Selecting 2 Half Hour Slots By Checking Radio Button?
Mar 27, 2009
I have some time for selection on my form, 30 minute time slots by default, what I would like to do is if a user has checked 1 hour then the selected time along with the an extra 30 minutes is selected
<% set Rs1 = objconn.execute("SELECT * FROM tEvents ") %>
<select id="eventTime" name="eventTime" onchange="checkTime();">
<option class="xxx" value="1">Please Select start time</option>
<%Do While NOT Rs1.EOF%>
1. i want to get the current time, possibility no from client computer ( sometimes their time is wrong)? i dont know whether can achieve but if cannot, then never mind, just get from client computer.
2. for example now is 1:25 am, i want to generate dynamically every half an hour timing from 2 am(round up) till for example 11 am
I want to open a particular URL and download a file say ABCD.log every half an hour. (the same file) Is there any way i can automate this process using java script or any other method?
I am looking for something like - suppose there are three radio buttons - and when someone clicks on one so that the font size changes - and the the one which is selected(checked) have bigger font size and a background -
I'm checking for a radio button's value and hiding/showing a node based on that value, but it's not working right. Two radio buttons: one's value is yes, the other no. If you click on yes, the div shows up. When you click no, it hides, so that works.
But I have a list of checkboxes that also may or may not show that element based on the radio button selection, and it's this part that isn't working.
I have a dropdown box that retireves the name of the accessory / customisation from a table and then populates the text boxes with details about the accessory /customisation.
I can do this with text boxes but i'm not sure how to do it so it automatically selects a radio button for me.
Below I have dynamical generated radio buttons, the names($approve variable is the name) per radio button pairs are different(dynamically created names using looping). When I create two buttons, one is for if you click it, all the radio button with the label approve will be selected all, and the other button is for the disapprove label button that will select the radio button with the label disapprove.
I want to automatically select a specific checkbox when a user clicks (selects) a specific item in a radiobutton group. Both controls are in the same form.
Let's say for argument's sake that the form looks like this (inessential items left out for the sake of clarity):
I have an input: <input type="radio" id="foo" name="bar" value="baz" style="display: none;"/>
And I am trying to check the radio button using: $(function() { $("#foo").attr('checked','checked')}); It doesnt seem to work. I have tried $("#foo").attr('checked',true) and no luck.
I am using Chrome. I have looked at all the sources on the web, and the above two methods were the general solutions, but neither work for me for some reason.
I have a dynamic table where I would like to update cells by using a drop list selecting from half a dozen items. I have searched W3Schools for a tutorial but I am obviously looking in the wrong place. The working code I have thus far is:-
function insRow() { var x=document.getElementById('myTable').insertRow(1); var a=x.insertCell(0); var b=x.insertCell(1); var c=x.insertCell(2); var d=x.insertCell(3); var e=x.insertCell(4); var f=x.insertCell(5); [Code]...
I have a webpage with a world clock. On the clock page are 12 buttons (World Cities). When the user clicks these buttons. The time for the relevant world city is displayed. (The time is updated by an function for each individual button. That either subtracts or adds the hours from GMT. For example. If the time is GMT 18:00:00. The user clicks the Paris button and the function adds 1 hour to result in 19:00:00)
However. If the GMT time is for example 21:00:00 and the user clicks the Tokyo button (GMT+9 hours). The time displayed is 30:00:00. So I have been trying to work out how I can stop the time adding past 23:59:59.
iam either being really dumb or something is way wrong with the code. i am trying to create a fade in / fade out effect. i know there are tons of scripts out there that do this, but i like to do it myself. my script is only working in firefox at the mo (when it works il cater for other browsers). basically i can get the fade out part to work, but when i want to fade back in it does nothing. now logically id of thought that fading in would be the same as fade out but reversed.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="">
I am a PHP programmer and new to Javascript and jQuery and I have tried about 20 examples/tutorials and cannot seem to get even close to what I want.I have a form (PHP/MySQL) with a list of subjects I got from my database, and then create a set of radio buttons from that list. And based on what radio button they select, I need to pass that variable to a div (at least that's what I want to use) and then show a list of videos that match the radio buttons value. I don't care if its a get or post or other.I tried to use GET or POST so I can use that value for my PHP/MySQL lists.I am open to any suggestions/tutorials, etc.
I have a form with 3 sections. The first is always required. The second OR third needs to be completed.The form is used for booking holidays OR flex time in the company I work for. [URL]I have it so the first section is validated, and works fine. I can't work out how to have it pass validation if Holiday OR Flex is done. I can only get it to pass if both are filled in.Here's the code im running:
PHP Code:
<script language="Javascript"> function validate(f){ if(f.Name.value == "")
It is for checking out used radiobuttons or checkboxes. <script <!-- function pruefen(){return true} --> </script> <script language="JAvaScript1.1"><!-- function pruefen(f){ [URL] .....
The code I wrote is showing three random results from the database and each result gets three options to choose from (spoon, fork, knife). What I need to figure out is a way to make sure each image thats showing up gets one vote - and the person cannot vote on the same answer for pic2 and pic3 (ie: if they vote "spoon" for pic1, I need it to give a "please vote again" message if they click the same answer for pic2 or pic3).
Code JavaScript: for (var i=0; i < myRadio.length; i++) { if (myRadio[i].checked) { myChecked = 1;
This works fine when I have more than 1 radio button. However for just a single radio button it does not work. I don't know how many radio buttons I will have since they are being created from a mysql query.
I'm very bad with javascript, so how should I amend the code so that it also works with only one radio button? I just need to check if they are trying to submit the form without selecting any radio buttons.
l need to apply a hover css on a radio button. Currently the background color only draws a box around the radio button but does not the actual radio color. l dont mind if there is no css even javascript will do
Need a script which selects a second radio button when the first radio button in the pair is clicked with the second button greyed/disable but still displaying the selection.
(Hoping to keep the input 'name' the same too if possible - maybe they can be differentiate by 'id' for the script ?)
Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head>
This is probably simple, but I am new to jQuery and am trying to wrapmy head around things.Basically what I am trying to do is a very basic quiz. I have 3 groupsof radio buttons (3 questions with 4 possible answers for eachquestion, so.. multiple choice).Each answer has a number value assigned to it, i.e. value="2". Thiswould be 2 points.After pressing a button I need to be able to select all the radiobuttons have that been checked, and then add all their point values upand give the user a score.
I would like to dynamically update a score as you select radio buttons on a form. I would like to update the actual score and the possible score every time a radio button is clicked.
If "yes" is selected, they get the points. If "no" is selected, they don't get the points. If "N/A" is selected, the points aren't counted (in either the actual score or the possible score).
So, when either "yes" or "no" is selected the possible points need to be increased by the number of points that question is worth, and the actual points need to be added if they got "yes". I would like it to display their score (total percentage and running score) as you click the radio buttons, so I'm assuming you would need to call a function on each click which passes the point values along?
Im trying to configuere a form that a.a radio buttons that allow the user to choose between quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies and show image when click on my radio to get the image to display whenthey click on the radio button?