Stop Function (Dropdown List) From Executing?

Aug 31, 2011

I'm having some difficulty preventing a function from executing. Here's a scenario: I have a drop down list that has a sub menu. When you "mouseover" the menu heading, the sub menu expand and when you "mouseout" the menu heading, the submenu collapse. I also add "mouseover" and "mouseout" listeners to the sub menu. My trouble is how do I prevent the drop down list from collapsing so that I can get to the sub menu. And only collapse when there is a "mouseout" on both the menu heading and the sub menu? How do I prevent a function from executing, from inside another function?

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Function To Stop Executing Script

Mar 30, 2009

Is there a function in javascript the same as PHP's exit(). I have:
<a id="java" style="color:#FFFFFF; ">Enable javascript to view my website</a>
This tells me if javascript is on or off.

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OnClick Function (Yes / No List) Not Executing?

May 4, 2011

I have this line in my code:
echo '<a href="" onClick="yesnolist()">Free Chat</a>';

Then at the top I have:
<? php
//have some php here
<div class="innerContainer">
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function yesnolist(val) {
var e = confirm('Do you want to send a free chat request?');
if (e == true){
window.location.href = "[URL]";
window.location [URL];
return true;
return false;
<span class="headings2">CONTACTS</span>
//and more code after this
echo '<a href="" onClick="yesnolist()">Free Chat</a>';
Why is it not doing my onClick()?

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JQuery :: Executing Function - When The User Changes The Item On The Dropdown, The Price Is Updated?

Apr 16, 2011

I have a setup where when the user changes the item on the dropdown, the price is updated by ajax.I want the price to pulsate with jquery ui after the price is updated.How can I do this? Here's my javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
function getxmlHttpObj()

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Stop Executing On A Page?

Oct 6, 2011

Is there a piece of code I could put in my website that will allow the same effect as the user disabling javascript in browser options? That would mean that it would stop any javascript from even executing? I would put it on an event.

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Disable A Dropdown List Based On Selection In Another Dropdown List?

Apr 20, 2011

I have two dropdown lists with the second one being dependent on the selection in the first.

Options in list 1: 1,3 or 4

List two should be enabled when 3 or 4 is selected in list 1.

So far so good, managed to get it to work with only one set of lists, but I actually have 18 of those sets in this form:

<select name="fw[$i]" id="fw[$i]">
<option value="1">FWH</option>
<option value="3">links</option>
<option value="4">rechts</option>


I'm not that adept in javascript programming, more like a trial and error guy, how has hit the wall with this problem.

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JQuery :: Stop Animation From Fully Executing?

Mar 7, 2010

I have no previous programing experience so I find myself struggling with even adapting tutorial made navigation to my needs... Anyway, I have this 3 state/sprite/jquery navigation bar, in two(2!) versions, got them by using 2 different tutorials. And neither one does exactly what I want...[code]...

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How Can We Stop IE From Executing Javascript On A Back Button Click

Nov 14, 2007

Basically, I have a page that I load with 10 input fields. If users
have JS enabled I want to hide 5 of these fields so as to reduce
clutter. If the user needs these extra fields an "Add" button can be
used to display the hidden fields one by one.

Once the fields a filled in the user submits them for validation and
if there are any error They can "Go back" to make some changes. The
whole process works great in FF & Opera but IE lets me down because if
you use the Browser "Back" button the Javavscript gets executed even
though it should be loaded out of cache.

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Update A Dropdown List Based On The Selection Of A Previous List

Aug 16, 2010

i am writing a script that will update a dropdown list based on the selection of a previous list. the script is run by a PHP script, so instead of posting the PHP, i will post an example client-side script. the hierachy is: category, sub category, brand (but sometimes there exists no sub category and the PHP script queries and adds brands instead) everything works correctly, except for one major issue: you can not change the selection of the third (brand) box this could be an easy fix for some coders, but i am not experienced in javascript and could really use some help. here is an example script, sorry it is so long


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PHP Drop Down List Selection Populates Second Dropdown List Or Text Box?

Jul 13, 2011

I have been struggling on a bit of code for a while now. I need to populate a second drop down list (Region) based upon the selection of the first (County).I have found a piece of code that works on its own and have adapted to suit my needs - see below. However, when I drop it into my main page the javascript is not working. It's because of the formObject but I just don't know enough to resolve this! Furthermore, I need the textboxes the user has already completed in the form to retain their value once the javascript kicks in as the completed form will submit to a database.This piece of code is working well . . . .


$link = mysql_connect('myhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('mydatabase') or die('Could not select database');[code]......

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Jukebox - Replay List And - Create Non Dropdown List ?

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to construct a Jukebox for my website. I have spent considerable time all over the WEB and at this forum which addressed the issue in a 50 page thread. Please see: [url]

I got a lot of ideas from this thread but still cannot figure a way to do the following within the Jukebox. These are my main two questions for everything below:

1.How can I have the Jukebox cycle through all tunes and then start over from the beginning?

2.How can I allow the user to select a tune from a list but not a drop down list, have the Jukebox start from the users selection and then play all songs to the end. Then as in #1, start over from the beginning?

Per this thread I came away with basically two ways to assemble the jukebox. One uses links in a drop down list which the user can choose from. The other is to use an .m3u playlist. The user can only select a playlist from the drop down.

Below, I have included the code for each Jukebox. To see the Jukeboxes in action please go to my website where I have posted some test pages exhibiting the jukeboxes that I am referring to.

The following is the Jukebox which utilizes an .m3u playlist. If I end up using this idea I would like the tunes in the .m3u playlist to be displayed and allow the user to be able to choose a tune in the list. Then have the list play to the end of all tunes in the list. Then start over from the beginning of the list. After this code is the .m3u playlist.

Go to url removed and click on the link that says:

Jukebox utilizing an .m3u playlist:

Here is the .m3u playlist for the above code:

The following code is for the Jukebox that has a list of links in a dropdown list. If I go with this idea, I would like for the list not to be a dropdown list but just a list of tunes. The user should be able to click on any tune in the list and the player should start from that point, play all the remaining tunes in the list and then start from the beginning.

Go to url removed and click on the link that says:

Another idea I found on the WEB also uses an .m3u playlist. The good thing about it is that it lists all the tunes in the playlist which the user can then select from. This jukebox calls up an entire Windows Media Player. If I was to use this idea I would like to be able to disable the left side of the player where the user has options such as burning to CD, Media Guide, Radio Tuner etc¦

Go to url removed and click on the link that says:

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How To Stop Javascript Dropdown Menu From Scrolling?

May 19, 2003

I'm trying to place a javascript pulldown menu in a layer at the top of my page.

Everything seemed to work great until I noticed the menu always stays visible as you scroll down the page.

How can I make this menu stay put exactly in the layer (yellow bar) and not scrolldown? Code:

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Executing Function

Dec 16, 2003

I need to execute a javascript function on a page on a site. The link of a button is javascript:executefunction(2). However, I need to execute the function javascript:executefunction(1). Is there a way to do this by typing it into the internet explorer address bar (like the view-source:address thing)? Or is there a program that can accomplish this? I need to do this to test how it would execute the command differently. I have no access to the server (it is not my server/site) and don't have to option of download all the files to my computer (too many external css and js files).

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Self Executing Function?

Feb 26, 2010

Can somebody explain the following code:

var dbg =


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Function Only Executing Once?

Jul 5, 2010

i've been trying to make an animated fly/slide-out menu and am just trying to get the basic mechanics down. long story short i'm just starting with a simple mouseover/out setup to get things going.currently (as seen in the code below) i have a div which should simply move down 30px from its starting point on mouseover and return to its starting point on mouseout. this works perfectly the first time the mouse enters and leaves the div but nothing happens the next time the mouse enters the div unless the page is refreshed.



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Function Not Executing When Called?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm trying to run this script on Firefox. I'm copying and pasting the whole thing in here just to be safe, but I'm mostly concerned with getting the findLegendary function to call catchPok(). The script executes fine, goes into the battle, but then...does nothing.It runs the catchPok function if I manually click and deselect the "Find Legendary" window option, so alternately, if somebody knows how to make the program automatically click the element at that point to stop repeating the function (maybe?) and it works, I'd be just as happy with that. My best guess is that the autoContinue function might be interfering somehow, since it runs that portion of the code with the manual findLegendary shutoff, but to be honest I'm pretty clueless.

What I want it to do is run the catch function through, catch the game pixel, and then go back to repeating. I don't care how this is accomplished as long as it can feasibly loop. The game rules allow botting, so this isn't against any site rules, either.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Pokemon Vortex Tool
// @namespace


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Executing Function After REDIRECTING To URL?

Sep 7, 2010

Following is my problem def: Load a HTML page and set the form fields on that page and submit it using javascript. I tried following code: I wrote a html file with following code in it.



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Executing A Function From String Text

Jul 23, 2005

I have an application that navigates through the links in a document,
most of which are "javascript:doThisFunction(args)" type of links.
Using DOM navigation I can find the reference to the javascript
function and store it as a String variable, but is there a way to
execute the function? Currently the only way I know how to do it is
in a series of if/else statements as in:

if (link=="doThisFunction(args)")
else if (link=="doThatFunction(moreArgs)")
... etc.

is there a more elegant way to do this?

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Prevent A Javascript Function From Executing Twice

Jul 23, 2005

I have a select dropdown and 5 text fields. based on the option
selected (which are the units - cm/mm/inches/ft/yard etc), i change
the values in the text fields using javascript to the corresponding

my problem is that when the options are selected very quickly(for eg
using the keyboard's up/down keys) then quickly, the text field values
lose their connection with the select box and the values become

I suspect that the javascript function is being called even before the
earlier execution has not terminated. I tried using a global variable and using it as a lock, but still no success.

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JQuery :: .onclick - Executing A Function Before Another?

May 17, 2009

Need the closeAll() function to execute before the div's slidedown.All divs are initially hidden, just making a check that if one isopen, it must close before any new div runs.Can someone help point me in the right direction?Here is what I have so far.

function closeAll() {


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Hidden DIV - OnClick Function Not Executing

Nov 29, 2011

I have a hidden div containing a table. When the user enters a number into a text field and presses submit, the div containing the table appears. That's what is suppose to happen anyway. I am using an onclick function within the submit button to change the css display from none to block. The javascript is not executing.

How many devices do you want to register?
<input type="text" name="rows" id="rows" size="2" >
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Enter" onclick="showRows();">

The javascript is
function showRows() {
var numRows = parseInt(document.getElementById('rows').innerHTML);
if(numRows != "") {
document.getElementById('Table').style.display = 'block';
} else {
document.getElementById('Table').style.display = 'none';
Am I going about this the right way?

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Executing Predefined Function Via OnClick

Aug 3, 2011

I'm an experienced programmer (c, perl , python, bash) but absolutely newcomer with Javascript. The code I'm experimenting with is shown below. What I'm trying to do at this point is define a function in a script section in the head of my html page, then call that function in the onclick action of a form button. Sounds trivially simple, but for some reason it isn't doing what I expect. The eventual result will be that the Javascript will launch a Silverlight video player using the values supplied by the end user, but for now I just want to get the basic buttons to work.

<title>Silverlight player</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var vProto;
var vServer;
var vStream;

function showMe() {
alert("In the function");
vProto = document.getElementById('proto').value;
vServer = document.getElementById('server').value;
vStream = document.getElementById('stream').value;
return false;

function alertMe() {
return false;
} .....

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JQuery :: Function Executing But Not At The Right Time

Aug 30, 2010

I've been having trouble with a seemingly simple function...I have a form where 3 of 5 field values are generated by a script tied in with Google Search (like a business address). The user is prompted to enter their business license #, and as soon as the input field has val().length == 9 characters, I want to execute an ajax call among some other functions... The problem is the function works when there are 9 characters in the field, but only after I generate a new and different set of values for the generated fields (i.e. the first generated values, coupled with those 9 characters isn't enough to set off the function, although when i use a second set of generated values, the function kicks in). Here's the applicable code...although there's a lot more to the picture...


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Executing A Function On Page Load ?

Oct 28, 2010

Test Page: http:[url].........

Code below:

<script language="JavaScript">
function function1(){

Question: Is it possible to get rid of the button and have it scroll to 0,265 on page load ?

Comment: <body onload="function1();"> doesn't appear to work.

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Executing Function Based On Given Condition

May 21, 2011

I would like to execute functions based on the value of a form. This is the code I have.
<input type="text" id="posttitle" value="Title" onblur="if(this.value.length == 0) this.value='Title';" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Title') this.value='';">
Now let's say I want to execute the function "myFunction()" onblur if that same condition is met, so not only will it recreate the value "Title" but it will also execute a function afterwards. How can I achieve this? I assumed I'd do something like...
onblur="if(this.value.length == 0) this.value='Title' myFunction();"
But that did not work.

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Executing Function Stored Within Object

Oct 20, 2011

I have a strange issue currently within my event.state I have a function that I would like to execute. So you can say that event.state = function(). How I now execute this function that is stored in event.state?

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