I've got a script which is called by a keypress event, something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function respondToKey(e) {
keyPressed = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
if(keyPressed == 'g'){
alert('you pressed the g key');
<body onkeypress="respondToKey(event)">
hit the g key to open a google window
when you hit the right key, the alert appears, but the window.open() never happens. There's not even a message in the Error Console, just nothing.
Is this a security feature? Any way I can get around it? And, if it's a security feature, is the fact that it fails silently with no error message also a security feature? Because it's rather annoying.
I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using window.open() . The child window is something like 'http://yahoo.com' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
This works fine on a page by itself, but it opens the "chat.htm" page, as well as one before it that runs the code. It would be much better to just run it from a hyperlink button from the main page and not load the first unnecessary page in the first place.
$(function(){ $('input').bind('keypress',null,b).bind('change',null,a); }); function a(){
this script bind both keypress and change of the text box to functions b and a. at keypress event handler if user type a char on input box the value of input box change to x and the user char discarded. In this case we expected to run the onchange (change) event because the textbox value is changed BUT this doesn't happen.
I have the following code in one of my pages. My problem is caused, because the method "processEvent" is never called, but I have no idea why. I guess it is broken, because I don't relay the "this" object correctly.
<script type="text/javascript"> var MyClass = function() { this.init = function()
Which javascript event should be used to call logout on window close and url change. I want to call logout function on window close and URL change on my application.
I am calling logout functionon on <body onunload="doLogout();">, but onunload event is also called when refreshing the page. is there any specific event for Windoe close and URL change.
DOM2 does not provide a key event module. (http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Events-20001113/events.html#Events-eventgroupings-keyevents) That's fine. I'm down with that.
According to the DOM3 Events spec (http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/events.html#Events-KeyboardEvents-Interfaces) (in last call), there's no keyPress event, only keyDown and keyUp. Instead (I guess) they've defined a new interface for text events (http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/events.html#Events-TextEvent), which provides one event type: textInput.
Should I not code event handlers for keyPress events if I wish to write DOM-compliant scripts? IE & Moz both register a keyPress; I'm sure that it won't be outphased. I worry instead about a new and better browser appearing and balking on my script because it's coded exactly to spec.
Is there any cross-browser method of determining whether a click event was triggered by a mouse left click or the keyboard's 'enter' key? I was expecting event.button, or event.which to be able to do this, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Checking event.clientX == 0 && event.clientY == 0 works in FF, but not in IE.
I'm getting an error object required on the window.onkeypress line.
I have a data entry app and the users are keying with their right hand on the number pad and flipping pages with their left. If they want to use the normal tab key they have to take their hand off of the papers to do so. I figured it would be pretty simple to override the keypress even for the + key and divert it to act like tab was pressed instead.
I am trying to run some code if a series of keypresses the user types is equal to the correct series of keypresses.I know how to do this if I am just trying to get one keypress. But what about one after another?
On my site we have image galleries that pop up over top of the page in a higher z-index and position:fixed, and another div between the gallery and background with opacity set to about 85%. The image gallery div has a close button, and I was asked to make the gallery also close by pressing ESC, so I added this:
igevt=function(evt){checkclosegal(evt)} window.addEventListener('keypress',igevt, false) and checkclosegal: function checkclosegal(evt)
This works perfectly in Firefox and Opera, but Chrome and Safari don't fire the event (not worried about ie right now - I know it uses attachEvent). Could it have something to do with the gallery being in a higher z-index?
On my site we have image galleries that pop up over top of the page in a higher z-index and position:fixed, and another div between the gallery and background with opacity set to about 85%. The image gallery div has a close button, and I was asked to make the gallery also close by pressing ESC, so I added this:
igevt=function(evt){checkclosegal(evt)} window.addEventListener('keypress',igevt, false) and checkclosegal: function checkclosegal(evt)
This works perfectly in Firefox and Opera, but Chrome and Safari don't fire the event (not worried about ie right now - I know it uses attachEvent).
I need to make a $.post call on the beforeSend event of another $.ajax call.I read the documentation and I see that if the beforeSend return false the ajax call will be interrupt.So I made this code but doesn't work, because the real value of the beforesend function isn't true or false, is the value of the post.I have to do this because when you click on a link I need to verify before if you are able to do this via db permission of my webapp.I think you don't understand...This is the code:
I have a problem on the links on my page im working.sorry guys still a noob and my english is not that good. :b. my question is like i have a list of packages of food. [link_a] [link_b] [link_c] and i have a function that i put in my head tag:
function linkA() { window.open('link_a.html','link','width=300,height=200,resizable=yes'); }
now i can go to linka.html by click my link <A HREF="javascript:linkA()" >link a</A> is there a way i can have one functions that can open a link depend on what page .when it clicks then go to its designated page or i have to stick on writing function for linkB ,C,D and so on.
Through window.open or window.showmodaldialog, I want to open a word or excel document in Print Preview mode. Bcos I don't want the user to make any changes or save it but the user can ONLY VIEW OR take a print out.
I'm using an <A> tag with an onclick event to open a window with JS (window.open)... In FIREFOX, if I click very quickly, multiple windows open. Not a problem in IE.
I'm currently facing a weird issue with the onchange event. I have a web application where each blur event makes a call the webserver to store the value of the textfield. I only want to trigger that ajax call when something has changed, so i track the onchange event on each textfield to set a flag if something has changed.
The onchange event always fires to first time when i click outside of a textfield even if i didn't change anything in the field.
I narrowed it down to the following: A prefilled textfield always fires the onchange-event the first time you leave the textfield. An initially empty textfield does not fire the onchange event.