Changing InnerHTML Of Table In Other Frame?

Aug 3, 2009

I am currently making a website with 2 Frames, top and bottom. Top Frame will be a table.Bottom Frame will be a row with the information from the last row *you* clicked in Top Frame.

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Looping Through Table Rows Not Changing Value From InnerHTML?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm populating a table from my database using .Net and within this application, I am then comparing the value the user has entered to the first column of every table row in the pre-populated table.For some reason, when I loop through each row in the table and return the value in the first column...the value always stays the same when in fact i know its different by just looking at it on the screen and in the html source.I throw up an alert message for each time it loops, and it its looping the correct amount of times, just not returning a the correct value.


<table id="tblProducts" name="tblProducts">
<td id="tdProdNum">


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InnerHTML Of Another Frame

Jul 20, 2005

I have a page as follows:

<FRAMESET ROWS="20%, 80%">
<FRAME SRC="editor.html" NAME="editor">
<FRAME SRC="testfile.html" NAME="reader">

editor.html contains the following code:

code = document.documentElement.innerHTML

which gives me the HTML-code of editor.html as expected.
Now I want to read the HTML-code of testfile.html instead. But

code = parent.reader.document.documentElement.innerHTML

just returns


with Mozilla, and IE gives an error.

Can somebody explain why this happens, and how I can solve it?
Since the first case works on all browsers I tried, I was hoping to get
a browser-independant method to read the sourcecode of another file.
By the way, all files are local.

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Image Changing And Changing InnerHTML With JS : Query

Jul 6, 2011

Ive got a small image of a power button and when pressed the inner section on the button changes to yellow, but when its pressed down Im also trying to get part of my H1 (main header logo title) to change to yellow.

Ive created a span with an id surrounding the letters of the H1 that I want to change, the id being : "power";

The javascript that I have come up with so far and works is as follows:

<img id="poweron" src="" alt="Power on button" onmousedown="this.src='images/poweron.png';" onmouseup="this.src='images/power.png';"/>

I understand Im not really supposed to be using inline JS, and I know Ive got to create a function for the onmousedown event to trigger changing the H1 text, so am I under the right impression that the JS so far written is redundant and will have to be re-written so thats contained within a script placed just before the closing </body> and an external script for invoking the main function ?

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Changing InnerHTML For Div?

Jan 12, 2010

Div innerHTMl not working in IE6.

function toggleVisiblity()
var name1="eg";
var tbl = document.getElementById("chart1");alert(tbl);alert(;
alert(tbl.nodeName);var clink=document.getElementById("chartlink");


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InnerHtml Is Not Changing At View

May 16, 2010

The problemetic code is presented below:


The output is always


Isn't that weird? Because text_val is assigned the value of innerHtml. So if text_val is shown to be 50 then why is innerHtml shows value as 5? The div always shows 5 seconds.

The full context is given below.


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Changing OnClick Value With Innerhtml?

Aug 2, 2011

I am trying to create a button that when pressed changes not only the value of the button but the onclick event. I basically need the function to toggle between these two functions but I can't get it to work. The button changes value but will not update with the new onclick value.

HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript">


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Changing The Style Of Frame

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to change the style of a frame within itself by clicking a button, is this possible, how is this accomplished?

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Changing Images In Another Frame.

Jun 15, 2005

I have a frame based wizard. I need to change the image of selected step dynamically. There is a normal and selected image for each step. Here is a javascript function to change image when user selects perticular step. Code:

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JQuery :: Getting And Changing Value In An InnerHTML Area

Jan 16, 2010

i am trying to get and change a little part out of a tag-contruction, which i am not allowed to change.

<div id="name">
<p><span id="nameheading">name: </span>Jan Jansen</p>

how i can isolate the name ("jan jansen") only, so that i am able to replace it.

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Changing InnerHTML Of DIV From Within IFrame In Firefox

Nov 9, 2010

I created a page that has an iframe on it. Within this iframe I call an asp page. The asp page is supposed to do some work and then update the innerHTML of a <div> object on the parent page to indicate that processing of the page in the iframe is complete. The code works in IE but not FireFox. I am wondering what is the best way to make the script work for both browsers?

Sub page JavaScript:
parent.document.getElementById("num2").innerHTML = '<center><strong>Processing complete.</strong></center>';
Parent page:
<div id="num2"></div>

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InnerHTML / DIV Size Changing To Various Strings

Dec 21, 2010

I was playing around with some onmouseover/onmouseout and setting innerHTML to various strings depending on what has been mousedover/out. The DIV for the innerHTML was above the items being onmouseovered/out and because the strings sent were of different lengths, sometimes a one or two line wrap would happen and everything below it would be resized accordingly creating a horrible effect. For reference, what is a good way to approach building pages which are immune to this effect?

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Changing Font Color Of Each Character Of InnerHTML?

Aug 1, 2011

I am trying to change the font color of each character of the innerHTML of a div. I have tried the following but obviously I have not gotten it to work.

This is just a snapshot of the javascript which I have that "changes the color and size of the characters..


function change()
var r = 0;
var len = document.getElementById("userInput").value.length;


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Anchor Onclick - Changing InnerHTML Of Enclosing Div?

May 11, 2010

I found a function online that allows me to swap text onclick and have amended it as follows:

function swapText(obj, n) {
obj.innerHTML = obj.oldText;
obj.oldText = null;


I have this partially achieved when clicked, any number will indeed "turn into" an h1'd representation of itself but I can't get the other links in the group to disappear when the h1'd number appears (onclick).

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Changing Image In Frame From Base HTML File

Nov 2, 2010

Got an assignment for a javascript class and I have been banging my head against the wall for a week now.[code]In the main page I have tried several different ways to access the "src" property of the image, none of which I am 100% sure is correct. I think the problem is in the main page, in that I am not accessing the image right, but I could be wrong. I have spent hours on google and digging through the book, but I am still coming up empty handed.

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Setting InnerHTML Reformats Table

Jun 25, 2006

I have some column headings whose widths are set via styles:

<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 120px">Stage</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Hours</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Delivery</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Cost</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 200px">Comment</TD>

When I set the value of a span in a cell using javascript

<TD><Span class="head1" id="TotalHours"

idTotal = document.getElementById("TotalHours");
idTotal.innerHTML = total;

all of the table columns shrink to the minimum size for the content,
ignoring the style width settings. Any suggestion as to why this might
be the case?

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InnerHTML And Table And Display Problem.

Jan 3, 2006

I have folloowing code. The problem is that there are possibly 300 rows. If I set 200 of the rows' style.display = 'none', will the user see weird thing like: they may see all 300 rows first then it suddenly reduced to 100 rows? I need to load all the rows first for some other reasons which probably doesn't appy here. I want the user to just see 100 rows right from the start.

var output = "<table id='myTable1'><tbody id='myTbody'>";
for (var j = 0; j < tableData.length; j++) {
output += "<tr class='tr" + (j%2) + "'>";
output += "<td class='col0'>" + tableData[j].alpha + "</td>";
output += "<td class='col1'>" + tableData[j].beta + "</td>";
output += "<td class='col2'>" + tableData[j].gamma + "</td>";
output += "<td class='col3'>" + tableData[j].delta + "</td>";
output += "<td class='col4'>" + tableData[j].epsilon + "</td></tr>";
output += "</tbody></table>";
document.getElementById("tableWrap").innerHTML = output;

// then in here I set 200 rows to style.displayer = 'none'

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Jumping In A Frame Not Working Inside A Table

Jul 23, 2005

I have a script that allows me to highlight a row of text.

This text is in a table.

The table is long and scrolls down the page below the visiable canvas.

What I need is a method to jump to the highlighted row.

I am able to jump to my anchor as long as the anchor isn't located
within the table (ie I can jump to the bottom of the table if I put the
anchor just below the table). However as soon as I place it within the luck.

Here is the code I am using to jump;
eval ("document.location='#row" + n + "'");

Can someone explain how I can reference the table in my jump method?

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Changing Table Row Color?

Sep 28, 2011

I can't seem, for the life of me to get this to work at all. I've tried everything out there and can't get it to work with IE 7: I would like to change the border color of my table row on hover.

<style type="text/css">


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Changing Ids In Cloned Table?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a table nested in a row of another table, briefly:

<table id='table1'>
<tr id='row1'>
<td id='col1'>


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Content Changing In Table?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a problem with changing the pictures in cells in the javascript created table.I need to change the picture in specific cells. Like: row, cell and so on.Here is the code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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JQuery :: Cloning A Table Row And Changing Various Ids?

May 21, 2010

I'm new to jquery so I'm having a bit of an issue cloning a table row and having all of the id's change correctly. I'm able to clone a row with no problem and change the id of the tr after clicking a button by doing this:

var newId = document.getElementById("id").value; // This works because I am using a hidden input for my id $(id).clone().attr("id", "row" + newId).insertAfter("#div_id");// This changes the id of row The problem I am having is when I want to change the other id's inside of the tr. After insertAfter() I'll do the following: .find("span").text("Item" + newId).find("#Item_A" + oldId).attr("id", "Item_A" + newId);

The first .find will change the text with no problem, its when I get to Item_A that it will keep the old id instead of incrementing to the new id. Yes, I am declaring oldId as a variable and assigning it as newId - 1. Any ideas on how to make sure all id's are incremented properly?

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Dynamically Changing Table Style?

Mar 23, 2010

I am building a schedule web page and before I just had it use plain static HTML and CSS to control the styling. I wrote some javascript that goes through the table's rows, then cells (double for loop), and if the cells innerHTML == "" then the style class is changed. I do have some working code, however it only works in IE. Here's a copy of the script:

<script type="text/javascript">
for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementById('table').rows.length; i ++)
for (var j = 0; j < document.getElementById('table').rows(i).cells.length; j ++)
if (document.getElementById('table').rows(i).cells(j).innerHTML == "")


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Need Help, Changing Table Row Colors From Drop Box.

Aug 29, 2005

I'm new to Javascript so bear with me. I'm trying to change the bgcolor of specific rows in a table, here's the code for one of the row:

<tr id="testing" valign="top" bgcolor="#<?= $defaultcolor;?>">
<select name="namebg" onChange="document.getElementbyId('testing').bgColor=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option selected="selected" value="">Select Row Color</option>
<option value="FFFFFF">White</option>
<option value="F0F8FF">AliceBlue</option>
<option value="00CC99">Green</option>

I tried to use style.getBackgroundColor but that didn't work either, please, any help would be appreciated.

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JavaScript Changing Table Colours

May 22, 2002

how would i go about changing the background of a row in a table that has colums when a check box is clicked...i can change the colour of a single column but how can i change all the columns in a row? ive heard about this "get prarentnode" thing but i dont know how to use it.

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JQuery :: Changing A DIV Or Table Cell To Visible

Feb 14, 2011

I have a DIV element on a page that has a style="visibility: false" when the page loads. When a user unchecks a checkbox, I am using JQuery to do many things on the page. All of which are working but one thing. I cannot seem to make the DIV element visible. I have tried several things all of which have not worked. how to make this DIV element visible using JQuery? Here is one of the things I tried which didnt work... dv1 being the ID for the div.


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