I want to give a warning to user when she tries to navigate away from the page. So I am using a 'Confirm' dialogue. Pressing cancel should stop her from leaving the page.
This is my function which is called from the onUnload of the body tag of the page. code...
When I click on 'Cancel' button (part of the form within the same page), then this code is called and if I press cancel in the dialogue, user stays on same page.
However, I press any outside link, which takes user to some other page, then pressing cancel in the dialogue doesn't stop user moving away from the page.
Basically, I have a page that I load with 10 input fields. If users have JS enabled I want to hide 5 of these fields so as to reduce clutter. If the user needs these extra fields an "Add" button can be used to display the hidden fields one by one.
Once the fields a filled in the user submits them for validation and if there are any error They can "Go back" to make some changes. The whole process works great in FF & Opera but IE lets me down because if you use the Browser "Back" button the Javavscript gets executed even though it should be loaded out of cache.
Any of you know how can I stop an exit console when the visitors lefts my site trough a form button?
The below code is the function that opens the console or popup. ********************************** <script language="JavaScript"> function exit(){ window.open('XXXXXXX');} </script> **********************************
Then on the body tag ************************ <body onUnload="exit()"> ************************
I have what I think is a strange issue but others may see something I am missing.I am using AJAX functionality to process a php script on a server and then place the output of the script into a div element.Here is the code snippet
Code: function doWork13(typeCode,colorBlockName,objectCategory,imgID){ httpObject = getHTTPObject(); if (httpObject != null) {[code]....
This code shown here works perfectly BUT....I do not want the alert message to be there. When I remove that line of code the script fails to function. There is no error just nothing happens.The function is to replace one image with another and the variable in question is simply the ID tag of the particular image being modified.As I said it works with the alert but does not with out, could it be a timing issue in that the alert gives enough time for the if statement in the setOutput13 function become TRUE
I have 3 different images on my page, with same IDs for each. And names for each images as img1, img2, img3 respectively. I am using the following function in jQuery, but for some reason, the alert prompts me with the first image name no matter which image I click.
Code: <script language="JavaScript"> var checkobj function agreesubmit(el){[code]....
i need to make it like if the button is clicked and there the agreement checkbox is not checked.. it should give an alert that the alert is not checked.. i know that would require a if and else statement but i cant figure out how to do it
i have a function, i want it to keep doing the function while the mouse is over a button and then stop when its off.....to repeat i can just call the function again at the end of the function like this:
doFunction() { //do something doFunction(); }
but how can i make a function stop to it onmouseout?
I add multiple items with each click and then I want to remove them one by one by clicking. All is ok, but if I add 2-3 items and the click the first one, confirmation alert fires multiple times when i click Cancel. The number of times depends on how many items goes after curent.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/ TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html>
Is there a function to tell jquery to only do something on the first instance that matches then to stop. For example I add a class to a LI to an UL with the below but it adds the LI to all ULs under it.
$("div#container ul").prepend("<li>Home</li>"); Original code: <ul><li> <ul><li>item</li> </ul></li> </ul>
I am working on an image changer. I found that if I do a fadeout/fadein on an element and then try to do another fadeout/fadein on the same element it does not work so I put my fadeout/fadein inside a function and do all my work in the callback portion along with a call to self to make the function keep running in a loop. I just need to know how to incorporate the hover function to make the script stop while hovered over a specific element (will be one of 6 image divs).
Here is the code Code: $(document).ready(function() { var newImage = 'img/1.jpg'; //starts the process with the first image (same as the one in css background-image) imgreplace(newImage); }); var files = new Array('img/1.jpg', 'img/2.jpg', 'img/3.jpg'); function imgreplace(newImage){ $("#imgbox").fadeOut(500, function(){ $(this).css('background-image' , 'url(' + newImage + ')').fadeIn(500); var currImage = newImage; .....
I need to get the randomness fixed because it is still returning the same image sometimes but other than that it works. I just need to be able to hault the function on hover and let it restart where it left off when I move the mouse away. In the unhover section I will be adding code to place an overlay image and href link but I don't think that will be a problem if I can get the start/stop working with hover. Actually I'm hoping to set some variable and use it in my getNewImage function so the other images continue to change but getting the entire script to stop so all the images stop changing will be OK.
I have an auto running function which slides and changes content every 3 seconds.
But I also have another jquery effect which when you click, it also changes the effect, but at the moment I can't have both running at the same time as weird behaviour happens (when clicking, it changes then because 3 seconds have passed it changes again anyway).
We want a way where the user clicks to change, and the auto running function ceases until next reload of the page. code...
window.addEvent('domready',function(){ //SAMPLE 8 var handles8_more = $$('#handles8_more span'); var nS8 = new noobSlide({
All I need to do is when they hover ocer the div statement stop the program from looping. and then when they stop hovering over it let it start looping again.
Is there a function in javascript the same as PHP's exit(). I have: <script> ****EXIT OR EQUIVILENT IN JAVASCRIPT***** </script> <a id="java" style="color:#FFFFFF; ">Enable javascript to view my website</a> This tells me if javascript is on or off.
I have got two div's for javascript, dyn1 and dyn2. Dyn1 on mouse over sets a interval and on mouse out clears the interval.
When the page loads it calls a function called 'first' and this displays a table in dyn1.
Then the user can click a link and this calls another function 'second' which deleted the table in dyn1 and creates a table in dyn2 and is suposed to clear the setInterval.
The problem is after a second of clearing dyn1 and creating the table in dyn2 the setinterval is still running and deletes dyn2 and re creates the table in dyn1.
Is it possible to stop a interval when the user clicks a link? At the moment the second function is calling the stoptimer() function to try and stop it.
I'm having some difficulty preventing a function from executing. Here's a scenario: I have a drop down list that has a sub menu. When you "mouseover" the menu heading, the sub menu expand and when you "mouseout" the menu heading, the submenu collapse. I also add "mouseover" and "mouseout" listeners to the sub menu. My trouble is how do I prevent the drop down list from collapsing so that I can get to the sub menu. And only collapse when there is a "mouseout" on both the menu heading and the sub menu? How do I prevent a function from executing, from inside another function?