I'm just not getting how to script for events. I know it's a heavy task, but would somebody be willing to break it all down for me? I'd really like to learn these. Code:
I want to dynamically resize textareas to always have enough rows to hold the data, so there is never a need for a vertical scroll bar no matter whether the user types in large paragraphs or only puts one character per line. Is there some kind of existing facility for doing this? Perhaps in a library? Or maybe there is a property of the textarea which can be checked in a row-incrementing loop to determine whether a scrollbar is still needed.
I'm trying to add the text value of an xml element to a variable but the closest i can get is having the variable set to [text object] using this method:
rootNode.getElementsByTagName('instructions')[0].childNodes[0]; I have also tried these methods but they always return undefined: rootNode.getElementsByTagName('instructions')[0].childNodes[0].text;
trying to read text from text child, basicaly seeking for equvivalent for this:
var groupArray = secondElement.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); // so looking for text nodes var groupArray = secondElement.getElementsByTagName("??????");
hmm tryed this, seems DOM doesn't see the text node that itself created
//2.TRANSFERING ALL CHILDS TO secondElement // case1 --> ONLY IMAGE APPEARS !!?? for (i = 0; i < firstElement.childNodes.length; i++) { secondElement.appendChild(firstElement.childNodes[i]); }
//case2 --> TEXT AND IMAGE APEARS secondElement.innerHTML = firstElement.innerHTML;
I am trying to iterate out the values of an xml file. I have got the file to load though I have not yet been able to extract the values.Considering that theXml is an xml file and 'coords' are tags containing a coordinate how would I extract the value. Here is the code I am using
Code: var coordTags = theXml.getElementsByTagName( 'coords' ); var len =coordTags.length;///this works
I am trying to append to a text node(which is contained in another element) a string but i canot. Here is the code-tell me please where is the error below because i cannot spot it.The containing element is a div class with name calendar, as you can see. Inside the calendar the current month is displayed(not shown here-which i get with the date object), i want to append to the month the test p.
I've recently moved over from Protoype and was used to using the update() function to replace text within a node - something like this:
PROTOTYPE <p id='dText'>text to be replaced $('dText').update('New text string')
Now it appears to me that in jQuery, there isn't an out of the box function to replace the contents of a node without also replacing the node too, hence the reason I am chaining remove() and append().
I've worked out how to get the value from a select option tag, but can't work out how to get the text inside the option tags. Here is the code I am using to get the value attribute from the option tag..
I'm trying to read a text file with node.js. This text file is a line of just numbers. I add every line to an array as a string. What I want to do is make it so every element in the array is only one number in the text file. When I use the split function with (" ") it doesn't work correctly; it prints out a string as all the numbers in the text file. how would I delimit this text file with every space or new line.
var fs = require('fs'); var array = fs.readFileSync("10_01.txt").toString().split(" "); for (var ind = 0; ind<array.length; ind++)
Is there a better way to do this because at the moment it doesn't seem to display what I want?
I have an AJAX application using which im attempting to acces a #Text node in the NAME tag of a XML document. i then want to sort the names and place them into tables <td> tag. i can put the names in the <td> but i want them sorted alphabetically. from my understanding im suppose to be able to sort an array simply like this Array[].sort();..............this is the reason i need the text to be an array. Unless you know a simpler way to do this.
function postNames(){ var signersdoc = xmlHttp.responseXML; var container = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
<a href="#" onclick="showDistributors('city0','raccoon0','national0',pass link text as variable into the function "showDistributors"); alert(this.text()); return false;">St Albans</a>
How do I pass the distributor name into the function as a variable? I am having trouble finding useful information on "this" method
I'm currently using the Jquery Flipv plugin, which works well. The only problem is, some words have extra padding at the end, depending on how many characters.
I'm not sure why this is, but it seems that the conversion to vertical text creates some extra spacing on certain browsers.
I'm trying to re-export a filtered set of XML data. For an input like this:
<object> <header /> <thing1> <value1>1</value1>
However, this currently returns 'undefined'. Is there any easy way to do this, or do I need to actually parse the XML below thing1 and manually write my own XML sub-tree?
After much work, I've come up with some Javascript/DOM that almost works :)
function setblocktitle(id, text) { document.getElementById(id).firstChild.nodeValue = text; }
With my HTML being: <div id="hits" class="modules"> <h2>Hits</h2> <div class="blah"> ...
The problem is, when calling setblocktitle with setblocktitle("hits", "Totals"); I end up with the attached image rather than "Hits" being replaced by "Totals".