Call Function And Display Out In The Website?

Jan 22, 2010

var macs = {

How do i call this function and display out in the website?

This doesn't seems working..

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JQuery :: Ajax Program On Website A Call Website B?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a ajax program on a page on website A. And I need to let it talk to a program on website B. I tried to put website B into the url of the parameter but it doesn't work.It gives me a "[objet XMLHttpRequest]" is the code on website A:


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JQuery :: .ajax - Call A Function That Could Display Some Type Of 'thinking' Icon Before Success

Oct 21, 2010

When using .ajax, and when before I receive any data back from the server, I would like to call a function that could display some type of 'thinking' icon. In looking a the documentation I see there is a 'success', for when after receiving data back successfully, and an 'error', for obviously when something bad happens and need to error gracefully. I do not see something like a 'beforeSuccess' function that would allow me to specify, for example, to overlay a 'thinking icon' on top of a <div> after request is sent to the server and before I get any data back. I would assume this is a pretty standard necessity in ajax applications, and probably missing something here. How exactly is this done using the .ajax methods?

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Display A Series Of Images Then Display A "Continue" Button To Go Back To The Website

Aug 31, 2011

I need a JavaScript (or something else) that will fade out the web site, on load, and display a series of images, then display a "Continue" button to go back to the web site. I have an idea for a cute (and funny) way to get people interested in my site that has a weird name. I searched high and low (Google!, amongst others) for anything that would be close to what I need, to no avail.

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Call Script From Marker In My Embedded Google Map On Website?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm trying to call a javascript from a marker in my embedded google map on my website. But it's not working out the way I want. I'm making a link in "my maps" but he deletes all the javascript I'm trying to implement.

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Function Call With Quotes Inside Another Function Call?

Feb 11, 2006

<button onClick="return popup('<span onClick='selectShape(1, 1, 1)'>test<span>');" tabindex=&#393;' onFocus="setFocusColor(0,3)">....</button>
This will work perfectly, but as soon as I need to pass Strings inside the selectShape function, I get stuck.

So the question is, how can I create the following and have it working

......selectShape(2, 'Tricky', &#3940;x5°').....

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Add A Page To Website Which Will Display Updates?

Feb 20, 2009

I am trying to add a page to my website which will display my latest twitter updates.

Twitter offers a widget that will do this and I am trying to use it. Here is the code snippet that I have added.<

div id="twitter_div">
<h2 style="display: none;" >Twitter Updates</h2>
<ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul>
<a href="" id="twitter-link" style="display:block;


I am thinking possibly another script

Here is the link to the page [URL]

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Display 3 Data Feeds On Website

Dec 6, 2011

I am wanting to display 3 separate data feeds on my mobile website from Pachube like this [url] and have modified some code (which was designed just to display 1 feed). As you will see the code has been extended but does not display (at all!) on a iPhone, whilst the original code did. I have been told that it may be because there is no interval between each variable actualization. how to rectify this.

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Use Galleria To Display Photos On My Website

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to use Galleria to display photos on my website but I'm having trouble getting it to function. I don't know an awful lot about html but I think I've followed the instructions correctly. I would like my gallery to function something like this: [URL] but right now it looks like this: [URL] I'm not so worried about the design aspect because I'm hoping to work on that later but I would like the gallery to work correctly.

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IFRAME - Display Another Page In Website

May 23, 2011

Can you give me an iframe code that will display another page in my website. For example, I want to display specifically the login area of facebook. let say 100px by 40px. Then, when someone logged in their account it will change view to the center of the facebook and change to 500px by 700px. is it possible?


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Calculate And Display TOTAL Time On Website?

Mar 25, 2009

I have a Javascript that calculates and displays how long, in minutes and seconds a user has been in online(Google Gears development) mode on a given web page. I need however, to modify the script so that it calculates and displays how long the user has been online on the web site. For e.g. on page 1 for 2 minutes 12 seconds. Moves to page 2 - total time on page 1 and 2= 4 minutes 13 seconds. My script (see below) starts a second counter then converts that to minutes and seconds. I have tried passing the secVar0 variable in the url but that comes back "undefined".


if(request.responseText != "" && request.responseText.indexOf("404 Page not found") == -1)


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Calculate And Display TOTAL Time On Website

Mar 25, 2009

I have a Javascript that calculates and displays how long, in minutes and seconds a user has been in online(Google Gears development) mode on a given web page. I need however, to modify the script so that it calculates and displays how long the user has been online on the web site. For e.g. on page 1 for 2 minutes 12 seconds. Moves to page 2 - total time on page 1 and 2= 4 minutes 13 seconds. My script (see below) starts a second counter then converts that to minutes and seconds. I have tried passing the secVar0 variable in the url but that comes back "undefined".


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Display Total Online Viewers On Website?

Apr 14, 2010

I would like to display total online viewers on my website

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JQuery :: Put A Weather Feed Onto A Website/digital Display?

Jun 29, 2011

I've been asked to put a weather feed onto a website/digital display, please see the image below. I'm new to this RSS feed, and I have been searching all day, but a bit confused, so any suggestions on plugins, code,

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Display Uninterupted Audio Player Across A Multi-page Website

Sep 10, 2011

I am creating a very content rich news/media website that requires an audio player. The audio player should be seen by the user as soon as they enter the website and the playlist should play throughout their time spent at the website and should not be restarted or stopped when navigating the website.

We originally were using a frameset for the audio player, but the fact that none of the pages through out the site could be reached through a link in the URL bar proved to be too much of an issue.

So the new idea was to open the audio player in a javascript pop-up window. But because of the nature of the website, we found that it was very common for users to go "back" in their browser to the homepage after they had navigated away, which would cause the pop-up code to be activated again and would make the pop-up reload, interrupting the audio.

So then we moved the pop-up code to the splash page so that when you enter the main page, its already open, and it can't be interrupted. But THEN we found that the pop-up window was of course opened behind the main website's window, which made it hidden and useless.

So we currently have no solutions! All we need is for this pop-up window to take focus and be the very top window, and once its opened to never be reloaded/refreshed again.

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JQuery :: Call The Delete/refresh Function From Outside The Event's Function Scope?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm wanting a table cell click event to remove and replace the table it was clicked on, however I'm finding that as it's deleting the original table object the actual running event code is being replaced and the function is I can call the delete/refresh function from outside the event's function scope?

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JQuery :: Wrap Elements From An External JS File Into A Function Then Call That Function?

Feb 12, 2010

how I can accomplish wrappingrelevantparts of a script into a function then call that function within a success area on another page.

This is what I have so far: Script.js page - This page is longer but this is the relevant part that I would like to wrap:

$(".product img").draggable({
containment: 'document',
opacity: 0.6,
revert: 'invalid',


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JQuery :: Call Back Function - Should The 1st Parameter Of The Get Function Be A HTML File

Jun 23, 2010

I have just started learning JQuery and have a doubt in the below code. $.get('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack);The doubt is should the 1st parameter of the get function be a HTML file or can it be a unction name?

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Call Function In Script And Pass One Parameter To Function And Its Returns String Value?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to call java function in javascript.In which we pass one parameter to function and its returns String value which I want to display in alert message.

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JQuery :: Checkboxes Won't Make A Call To UpdateResults Function Within $function()?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a real perplexing issue. In two separate "projects" I had code that displayed checkboxes - when clicked, they would fetch information from a db and display it in the div below. I had code that displayed a jquery date-picker - when clicked, it would fetch information from a db and display it in the div below. My issue comes with this:


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AJAX :: Call To Display A Certain Amount Of Items In A Roster

Jan 19, 2010

I have a link that makes an AJAX call to display a certain amount of items in a roster.

the link is:

<a href="javascript:loadRoster('per_page=10');">Show 10 items</a>
<a href="javascript:loadRoster('per_page=20');">Show 20 items</a>

I want to be able to make these calls from a dropdown,

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JQuery :: Ajax Call To Work - Display The Current Time

Jun 13, 2011

I'm using jquery with a simple ajax call to display the current time, but I'm getting undefined for the time instead of the actual time and I'm not sure why.

This is my code:

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Function To Call A Function In All Child Frames

Oct 16, 2006

I have a document that can contain any number of iframes which have
further copies of the same document (and so on). In practice, we
shouldn't ever have frames within frames, but I'd like to make the
implementation a general case.

Various of the functions in the parent document need to call themselves
in the child documents with the same parameters as they've just been

Now, I can stick a loop in each function that goes throught the
window.frames array and calls the function for each frame, but for I'd
like to write a function to do this.

It's at this point that my brain explodes. If I limit it to a single
parameter we can do:

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Call The ValidEmail() Function In The SubmitIt() Function?

Apr 22, 2009

I'm in the middle of a JavaScript class, and I've run into a problem with one assignment. ^^; I've been given a pre-written script and HTML code to work with, and am required to modify it. Here's one thing I have to do, via my instructor:

Add an "email" field to this form. This field should also validate as a valid email address. (Hint: after adding the form field to the form itself, your next step will be to expand the function named submitIt() by adding a second if statement to confirm the contents of the email field. You will want to paste into the header and use the validEmail() function which you will find in Script 7.15, highlighted in red on pages 192-3 of your textbook.)

I know how to write the code to validate an email address, but I can't figure out how to call the validEmail() function in the submitIt() function. The code I have now just blanks out all the fields when I hit "submit." Here's the part of the script with the email validation:

window.onload = loadDoc;
function loadDoc() {


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Create Control Within A Function To Call Said Function?

Mar 20, 2010

<script type="text/javascript">


This is a very basic version of what I am trying to do. I have a dynamic list which is set in a table. When clicked, a function is run to set up a new list.. The reason I explain that, is that I need to keep it dynamic.Now for the problem:When I run this page, I have the button made right away, then when clicked it creates the new button. The new button should also run the function to create the new button again, but when I click it, I only receive "error on page".

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Call Function Only If Another Function Does Not Return Error?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm trying to "progressively enhance" one of my surveys using javascript. Basically, I have rating scales that make use of radio buttons as each point on the scale. Each radio button occupies its own cell in a table. I wrote some functions that will highlight cells on mouseover in a color corresponding to its position on the scale (e.g. the lowest point is red, the midpoint is yellow, the highest point is green). When a radio button is clicked, the background of the button's cell and preceding cells in the same row will be colored accordingly. The functions are working well in FireFox and Chrome (I just have to add a few lines using the addEvent function to make it compatible with IE).

The effect looks a lot nicer when I add a function that makes the visibility of the radio buttons hidden.

However, I want to make sure that there is a fallback option in case the functions that color the cells don't work for whatever reason. I would not want the radio buttons hidden in this case.

Is there a method whereby I can call the "hideRadiobuttons" function only if the other functions are successfully executed?

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