Simple Listbox OPTIONAL Value Calculation ?
Mar 14, 2009
Trying to figure out a problem with the "Optional" values in a list box so I am going to keep it as simple as I can..
I am trying to calculate the optional value of a list box in stead of programming it the long way around.
I created a list box with several peoples names, like John, Sue, and Mary.
I have assigned each name a numeric "optional" values
I know the code in the list box should be:
Normally, I would code this along the lines of:
But I want to figure out how to select the Optional Value from the list, and multiply it by time instead of doing the SELECTEDNAMELISTBOX=="John" route..
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Nov 23, 2010
I have an input for Fahrenheit in degrees, then a button to start the calculations, then an input box for the result. But the result stays empty. where my Javascript code went wrong? I am modifying someone else's code form the Internet,I am guessing at how it works. [code]
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Aug 10, 2010
The exercise problem is to "MODIFY the code in the "calculate_click" event so interest is added to future value just once each year for the number of years that they were entered by the user". The calculation as you see it below assumes an amount is invested MONTHLY (not just once), and the interest is calculated accordingly. This is what I think the problem is trying to calculate: using a $100 one time investment at 10% interest (compounded once annually) for one year = $110 as the future value. For two years, the future value should equal $121 (110 + (110*.10)). Okay, if my math is wrong, let me know. This is what I'm trying to get it to match to.
I have been able to modify the calculate_click function to compound the interest annually (it does it monthly now). Cool. I cannot get it to stop adding $100 annually. See my math above? I think that's the answer. My manipulation of the code yields $110 for the first year, $231 for the second year, etc. The $231 is incorrect cuz it adds an extra $100. See, this is a simple interest calculator I can't figure out! The original code is below that calculates the investment as a monthly investment as opposed to one-time. To avoid confusion, I did not include any of my modifications. But yeah. I know that the major culprit is how the "for" loop is being executed. I've highlighted where I think the code needs to be changed, but I haven't changed it here. Note the first function is a shortcut to execute getElementbyID.
The Code:
var $ = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
} var calculate_click = function () {
var investment = parseFloat( $("investment").value );
var annualRate = parseFloat( $("rate").value );
var years = parseInt( $("years").value );
$("futureValue").value = ""; .....
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Aug 15, 2011
I have written the following javascript code which makes a simple calculation and writes between the <span> tags using Inner HTML
My code is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function hesapla() {
kredimiktari = document.hesapla.miktar.value
kredivadesi = document.hesapla.vade.value;
faiz = document.hesapla.faiz.value;
ayliktaksit1 = (kredimiktari * faiz) / kredivadesi;
geriodeme1 = kredimiktari * faiz;
document.getElementById('ayliktaksit').innerHTML = "<strong>Taksit / Ay :</strong>" + ayliktaksit1;
document.getElementById('geriodeme').innerHTML = "<strong>Taksit / Ay :</strong>" + geriodeme1;}
<form name="hesapla">
<input type="text" name="miktar" value="Kredi Miktarı" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Kredi Miktarı') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Kredi Miktarı';" />
<input type="text" name="vade" value="Kredi Vadesi" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Kredi Vadesi') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Kredi Vadesi';" />
<input type="text" name="faiz" value="Faiz Oranı" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Faiz Oranı') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Faiz Oranı';" />
<div id="gosterim"><span id="ayliktaksit"></span><span id="geriodeme"></span></div>
<input type='button' value='Hesapla' onClick='hesapla()'><br><br>
<img src="images/dot2.png" width="180" height="2" alt="dot"/>
I am really confused as similar code on Tizag web site works fine.
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeText(){
document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = 'Fred Flinstone';
<p>Welcome to the site <b id='boldStuff'>dude</b> </p>
<input type='button' onclick='changeText()' value='Change Text'/>
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Jul 6, 2006
I have countries listbox, for instance if i choose singapore listbox it should display the corresponding states listbox of singapore, if i chose anyother country it should display a label saying "ENTER STATE" followed by a blank textbox.
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Nov 8, 2011
how to position selected item automatically WITHOUT SCROLLING DOWN using C#
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Sep 13, 2010
$slt ="SELECT * FROM assingment2 ORDER BY user_id asc";
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Feb 25, 2011
I have an page where I load a record set server side and upload it into a listbox. I'm trying to do all the movement functionalities of the listbox items client side. Specifically, I'm trying to figure out how to copy selected listbox items from one listbox to another -- on button click. I've searched for a while, but every example that I found moves the actual item into another listbox, I just want to copy the selected item to another listbox.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to debug my expression that matches an alphanumeric with any
number of dashes (including none), except at the ends and obviously
disallowing two or more consecutive dashes.
Here it is: /w+(-?w+)*/
Test cases that I expect to pass are failing:
"01234abcdef" true
"0123-412-8370" false (should've been "true")
"asdkfjakfj" true
"0-1" false (should've been "true")
"-" false
"--" false
"-ABC123" false
"00230-" false
"ABC-123" false (should've been "true")
"1-" false
"111223333" true
Would anyone lend a hand?
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Feb 4, 2010
I am creating a regular expression for a URL where the domain name (i.e. .com|.edu etc) is optional. That is both http://xyz and should be valid. If <.> is present then com|edu|.. will be there; but if <.> is absent then com|edu|.. will not be there. Also there can be any number of <.>, but every <.> will be followed by characters. So in other words the string can't end with <.>, it should only end with [a-zA-Z0-9]. So far I have created the following part -
var url=document.myform.addr.value;
var str="^(http|https)://(([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)*[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.(com|edu|gov|[a-zA-Z]{2})|[a-zA-Z0-9]+$)";
var regEx = new RegExp(str);
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Jul 18, 2002
How can I create a function that takes optional arguments?
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Aug 2, 2009
I am creating an form dialog that will be slightly different for creating data than editing data. I'm pretty new to jquery, but I'm using the jqueryui and it seems to be working fine, but now I'm looking to change the labels of a couple of buttons and have one button available during editing (but not creating)....
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Oct 13, 2010
I'm using jQuery validation on a form and I can't get it to only validate optional fields if the user enters something (should recognize the difference between this and the default value of the field, for text input fields). I know this is built in (I think) but I must be doing something wrong.
For example, phone number is optional but I want it to validate if the user enters something. Code for the phone in the JS file is:
jQuery.validator.addMethod("phone", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/s+/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
When I just put "phone" as the class it validates the field even if it is not edited by the user at all. For the required fields I put "required" as the class to validate them but I just read in another post that this is not necessary with the plugin...? I guess I am not sure whether the field should be define as optional by a class or in the JS file, and if it's the latter, how to do that.
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Sep 18, 2010
I have 4 arrays that all contain data linked by the index. I have 3 drop down boxes on a web page that give the user 3 ways to search for data. The top one is mandatory the other two are optional. I've managed to create the code to search using the mandatory box but cant figure out how to expand the search.
Here is the function that deals with the search data:
function findFlights(){
var yourAirline = readTheAirline();
var result = 'Here are your flights <BR>';
var choose = 'Choose your destination';
for (var index = 0; index < flightTimes.length; index++){
var flight = flightDestinations[index];
var airline = flightOperators[index];
if (yourDestination == flight){
var b = flightTimes[index];
var c = flightDestinations[index];
var d = flightOperators[index];
var e = flightFares[index];
var message = b + ' to ' + c + ' operated by ' + d + '. £' + e + '.';
result = result + message + '<BR>';
}if (yourDestination == choose){
result = 'Please choose a destination city from the destination menu and then click Find flights again.';
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Oct 21, 2010
In a registration form middleName field is optional. When the users enters his/her middleName, then it should validate that field. I have used the following code to achieve the above scenario, but it is not working.
$("#middleName").rules("add", {checkName: true, required: false, messages: {checkName: "Please enter a valid middle name"} });
function(value, element) {
var regExp = new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z0-9s|,|.|-|']+$/);
return regExp.test(value);
"Please enter a valid name."
How to achieve the above scenario.
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Mar 7, 2006
I have the two text boxes on a form, both of which a user enters a
number. I simple need to ADD THESE UP!
I know, its daft, but no matter what I do, it just adds them together.
Example: 1+1 is clearly 2, but it outputs 11!
An example of my code:
var loan =;
var other = document.loandata.other.value;
total = (loan+other);
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Jan 7, 2007
I am trying to make a script that prints a date in the format Sunday
14th January 2007. Where the date that is displayed is the next sunday
3 weeks from now. For example today is 7th January. The script would
print Sunday 28th January 2007. It would read that all of this week
until next sunday when it would change to Sunday 4th February.
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Feb 5, 2007
It's probably something with rounding off, or floating point problems.
I have a timer which is used when solving the Rubik's cube. It has to
measure an exact time, but the clock display I made shows a different
value than the actual time (also displayed after session: ...). I am
using the same variable for both displays. sometimes it's off by .02.
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Jan 4, 2010
I'm building a form that is calulated based on the options selected with a javascript form. This is my first attempt at something like this so I'm a bit lost at the final update.
First to be sure I'm on spot here is the javascript I'm using to update the form - <script>
function BDWcalc ()
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Sep 22, 2011
I have a javascript that should convert any date into a number between 1 and 260. Based on the outcome of that calculation, a viewer is directed to a specific web page.How can I verify the calculation? How can I see what number javascript is arriving at so I can backtrack to the error? It is not serving up the correct page.
I have compared the results to a calculator on another website [URL] that uses a different script to calculate the same result -- that's why I am saying the end results are not correct. On the other website, scroll down to where you enter a date. It returns a name just above the date (example: July 25, 1970 returns Electric Star). The script I included above returns Yellow Sun. July 25, 1970 should = 68.
function calculate() {
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Aug 19, 2009
Please take a look at the picture below:When you enter the value of Volume and Unit Cost... it should automatically add up into Net Cost and VAT (including float number).
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May 14, 2007
I currently have a web page that is building a web form from data contained in a SQL table. I need to do some calculations on the numbers that are populated into the form. I have used the following javascript code to successfully complete my calculations but I can only use this code at the bottom of my page because executing it at the top of my page the form fields are still empty. How would I use or modify the code I have to display the calc at the top of the web form. Example as follows:
<form method="POST" target="_self" name="dialer" enctype="text/plain">
Loan Amount: <input type="text" value="400000" name="loan" />
Interest Rate: <input type="text" value="1.00" name="apr" />
Amortization Term: <input type="text" value="480" name="term" />
<script language="JavaScript">
var princ =;
var term = document.dialer.term.value;
var intr = document.dialer.apr.value / 1200;
var output = princ * intr / (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + intr), term)));
var calc = (Math.round(output * 100)/100);
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Nov 17, 2010
unction up(){
var inpt= document.getElementById("item_one").value
function up2(){
var inpt= document.getElementById("aCom_total").value
I input the valve 100 in textone my total =100 I input the value into 20 text two my total is not 120, but 10020
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a form which must calc the difference between 2 date fields and
return the result in a third field. I have the following code but it does
not seem to work. Can anyone tell this total newbie where he is going wrong
or suggest a more elegant way of doing this.
function doit(oForm, usrInp)
var one_day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ;
var userDate = new Date(usrInp)
var dueDate = new Date(usrInp)
diff = dueDate - userDate
oForm.diff.value = (diff/one_day) + ' days'
<form name="a">
<input type="text" name="userDate" >
<input type="text" name="dueDate" onblur='doit(this.form, this.value)'>
<input type="text" name="diff" onfocus=this.blur();>
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Jul 20, 2005
I've got a small problem here. I'm trying to write some code that would
generate a drop-down menue for me, where I'd just need to enter the
menu- and submenu items into an array. The items are to be displayed as
text. Now, I want to have the layers with the submenues to appear more
or less under the appropriate main menu items. For this I need to be
able to calculate how many pixels a given text uses up on the screen of
the user. That's all fine with IE and an unproportional font like
courier. The problem is, there is this nice setting that allows you to
change the diplay size of the text - which is pretty much disfunctional
in IE, but in mozilla, it works. Which means that I can't just say that
one letter in courier, size 2, is 4 pixels wide and be happy with my
calculation, because then somebody can just pop up with another text
diplay size and *boom* - my calculation is wrong again.
Now, is there a realistic way to find out how many pixels _exactly_ a
piece of text takes up on the user's screen? Or can I make the given
piece of text a DIV and then have some kind of document.divname.left
that gives me the actual location of this text?
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May 6, 2010
I'm looking for a jquery tutorial which helps on calculating the distance between two points?
I've found a few javascript ones, but its breaking the rest of my jquery code!
does anyone know of anything? im using it to calculate a price for a specific distance traveled.
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