Generate Dynamically Every Half An Hour Timing From 2 Am(round Up) Till For Example 11 Am?
Jan 16, 2010
1. i want to get the current time, possibility no from client computer ( sometimes their time is wrong)? i dont know whether can achieve but if cannot, then never mind, just get from client computer.
2. for example now is 1:25 am, i want to generate dynamically every half an hour timing from 2 am(round up) till for example 11 am
something like
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Mar 27, 2009
I have some time for selection on my form, 30 minute time slots by default, what I would like to do is if a user has checked 1 hour then the selected time along with the an extra 30 minutes is selected
<% set Rs1 = objconn.execute("SELECT * FROM tEvents ") %>
<select id="eventTime" name="eventTime" onchange="checkTime();">
<option class="xxx" value="1">Please Select start time</option>
<%Do While NOT Rs1.EOF%>
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Jun 21, 2010
I want to open a particular URL and download a file say ABCD.log every half an hour. (the same file) Is there any way i can automate this process using java script or any other method?
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Mar 29, 2010
I have a webpage with a world clock. On the clock page are 12 buttons (World Cities). When the user clicks these buttons. The time for the relevant world city is displayed. (The time is updated by an function for each individual button. That either subtracts or adds the hours from GMT. For example. If the time is GMT 18:00:00. The user clicks the Paris button and the function adds 1 hour to result in 19:00:00)
However. If the GMT time is for example 21:00:00 and the user clicks the Tokyo button (GMT+9 hours). The time displayed is 30:00:00. So I have been trying to work out how I can stop the time adding past 23:59:59.
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Jun 21, 2009
iam either being really dumb or something is way wrong with the code. i am trying to create a fade in / fade out effect. i know there are tons of scripts out there that do this, but i like to do it myself. my script is only working in firefox at the mo (when it works il cater for other browsers). basically i can get the fade out part to work, but when i want to fade back in it does nothing. now logically id of thought that fading in would be the same as fade out but reversed.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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Jun 25, 2010
I have a form with 3 sections. The first is always required. The second OR third needs to be completed.The form is used for booking holidays OR flex time in the company I work for. [URL]I have it so the first section is validated, and works fine. I can't work out how to have it pass validation if Holiday OR Flex is done. I can only get it to pass if both are filled in.Here's the code im running:
PHP Code:
<script language="Javascript">
function validate(f){
if(f.Name.value == "")
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Mar 24, 2009
how can i generate selectbox dynamically using javascript.
what i mean is
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
<select name="list" id="listid"><option>1</option></select>
every time i have to change the id of select tag.
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May 28, 2010
Using javascript, I want generate buttons and textboxes dynamically depending on selection from dropdown.Use with c# languasge.I will try using above code.But not solved the purpose
<head runat="server">
<title>Dynamically add Text Box and Button</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
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Mar 25, 2011
Whats wrong with this code? i decalre resultArray as a new Array(). Then in a for loop for each resultCount i declare resultArray[resultCount] = new Array().
Then i try putting in values for every resultArray[x][y], but when i go to output the array in another function, everything in resultArray is undefined.code...
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Jul 22, 2010
How I could dynamically generate an image via Java/Javascript.
There will be a tiny sprite-like image in the middle. What I want is to have a partial circle around the sprite appear. It will have a drop-down with 3 options, each changing the diameter of the circle. Then I want the other input box to accept numbers and that number will decide how complete the circle is, out of 360 Degrees. For instance, if someone typed in 359, then their circle would be almost complete.
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Nov 19, 2009
I have a table with a couple random numbers, and i want to click a button that will dynamically regenerate the numbers each time the button is clicked without re-generating the entire table., im using DOM and innerhtml for these random numbers. heres the javascript and html code. so far, it just generates the random numbers when the page loads.[code]...
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Nov 19, 2009
I have a table with a couple random numbers, and i want to click a button that will dynamically regenerate the numbers each time the button is clicked without re-generating the entire table., im using DOM and innerhtml for these random numbers. heres the javascript and html code. so far, it just generates the random numbers when the page loads.code...
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Jun 21, 2010
I've never worked with Ajax before but I've been reading up on it and done some basic tutorials and am comfortable with the concept of asynchronous communication and how everything works from a technical communication perspective. That being said I have no idea where to start on this project which seems like it should be fairly simple. 1. the browser will have a "working area" which is a rectangle of some decent size, there will be a toolbar of objects on the left hand side. This work area should be shown as a grid that the objects will be placed into.The size of this grid (basically the gridlines) will need to be generated automatically based on user input (also the size of the components/objects that will be dragged in and the size of the rectangle) if it is too large (say 500) i'd like a way to pan around and zoom in as well... 2. For simplicity say there are 2 components: Available, unavailable and an erase feature. 3. each object when dragged to the working area should create an object that has some properties (handled programatically from input elsewhere on a simple form) I will be placing these in a database server side. 4. I'd like to be able to drag across the grid to continuously add the selected object and I'd like to be able to click a button on the edge of the grid to fill in the entire row with the objects. From everything I've read on this it seems like this should be somewhat easy but again I don't know what framework to use to start. I'll be putting this in a drupal site and integrating it with a few modules if that makes a difference (i think that part of the programming will be separate from whatever specific implementation I use to get this Ajax part up though)
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Sep 22, 2010
I am not new to jQuery but I just want to ask the best way to approach this. Basically I have a textfield in which the user is going to type in a number (for example 20) and after this textfield lose focus jQuery will be triggered to create whatever number of textfields the user put before (in this case 20).
So, to illustrate: How many users do you have: [ 2 ](and after the field above lose focus, the below will be generated)
Fullname: [ ]
Fullname: [ ]
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Dec 17, 2011
this works when i go to the top it stop at where itbegone but when i scoll down it over lap the next div. what do i have to do so that it stop at the end when scroll down [code]
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Oct 26, 2011
There are pages containing input field where in user enters value. Now I have a requirement to block UI untill the document is ready and every input field is rendered. I have found that I can use blockUI plugin for this : [URL] I have also found few good examples in : [URL]
how do I call $.blockUI() on pre-ready stage and call $.unblockUI(); on .ready(). I would want my UI to be locked untill the doc is ready. I can put call to $.unblockUI(); in .ready() but where do I put $.blockUI().
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May 12, 2009
How to disable all clicks till the pageloads
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Dec 28, 2010
function test()
i have this type ofsituationin my code, now many time function three is called before first and second complete execution.i want third to wait until first and second finish execution, dont want to use delay
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Jun 22, 2010
I am trying reload a div on a page with content from another page using ajax.I am able to do this but the problem is that I need to wait for the page (that I am sending an ajax request to) to finish inputing all the relevant html before it is shown on the page calling the ajax otherwise the re-load of the div will not be up-to-date.
(Here is my code)
type: 'GET',
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Jun 14, 2009
I wanted to ask how it is possible to get error messages from the server till it is implemented in the remote method.What do you think is the less work intensive alternative.I also wanted to ask if i have two fields A and B, and the values of B depends on A. How do i make it with the plugin and the remote method ?I saw that there is a way of writing custom methods:URL...But how do i combine it with the ajax calls?
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Feb 1, 2010
I have calendars on my site where tenants can make reservations for shared rooms. The start times are listed in a drop down starting at 8am and going through 5pm at one hour intervals. What I'd like to be able to do is make the drop down be populated 1 hour from the current time. For example, if it is 8 now, I'd like the time in the drop down to start at 9. Is this something that's possible or wishful thinking?
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Oct 9, 2011
suppose if user enter the pickup time as 11:00 clock and the system time is 11:15 then I want to display the pop up message
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Sep 1, 2010
I own a GPT site that offers member Daily SUrveys. When a daily survey is completed, the time of completion is stored in SQL in Unix time format. I hired a guy to code a Countdown timer for me that would be placed next to every completed offer in member's panel and that would show how much time is remaining till the Daily surveys resets and becomes available to the member for completion again(Daily Surveys reset every 24 hours)
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Jan 8, 2004
My boss has given me a task to create what is essentially a pinging script to run via a web page.
What he wants is for the app to track:Time from Request to start of processing server-sideTime for processing serverside requestTime from end of server-side processing to completed page load.The server side stuff is easy enough. The client side is what I'm concerned with.
How can I capture the time of the request (from the time pressing the go button)? How can I tell when the page is loaded? Onload fires before the page starts to load, doesn't it?
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Sep 10, 2011
I am trying to roll out a 24 hour event, where at the top of every hour one div is swapped out for another. The code I'm using is:
var rightNow = new Date();
var day = rightNow.getDay();
var hour = rightNow.getHours();
But, it only works with two instances of it...for two divs. If I put the code in three or more times, to swap out 3 or more divs, it doesn't work.
I'm thinking I should be able to write everything into one block of code, but can't figure it out. Any suggestions? I'm sorry to bother people with this, I just can't find any info online and I want to test it out ASAP so I know if I have to abandon the effort and try something else. I would just like to avoid having to build it in Flash too.
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Jan 22, 2008
I am trying to create a script that will load an image based upon the hour of the day... Ultimately, the script needs to function as follows:
- A user navigates to the URL
- An image is displayed that is 2 hours old
I have a camaera/utility to upload my image files by hour and updated every 10 minutes. So I have 24 images with a consistent name based upon the hour they where captured (e.g. 12.jpg, 13.jpg, etc...).
Therefore, all I need it a script that will determine what the current hour and display the image that corresponds to two hours previous. I know I can use the javascript math functions to get the 2 hour delay, but it's actually outputting the images that I'm having difficulty with.
I'm thinking I need to use the javascript "Switch" function, similar to the following, but I just can't seem to figure out how to make the script output an image instead of text. Code:
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