I'm trying to add the text value of an xml element to a variable but the closest i can get is having the variable set to [text object] using this method:
I have also tried these methods but they always return undefined:
trying to read text from text child, basicaly seeking for equvivalent for this:
var groupArray = secondElement.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); // so looking for text nodes var groupArray = secondElement.getElementsByTagName("??????");
hmm tryed this, seems DOM doesn't see the text node that itself created
//2.TRANSFERING ALL CHILDS TO secondElement // case1 --> ONLY IMAGE APPEARS !!?? for (i = 0; i < firstElement.childNodes.length; i++) { secondElement.appendChild(firstElement.childNodes[i]); }
//case2 --> TEXT AND IMAGE APEARS secondElement.innerHTML = firstElement.innerHTML;
I am trying to iterate out the values of an xml file. I have got the file to load though I have not yet been able to extract the values.Considering that theXml is an xml file and 'coords' are tags containing a coordinate how would I extract the value. Here is the code I am using
Code: var coordTags = theXml.getElementsByTagName( 'coords' ); var len =coordTags.length;///this works
I am trying to append to a text node(which is contained in another element) a string but i canot. Here is the code-tell me please where is the error below because i cannot spot it.The containing element is a div class with name calendar, as you can see. Inside the calendar the current month is displayed(not shown here-which i get with the date object), i want to append to the month the test p.
I've recently moved over from Protoype and was used to using the update() function to replace text within a node - something like this:
PROTOTYPE <p id='dText'>text to be replaced $('dText').update('New text string')
Now it appears to me that in jQuery, there isn't an out of the box function to replace the contents of a node without also replacing the node too, hence the reason I am chaining remove() and append().
I've worked out how to get the value from a select option tag, but can't work out how to get the text inside the option tags. Here is the code I am using to get the value attribute from the option tag..
I'm trying to read a text file with node.js. This text file is a line of just numbers. I add every line to an array as a string. What I want to do is make it so every element in the array is only one number in the text file. When I use the split function with (" ") it doesn't work correctly; it prints out a string as all the numbers in the text file. how would I delimit this text file with every space or new line.
var fs = require('fs'); var array = fs.readFileSync("10_01.txt").toString().split(" "); for (var ind = 0; ind<array.length; ind++)
Is there a better way to do this because at the moment it doesn't seem to display what I want?
I have an AJAX application using which im attempting to acces a #Text node in the NAME tag of a XML document. i then want to sort the names and place them into tables <td> tag. i can put the names in the <td> but i want them sorted alphabetically. from my understanding im suppose to be able to sort an array simply like this Array[].sort();..............this is the reason i need the text to be an array. Unless you know a simpler way to do this.
function postNames(){ var signersdoc = xmlHttp.responseXML; var container = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
<a href="#" onclick="showDistributors('city0','raccoon0','national0',pass link text as variable into the function "showDistributors"); alert(this.text()); return false;">St Albans</a>
How do I pass the distributor name into the function as a variable? I am having trouble finding useful information on "this" method
I'm trying to re-export a filtered set of XML data. For an input like this:
<object> <header /> <thing1> <value1>1</value1>
However, this currently returns 'undefined'. Is there any easy way to do this, or do I need to actually parse the XML below thing1 and manually write my own XML sub-tree?
After much work, I've come up with some Javascript/DOM that almost works :)
function setblocktitle(id, text) { document.getElementById(id).firstChild.nodeValue = text; }
With my HTML being: <div id="hits" class="modules"> <h2>Hits</h2> <div class="blah"> ...
The problem is, when calling setblocktitle with setblocktitle("hits", "Totals"); I end up with the attached image rather than "Hits" being replaced by "Totals".
What I want to do is add an onclick event handler to row1 to insert a row after row1. I can't seem to find a way to do it though. After creating the new row node, I could try something like document.getElementById("row1").parentNode.appendChild(newNode) but that would add the new row to the bottom of the table. The insertBefore() method is the right idea but I want to insert the new row AFTER row1 and there doesn't seem to be an insertAfter() method.
I thought about navigating through the DOM tree to get the row after row1 and then using insertBefore() but the table is generated dynamically and there won't necessarily be a next row.
I am trying to target specific DOM nodes in order to change the background color.
The html code is: <div id="rightcol"><h1>Highlights Regional</h1>
<div class="art"><a name="clergy"></a><h2><a href="clergy.html">Understanding Addiction: Recovery Tools for Clergy and Other Congregational Leaders</a></h2> <p>A unique opportunity for clergy and congregational leaders.</p></div>
I am using this javascript phrase:
var x=document.getElementById('rightcol').getElementsByTagName("A");
It is returning all of the links within 'rightcol'. What I need is the anchors, which I wish to address by individual name.