Sum Of Fields In Dynamic Fieldset?
Nov 19, 2011
Here is the trouble: The duplication of the fieldset works great.
I have another script which is creating a sum of the fields named "unitPrice" in the original fieldset. When I add a new fieldset with the new unitPrice fields do not get calculated into the sum. I am sure they are being renamed but what name would I use and how do I write it into the calculation so that I have a total of all of the unitPrice fields?
Here is the Fieldset script:
function insertAfter(newElement, targetElement)
var parent = targetElement.parentNode;
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Nov 22, 2011
I am using a script that duplicates a fieldset and an onBlur event that updates a sub total when you enter a value into 3 fields in the set but I am having one glitch
Here is the trouble: The duplication of the fieldset works great.
I have another script which is creating a sum ("sum") of the fields named "unitPrice" in the original fieldset. When I duplicate the fieldset that has the new "unitPrice" fields they do not get calculated into that sum. I am sure the "unitPrice" fields are being renamed in the new fieldset but what name would I use and how do I write it into the calculation so that the sub total ("sum") is updated with all of the "unitPrice" fields?
<title> Untitled </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
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Sep 6, 2011
I will like to know if there is anyway to view all the rules that I have currently in the Jquery validation plugin. Currently, I am trying to add in rules dynamically through the rules(add) function after adding some dynamic fields through the user inputs. the rules are added in this manner.
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Oct 24, 2009
i want to make a form. the form will have three text fields and with two buttons. what i want with this form is when the user enters the first three fields and if he wants to add more then he will click on add more button and on the same page three more fields will appear below the first three fields. the user will then enter these three fields then if he wants to add more then he will click on add more button. so three more fields will appear below the first six fields. user will enter these fields. he will be allowed to enter upto eight or less than eight times. once he finishes with this then he will click the second button to insert this data into db.
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Jan 19, 2007
I wanto make a custom slideshow generator, and that users can add their image links. Now the problem is i don't wan't to limit my users to let's say 5 iage links, i would like to make somthing that will alow them to add as much input fields as they won't and then when they submit that they get the proper slideshow code with as those fields. so if anybody now's how to do this i would me more thank thankfull.
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Oct 24, 2009
i have a script which i found on the internet. i modify that script according to my needs. what is in that script is there are three form fields with two buttons. one button is "Give me more fields" clicking on this button will give you more fields. and second button is submit so the data goes to server side and will be added to db. the problem is when i click give me more fields it gives me three more fields which is right but when i fill all these fields and click submit button it adds to the db but the data in the first three fields adds in the one row and the other three fields data adds in separate row which is not fine for me. so how can i do this so all the data will be added to only one row.
here is js code
var counter = 0;
//Start a counter. Yes, at 0
function add_phone() {
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a form with fields created dynamically using javascript. But these are not submitted. The submitting shows only these:
selectedProvider yahoo
password nesquick
formSubmitted 1
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Oct 3, 2005
I am trying to make several fields in a HTML form validated, but only
when a dynamic checkbox is selected. I am not sure how to do this.
Here is a snippet of the dynamic checkbox code:
Set RSLIST = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
SQLLIST = "SELECT * FROM Newsletters ORDER BY Newsletter_Name"
RSLIST.Open SQLLIST, Conn, 1, 3
<%Do While Not RSLIST.EOF%>
<input type="checkbox" name="Newsletters"
I would like to make three fields (company, phone_work, license)
mandatory when one of the "ID" (i.e. ID 2) is checked.
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Apr 26, 2007
I've got simple script which adds to pointed DIV another DIV which contains
1 combobox (select) and textbox (input) - it's a AddNewRow() function. Every
field has got unique ID (acording with script below). There is also
getNewDig(int) function, which change value of appropriate input field
(checks value of select field and put it to input e.g. if in Pr_1 value has
changed than that value is set to the Number_1 input).
Problem is, values of existing fields are refreshing when new row is added
(to check it: click Add New Row, set value in select field, click Add New
Problem does not occur with IE. I suppose it's caused by innerHTML which
refresh whole document.getElementById( 'Tutaj' ). Code:
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Apr 10, 2009
I am having a form with a drop down and want to display the fields below it based on the drop down value selected.
for example: my form has a drop down <select value> <values: A, B ,C, D)
when I select A then I should get displayed a set of fields ( like input fields, drop down fields etc) just below the main drop down and when I choose B then it should display a set of fields specific to B and like that..
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Apr 10, 2009
I am having a form with a drop down and want to display the fields below it based on the drop down value selected. For example: my form has a drop down <select value> <values: A, B ,C, D) when I select A then I should get displayed a set of fields (like input fields, drop down fields etc) just below the main drop down and when I choose B then it should display a set of fields specific to B and like that. What technology / script to use this to achieve this. I have also attached the sample html page.
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Aug 17, 2009
Am integrating a Barclays epdq shopping cart into an existing website, part of the regulations with this system is that you can only submit from one 'allowed url'. To enable access from multiple url's I need to create a 'jump page'.
This needs to be a simple page that takes any variables posted to it and re-posts them (onload) onto the epdq shopping cart.
The problem is I am unable to populate the form dynamically and submit onload. I have tested and it all works fine if hardcoded. :confused:
Is it possible to submit a dynamically generated form using javascript?
foreach ($_POST as $name => $value){
$newVars .= '<INPUT value="' . $value . '" name="' . $name .'" type="hidden" />';
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Sep 27, 2010
So i have a form with fields (30+), and about 5 of them are fields that need to pass into my dropdown (actually a dynmaic dropdown, select SOURCE, then whatever source u select it'll show options that are mysql source=$source), so it can go into my mysql query, and filter out the best results. (i.e date_of_birth, min_credits, state, etc). Needs to be done without submitting, hence javascript. Im echo'ing my query and its saying the variables i'm trying to pass are UNDEFINED. Am I not passing the vars correctly? do i need to prep the vars to "grab" them in the current field?
this is what i have in my <head>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function getXMLHTTP() { //fuction to return the xml http object
var xmlhttp=false;
The only var that is passing is SOURCE, and that's because its the name of the first dropdown
i need to set up like a GET method on my RECEIVING page? or can i just pass variables through? Do i need to get the "existing" data in the fields first?
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Jul 4, 2011
I have a form that only shows the submit (update) buttons if the value select field beside it is changed. But what is someone has JS disabled, how can I enable them?
<select title="3553" name="3553" onchange="JavaScript:document.cart.add3553.disabled=false;">
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Dec 21, 2010
I have a form with dynamic fields. Each set of new fields contains two fields that are required. I validate them by using a class. The downside is that if you have 3 lines of fieldsets you get 6 validation errors if you leave them empty. Is there any way to "group" these messages? The fieldsets contain a from and to date. So if you leave them empty you get a message "Check from fields" ?
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a dynamic form, when a button is clicked 3 more fields appear, the function is to colect for example from date [02/02/2010] to date [10/02/2010] equals price [250$] per week and if you want another period just click the button and 3 more fields appear. How do I get all this data to PHP?
<script type="text/javascript">
var counter = 3;
function addNew() {
// Get the main Div in which all the other divs will be added
var mainContainer = document.getElementById('mainContainer');
// Create a new div for holding text and button input elements
var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
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Apr 26, 2011
From the these form fields I want to be able to create an array in Javascript containing the same 'codes' that feature between the option tags (not the value="X")
<select name="options-1" id="options-1">
<option value="">Select an option</option>
<option value="1">KA-WH</option>
<option value="2">KA-BK</option>
<option value="3">KA-GN</option>
for example, from the above, I want a JS array for 'option-1' that contains KA-WH, KA-BK and KA-GN; plus an array for 'option-2' that contains BADGE-1, BADGE-2 and BADGE-3. The above form fields will be created dynamically, may contain more or fewer items.
I then want to use the JS arrays to pull in images of which filenames match the 'code' in the array.
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Sep 24, 2011
I need to create a form which has a dynamic number of text fields. So, I created this input type :
PHP Code:
<input id="benamount" name="benamount[]" type="text" disabled="disabled" size="40"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="ben[]" onchange="check();"/>
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Jul 29, 2009
For example I have this sort code:
for ($i=0;$i<$db;$i++) {
echo "<div class='c'>Test<input name='$t1' type='image' id='$t1' src='test.png'/></div> <br>";
I try to make clear the screen for users, so I use hide & show to hide some row on screen what users actually don't need...
The JS part of code is something like this:
$('#toggleh0').click( function() {
$('#toggleh1').click( function() {
$('#toggleh3').click( function() {
I dont know how can do this dynamic. So if "$i=6;" then I need toggle 0-6 function...
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Jun 21, 2010
i'm trying to build a small script for predicting Worldcup football winners. participants have to predict the teams in both the semi finals and final. a select menu with all participating countries will be given for 2 semi finals. suppose if a persons selects Argentina and Brazil for Semi 1, then the values of Final select menu should be Argentina and Brazil. Similarly for Semi 2, if Denmark and Italy selected, then the select menu for final2 should be Denmark and Italy.
my html (with only a few no. of countries is below:
<b>Semi Final 1:</b><select id="semi11" class="select menufield_101" name="semi11" onchange="ChangeValue(this);">
<option value="empty">Select a SemiFinalist</option>
<option value="Algeria">Algeria</option>
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Nov 23, 2010
I am thomas. This is my first post I have a question. I am trying to make a dynamic form. I have seen this addressed in a few other threads, but it is first of all not exactly like my problem and also, the language of the explanations is not simple enough for me to understand.
I am trying to make a form that has 1 box that asks how many designs a customer wishes to order, then based upon that number, reveals that many pairs of text boxes below; one should be with the label, �name of design, while the other should be with the label quantity of design. That way, if a user enters 4, four pairs of these boxes will appear, asking him specific names and quantities
If I set up a variable quantity to the value of the text box, I think I should be able to loop like,
for x=1; x<=qty.value; x++ but then I am confused about how to make the thing render the text boxes. My primitive knowledge tells me I could do something like document.write. But on another thread I read I saw that I could also use
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a set of input fields that can be dynamically duplicated/cloned or removed and submitted. I'm looking for a ways to configure the form for easy processing without having to loop through each input field inside the divs:
<form action="dummy.php" method="post">
<div id="customer1">
Name: <input type="text" name="name1">
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May 23, 2007
I spent several hours struggling with dynamic form fields added with
appendChild or innerHTML not POSTing on submit in Firefox. The only
way I found to make it work is to append any created fields to a DIV
within the form. Code:
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Aug 31, 2004
So I have a form that lets me choose one of three templates to submit with. Each template is inside a <fieldset> tag. What I'd like to do is call disable ('fieldsetID') and have it disable the fieldset and all form fields inside it... I _thought_ disabling the fieldset would do that for me, but apparently not. Code:
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Jun 12, 2009
My example markup as follows
I want to collect all the child elements inside this two fieldset elements through looping.
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Aug 27, 2011
I need to hide a filedset depending upon the checkbox selection. I have attached code for this.the fieldset contains some non null and isNaN validation.those should be disabled too.
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