User Enters Integer Values Into An Editable Gridview
Aug 11, 2010
User enters integer values into an editable gridview. JS is meant to keep a running total in the gridview footer template while user enters the values. User clicks 'Save' button. The values are saved to database table.
1. JS does not keep a running total if there is already values saved in a database table. (Explaination: If user clicks 'select all', the previously added values are loaded. Can edit these and running total works. But, if user is entering numbers for the first time into a blank editable gridview, the js does not work).
2. Cannot access label in gridview footer template. 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'. If label is placed in normal gridview row, it is fine. However, it needs to be in the footer.
javascript function
Meant to be in footer template but placed in normal row for now:
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Sep 22, 2010
I want to automatically calculate the result when user enters values.. but keypress or keyup is not working...
<label>No 1</label>
<input type="text" name="n1"/><span></span>
<label>No 2</label>
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Dec 3, 2009
how would i display the numbers the user enters and display the average of their numbers?
<title>CSC107, while loops</title>
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May 22, 2010
I'm trying to set a cookie when a user enters a page. The cookie is for youtube to make videos default to widescreeen.
I know that the cookie name is wide, the value should be set to 1, the domain should be but I dont know how to do it properly. Ive been trying to set it from a link, so when a user clicks the link and it opens in a frame, the cookie is set so that the youtube video opens as widescreen in the frame.
however, whenever I look at my list of cookies, it isnt being created.
is this the best way to do this?
(I found how the cookie is created by checking the values of the cookies when I pressed the 'right turn' arrow on a youtube video)
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to put up a page for my students for them to be able to enter
their class number into a field and instantly get a personalized text
message. (ie student number 5 enters "5" and gets a message like
"Congratulations on your homerun in Kickball Bobby!"
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Sep 10, 2007
I am working on a online video portal build on flash/actionScript.
If I enter a url of a video when another video is playing, it doesn't playing the new video but it keeps on playing the old video. The reason I think is as it is a RIA, it doesn't refreshes the page and looks for a flash object and its already cached so it doesn't makes any http request in order to play the new video.
So I am planning to claer the cache.
how to clear the cache when a user enters something in address bar and press enter key?
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Jan 24, 2010
I have this page - [URL] in which i want to make the table editable, for our members to enter their job details..
In the table, the title would have to be linked so i need some sort of function for user to link their text into a url link
The page will be viewable by all but only our members using password can edit the table and when they have press save the page will get updated - kinder like a cms
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Oct 29, 2010
I have a HTML form containing two text box controls in it and a submit button. When a user enters information in those two textboxes and click on submit, the information is sent to a function in Javascript. In the javascript, the information from those textboxes is stored in a javascript variable. The problem is as follows:When I am inputting string text in the html text boxes and in the javascript when I am trying to print those values, it is giving me out an error saying NaN. However when i input integer values in the text boxes it is printing those numbers. Is there a conversion that I have to do for the string to be printed. I am new to Javascript and need your help. This is a basic code of Javascript. Below is the code that I have.
<script type = "text/javascript">
function square(form)
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Feb 25, 2011
I have some asp:radiobutton lists that need to update a label with the sum of their values each time a user selects a new value. I am brand new to javascripting and would like some insight on how to get this done. I have inserted my code below. :thumbsup:
<asp:Label runat="server" Text="Greeting:" /> <asp:Label runat="server" ForeColor="Red" ID="lbl_GreetingScore" Text="0" />
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdb1_1" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
<asp:ListItem Selected="True" Text="N/A" Value="4" />
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Aug 29, 2010
I have created a table that allows the user to edit specific cells by clicking on them. Their new entered values set the value on the table. They then should be able to submit a form which sets several hidden inputs equal to the values in the table then passing the information to a php page to process. However, the php page doesn't output anything when it is submitted. This is the form layout.
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Jun 3, 2011
I am attempting to provide the user with an estimated price value given their input in 2 form fields.
One is a dropdown and the other is a radio button set. They will output to a text box
I was able to achieve the desired result using integers as the text box options. However, when i replaced them with strings, the calculations no longer work (obviously )
My problem are:
1. Associating integer values with the word items listed in the dropdown. Example: "standard" should have a value of 100, "deluxe" =200 etc...
2. actually getting the calculation to complete using both dropdown and radio button elements. I'm not sure what logic to use to get it to total out. I essentially want the selected plan flat rate cost ($100 for "standard", $200 for "deluxe")to be added to the additional units cost ($50*number of units selected)
Refer to the reference URL for my intended layout and functionality [url]
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm trying to implement is a table with editable rows and columns that will feed back into a database. If I could do it with AJAX that would be great too, but I'm not too familiar with javascript. I don't need the code, I need more of an idea. The HTML Table is currently a recreation of the MySQL table minus a few columns. Its all in text, but if I could make the text editable, or better yet, make the text turn into input boxes it would be really cool. I'm not really sure what kind of methods and properties I would need, or quite how to put it all together. What do you think is the best way to go about the entire project?
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Jul 20, 2005
First script, 'xxx.js' returns value 'document.write('integer');
So in HTML:
<script language='javascript' src='xxx.js'></script>
will write ie. 123 on my page in browser.
Can I get this integer or text 'document.write('integer')' to variable in
another script? So it would be something like this:
<script landuage='javascript>
a=<script ... src='xxx.js'></script>;
</script> ...
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Sep 13, 2006
I am trying to learn how to do this one thing with JavaScript and can't seem to find anything on the internet. I have learned about loops and arrays and some other useful stuff. I've been looking for 2 days straight. I have gotten close though.
I am trying to have a textbox on the page and a button below it. A statement above the textbox should ask the user to enter a positive integer and then click the button. When the button is clicked the results from 0 to that number should appear below the button. Should look like this
please enter positive integer.
I have been trying night and day for 2 days now and It's driving me insane.
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Mar 3, 2006
I have a text box which will receive its value from a pop-up date picker.
The user should not be able to edit this field with the keyboard or mouse.
I am using ASP.NET. If I set the readonly property of the textbox to true,
it won't let the user change it and it can receive its value from the pop-op
calendar, just what I need. Problem is, after a postback, value is lost.
So I think Javascript may come to the rescue here. Is there a way to make a
field "non user-editable" without setting the "readonly" attribute? Maybe a
trick to make the field reject focus?
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Jul 6, 2009
I have a form that gets values that a user has selected from a list menu field, that end up like this added to the URL:[url]
Instead of the Field being mentioned more than once, how can I have it where it could mention the field once with the values coma separated eg:[url]
Would I use JS to change the URL? or VBscript?
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Jun 29, 2011
have facing a problem with .toggle()i have a requirement that when i click a button a row will be editable when i click it again the row will not be editable.when i use .toggle with alert, the first time it shows the first alert. when i click it a second time it shows alert 2. when i press ok on alert 2, alert 1 fires. how do i stop this?
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Jul 29, 2011
I'm using a version of the tab system shown here: URL... and I was wondering how I would go about a couple of things...
1) When the tab loads, bring it to the foreground
2) If someone enters a tab title that already exists, then load that tab rather than creating a new one.
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Oct 1, 2009
I'm having a problem with IE, while it works in FF: the var doesn't save any aka enter.
I have the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function addu() {
var message = window.prompt("Enter the text that needs to be underlined below");
if (message != "" && message != "null") {
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Feb 25, 2006
With Java script when a user hits submit on a form on my site, is it possible to take the values from the form and submit them to another form on another Url without the user who submitted the form on my site
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Apr 9, 2011
I'm creating a calculator. This calculator has a memory function in it. When people inserted a value in the calculator then the user can save this value with button "M+". When the user wants to use this value again he can simply paste it into the calculator with button "MR".
This works fine, however I'm working on a function that will remember the different memory value when a user clicks on the button. So if the memorized value is 5, and the user will click the button "ATA" (add to array) it will create the value "5" into an array (which will be the value of array[0]. When the user remembers a other memory value, lets say 9, and clicks on the button "ATA" again it will create the value "9" into the same array (which will be the value of array[1]).
My current method doesn't seem to work, it only saves the first value.
// ATA
function saveAta() {
var saved = new Array();
saved.push(m); // variable m is from the function of M+
Got the complte script running here: [URL]
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Apr 9, 2011
I'm very new to javascript and I have a question. I'm creating a calculator. This calculator has a memory function in it. When people inserted a value in the calculator then the user can save this value with button "M+". When the user wants to use this value again he can simply paste it into the calculator with button "MR".
This works fine, however I'm working on a function that will remember the different memory value when a user clicks on the button. So if the memorized value is 5, and the user will click the button "ATA" (add to array) it will create the value "5" into an array (which will be the value of array[0]. When the user remembers a other memory value, lets say 9, and clicks on the button "ATA" again it will create the value "9" into the same array (which will be the value of array[1]).
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Sep 20, 2010
I need help with javascript regular expressions.I have a text box in which user can enter only 4 types of values.
1) Varchar(n) where 0 < n <=80. Ex: Varchar(20)
2) Char(n) where 0 < n <=80. Ex: Char(20)
3) numeric(x,y) where x>y and 1<= x <=35 and 0<= y <=15. Ex: numeric(20,6)
If the text box value doesnot match this pattern, we should throw him alert message.
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Jun 13, 2011
I have a form which contains a few drop down lists.The contents of the dropdown lists are dependent on each other and are populated via php scripts which are called each time a selection is made or changed by the user.When the view results button is clicked in the form I need the user to be directed to a specific page based on the selections they have made.The url of the page they need to be directed to is really based on what has been chosen in the first dropdown.
The subsequent dropdowns form variables that I need to be sent to the page so that the data the user sees on that page is if the user has chosen bikes then a specific manufacturer then a specific price range the page they will be sent to will be the bike.php page with all the manufacturer specific bikes in their chosen price range visible. Can anyone tell me the best way to go about doing this please?I had thought about using the php header script along with an if statement but how do I then go about getting the variables sent to the page to be recognised?
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Jul 4, 2005
I need to use Javascript or similar to do this, but not certain. I want to set up a form in HTML to sell photo prints. I'd like the user to be able to select a print size (eg 4x6 or 5x8 or 7x9) and as a result, two values are set:
1. the print size in text (eg Ɗ" x 6" print')
2. the price of the print (eg $5.00)
How do I code my form so that two values are set at once, and if the user changes their mind (eg selects 5x8), the two values are set again.
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Jun 13, 2011
I have a form which contains a few drop down lists.
The contents of the dropdown lists are dependent on each other and are populated via php scripts which are called each time a selection is made or changed by the user.
When the view results button is clicked in the form I need the user to be directed to a specific page based on the selections they have made.
The url of the page they need to be directed to is really based on what has been chosen in the first dropdown. The subsequent dropdowns form variables that I need to be sent to the page so that the data the user sees on that page is relevant.
ie if the user has chosen bikes then a specific manufacturer then a specific price range the page they will be sent to will be the bike.php page with all the manufacturer specific bikes in their chosen price range visible.
I had thought about using the php header script along with an if statement but how do I then go about getting the variables sent to the page to be recognised?
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