Updating A Table

Jul 20, 2005

I was wondering if anybody could help me out a little. My goal is to
update some information about a system every 2-5 seconds. The
information needs to be displayed in some sort of table, but the size
of the table needs to be able to shrink and grow. The main problem
here is updating the table without refreshing the entire page and
making any clicking noises. I was thinking maybe I can put the table
in an iframe and use javascript somehow to update the iframe whenever

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JQuery :: Updating A Table Whit $.post ?

Oct 6, 2011

I've 2 little problems in my page....i've already done the functional script in php for erasing and inserting a row into a table...but i've a problem...this row contains 2 links that are for erasing and modifying the row.... it happen that when i insert a row (that has class="edit" and it's for working on ajax...) i can erase and modify only the old rows and not the new ones...probably cause javascript takes all the element of a general class only at the loading of the page and link them to the onclick function....

I post the code here...

The html+php table

And when i insert a row into the db i update the table with this script

Where the data appended to the table is a row of the table given from the php script

Another thing,as you can see, is that i would like to know how to pop up a new alert if data from the last function on the $.post is equal to a string

I tried to do it with the compareto js function but it didn't seem to work....

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JQuery :: Updating Table Row After Ajax Call

Jun 6, 2011

I am (finally) successfully calling and running a php script using $.ajax() and now I need to update a table row as a result of that. In the ajax I have these variables for the updated row: docID, docName, docDescription. Since the docID is used elsewhere on the page, I'll need to start with the table id, which is #docsTable.

The rows that I need to update look like this:
<tr bgcolor="#EFE5D3" style="font-weight: bold;">
<td width="25px"><a class="docEditLink" name="33" href="#">Edit</a></td>
<td width="20px"><input type="checkbox" name="removeDocs[]" value="33" /></td>
<td>Document Name</td>
<td>Document Description</td></tr>

The name attribute is the docID, so that is unique within that table, for that document. So, my question is, how can I build a selector that will allow me to change the 3rd and 4th <td> tags with document name and document description, respectively?

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Updating MySQL DB From HTML Table Values?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm dynamically outputting the contents of a MySQL table using Python, to a HTML table, which users view (obviously) through a web browser. It looks great, but the problem is that I'd like users to be able to update these values. For example, I have the current value of certain fields in text boxes. I'd like users to be able to change those values, then hit a submit button or similar (ideally on-the-fly) to update the dB. I imagine javascript will need to pass values to a Python script, but I don't know what the best way to go about this is.

# Python code embedded in a .psp file
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT from_name, from_address, project, orb_proj, app, tier, environment,


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Live Updating Table Instead Of Having To Refresh The Page?

Mar 22, 2010

i have a table, with records pulled from a mysql database with users who can earn points. is there anyway i could have the points update live, insted of having to refresh the page?

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Row Number, Total And Grand Total Not Updating In Dynamic Table?

Sep 12, 2011

I am making making class project and faced with some problems. I have found script (here) and learned.

1. not updating row number and row ID after deleting rows

2. not updating total sum if user change quantity

3. not updating grand total after deleting and changing quantity

<script type="text/javascript">[code].....

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Updating A Div With Prototype

May 17, 2011

I have <div id ="changeable"> with some html in it. I have a link that calls the function to replace the info in the div. The problem is that the "creative_development.inc" file is added to the top of the div and does not replace the content. How do I replace the content, and not just add content?

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Content Not Updating In IE?

Dec 4, 2009

I'm creating a simple auto updating script based on PHP and using jQuery to set the interval to 1000 miliseconds. It works in FireFox, as the only one I've tested so far, but in Internet Explorer (Version 7 right now, didn't test others) it just freezes and doesn't auto update. Doesn't auto update either if I refresh the page, so something's messed up here.I'm using the same way of auto updating on other things, such as a chat-page - works on those in all browsers, so I'm kinda on a lost track here.

Here's the JavaScript/jQuery:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>


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Updating DOM Components

Jan 19, 2006

I've not done much in the way of JS, if really anything other than using javascript.com before, so this may be me bieng quite m00bish, but I am having problems with my script on a page.

In a nutshell, the script I have currently allows my viewers to make a selection from a drop-down list, and as a result, the embedded WMP object below starts streaming the selected video.

WMP gets the video name from the VALUE= element of each list item.

My aim is that as well as the page starting the selected video, that a paragraph of text will appear under the WMP object based on the selection showing information regarding that video.

I've tried playing with a VAR element, and then using document.write to print the variable name to the screen, but this only writes the value of the variable at the time of page loading, and does not refresh.

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Updating Checkbox Value

Apr 14, 2006

What I am trying to do is assign a value to unchecked checkboxes. To do this I am running a function upon the submission of a form that checks the boxes for a value, and if they are not checked, assigns a value to them. I though I had it working, but for some reason I am getting a syntax error with the line that contains the "else"

My code is as below. The form name is deleterows and the form is dynamic so there can be any number of checkboxes (hence the for loop). Code:

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Updating Div Element

Nov 12, 2004

I'm trying to make a physics program and have run into some trouble when i tried to update the div element by using the document.getElementById("target").innerHTML=c command, its in a loop and is supposed to update through every increment of the loop, but rather it only updates when it reaches the end of the loop. Here's the code:

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Updating The Variable Value?

Oct 23, 2010

I have a slideshow that also has links to allow the user to pick which slide they want to go to. That works okay for the most part, but once the user has selected a slide the slideshow continues to run, which I want to happen, but it continues to the next slide from when the loop function ran initially instead of the next slide in the show from the current slide. I tried recalling the function from the link function, but that really didn't do anything. I realize...at least I think that I realize that the function needs to be rerun from the new value of the count variable, but everything that I've tried to make it do that has been a colossal fail.Again I'm a novice here and this has to be written in plain javascript, otherwise I'd have gotten this done via jquery in probably 3 lines of code.

Here's what my code is looking like right now:

<script type="text/javascript">
//preload images


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Updating An Image With Same Src Name

Jan 29, 2010

I've made a simple ajax script that's supposed to update a captcha image. The only part that doesn't work is where the new image replaces the old one on the page. The problem is that they both have the same source name which means that if I just update the image src, or the innerHTML of the div surrounding it, nothing happens, since the image src is the same and so would the innerHTML be.

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JQuery :: $(object).css('key','value') Is Not Updating?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm using jQuery 1.3.4 right now, and I have the problem where .css is not updating the style information of two items:The code below produces the underlined lines of output. The red parts show where I expect my calls to .css to update the values, and I do not see updated values. I've added '//FAIL' after the lines that aren't doing what I expect them to do, and also highlighted them in red.nyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong, or what might be causing this?

Element X (701.4833374023438) Y (284.41668701171875) W H cont(PM_MENU 499.48333740234375 217.06666564941406 200 47 itc() 501.48333740234375 284.41668701171875 200 13 INITIAL submenu (PM_BC_MENU) 86.58332824707031


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Variables Not Updating OnClick?

Mar 25, 2009

I have a program that via an html form asks the user for information. When the user clicks submit a function is run that checks the values, if the values aren't of the correct type (nan etc) then an alert box pops up. If not then it proceeds to the results.

My problem is that the values of the fields in the form are picked up when the submit button is first pressed but when I correct the field errors and press submit again, it throws up the same errors in the alert box.

So how come the first time I press submit it gets the updated values of the variables (which contain the form values) but the second time it doesn't and I have to refresh??

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Updating A New Window With A Button?

Aug 17, 2009

I'm trying to set up a new window that contains a button. Then, if the user clicks the button, the window would display new information accordingly. I have written a simple test that won't seem to work:

<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
var count = 0;
function Window() {


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Variable Not Updating Fast Enough?

Sep 16, 2011

I just wrote some javascript with a counter to call an ajax call of many records, but when it is around the 50th record the counter variable is not updating in time for the next ajax call resulting in duplicate results cause ajax is pullin the previous query again

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Updating Div From External Txt File

Nov 15, 2011

I have a scroller on my pages that basically reads a text file and displays.. The problem that I am having is it doesn't update until I reload the page(even though the .txt file updates about every 3 minutes).. I would like it to update when the file has been changed.. Here is my page.


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BackgroundColor Partly Updating?

Aug 18, 2007

I have written a javascript version of tetris and at every 10th cleared line, I change the body background color more towards red. However, the page only seems to update parts of the background. It is only after min/maxing the window or otherwise forcing a redraw that the whole page background is actually updated to the correct color.

Any idea why this is and if/how this can be fixed?

This line works as expected, but it may be relevant to highlight.
document.body.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(255," +GB+ "," +GB+ ")";

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Window Title Not Updating...

Jul 25, 2005

i've a simple script that basically replaces the textnode attached to the title tag. and i thought since i'm updating the title tag the window title will automatically change. unfortunately it does not :(. what is wrong ?

function getText(txtMsg) {
if ( document.createTextNode ) {
return document.createTextNode(textMsg);
return false;
function setTitle(newTitle) {
var title = document.getElementsByTagName("title");
if ( title[0] ) {
title[0].replaceChild(getText(newTitle), title[0].firstChild);

i know for sure this can be done coz gmail does that...but still wondering how else ??
btw i checked if this was getting updated to to DOM properly and it did that too

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Ajax :: Updating Db With Jquery

Jan 17, 2011

I am working on submitting a form with various info to update on db using jquery, ajax. The db is updating perfectly when I disable JS on firefox. When enabled, a few fields (adID, userID, comments) are not updating on the db. The field userID updated as zero, but the other two are blank.


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Updating Textarea From A Popup?

Dec 22, 2010

Basically, what I want to do is update a textarea in the parent window with data from the child (pop-up) window.There's an add image button on the main parent window that, when clicked, opens a pop-up window to upload an image and select its alignment (left, center and right). When the image is uploaded successfully, I want to send an img tag with the path to the newly uploaded file (and the alignment in the style attribute) to a textarea in the parent window.The original plan was to upload the file in the parent window itself, but any Ajax file uploading tutorial that I read didn't work in my code, though I tested it outside of my code and it worked fine (didn't refresh the page). It doesn't need to be on the parent page, I just thought it would be easier than doing it through a pop-up window, and I don't want to bother figuring out why it's not working with my code so I'm sticking with a pop-up

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Updating Picture On Several Pages?

Dec 9, 2011

I don't know if this is the right place to post this question but I think javascript might offer a solution. I have a 125 X 156 jpeg image with some text underneath in the right column of my home (.html) page and the same image and text in the right column of 47 other (.html) pages. When I alter the image and text in my home page I don't want to do the same 47 other times. How can I alter the image and text once and the alteration is reflected in all pages.

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Updating Values Of A Form?

Sep 10, 2010

Is there a way in Javascript i can update the element with id #container to be the value of the #name?

PHP Code:
<form action="" method="post" name="form_name" id="form_name">


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Name/id Not Updating When Cloning Node

Jan 11, 2006

I'm using a fieldset with a set of form elements as a template, but when I clone the node and try to change the contained element names + ids, they are being set at some point, because I can 'alert' the new names/ids out, but they are not being changed in time to be written to the DOM.

The code is here. Take '?debug' off the address to ditch the alerts.

It's probably a dumb mistake I've made along the way, but I can't see the wood for the trees
Any pointers would be great.

UPDATE: The function in question is 'addDate'. I have a form generated from PHP and I want to clone a group of elements and rename each from 'startTime1[h]' to 'startTime2[h]' etc. but the new elements are keeping the same name 'startTime1[h]'.

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AJAX Updating Multiple Div's

Mar 25, 2007

What's the easiest way to update multiple div's with AJAX? Right now I'm using the following code to update one div, but right after I've updated that div I would need to update another div that is dependent on the first div that is updated. Code:

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