I have clear text, without html code. (in text area) and I want to take from this text numbers for every pertes. but, from attaquant is one var and for defenseur is second var, (every next line is own var too). But I don't know how to take this numbers,(in every next text like this, numbers is different).
This is text which I working on.
Round : 1
Serenity SR6 Total : 1 | Pertes : 0 (0%)
its possible to limit variables example I have a variable called myCurrency containing 3.454 well sort of pass it to a function that makes it become 3.45 though if the third number is higher than 5 it rounds it.
Is it possible to use splice() with a variable index. I understand that splice(1, 1) means start at index position 1 and remove 1 item. However, I want the index position to be a variable, since I don't know the actual index number of the item to delete at runtime. Is this possible?
how to add up a series of text boxes which contain numbers that a user will input and have the total of those text boxes show up in a quantity text box on the next page.
Not sure if i should use javascript or php, but i don't know how to do it either
I want to select numbers from a list box and add it to a text box with comma separated. my java script code does not work into browser but work fine into eclipse jsp view.
function passingNumbersToTextArea(numToCall,allNum) { var numFromList=document.getElementById(allNum); var numToTextArea=document.getElementById(numToCall); if(numToTextArea.value.search(numFromList.value)!=-1)//if duplicate Number is exist { alert("Duplicate Number Can not be added :"); return false; } else { if(numToTextArea.value.length!=0) { // If textarea has value than it added another value with comma seperated numToTextArea.value=numToTextArea.value+','+numFromList.value; return false; } else { numToTextArea.value=numFromList.value; return false; } } }
javascript debugger shows error Error ``numToTextArea is null'' [x-] in file ``http://localhost:8888/SparkServiceProvisioningSystem/home.jsf'', line 21, character 0. Exception ``TypeError: numToTextArea is null'' thrown from function passingNumbersToTextArea(allNum=string:"allNumbers", numToCall=string:"numberToCall") in <http://localhost:8888/SparkServiceProvisioningSystem/home.jsf> line 21. [e] message = [string] "numToTextArea is null" Exception ``TypeError: numToTextArea is null'' thrown from function onclick(event=MouseEvent:{0}) in <http://localhost:8888/SparkServiceProvisioningSystem/home.jsf> line 1. [e] message = [string] "numToTextArea is null" Error ``TypeError: numToTextArea is null'' [x-] in file ``http://localhost:8888/SparkServiceProvisioningSystem/home.jsf'', line 21, character 0.
i want to use the jQuery UI Slider plugin in my website, however rather than using numbers i want to use 4 different options (easy, medium, hard, very hard), for the user to choose on the slider, how would i do this.
This is the slider i want to use jQuery UI Slider Snap to Increments
I made a form with text inputs but notice you can use special symbols. I want to only allo charaters like letters and numbers that is it.Is there any jquery function that cna do such a thing... if not how do you implement something that will filter it.
I have a database script that returns dates in the following format:
I have been using the following code to change this format to dd-mm-yyyy:
<script type="text/javascript"> var myString = "[[date]]"; var mySplitResult = myString.split("-");document.write(mySplitResult[2] + "/" + mySplitResult[1] + "/" + mySplitResult[0] ); </script>
However, I now want to display the date in text format, e.g. 01-08-2009 would be displayed as 01 August 2009.how I change the script to show this format?
I have searched the internet and couldn't find a problem regarding this issue. The thing I want to do is simply validate a text input so when you enter a number in it, it won't validate and give you an error message. This is the code:
I'm creating a page that calculates a number depending on what value is inputted into a text field. I need to create some javascript that updates this new calculated value and outputs it next to the input field. Anytime the user changes the number, it recalculates the value. My calculation is currently being produced by PHP, however if I need to, I can create javascript as well to recalculate these numbers.
I'm primarily a database programmer (Mysql and PHP) but I have some Javascript programming and I have been programming in other languages for over 25 years.
On to my problem:
I'm trying the create a function in Javascript which will take a variable from three different text boxes and show the net result in a fourth text box that is ReadOnly. This is all on the same page. All three text boxes have other Javascript scripts formatting the value in the text boxes.
Now that is fine when the text is only one line long. Suppose it's longer? What I want to do is have Javascript give the variable contentString its text from a hosted text file in a similar manner to the way Javascript can insert more Javascript using a hosted .js file.
I illustrate what I need to do using some "dummy" javascript:
I have since lost the username for ftp access to the site and remade it with paid hosting instead of free hosting, with my own domain name and everything the old site was number 2 for searching for patrick allard on google, but the new site is far down the list [URL]. I've tried contacting the free hosting provider, trying to get him to delete the site or relink it, but no avail.
I am using javascript to create a table-ish layout, I am using the following function to resize the 'cells' within a 'row'. It is layed out such that there is an 'insert cell' at each end to drop new 'cells' into as well as an 'insert cell' between each 'data cell'.
Each 'insert cell' is only 1.25% wide and the function should resize the 'data cells' evenly; it does change the width attribute when viewed with firefox's DOM inspector but doesn't actually render as a different width. Here is the function:
function resizeCells(row){ var datacells=(row.childNodes.length-1)/2; var insertcells=datacells+1; var insertcellstotal=insertcells*1.25; var datacellstotal=100-insertcellstotal; var datacellwidth=datacellstotal/datacells; var cells=row.childNodes; for(var cell=1 ; cell < cells.length ; cell+=2 ){ cells[cell].setAttribute('width',datacellwidth + '%');
I'm developing a site in HTML 5 and SVG, just for the heck of it. I have a portion of the site that uses the <embed> tag to load a new SVG when you change pages, which, in theory, would let me do effects between pages. However, no matter what I try, there is a white flash as the new SVG is loaded into the page. So, I figured I would make the embedded area invisible until it loaded, which was no big deal. But when I tried it, the flash still happened! So, I built a pause function to wait a bit longer. It sill flashes. Anyway, 7 hours later, I've determined that the newly embedded page isn't actually being downloaded and embedded until the end of the changePage() function is reached.
Here's my java script:
var close1; var close2; var bar; var svgLoaded = false;