', function(f) { $('#y-place-holder').empty(); $('#y-place-holder').append('<dl class="feature" />'); $('feature', f).each(function() { var $feature = $(this); var fimageurl = $feature.attr('imageurl'); var fseries = $feature.attr("series"); var ftitle = $feature.attr("title"); var fdates1 = $feature.find('dates1').text(); var fdescription = $feature.find('description').text(); var ffeature = ''; ffeature = '<dd>'; .....
i have a html page with some javascript functions in a js file linked to it. now, if i create a function in the html page with the same name as one of js functions, how can i call the function that exists on js file (from html)?
I'm using this script: [URL] I would like to know how to make the script open with another �Click Here to Contact Us text (not the same button) hyperlink somewhere further down on my page. For example:
I made this function to duplicate form elements with a little html-code surrounding the input fields. First i clone the html of the first child found (always gets rendered by php). Then, everytime the add-button is pushed, i append a cloned piece of that stored html. It's working fine except for the delete button.
It's seems that whenever a cloned html is removed, the other cloned elements aren't recognized anymore by the delete buttons (although the delete buttons are in them)
I am trying to taking this embedded script Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin var strDay; if ((now.getDate() == 1) || (now.getDate() != 11) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 1)) // Correction for 11th and 1st/21st/31st strDay = "st "; else if ((now.getDate() == 2) || (now.getDate() != 12) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 2)) // Correction for 12th and 2nd/22nd/32nd strDay = "nd "; else if ((now.getDate() == 3) || (now.getDate() != 13) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 3)) // Correction for 13th and 3rd/23rd/33rd strDay = "rd "; else strDay = "th "; document.write(dayName[now.getDay()] ..... // End --> </script> and turn it into a function called time.
Javascript Source Code: function time() { var strDay; if ((now.getDate() == 1) || (now.getDate() != 11) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 1)) // Correction for 11th and 1st/21st/31st strDay = "st "; else if ((now.getDate() == 2) || (now.getDate() != 12) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 2)) // Correction for 12th and 2nd/22nd/32nd strDay = "nd "; .....
But when I do the out put returns nothing. Why this might be. I initially thought that I had the formattingsyntax wrong for the function it self but this doesn't seem to be. [URL]
I've got a glitch somewhere and it's not obvious to me. Maybe someone can spot it.My problem is that the functions seem to return values but don't display them like they should. I'm testing returned values with a function called sayvalue(item). But when I test "DelTimeCode" the function returns "[Object]". I don't understand. I get returned values from DelTime and DelTitle.My approach is to select a radio button option, return a delivery title and a delivery price from the appropriate functions then write the information. I think I'm close. Any suggestions or observations of an error in my code?I have the following VARIABLES and FUNCTIONS:
I'm fairly new to writing script and so can only assume I have got something incorrect because the 'ages' are failing to change by -1 when the month and day is greater than the current date.
function currentAge(value){ var theDOB = value; var theDOB = theDOB.split('/'); var DOBday = theDOB[0]; var DOBmonth = theDOB[1]; var DOByear = theDOB[2];
var todaysDate = new Date() var yr = todaysDate.getFullYear(); var mth = todaysDate.getMonth() +1; var dayy = todaysDate.getDate() +1; var theAge = (yr -DOByear); var yearBefore = (theAge -1);
Basically I'm going through and renaming div id's, etc to manipulate later in functions.I'm using jQuery's detach() which is working but for some reason my while (now for loops) are not working and providing me with bogus numbers.
Code: var arrayFights=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]; var counter = theBox; //where to start in the array //first change numbers larger than counter for(i=1;i<fights;i++){ arrayFights[counter] = i; counter++;
outputting the results from a javascript search function onto a new page. Right now I am using a javascript search script on 7 pages and it works but the results overwrite the current page that the search was initiated from. I would like it to open a new page and print out into a specific area. Im not really proficient in js, tho I know enough to get by. since ive been grinding my gears at work trying to get this to display right. I'll post the code tomorrow morning when I get to work so you can see the function.
And my question is how to make it display error if I have entered letters in the age box or numbers in a name box? Currently I have only if it is different from 1, so what should I write instead of 1 ?
I've got my code, and the task is to generate two random numbers, the user then inputs an answer for them added together, then the program checks the answer and displays either "correct" or "wrong". Here's some of my code:
Code: <HTML> <TITLE>Assessment Task 3 : Rohan Gardiner</TITLE> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE ="JavaScript"> function maths(){ var response; var answer; answer = document.questions.answer.value; if (answer==document.adding){ response = "correct"; } else { response = "wrong"; } document.questions.result.value = response ; } function randoms() { rndNum = Math.random(); Num = rndNum*20; Num1=rndNum*10 document.write(Math.round(Num)+"+"+ Math.round(Num1)); } function adding() { document.write(Math.round(Num) + Math.round(Num1)); } </SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY> <h1 align="center">Rohan Gardiner Assessment Task 3</h1> <FORM NAME = "questions"> <SCRIPT Language=JavaScript> randoms(); </script> = <INPUT TYPE = "textbox" NAME = "answer" > <BR> <INPUT NAME = "dobutton" TYPE = "button" Value = "check" onClick= "maths()"> <INPUT TYPE = "textbox" NAME = "result" > </BODY></HTML>
I wrote a program which showing the difference of two auto generated values. its working perfectly but when i tried to set if() operator to make sound if the difference higher then 7 its not working.
I think something wrong in my code.
Orginal working code here...
But when i put if() operator under processdata() function the whole things hanged and no sound are palying.
I applied it like this way.
I dont know why its not working....i want to play and stop sound name sample.wav from my harddrive if difference range higher or lower than 7.....
This sci calculator listed in [URL] has Round function which rounds the result to a nearest integer. I wonder if it possible to easy modify it so that it would leave two numbers after decimal point when it perform rounding? The calculator's script has these codes related to Round: <INPUT style="WIDTH: 74px; HEIGHT: 31px" onclick="Round()" type=button size=24 value=Round> And function Round() {form1.display.value=Math.round(form1.display.value);} I tried {form1.display.value=Math.round(form1.display.value,2);}, but it did no do it.
I've been messing with this code for about a couple of hours, and I did everything down to the wire..yet still I am unable to get it to work. When I input the numbers, and click off to the side nothing appears down at the final textarea of the form which is suppose to show the average.I've tried just about everything, sadly all I have to go by is other example codes, and the very intricate instructions which states I must pass the values to the calcAvg() to the second function of performCalc(), which I did, and then I assigned the var calcResult another value. From there I did the return..and after that I'm rather loss as to what to do next to get this code to work, any tips?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
How do i use a function to find the average of the values in an array of numbers passed as argument to a function.(using java script) thank you for your help...
I'm using the following code (simplified version) to call a Json file, parse it and on each iteration, create a div with an ID of "tab". I'm using this with jQuery UI .tab() to create a listing with entries which have three tabs. Anyhow, the principle seems to work except that when I examine what's happening behind the scenes using Firefox console, I see that each href in the html code produced is causing the Json function to re-fire using the href as it's url target.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head>
I have been looking at this for ages, so apologies in advance if I have become so bleary eyed I can't see something simple.I use php to create buttons based on values pulled for a table. The problem I have is when you click on the first button the javascript function works great, when you click on the next button you get the same output even though it should be different results. I am working in ff and I can see on my firebug console that the javascript function is being called, but it is not passing the new value of the second or third button, it just keeps repassing the value of the first button. So not entirely sure where I am going wrong here.My page is:
<script type="text/javascript"> function loadXMLDoc2(File,ID,Msg){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {[code].....
And getShow.php produces a table with a list of product images, names and prices, based on theme.