I have a HTML form containing two text box controls in it and a submit button. When a user enters information in those two textboxes and click on submit, the information is sent to a function in Javascript. In the javascript, the information from those textboxes is stored in a javascript variable. The problem is as follows:When I am inputting string text in the html text boxes and in the javascript when I am trying to print those values, it is giving me out an error saying NaN. However when i input integer values in the text boxes it is printing those numbers. Is there a conversion that I have to do for the string to be printed. I am new to Javascript and need your help. This is a basic code of Javascript. Below is the code that I have.
<html> <script type = "text/javascript"> function square(form)
I have since lost the username for ftp access to the site and remade it with paid hosting instead of free hosting, with my own domain name and everything the old site was number 2 for searching for patrick allard on google, but the new site is far down the list [URL]. I've tried contacting the free hosting provider, trying to get him to delete the site or relink it, but no avail.
I am using javascript to create a table-ish layout, I am using the following function to resize the 'cells' within a 'row'. It is layed out such that there is an 'insert cell' at each end to drop new 'cells' into as well as an 'insert cell' between each 'data cell'.
Each 'insert cell' is only 1.25% wide and the function should resize the 'data cells' evenly; it does change the width attribute when viewed with firefox's DOM inspector but doesn't actually render as a different width. Here is the function:
function resizeCells(row){ var datacells=(row.childNodes.length-1)/2; var insertcells=datacells+1; var insertcellstotal=insertcells*1.25; var datacellstotal=100-insertcellstotal; var datacellwidth=datacellstotal/datacells; var cells=row.childNodes; for(var cell=1 ; cell < cells.length ; cell+=2 ){ cells[cell].setAttribute('width',datacellwidth + '%');
I have clear text, without html code. (in text area) and I want to take from this text numbers for every pertes. but, from attaquant is one var and for defenseur is second var, (every next line is own var too). But I don't know how to take this numbers,(in every next text like this, numbers is different).
This is text which I working on. Round : 1 Attaquant Serenity SR6 Total : 1 | Pertes : 0 (0%)
I'm developing a site in HTML 5 and SVG, just for the heck of it. I have a portion of the site that uses the <embed> tag to load a new SVG when you change pages, which, in theory, would let me do effects between pages. However, no matter what I try, there is a white flash as the new SVG is loaded into the page. So, I figured I would make the embedded area invisible until it loaded, which was no big deal. But when I tried it, the flash still happened! So, I built a pause function to wait a bit longer. It sill flashes. Anyway, 7 hours later, I've determined that the newly embedded page isn't actually being downloaded and embedded until the end of the changePage() function is reached.
Here's my java script:
var close1; var close2; var bar; var svgLoaded = false;
I am trying to dynamically close a div overlay. I have an x that dynamically appears, then closes when the user presses it. I want the overlay to also close when the user clicks the close button. So far I've tried to bind the click event to my button but its not working.
CSS: div#testbutton{} HTML <a href="#" id="testbutton"><img id="testbutton" class="close" src="/images/common/button-close.gif"/></a>
I have a web app which allows users to select multiple items from a select tag. I then call a JS function on submit which collects all the options they've selected and then adds them to the value attribute of a hidden input. The options selected are then used at a later time. This works fine on IE and Firefox, but both Chrome and Safari for not adding the selected values to the value attribute of the hidden input. Are there any JS issues for Chrome and Safari that could be responsible for this?
I am having some trouble with my code in that I am trying to take the value from the date of birth field and check to see if over 18 years old. I they are not over 18, a window.alert dialog box pops up to tell them. Below is the check if 18 validation.
Script section in the document head:
//check if over 18 function overAge(){ var age;
Code for body section:
Date of Birth: <br/> <input type = "text" name = "date" value = "(mm/dd/yyyy)"/>
I'm getting a value from the database either true/false. I have a alert box that shows it being true/false. I want a checkbox to be checked if true else not. Here is the line of code that I have and it just automatically checks everytime, which I obviously don't want.
I've been stepping back and trying to understand basic ajax calls again. I want to build up a simple gallery. I've got that done, but now I want to add fades, and eventually slides effects to the main image. I can't figure out how to coordindate the timing or a fadeOut on the current image with a fadein on the incoming image. Any thoughts? Right now it just fades and the of course gets hidden.Also not sure if I should fade a container around the image, or the image itself as I've done here,
I have a form on a web page, with one field to enter a code, to search for a property.On clicking 'submit' I want to be able to run a script asynchronously in the background.The script will need to run a MYSQL statement which will have one of these results:
1. The property code does not exist, so display a Javascript Alert saying it does not exist.
2. The property is for sale, so call an existing javscript function 'saleSubmit(propertyCode)' to overwrite the exsiting web page with a new page sale.php for that property code
3. The property is for rent, so call an existing javscript function 'rentSubmit(propertyCode)' to overwrite the exsiting web page with a new page rent.php for that property code
My slills are in PHP and MySQL and I have no knowledge of tools like Ajax, jQuery and I am currently having problems getting my head around it. I have spent ages visiting lots of websites looking for examples on how to do this with little success.
It is a beginners problem I'm sure but I'm making a menu and when hovered, the submenu appear. However, when moving the mouse the submenu keeps fading in and out a few times. Why? Can I stop the function from repeating itself over and over? [code]...
I displaying mysql data in a webpage using div's and tables. Each row of data has 4 div's, and a certain style. The 4 div's will be repeated for each row of the query result. I want to repeat the style for each set of div's as they are created. I imagine this would/could be achieved using and array of style id's such as: ID1a, ID1b, ID1c, ID1d ID2a, ID2b, ID2c, ID2d etc, etc.... How can I create/repeat these style ID's as I create/repeat the div's?
I'm making a webpage for a school project and I need modifying this timer here: [URL]I want it to countdown from 48 hours, and as soon as it counts down, I need it to reset. I need an endless countdown of 48 hours.
I want to display 4 random images and I would like to get them to NOT repeat themselves. So if image one is randomly selected as "aceclubs.png" I don't want image two to be the same and so on for the other images. This currently the code I'm using right now. I've been duplicating this function with different names for each of the 4 images. However it sometimes produces two of the same image and I don't want that.
function random_ace(){ var cardace = new Array(4) cardace[0] = "aceclubs.png"; cardace[1] = "acediamonds.png"; cardace[2] = "acehearts.png"; cardace[3] = "acespades.png";
var randomace = Math.floor(Math.random()*cardace.length); var ace = cardace[randomace]; card1.src=ace }
I've found this code elsewhere and am currently using it to load 5 random pages that automatically refresh to another in the array after 10 seconds. This works great. But is there a way of altering this code so it doesn't repeat any of the pages - atleast until it's displayed each page once?
At the moment it can display 'page5' 3 or 4 times before I even see 'page2' for example - which is annoying!. [code]...
i am making a request using Ajax (JQuery) and it keeps repeating the request, it almost seems like it is inside a loop even though it is not inside a loop.