Calculation The Value From Two Text Field

Nov 17, 2010

unction up(){
var inpt= document.getElementById("item_one").value
function up2(){
var inpt= document.getElementById("aCom_total").value

I input the valve 100 in textone my total =100 I input the value into 20 text two my total is not 120, but 10020

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Calculation Of Form Field Entries?

Jun 18, 2011

I am a novice user of Expressions Web4 and am attempting to build a form that makes calculations of field entries and displays the results in designated fields. Specifically, multiplying the entry in the pmt_amt field by .03 and placing the result in the srv_fee field, then adding the entry in the pmt_amt field to the result in the srv_fee field to show the resulting sum in the total_pmt_amt field. I have created functions in JavaScript for both calculations and tied them to onClick relative to a button btn_srv_fee.

I used this method by searching online for an appropriate method and tweaked results for my application. Below is the code for what I am attempting to do. Upon making an entry in the pmt_amt field and then clicking the button, there are no results in neither the srv_fee field or total_amt_field. Below is the code for the functions and the associated section that identifies the fields.

<script type="text/javascript">
function multiplyNumbers(pmt_amt, .03, ResultField1)


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Numbers From A Text Box For Calculation

Mar 7, 2006

I have the two text boxes on a form, both of which a user enters a
number. I simple need to ADD THESE UP!

I know, its daft, but no matter what I do, it just adds them together.

Example: 1+1 is clearly 2, but it outputs 11!

An example of my code:

var loan =;
var other = document.loandata.other.value;

total = (loan+other);

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Real Text Size Calculation?

Jul 20, 2005

I've got a small problem here. I'm trying to write some code that would
generate a drop-down menue for me, where I'd just need to enter the
menu- and submenu items into an array. The items are to be displayed as
text. Now, I want to have the layers with the submenues to appear more
or less under the appropriate main menu items. For this I need to be
able to calculate how many pixels a given text uses up on the screen of
the user. That's all fine with IE and an unproportional font like
courier. The problem is, there is this nice setting that allows you to
change the diplay size of the text - which is pretty much disfunctional
in IE, but in mozilla, it works. Which means that I can't just say that
one letter in courier, size 2, is 4 pixels wide and be happy with my
calculation, because then somebody can just pop up with another text
diplay size and *boom* - my calculation is wrong again.

Now, is there a realistic way to find out how many pixels _exactly_ a
piece of text takes up on the user's screen? Or can I make the given
piece of text a DIV and then have some kind of document.divname.left
that gives me the actual location of this text?

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OnClick Adds Text Field To Page (Limit 3 - Each Text Field Displays Different Text)

Nov 22, 2010

I have a text field (field1) already displayed on the HTML page. However, there's a link where you can add additional text fields to the page as well. When the link is clicked, the second text field is added successfully (field2), and when the link is clicked again, the third text field (field3) is added successfully. However, the third field does not add itself to the page, and the text for anything greater than a third field also isn't displayed after. This obviously means that my "fields" variable is not working right

<script language="javascript">
fields = 1;
function addMore() {
if (fields = 1) {
document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='field2' size='25' /> <span>Field 2.</span>";

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Form Text Field/SUBMIT Links To Onsite URL - On Home Page - Text Field And Submit Button ?

Feb 22, 2009

I have a website containing 26 subdirectories 'a' to 'z'

On the home page I want a text field and submit button

If someone for example types 'j' it will go to the 'j' folder home page

Does anyone know where I might find code like this?

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Require Text Field Only If Another Text Field Is Not Blank

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to create a javascript form validation that will make a text field be required only if a previous text field is populated. If the first text field is blank, then the second field can be blank as well.

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Pre Populate Text Field Based On Another Text Field

Jan 23, 2010

I'm developing a web page. It includes 2 text boxes. One text box for city and another text box for std code. I wrote the code for auto suggestion to city. Now i want to pre populate the STD code when ever a known city is selected (when city is selected from the recommendations displayed for city field).

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JQuery :: Highlight A Radio Field And Then Pop Up An Input Text Box Field?

May 13, 2010

I am trying to make some dynamic effect to a HTML page using JQuery.<br/> 1.<br/> When the user clicks a Radio field, the field will be highlighted.<br/> 2.<br/> When the user clicks the Radio 'Man', <br/>a Input text box will be provided immeditely just below it.

Here is my simple HTML page, but I don't know how to do with the JQuery part:



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Dynamically Showing Field Based On Text Value From Another Field?

Nov 18, 2009

I have a text field, call it income, that when the input is > 0 I need to dynamically show the next text box, and if it is blank hide the next text box. I would like to use onBlur but can't seem to get it to work.

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Linking Text Field To Hidden Field?

Apr 2, 2009

I have created a html purchase request form that people will fill out and submit to make purchase requests within my company. In this html form, I have a text field that is automatically populated when the page is pulled up. The text field is populated with the name of the person who is logged in and it is read only so they cannot be deceitful or anything.To get to this HTML Request form, you must log in through a webclient thus the server knows to populate your name because you are the one logged in. The text field populates because of its <input NAME = "OBProperty_CurrentUserRealName", which is a keyword the program identifies and knows to populate with the logged in users name into that particular text field.

That works all fine and dandy, so here is where the problem lies. When submitting the overall form request, the populated name isnt being saved/ carried over to the admin page so we do not know who it was submitted by.To make the persons name carry over and save, another field name keyword must be used.

Which is OBKey__163_1. Which it was suggested to me to make that the input name of a hidden field. I need "text field A" to continue to populate the form with the persons name using OBKey_CurrentUserRealName, then pass the persons name off to a hidden field containing the input name=OBKey__164_1, which will thus save/pass the persons name on with the rest of the filled out request form when its submitted.

Here is what I have:

<input name="OBProperty_CurrentUserRealName" type="text" id="buyer" style="width:100%" readonly="readonly">
<input name="OBKey__163_1" type="hidden" id="OBKey__163_1">

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Get The Cursor Start And End Position Of A Selected Range In A Text-field Or Text-area

Jun 17, 2010

I want to get the cursor start and end position of a selected range in a text-field or text-area. i tried lot of functions in various forums. but when the last character of the selection is a new line character JavaScript ignore it in IE6. any one having idea ?

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Force Insert Text Into Form Text Input Field Onload

Apr 13, 2010

Have a small problem with a cms whereby when i try to insert default text into an input text field using the "value" attribute it gets deleted. I was thinking to force insert the text in there when the page load with javascript but not sure exactly how...

<p><input name="vericode" id="vericode" value="This text doesn't display!!" type="text" onclick="value=''"/></p>

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JQuery :: Manipulating Text In A Text Field When User Types?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a text box.I need to

1) search the database for the words user is typing in the text box. This will happen with each key press.

2) if there is a match - I need to change the text color.

How can I achieve this?

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Showing Text Field While Focus Is On A Specific Text?

Feb 22, 2010

how to do what i wanted. I've got a .pdf file with a bunch of text fields, i would like it to make it so that when the user has focus (is writing in or clicked it) on of the fields it shows a different field with information on how to fill out that field and which field to procede to. Ive figured out how to show a field when focus is on another field, but cant get it to hide again when focus goes to something else.

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Pull Text From Text Field Into Form Comment?

Oct 21, 2010

I am having some issues with a form that has "name" "email" "address" text field the a comment section that has been pre filled with the followingI <name> of <address> blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blahblah blah blahblah blah blahSigned<name><address>Now my question is how do i get the form (made in html) pull what the user types in the text field and make it get added to the comment section of the form where the <name> <address> is required.Once filled out it is emailed to me.

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Check Some Text Field Before The User Upload Some Text

Aug 16, 2011

My script is used to check some text field before the user upload some text, below you can see the code:


(i guess something is wrong since internet explorer works and chrome/firefox not) I also forgot to mention that the script works just fine when i am testing the webpage on my pc, the problem is when i used the webpage not locally but over the net, is there any setting should i change on my hosting server?

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JQuery :: Use Text In Input Text Field

Oct 27, 2010

I'm trying to capture and use the text in a text field after a send button is clicked this is what I have.


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Possible To Prevent Highlighting Text Within A Text Field?

Oct 26, 2002

I am using a calendar control based on the one at I have made the text field into which the date is inserted readonly. The problem with this is that if a user attempts to change the date manually by deleting part of the highlighted text, the browser goes back one page.

I want to force the user to use the calendar control and not input text directly into the textfield- readonly is not enough as the text can still be highlighted and then causes problems if the user attempts to delete.

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Printing Text From Checkbox To Text Field?

Jan 30, 2010

I'm trying to make it so when the user checks a checkbox, the value for the checkbox will be entered into the text field.

Here is my code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


I don't know what to put for the form action so I'm not sure if it's working correctly or not.

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JQuery :: Use One Input Text Field To Drive Two Hidden Input Text Fields?

Jul 16, 2011

I have a problem created by my complete [rookie] status – only second time venturing into jQuery. I created a simple shopping cart using php and the PayPal buttons (1: buy now, 2: add to cart). The php back end does it great, it generates the table and the buttons and everything works just like it’s supposed to; Except, I forgot to add sizes. So I found out what I need to add, and I realize that the way the buttons work, I will have two different text boxes for size. Not very visually appealing, and since I’m not submitting this to the server before it goes to PayPal to pay, I cannot modify it with php the way I normally would. jQuery / javascript are my only hope of making this work. What I want to do:Have a single textbox where [size] is entered by the user.

Copy the value from the [correct] text box to the Value=”” section of the now hidden field in the PayPal form That way, no matter whether they [BUY NOW] or [ADD to CART] the right size is submitted to the PayPal shopping cart. This is the actual PayPal code that I’m trying to change

<input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Size" maxlength="200">Size</td>


I got this far, and then decided to find how to insert the "enteredVALUE" into the right place in the input text field (what I called output) and I've not been able to figure out how to stuff it in there.

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Future Date Calculation

Jan 7, 2007

I am trying to make a script that prints a date in the format Sunday
14th January 2007. Where the date that is displayed is the next sunday
3 weeks from now. For example today is 7th January. The script would
print Sunday 28th January 2007. It would read that all of this week
until next sunday when it would change to Sunday 4th February.

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Problem With Time Calculation

Feb 5, 2007

It's probably something with rounding off, or floating point problems.
I have a timer which is used when solving the Rubik's cube. It has to
measure an exact time, but the clock display I made shows a different
value than the actual time (also displayed after session: ...). I am
using the same variable for both displays. sometimes it's off by .02.

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Form Calculation Not Working?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm building a form that is calulated based on the options selected with a javascript form. This is my first attempt at something like this so I'm a bit lost at the final update.

First to be sure I'm on spot here is the javascript I'm using to update the form - <script>
function BDWcalc ()


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Checking The Date Calculation?

Sep 22, 2011

I have a javascript that should convert any date into a number between 1 and 260. Based on the outcome of that calculation, a viewer is directed to a specific web page.How can I verify the calculation? How can I see what number javascript is arriving at so I can backtrack to the error? It is not serving up the correct page.

I have compared the results to a calculator on another website [URL] that uses a different script to calculate the same result -- that's why I am saying the end results are not correct. On the other website, scroll down to where you enter a date. It returns a name just above the date (example: July 25, 1970 returns Electric Star). The script I included above returns Yellow Sun. July 25, 1970 should = 68.

function calculate() {


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Auto Calculation Cost?

Aug 19, 2009

Please take a look at the picture below:When you enter the value of Volume and Unit Cost... it should automatically add up into Net Cost and VAT (including float number).

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