Selecting All The Dynamically Created Radio Button?
Jul 20, 2011
Below I have dynamical generated radio buttons, the names($approve variable is the name) per radio button pairs are different(dynamically created names using looping). When I create two buttons, one is for if you click it, all the radio button with the label approve will be selected all, and the other button is for the disapprove label button that will select the radio button with the label disapprove.
function selectAll()
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Aug 24, 2009
I have a text box im dynamically adding to the dom created with this line of code
When I try to get the value of the text box by referring to its id. I get an "undefined". I can get the value if I use plain javascript.
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Jul 1, 2011
After loading a HTML fragment using AJAX, I can not select the newly embedded elements using the $("#id") notation. document.getElementById works fine though.
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Aug 18, 2010
Previously when developing my own modal windows I have been creating a "mask" div directly in my markup, in the CSS setting it to be display:none and then setting it to show() by jQuery when a button is clicked.
I'm sure there is a better way to do this but i'm getting a little stuck.
I tried adding the "mask" div and its content to the body using prepend() when my button is clicked but i found i then can't select any of the added elements in jQuery.
How can you select elements you have added to a page by jQuery?? Also if this is the right approach whats the best way to insert a block of html to a page??
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Apr 9, 2011
I intend to have this code below generated dynamically (being able to have from 12 to 40 rows). (created from C# code)
<td align="center">
Can this jQuery function be created so I can add the function to "#<%= chbNuevoJugXX.ClientID %>" instead of "#<%= chbNuevoJug01.ClientID %>" and then use the XX to how hide the corresponding row?
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Jul 23, 2005
I create a table containing radiobuttons in client script depending on
what choices the user makes.
It works fine the radio buttons appear *but* they are *not clickable*.
Why? Is there a solution? I'm using IE 6.0 Code:
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Mar 29, 2010
I have a dropdown box that retireves the name of the accessory / customisation from a table and then populates the text boxes with details about the accessory /customisation.
I can do this with text boxes but i'm not sure how to do it so it automatically selects a radio button for me.
Here is the code I use at the moment
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Oct 17, 2009
From this markup
Code HTML4Strict:
<input type="radio" checked="checked" value="0" name="allDay" id="noAllDay"/>
<label for="noAllDay">No</label>
<input type="radio" value="1" name="allDay" id="yesAllDay"/>
<label for="yesAllDay">Yes</label>
how can I selected the value of the checked radio button?
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Mar 21, 2006
I want to automatically select a specific checkbox when a user clicks
(selects) a specific item in a radiobutton group. Both controls are in
the same form.
Let's say for argument's sake that the form looks like this
(inessential items left out for the sake of clarity):
<form name=form1>
<input type=radio name=Radio1 value=Option1>
<input type=radio name=Radio1 value=Option2>
<input type=checkbox name=Checkbox1>
I want to write some Javascript to automatically select the "Checkbox1"
checkbox when a user selects "Option1" in the radio button group.
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Jun 6, 2011
I have an input: <input type="radio" id="foo" name="bar" value="baz" style="display: none;"/>
And I am trying to check the radio button using:
$(function() {
It doesnt seem to work. I have tried
$("#foo").attr('checked',true) and no luck.
I am using Chrome. I have looked at all the sources on the web, and the above two methods were the general solutions, but neither work for me for some reason.
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Mar 27, 2009
I have some time for selection on my form, 30 minute time slots by default, what I would like to do is if a user has checked 1 hour then the selected time along with the an extra 30 minutes is selected
<% set Rs1 = objconn.execute("SELECT * FROM tEvents ") %>
<select id="eventTime" name="eventTime" onchange="checkTime();">
<option class="xxx" value="1">Please Select start time</option>
<%Do While NOT Rs1.EOF%>
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to produce a web form to allow wedding guests to RSVP. The form allows them to enter a name and select from a radio button whether they will be attending or not. If they select the "yes" radio button then a further pair of radio buttons are displayed for their meal preference.
They can then click a submit button or they can click another button to add another line for another guest which operates in exactly the same way. I've almost got this working, but it seems that the checkbox change handler is lost for the current guest when a new guest is added and the checkbox value is reset. I've got a feeling I'm doing something stupid but can't for the life of me figure out what.
Code (source file (renamed to .txt) also attached as I'm not sure the pasted code is too clear):
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Jun 6, 2011
So I have a table with rows and basically I cloned it and then appended it underneath another table. The user can click on the plus button to clone the table (which on the UI looks just like a row of fields) over and over. Next to the plus button I have a minus button that I want to use to remove the cloned table. Here's my code for the add table button:
Basically what I need to do is write functionality for the remove button that when clicked removes the bottom most table. Is there functionality in jquery where you can say "find last occurrence of 'addrow' and remove it onclick"? [code]...
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Oct 29, 2011
I have a radio button and by using .after() I am able to pass the value to radio button dynamically by clicking button.When i click the button for second time I am not able to clear the radio button value and beside it is adding the value which i give for second time.Such as when 1st time if I click button it is adding value to radio button as 10 and when I click second time instead to clearing it is adding beside as to clear the radio button value dynamically before passing it value.I use var u=' ' but not working
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Oct 12, 2007
I'm trying to write a Javascript quiz. The idea being that each question has 4 possible answers. The answers being in the form of multiple choice radio button. Instead of having either a long list of radio buttons and questions or loads of pages with tons of duplicated code, I'd like to make the quiz as one page. Pulling the questions, and possible answers from an array. All this I can do, except for changing the text on the radio buttons. In the past I've used.. getElementById with regular text to good effect, but can't manage it with the radio button. Here is part of my test code..
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Feb 6, 2011
I am building an online survey using a survey creation tool which allows me to incorporate javascript for additional functionality. However, I am new to javascript so would appreciate any help that you could provide me with.
I have question types like agreement scales, where the respondent sees a list of statements and has to rate each one by clicking on a radio button. The source code of the matrix table looks like this:
This code works as intended; however, as you can see, it loops through all the radio buttons when one is clicked. Is there a way to accomplish this without looping through all the radios, and thus make the script run faster?
Also, I have read that the addEventListener function does not work for older versions of IE. Is there a simpler alternative?
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Mar 16, 2010
I am a PHP programmer and new to Javascript and jQuery and I have tried about 20 examples/tutorials and cannot seem to get even close to what I want.I have a form (PHP/MySQL) with a list of subjects I got from my database, and then create a set of radio buttons from that list. And based on what radio button they select, I need to pass that variable to a div (at least that's what I want to use) and then show a list of videos that match the radio buttons value. I don't care if its a get or post or other.I tried to use GET or POST so I can use that value for my PHP/MySQL lists.I am open to any suggestions/tutorials, etc.
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Jan 18, 2011
Im sure this is a very silly problem, but im trying to create a li and then set its class in jquery but it doesn't seam to be working
var listid = field + "_errormessage";
if (errorMessage != "")
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Mar 24, 2010
l need to apply a hover css on a radio button. Currently the background color only draws a box around the radio button but does not the actual radio color. l dont mind if there is no css even javascript will do
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Feb 24, 2009
Need a script which selects a second radio button when the first radio button in the pair is clicked with the second button greyed/disable but still displaying the selection.
(Hoping to keep the input 'name' the same too if possible - maybe they can be differentiate by 'id' for the script ?)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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Nov 1, 2006
If I do this:
el = document.createElement("iframe");
el.src = "test.htm"; = "frm"; // or el.setAttribute("name","frm");
the iframe gets created but the 'name' attribute is not added under IE
6. I tried setting the 'name' after appending the iframe but still no joy.
How can I add a 'name' attribute to an iframe so that IE 6 sees it?
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Mar 20, 2010
I have an input box "product" besides it there is an add input button which adds another input box product upon clicking.This array of input boxes I have created is through document.createElement('input').My autocomplete is working for the initial input when I click add Input button for the generated box also the autocomplete shld do I make it work? Autocomplete script is working so I didnt post it here..I just want it to make it working dynamically created i/p boxes
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Mar 19, 2010
I have an input box "product" besides it there is an add input button which adds another input box product upon clicking.This array of input boxes I have created is through document.createElement('input').
My autocomplete is working for the initial input when I click add Input button for the generated box also the autocomplete shld do I make it work??
PS:Autocomplete script is working so I didnt post it here.... I just want it to make it working dynamically created i/p boxes
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Oct 15, 2009
I add a new row to a table using something like this:
So if I add 1 rows, I get 2 text boxes with the ID of 1-medication as I already have a row in place (static) This works fine. However when I try to get the value of 1-medication, I thought I'd get something like value1,value2 but instead I just get value1 If I change the function above to putput a text box with ID of 2-medication, I can get the value of that by itself just fine. why if I have more than 1 item with the same ID, I can't concatenate each value?
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Jul 27, 2009
This is probably simple, but I am new to jQuery and am trying to wrapmy head around things.Basically what I am trying to do is a very basic quiz. I have 3 groupsof radio buttons (3 questions with 4 possible answers for eachquestion, so.. multiple choice).Each answer has a number value assigned to it, i.e. value="2". Thiswould be 2 points.After pressing a button I need to be able to select all the radiobuttons have that been checked, and then add all their point values upand give the user a score.
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Jul 27, 2009
I would like to dynamically update a score as you select radio buttons on a form. I would like to update the actual score and the possible score every time a radio button is clicked.
If "yes" is selected, they get the points. If "no" is selected, they don't get the points. If "N/A" is selected, the points aren't counted (in either the actual score or the possible score).
So, when either "yes" or "no" is selected the possible points need to be increased by the number of points that question is worth, and the actual points need to be added if they got "yes". I would like it to display their score (total percentage and running score) as you click the radio buttons, so I'm assuming you would need to call a function on each click which passes the point values along?
Here's my basic form so you know what I mean:
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