I have a form with many fields... the fields are getting values from a
I've tried onunload to just submit the form regardless of changes or
not but onunload and submit isn't working for me. Now I need some
type of event that will fire when a user tries to navigate from a page
to check to see if anything has changed and if so prompt them
(confirmation) to take action or not.
I know that the reset button only takes away anything that was added
to fields after the load so there must be some way to use the logic of
reset to simply check to see if fields have changed, right?
suggests that you attach onChange event handlers to every form element, and when the handler fires you update a global 'isChanged' variable. This technique seems to be a bit messy to me (I have many form elements), I was thinking about storing the original form object in a javascript variable when the body loads (in the bodie's onLoad event handler), and upons submission, doing a javascript equality comparison with the current form object. If nothing has changed, then the two objects should be equal, right?
I would like to do a simple check if a radio box has been selected.
The form doesn't select any radio box by default, because I don't want to influence the users choice or let them submit the box at all without doing anything.
The form is a simple 5 star rating which means there are 5 radio boxes and a submi button.
I have an array of list boxes. I need them to become disabled if the first one is checked (with an id of disabler_0), and I need them to be enabled if that box is unchecked. Right now it doesn't work.
'When my form is submitted, I have onsubmit pointed to the following code snippet. But, the button is not actually set to disabled and the style.visibility changes are not made for several seconds. It appears that it goes into validateForm and doing the rest of this snippet before the browser makes the changes.
How can I get the browser to immediately make the UI change?
function submitForm(servleturl) { var submitbuttonelem = document.getElementById("submit"); submitbuttonelem.disabled = true; document.getElementById("modgradeform").style.visibility="hidden"; var mydiv = document.getElementById("contentarea"); mydiv.innerHTML = "Validating the form."; mydiv.style.visibility="visible"; var ret = validateForm();
I am trying to validate a form with a couple of elements being required if a checkbox is NOT checked. Now if I submit the form the rules fire - and then I check the checkbox on - the validation rules have already fired - and even though the checkbox is now checked - the validation rules still apply and the form will not submit until I enter the fields.What I was hoping was that the checkbox could toggle the rules on or off.
var validator = $(".cmxform").validate({ rules: { txtAddress1: {
sample code, whereby if I change a field value in a web form (from a drop-down list for example), the value shown in another field is automatically updated to show the needed value for that selected option?
How do I change the background colour of an input box in a form as soon as the value is changed? Also the background should revert back to it's original colour if the user decides that they do not want to make any changes and hence retype back the orginial value.
I do not want the background to change after the user has moved to the next form field but as soon as the value has been changed.
I have an .asp page for my customers which does just accepts e-mail information and passes this information to another .asp page. But before passing the info, a javascript checks whether the entered e-mail does match some certain rules. Rule1: If any input has been made at all, Rule2: If an "@" sign is there, if the"." is there and so on. upon pressing the submit button, the first rule works but the second rule does not. Could not figure it out why.
It is the function control() which validates the e-mail field. But it just validates whether the e-mail has been entered or not. The second check (with the @ sign) is not being made.
Problem I began with: Netscape/Opera supports hover for different elements, IE only supports hover for <a> and I want to use hover for <td class="menu">
I then found a fix using some Javascript here: http://webpages.charter.net/mmmbeer...rbitrary-hover/
It works ok for IE now.
Problem I now have: I don't want the script to run in a browser that does support hover for <td>.
In other words I noticed that the script was still running for Netscape and Opera - but I would prefer to let those browser's native hover support to work since I notice that in some cases the script can introduce lag at loading time.
I don't want to sniff for IE: I know how unreliable browser sniffing is. I would rather sniff for the lack of hover support.
I was wondering if anyone has figured out a near-perfect way to check if the client has all the elements fully loaded? Not talking about all the css and text loading and the event triggers while the client is viewing images load: I mean the event auto-triggers after all the images are fully loaded, along with the css, text content, etc.
(P.S. Not talking about AJAX. Literally when somebody visits a page itself, the elements all completely load first, then the event fires.)
Let me start by saying javascript is a weak point for me. I have a form with hierarchical data (in this case users, who have galleries, which have albums, which have images) now the form will be out put from a database query and look something like this:
I want to create a simple form with 5 fields name, email-id,password,retype password and telephone number the conditions are name & password must be valid,password and retype password should match and phone no must be of 10 digits. i have written functions for all this in javascript.tell me how to integrate to create a simple form with above fields.
How to integrate the functions and give me so that when i click submit button it should accept.
Below is the function,when i click submit button if any errors found it should display or else it should accept.
I currently have a form named "survey". I found here a JavaScript to validate my form.
I am having serious issues with this script, either it won't execute at all (the form doesn't work, as well as the validation) or the form submits without validating the form.
Im building a simple form that should check for two fields (not empty), however it seems the form is not being activated as no errors are being produced.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Guestbook</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function checkform() { if
I have a problem with a Javascript dropdown form that is supposed to redirect users to the site that is selected. It works fine in IE, but it supposedly doesn't work in Firefox.
If anyone here can point out what is wrong with this code, I would appreciate it. Also, if there is any way to compact the code down or make it cleaner, that would also be appreciated.
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function goto(form) { var index=form.select.selectedIndex if (form.select.options[index].value != "0") { location=form.select.options[index].value;}} //--> </script>
<form name="nav_form"> <select name="select" size="1"> <option value="">Select a Site <option value="http://www.sitepoint.com/" />Sitepoint </select> </form>
I'm quite novice at javaScript but I have a good background in other similar languages, so I find I pick up things quick. Basically I'm planning on reading through some more solid resources on this topic, but I'm kinda under the pump at the moment for something that I imagine wouldn't be too difficult with a lil nudge in the right direction.
I have a form (using PHP) to update a mySQL database AND XML for flash, for a simple news page. At the moment I have the BBcode style of tags ([b][eb]). I was wondering how I can make a rich editor myself with just three buttons (one for italic, one for bold, one for links) that displays the text on screen to the user as WYSIWYG, and outputs the [b] [eb] tags for my PHP code.
I keep getting a NaN on this form-based calculator I am trying to make... I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Any input, or in this case "output", Here is the code:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function calculateBudget() {