An Alert Pop Up If The Email Is Invalid And Have The Form Not Post?
Aug 30, 2011
I want have an alert pop up if the email is invalid and have the form not post. I have tried countless ways but cannot figure it out. No matter what I do, it always posts.
<script language = "Javascript">[code].....
I've tried every combination of the following toovercome the "invalid parameter" error, but failed hitherto. The url, listName and choiceText are all defined and have content. I've stepped through the jquery functions that support these calls and have not been able to identify the invalid argument, or by process of elimination.
Last week after much searching, I found the answer to my problem in this newsgroup. I can't find the thread from which I got my solution, but I wanted to report back what worked.
When the site visitor fills out the form and submits it, this calls a rather ordinary asp script like formmail.asp that sends the emails and displays a "thank you" web page. At the very end of my "thank you" web page I placed the following:
This causes the file download to get triggered, and asks the user if they want to save the file. In limited testing this appears to work fine in both Firefox and IE.
I´m trying to list a couple of folders and by checking the checkbox a list is created of the selected folders. This list would preferably be send by email or just listed afterwards!
I found the precursor of this script online, I modified a few small things, I ran the results through jslint, I fixed the apparent errors, and then I formatted it. This is what I came up with:
function clearText(thefield){ if (thefield.defaultValue == thefield.value){ thefield.value = ""; } } function echeck(str){ [Code]....
I need to use string split to get two outputs for an email address, one output the user name and the second to be the domain name, for example needs to be seperated at the @ symbol so one output would be the xxxx and the second would be How to get the second output right.
<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function convertEmail(inEmail) { var atPosition; var stringLength; var username; var domain; username = inEmail.indexOf("@"); stringLength = inEmail.length; domain = inEmail.substr(0,atPosition); username = inEmail.substr(atPosition+1, stringLength); domain = inEmail.substr(atPosition+1, stringLength); return username ; return domain; }emailIn = prompt("Enter username@domain", "Doe@Jane"); alert (convert (inEmail)) alert (convert (inEmail)) </script></body></html>
i have some script java script which is working but i want to do it some thing else
This script is working for email validation also if email box is empty it says to fill it i want that for all if some one left any box in form it says fill that. i have tried many ways but failed that's why posting here. and the last function is for contactno INPUT field so one can only put number in the field. HTML CODE
I would like to code a couple of scripts for saving various data into cookies, and then post them to e-mail through a cgi script. To be more clear, I want to save some questionare's answers given through a series of html pages, to cookies. When (and if) the last question is answered, send all the answers to an e-mail address.
I have been looking for a way to give something back to this forum as it has helped me greatly, and I am hoping that this might be of value to someone.
Basically I was just tired of consistantly commenting and uncommenting out alerts in my code so I wrote some code that would allow me to keep my alerts and only show them when I wanted to, and only the types of alerts I wanted to show.
I thought that using bitwise operators would give me the flexibility to specify different options and a quick way of finding out what options were wanted. There are other ways of doing this of course, and this is one approach.
The bitwise OR operator "|" says if one of the two vars has the bit set, then set the bit. the bitwise AND operator "&" says if both of the two vars has the bit set, then set the bit.
It starts with my bitwise values:
var NONE = new Number(0);// 00000000 var ALL = new Number(1);// 00000001 var INFO = new Number(2);// 00000010 var LOCAL = new Number(4);// 00000100 var PARAM = new Number(8);// 00001000 var COUNT = new Number(16);// 00010000
These values are really important. Earlier I used 0 through 5 and because of the way bitwise operations work, COUNT was equivelant to ALL and PARAM. what you are doing is blending bits and then getting a value. So, in the 0 through 5 approach, COUNT was 00000101 (5). When I OR'd ALL with PARAM I got 00000101 which was a result of 00000001 with 00000100 (4)! So be really careful if you go this route to double check that no combination of vars will equal other vars.
In our constructor we get the value thus:
function FormCheckBase( objForm, blnStateIsDebug, sCulture ) { this.Form= eval('document.' + objForm); this.Debug= new Number( blnStateIsDebug ); this.Culture= new String( sCulture ); }
with this call:
objFrm = new FormCheck( 'FormName', INFO | LOCAL | PARAM, sCulture );
Then in the instance methods of the FormCheck class, I wrap my alert boxes.
if ( this.ShowErrorAlert( this.PARAM ) ) // or whatever other value you want. { alert( sWhoAmI + "iArrayLength: " + iArrayLength ); alert( sWhoAmI + "blnBlank: " + blnBlank ); }
ShowErrorAlert does a bitwise "AND" to see if we have a match. We are also testing for ALL, and if that is passed originally, we are returning a true to show the alert.
FormCheckBase.prototype.ShowErrorAlert = function( iAlertBit ) { var bitCompareResult = new Number(0); var showMe = new Boolean(false);
I also did a couple of helper functions that would change the Debug var before I went into a method and reset it after I was done. Sometimes you might not want every single method to start showing alert boxes. So I did a SetDebugBits that sets the value of Debug and GetDebugBits that gets the current value of Debug. Call GetDebugBits first to store the current value, then call SetDebugBits to set it to whatever you want to use, and then make another call to SetDebugBits with the original value to set it back.
We mostly call our FormCheck constructor with the value of NONE, and then work on a method by method basis as we have lots of methods in the class.
I just started using jQuery, but i can't get it working. On the index.php page I want a search form, that post's to search.php. Following next, I want that the html of search.php (which will only be a table with the results), is show into the 'results' div in the index.php.
This is the code im using:
<script type="text/javascript"> /* attach a submit handler to the form */ $(document).ready(function(){ alert("Ok - 1");
The alert's are for debugging, but none of them show's up.
I'm trying to diagnose/solve a problem with internet explorer, whereby sometimes the form submits, and other times IE produces an 'invalid syntax' error.
First, I have a form, and within the form is a button bar and a <div> block which contains a table of parameters. The div block is used to create a layer.
Now, when the table contains 15 or less rows in it, any button on the button bar which calls form.submit() works as it should, however, where the table has 16 or more rows, the form.submit generates an "invalid syntax" error. IE doesnt provide any more detail on this error. Code:
I'm running validation on a form that has two components, a payments segment and an address segment. Both of these need to be within the same form. By default, the address segment is hidden. Upon validation, I would like to display the payment segment, but only if there are validation errors within that segment. Using invalidHandler, I've been able to successfully fire a function when errors are returned, but I haven't found a way to check if there are errors within that container. My plan was to check for the invalid class within that container... something like this:
$(#formname).validate({ invalidHandler : function() { if ($('.client_validation').length) $('.billingAddress').addClass('showForm'); }}}); The problem is that the invalid class (.client_validation) isn't applied when the invalidHandler function is executed.
i am creating a simple form validation script where i will ask for the username, password and email of a user. when an error is created, a text will be displayed beside the textbox. but i want to know how i can add colors to the textbox if there is an error.
I'm a little curious with regards to alerting a user to invalid data in a form field through inline alerts, rather than alert boxes and without a page load.In otherwords, if someone types in invalid data into a form field, before they hit the submit button, I'd like to use javascript the insert some red text on the side saying "this is invalid".I'm concerned that people with visual disabilities wont notice it due to their screen readers.I.e. if the screen doesn't re-load, will the screen read read the nexly inserted text or will it not do anything until a new page loads?
I have a form built and on the onclick event I validate all of the fields and then if the form is ok, on the submit event I run a javascript function to set a cookie and download a file from the current window.
I have a cgi script provided by my web host to send the contents of the form through email but they only show me how to use the cgi script to send email through the submit event of the form.
The following form validation script works, currently if one of the five fields are completed, a message appears the remaining field(s) must be completed etc. Although the information the user has inputted in the first field is cleared. How can this information be available, if there is one problem in the form it doesn't make sense that the user must re-input all the information again. I look forward to hearing your response,
Code: <script language="JavaScript"> var checkobj function agreesubmit(el){[code]....
i need to make it like if the button is clicked and there the agreement checkbox is not checked.. it should give an alert that the alert is not checked.. i know that would require a if and else statement but i cant figure out how to do it
The following code asks the user to sumbit a name, email address, and some text for a quotation via a FORM. I have written a javascript function to evaluate the fields in the form and pop-up a message to tell the user if all the fields have been fill-out. If the user has missed some information the form re-displays with red "alerts" indicating where the user have missed the information while re-populating the information the user has submitted.
May question is, after the user has successfully filled out the form, how can the submit request be forwarded to another jsp so the information can be emailed to me. I have written a jsp to accept the request and email it. This works if I remove the validation code. I am not familiar enough with javascript to be able to figure this one out. I may be on the wrong track.....
I have a form which mostly works and validates with javascript Name, details, email, etc. However the email bit is happy to validate with just @. instead of It's probably a really simple fix, but I'm still new to javascript.. Hopefully someone can point out what I need to add / change in the following section of script.
I have a form that I want to forward to my email. I had it saving to a MySQL database with PHP, but unfortunately I don't have a server where I can use the functionality of PHP. Some websites code I noticed use Javascript to do this. I don't want to use the MAILTO command. I would like my email formatted relatively nice.
Here is an example I found. <html><head> <title>Pennies on the dollar....</title> <meta name="title" content="Pennies on the dollar...." /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="keywords" content="James Lloyd Art Artist Portfolio Artwork Collection Jimmieknuckles Sweetjellyrolls Photographer, concert, Keswick theatre, two gallants,avett brothers,hoots and hellmouth, photography, portrait,digital photography,artist,godzero,debbie harry,dylan,rollins,band,bands,music,man man,islands,debbie harry,avett brothers,o'death,scat,porn,bitch,love,sex," /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[URL]" /> <meta name="verify-v1" content="EZTyzCjCcn5DuxloPDBNTaPdJFkofBjwXIDPVFzKHCg=" /> </head><body> <div id="contact_stage" class="stage"> <a id="title" href="[URL]"></a> <div id="navigation" style="position: relative"> .....
i'm not sure if something like this has been answered before, so sorry if this is a repost.what i'm trying to do is have a div become visible on an invalid form is the code that i have:
Code: function validate(c_form,email) { var reg = /^([A-Za-z0-9_-.])+@([A-Za-z0-9_-.])+.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/;