JQuery :: Flipv Vertical Text And Extra Space
Sep 13, 2009
I'm currently using the Jquery Flipv plugin, which works well. The only problem is, some words have extra padding at the end, depending on how many characters.
I'm not sure why this is, but it seems that the conversion to vertical text creates some extra spacing on certain browsers.
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Feb 1, 2011
I have an accordion in which all the data is being populated from a database. The problem is that after it runs through the query and adds my data it leaves alot of extra spaces which leads the user to have to scroll a great deal before finding the next header.
Here is my code.
$sqlQuery = "SELECT id, date, name FROM webinars ";
$result = mysql_query($sqlQuery);
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Nov 26, 2009
I am not able to calculate the offsetwidth of the element which contains extra space in between the characters.for ex. if the element contains "A A" as a innerHTML value - if we calculate offsetwidth as 29 and also if the element contains "A A" value again I am getting the same offsetwidth as 29.While calculating the offsetwidth it is not calculating the empty space.May I know how to calculate the offsetwidth with the empty space because I need to insert the ellipsis (...) if it exceeds original width?
Code snipet
function fitStringToWidth(title,width,className) {
var span = document.createElement("span");
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Feb 18, 2010
just look at the scroll bar in your internet browser when the picture slide working you will find the scroll getting extended - the page must be ended by the copyrights down of the page and after the slide you will find some extra blank space in the page after the copyrights link.
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Jun 4, 2009
I am after a simple div scroller that scrolls text up/down within a fix sized div, with two scroll buttons that can be set to hover/click, I have found a load that use it for <li> tags or images and scrolls only up by set amount, but I would like this for text etc.
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May 2, 2011
Is there anything out there that allows for a diagonal and vertical text capture in javascript or jQuery? I was not successful in finding anything. I have a game similar to word find that I've developed, but I need to be able to capture text vertically and diagonally. Otherwise, the only solution will be for me to do a by-click basis to capture items on the screen. I found the script below which handles horizontal capturing:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.style.cursor="url(3DArrow.cur), crosshair" ;
if (!window.Kolich){
Kolich = {};
} Kolich.Selector = {};
Kolich.Selector.getSelected = function(){
var t = '';
if (window.getSelection){
t = window.getSelection();
}else if(document.getSelection){
t = document.getSelection();
}else if(document.selection){
t = document.selection.createRange().text;
}return t;
}Kolich.Selector.mouseup = function(){
var st = Kolich.Selector.getSelected();
alert("You selected:"+sel_text);
$(document).bind("mouseup", Kolich.Selector.mouseup);});
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Jan 2, 2010
I am trying to find a way to add an extra piece of hidden text onto the end of the text a user enters into the form field so that when the form is sent the extra text will automatically be added to the end before sending. I have tried cobbling together different scripts using onblur/onclick etc but I just cannot get any to work as I need..
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Dec 30, 2010
I am using counter to count characters in text area. Now the problem, if the number of characters calculated = 160 characters, then when I send the paragraph to my mobile phone, I get 162 characters, I got the reason, but can't find solution yet. Example: write normal paragraph in the text area without clicking on "enter button",when you are typing the paragraph, if the current word faced the end of the line, the whole word will be dropped to second line and so on, please see red star indicator.The text will be organized itself inside the textarea, but at each line if the word dropped down, I noticed 2 spaces will be added to the previous row.
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Sep 23, 2010
So I created a custom rule following numerous examples out on the web for a dynamic text input, but for some reason it seems to be letting spaces through even though my regexp tests out ok to not match when the value is any combination of spaces...
$.validator.addMethod("noSpace", function(value, element){
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_ ]{0,70}$/i.test(value);
}, "Please enter a name starting with either a letter or a digit.");
rules: {
The odd thing is, it will work if you type in a space followed by a character, but if you type in one space, or one space followed by x number of spaces, it just lets it through like it's valid. But yet when I look at the demos and examples that I pulled this from, they never let those scenarios go through.
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Jun 1, 2009
jqPlot is an open source plotting plugin for jQuery. The 0.6.2 release adds many new features including:
Rotated axis text. Vertical and horizontal bar charts. Automatic trend line computation. Data point highlighting. Cursor tooltips showing data and grid position. And many other features.
The jqPlot homepage is at [url]
The downloads page is at [url]
The mailing list/Google group is at [url]
jqPlot is built from the ground up as an extensible and plugable plugin. Handling of data, drawing of plot elements, events, virtually everything is handled by a plugin. This means you can enhance or swap out core functionality without touching the core code.
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Jul 23, 2005
I just want to ask if how could i validate a text or string if it has a
space between characters?
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Oct 19, 2009
I want to dynamically resize textareas to always have enough rows to hold the data, so there is never a need for a vertical scroll bar no matter whether the user types in large paragraphs or only puts one character per line. Is there some kind of existing facility for doing this? Perhaps in a library? Or maybe there is a property of the textarea which can be checked in a row-incrementing loop to determine whether a scrollbar is still needed.
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Dec 28, 2010
The Farbtastic color picker is an elegant solution to the color-picking problem, but its usefulness is prohibitive in those situations where there is not enough screen real-estate. Because it is large, these are many. Since I want to use it in such a situation, I started working towards a solution.
The designed solution involved in clicking on something small, such as Click to Activate, and having the rest of the page become faded-out, while the color-picker appears superimposed over other parts of the page.
That solution is implemented up to a point. In the code posted:
- The trigger appears as part of the original DOM.,
- Clicking the trigger makes the page text fade, the color-picker appear, and the trigger changes to something like Click to Deactivate,
- Upon clicking, it does disappear, and the page text resumes it original appearance..
After this point, one might work towards making it more modular and more easily usable as is farbtastic itself.
It requires a var to hold state, and other things. Ideally, it could be combined with the original to offer a wider range of usage patterns. I have no doubt that the code can vastly be improved, since I am relatively new to jquery, although not to computing.
The code is posted below, in the hope that it proves useful to others, The only change made to the farbtastic.js code itself is to add "id='fbc' " to the outermost <div which is added internally. This change is not shown because it would involve posting all of farbtastic.js for this one change. The section of text used to illustrate presumed page content is from the NSIS Users Manual, and has no significance beyond being some text. The div named 'overlay' was employed to allow shifting the whole thing around as a unit relative to the trigger but might be eliminated were that not needed, since everything else works without it, Note also that the input#color from the original farbtastic has been replaced by 'repeater' which is a <div, but seems to work ok to get the color info.
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Dec 3, 2005
var lbl=document.createElement('LABEL');
var txt=document.createTextNode('text');
in above txt node i want a space infront of that
i tried below, but no use
var txt=document.createTextNode(' text');
any idea ???
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Jan 21, 2007
I would like to create new option with more than one space as text in a select element, is it possible? I tried this statements:
var selT=document.getElementById('SelectObj');
selT.add(new Option("Space between text","xyz"),selT.options[0]);
and also:
var selT=document.getElementById('SelectObj');
selT.add(new Option("Space between text",
without get any space between words.
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Dec 13, 2011
I would like to insert a few blank spaces in a text string:
string = 123456(space)(space)(space)7891011
How do you do this?
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Jul 27, 2006
it is possible to align a paragraph of text so it is placed in the middle of any browser window, using only html and css. Can this be done without js? If not, how much javascript will I need to know in order to do that?
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Nov 29, 2009
I need to make a very simple text scroller (either vertical or horizontal) using JavaScript.
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Sep 27, 2011
I was wondering if there is a javaScript code for a vertical slider. Basically, I'm presenting a menu, that needs to fit in a certain amount of space and it is much taller than the space allotted.
I was going to use an iframe, but I thought that there might be some JavaScript I could use that would be more elegant. I just need to scroll text on a page.
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Jan 12, 2011
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
//change 1 to another value to alter the scroll speed. Greater is faster
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Jul 26, 2010
A UI built using HTML and CSS has limited screen space. One of the elements is a div tag (<div id="mtext">) that will contain text of variable length. If the text is > 500 characters, I am displaying it as a link. When the user clicks the link, I want the text to be displayed in a layer above all the rest of the elements in the page. How can this be done using javascript..
A div element that contains some text of variable length. If the length exceeds say 500 characters, Display it as truncated text. ( like "Example text...") The entire truncated text becomes a link When the user clicks the link the content in the div element "pops out" to fill the screen above other elements on the page Image showing truncated text... (before clicking) Image showing text display after clicking the text...
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Jul 15, 2010
I am learning JS and ajax.. successfully writing my own working scripts.. but, being a newbie, still hit the wall alot. Today's wall really has me stumped:
Developing locally, I am calling a page with a working XMLHttpRequest object.. and getting the response, fine. The problem is that the response is coming back with some space chars tacked on. There are like 10-12 space chars prefixed, and one space char suffixed to my response text. Even if I just stick in a single "a" char in the (now static) page that I call, it still returns
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Aug 31, 2011
I want to add an extra parameter like check sum of all data in every jQuery ajax request.For this i use following technique.
jQuery(document).ajaxSend(function(evt, xmlhttpRequest, settings){
if (settings.data == null) {
settings.data = "";
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Apr 18, 2011
So let's say I have a list
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
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Aug 10, 2009
</div><div>This is hopefully simple. I have a bunch of links with titles, like TITLE="Facebook" and so on. I am adding JQuery to make the links open in a new window and
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Feb 21, 2011
I cannot believe this is NOT possible but thus far, I've scoured the web for hours looking for an easy way to make a radio button about 10 times larger than it normally is, and make it use custom colors. For example, I'd like to use custom images for the "selected" "unselected" and forgo the normal radio button entirely. However, I'm hoping to keep the radio button as an input method in the HTML, since jQuery has some super useful tools to manipulate input via radiobutton (or other selectors).
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