Calculate How Much Space Text Will Take Up?
Oct 19, 2009
I want to dynamically resize textareas to always have enough rows to hold the data, so there is never a need for a vertical scroll bar no matter whether the user types in large paragraphs or only puts one character per line. Is there some kind of existing facility for doing this? Perhaps in a library? Or maybe there is a property of the textarea which can be checked in a row-incrementing loop to determine whether a scrollbar is still needed.
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Nov 26, 2009
I am not able to calculate the offsetwidth of the element which contains extra space in between the characters.for ex. if the element contains "A A" as a innerHTML value - if we calculate offsetwidth as 29 and also if the element contains "A A" value again I am getting the same offsetwidth as 29.While calculating the offsetwidth it is not calculating the empty space.May I know how to calculate the offsetwidth with the empty space because I need to insert the ellipsis (...) if it exceeds original width?
Code snipet
function fitStringToWidth(title,width,className) {
var span = document.createElement("span");
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Jul 23, 2005
I just want to ask if how could i validate a text or string if it has a
space between characters?
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Dec 3, 2005
var lbl=document.createElement('LABEL');
var txt=document.createTextNode('text');
in above txt node i want a space infront of that
i tried below, but no use
var txt=document.createTextNode(' text');
any idea ???
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Jan 21, 2007
I would like to create new option with more than one space as text in a select element, is it possible? I tried this statements:
var selT=document.getElementById('SelectObj');
selT.add(new Option("Space between text","xyz"),selT.options[0]);
and also:
var selT=document.getElementById('SelectObj');
selT.add(new Option("Space between text",
without get any space between words.
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Dec 13, 2011
I would like to insert a few blank spaces in a text string:
string = 123456(space)(space)(space)7891011
How do you do this?
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Sep 13, 2009
I'm currently using the Jquery Flipv plugin, which works well. The only problem is, some words have extra padding at the end, depending on how many characters.
I'm not sure why this is, but it seems that the conversion to vertical text creates some extra spacing on certain browsers.
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Jul 26, 2010
A UI built using HTML and CSS has limited screen space. One of the elements is a div tag (<div id="mtext">) that will contain text of variable length. If the text is > 500 characters, I am displaying it as a link. When the user clicks the link, I want the text to be displayed in a layer above all the rest of the elements in the page. How can this be done using javascript..
A div element that contains some text of variable length. If the length exceeds say 500 characters, Display it as truncated text. ( like "Example text...") The entire truncated text becomes a link When the user clicks the link the content in the div element "pops out" to fill the screen above other elements on the page Image showing truncated text... (before clicking) Image showing text display after clicking the text...
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Jul 15, 2010
I am learning JS and ajax.. successfully writing my own working scripts.. but, being a newbie, still hit the wall alot. Today's wall really has me stumped:
Developing locally, I am calling a page with a working XMLHttpRequest object.. and getting the response, fine. The problem is that the response is coming back with some space chars tacked on. There are like 10-12 space chars prefixed, and one space char suffixed to my response text. Even if I just stick in a single "a" char in the (now static) page that I call, it still returns
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Sep 23, 2010
So I created a custom rule following numerous examples out on the web for a dynamic text input, but for some reason it seems to be letting spaces through even though my regexp tests out ok to not match when the value is any combination of spaces...
$.validator.addMethod("noSpace", function(value, element){
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_ ]{0,70}$/i.test(value);
}, "Please enter a name starting with either a letter or a digit.");
rules: {
The odd thing is, it will work if you type in a space followed by a character, but if you type in one space, or one space followed by x number of spaces, it just lets it through like it's valid. But yet when I look at the demos and examples that I pulled this from, they never let those scenarios go through.
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Apr 15, 2009
I am trying to simulate a simple checkout page where a user inputs the quantity of merchandise that they want in multiple text boxes. When they click "calculate" it calculates the subtotal, tax, and total. As it stands my calculate function works if I do quantity * price for each text box and then add together. I would have to do this 9 times! :eek: I would like to use an array but I am not exactly sure how to use it to do calculations. I know I need a loop (which I have written) and an array (which is written also).
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Dec 13, 2011
I'm creating an online enrolment form for my company, who are a training company. Users enrolling on the course must make three choices - The level of course, the size of course and whether they wish to attend a workshop or study by distance learning. The combination of these three factors will determine the price. I'd like to have the price automatically calculated using javascript and displayed on the form before they submit. Can anyone give me an idea of how to do this?There are three drop down boxes for users to select their course. They are: -
Level of Qualification:
Level 3
Level 4
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Dec 28, 2010
The Farbtastic color picker is an elegant solution to the color-picking problem, but its usefulness is prohibitive in those situations where there is not enough screen real-estate. Because it is large, these are many. Since I want to use it in such a situation, I started working towards a solution.
The designed solution involved in clicking on something small, such as Click to Activate, and having the rest of the page become faded-out, while the color-picker appears superimposed over other parts of the page.
That solution is implemented up to a point. In the code posted:
- The trigger appears as part of the original DOM.,
- Clicking the trigger makes the page text fade, the color-picker appear, and the trigger changes to something like Click to Deactivate,
- Upon clicking, it does disappear, and the page text resumes it original appearance..
After this point, one might work towards making it more modular and more easily usable as is farbtastic itself.
It requires a var to hold state, and other things. Ideally, it could be combined with the original to offer a wider range of usage patterns. I have no doubt that the code can vastly be improved, since I am relatively new to jquery, although not to computing.
The code is posted below, in the hope that it proves useful to others, The only change made to the farbtastic.js code itself is to add "id='fbc' " to the outermost <div which is added internally. This change is not shown because it would involve posting all of farbtastic.js for this one change. The section of text used to illustrate presumed page content is from the NSIS Users Manual, and has no significance beyond being some text. The div named 'overlay' was employed to allow shifting the whole thing around as a unit relative to the trigger but might be eliminated were that not needed, since everything else works without it, Note also that the input#color from the original farbtastic has been replaced by 'repeater' which is a <div, but seems to work ok to get the color info.
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May 9, 2007
I was using the following code:
element.value = element.value.replace(/ /g,'');
to remove all the spaces in a string.
However in IE6 it complained with and "Expected ')'" error.
How can I tell IE6 to replace just spaces (i.e. not using s)?
I tried / / and /[ ]/ but neither of them worked either.
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Sep 16, 2010
What is the best way to handle space in a pop up window parameter?
<script type="text/javascript">
// Popup window code
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Apr 16, 2011
Basically the php gives the javascript a list of movies located in my directory, I am able to successfully launch any movie not containing a "space." I changed the code a little bit to allow for a "text input" and manually typed the name of a movie with %20 instead of a space and it worked. So I would like to modify the above code to do this automatically without visibly changing the movie titles. I am not sure where I should change the code.
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Mar 15, 2006
I am creating a class for all of my code snippets, using a formatted paragraph (and "word-wrap: pre") to keep formayting intact. The problem is that in keeping my HTML files formatted nicely, they are indented, and due to the "pre" formatting the indentation is kept. Code:
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May 28, 2010
how do I get rid of the space between the top div and the following div sections.I need to know what to replace the <br> tag with where I stop the floats with "style='clear:both'".how to slide the tab body sections into and out of the area below the top controlling <div> sections.All it does now is simply hide or show the sections and I would like to create a sliding illusion if possible.
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Jul 13, 2011
I am trying to split a url string for example the url is designand the string is museum designIn firefox/ie/chrome it returns as museum%20designbut in safari it returns as museum design
lastpart=lastpart.split("%20"); // works in firefox/IE/Chrome
lastpart=lastpart.split(" "); // works in safari
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Mar 5, 2007
How i check alphnumeric & space validation for input text?
input : "abc GNM 2" is valid &
input : "abc GNM %2" is invalid
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Sep 15, 2009
I have a 3 textareas that when the user presses the spacebar I would like for the code to execute a TAB to move between them instead. My code works if I make the replacement keycode an number or letter but it wont work if I use TAB. The browser is IE. code...
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Apr 14, 2010
I'm working on a webpage where I used this code to display random images. I used it for three images in a row and I keep getting white spacing in between them when they should be right up against each other. This is the code I'm using:
<script language="JavaScript">
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Jan 18, 2011
What I have is a file upload input (as part of a larger form) and I want to get some javascript that will replace spaces in a filename with another character, such as an underscore or dash. If possible, I would also like to be able to replace commas with an underscore or dash.
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Nov 11, 2011
If you look on the top right corner of the site I'm working on, the +1 button doesn't line up with the other social media icons. Why?
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Jul 2, 2009
I've been designing a web application that scales to fit the available window space in the web browser so that there is no need to use the scroll bar (and the whole point of the application is to fit the window). I've already figured out how to catch resizes and change the height of the elements on the page (It's pretty simple using onload, onresize and document.getElementById().style.height), but I can't seem to get an accurate height to scale the web content with. The height I want is not the height of the document (Which would be the height of the content...which is what I'm trying to change in the first place!) and not the height of the window (Because if I'm not mistaken that includes the status bar, the tab bar, the URL bar, etc. which can vary between browsers). I need the height of the available web space that I can fit my content into. This would be the space between below the tab bar and above the status bar (To make my height as clear as possible I've provided a link to a screenshot). How can I get this height with Javascript (And I really need it to be cross-browser because I want this app to be able to work on multiple browsers)?
Screenshot (For some reason the DaniWeb Attachment System just refuses to upload my image and gives me a blank page each time I upload the screenshot so I'll just upload it to an image host):
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Sep 11, 2009
Code JavaScript:
var name1="Hello"
var name2="World";
var answer="name1+name2";
when you run the script. It says "Hello World". How can I put a space between the output of the script? Dont you do something like <br>?
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