Rotating Feature Box SEO Friendly?

May 6, 2010

trying to find a good rotating box with SEO content.[URL]

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Printer Friendly Page

Aug 4, 2006

I have a print button in PHP page which using javascript
window.print() to print web page.

However , when user click "print" , the print preview display that the
page cut-off and alignment is out.

Read on regarding the matter , and found that is not the issue of PHP .
Some users recommend to me to use CSS and HTML to create printer
friendly page.
However my page is extension is in php , can i use CSS and HTML to
create printer friendly page?

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Frames Revisted - Friendly Rediect

Jul 23, 2005

many framed sites have an ancient script in all their pages:
if(top==self) top.location=theframeset

Some friendlier ones do this:
if(top==self) document.write( '<a href=frameset>This page is '
+ 'supposed to be frames</a>.' )

These scripts fail when the page is loaded within somebody's else's

Then top is not self but not a very cooperative top either. And with ever
growing security issues browsers have become quite paranoid. Even testing
for top's origin results in an error:

// gives me [object]
var s='' for (var i in top) s+=i+' '+top[i]+'
' alert(s);
var obj; try{ obj=top.location; } catch(e) { obj='' }
// give me [access denied] (of course)

I 'd rather drop the frames altogether, but the site has been like this for
years and the client insists. There are frames. So how would I detect when
it is appropriate to write:

<a href=>View this page in its <b>own</b> frames.</a> ?

Question b:
in the frameset, a little script looks into for an url
with which to fill the main frame. Is there a way to avoid document.write
and onload?

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SE-friendly Link With Actual Destination Different?

May 11, 2010

I need to have certain links on my site appear to go one place for search engines:

<a href="" ...

but go through an intermediate script to track clicks:

... onclick="window.location='';">

I suppose that's easy enough, but, if the user doesn't have Javascript enabled, I'd like the click to still go through the tracking script.

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Friendly Password Field Code

Nov 7, 2001

Is anybody else having problems getting that code snippet to work?

<input type="text" value="Username" name="username"
onFocus="this.value=''" />
<input type="password" name="password"
onFocus=";" />

When the user clicks on the password form field, the background image is suppossed to be replaced with a white background color. All I get is a javascript error, and I copied straight out of the newsletter.

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Rewrite Ugly Url To User-Friendly Url

May 14, 2010

I have an html based website that needs urls converted from [URL] to [URL] the website has no mysql database. the urls are written through javascript. download from below the js + html files Code: [URL] urls writing rules can be found on common.js and set_form_menu.js.gz files

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Javascript + CSS Switcher For Printer Friendly Webpage

Sep 11, 2007

I am developing a site for a client that requires the printer friendly verison of the site to appear in a separate pop-up window. I am having trouble figuring out the scripting needed to have the current page open in a separate window with a different style sheet applied to it.

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Firefox Friendly Code To Dynamically Add Items To Combo Box?

Oct 13, 2010

Here is my code that works flawlessly in IE but I can't get it to work in firefox. what firefox doesn't like about this code?

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function UpdateCombo()


Now, I obviously left unrelated code out here; but that code is the basic of what Im working with, but the combo box is just empty in firefox. Works fine in IE; so I'm guessing it doesn't like something with the code:

document.getElementById("technical_issue_summary").add(new Option("***Phone Issues***"," "));

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JQuery :: Tabs Not Working When There's A Url-friendly Query String

Mar 11, 2010

I've added the most basic implementation of JQuery tabs. It's working fine so long as there's not a url-friendly query string.In other words, if I load index.php, it will work fine. Even index.php/anystring doesn't have any problems. However, if I try to load something such index.php/anystring1/anystring2, none of the CSS styles for the tabs appear to be applied to the tabs list making all the tabs' contents appear on the same I can work around this to ensure I can preserve the current format of query string without breaking the tabs? Using the old fashioned way doesn't appear to result in any problems, but I'm trying to avoid having to revert to that format.

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User Friendly Anti Spam Email Script

Dec 22, 2003

We don't like putting our email addresses on our pages because we know we'll be spammed big time!

Of course you could use javascript and 'document.write' it out, but who wants script tags in his body? I don't!

So today I made the below and I thought I'd share. It kinda explains itself better then I ever could so. Code:

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Default Fill Friendly Form Character Countdown Script -- How To?

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a javascript or alternative default fill friendly way for counting down the remaining characters left in a form box?

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Gmails Autosave Feature

Feb 17, 2007

I was playing around with the compose feature of gmail today and I noticed that it seemed to have an extremely intelligent auto-save feature. What intrigued me about it was that it only seemed to auto-save the document when you were not working on it and when there was actually something that needed to be done.

However the most interesting (i.e., bit that stumped me) was how while in the middle of auto-uploading a large attached file I am able to edit the e-mail and yet when it has finished uploading the attachment (and the page seemingly refreshes) the changes I made to the e-mail are still there.

Could anyone be so kind as to enlighten me as to just how exactly the auto-save feature works (as I am interested implementing something similar for my own site), especially in the region of attachment handling.

I know that they must have some kind of JavaScript on-key-press callback that detects when you are working on a document but that is about all I can extrapolate.

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Using The OnChange Feature With Select

Jul 9, 2007

i am trying to get to work and i don't get why its not working so i am going to post it here and if someone who is smarter then me could come on and let me know why its not working and how i can fix it. if you have any questions let me know and i would be glad to answer them. Code:

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Does Any One Know How To Set Up A 'save Listing Feature'

Oct 2, 2006

I have a property site and would like users to be able to click a button or tick a box to enable them to save a listing & then when they have finished searching they can then click on a 'view saved properties' button and each listing, or a link to each listing will be displayed on a seperate page so they can then go back to all their saved listings.

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'in' Operator And Feature Detection Technique...

Feb 9, 2006

We all know that feature detection technique works from very beggining
of user-agents supporting JavaScript. We can alway check if eg.
document has a write property or smth else:

if(document.write) {

We could do that for all of objects, so i have been surprised when i
found 'in' operator, which for above example would be used like this:

if("write" in document) {

So i have questioned myself what for ? I can always do:

if(document["write"]) {

or even
var prop = [...];
if(document[prop]) {

which is supported better then 'in' operator ('in' is supported since
W. IE 5.5 and NN 6 - around 2000 year). I can only guess that 'in' was
provided in W. IE 5.5 only for convenience... but that is my guess and
someone more knowlegable could write here some more opinions on this

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Change Resizable Feature During Runtime?

Nov 22, 2006

Is it possible that first I make my window resizable,than if window is less than a fixed size I can make my window not resizable?Better to say can I change resizable feature during runtime?If possible,than how?

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Enable Back Button Feature In An HTA

Jul 20, 2005

Can someone point me to a script that will allow me to implement a "back button" in an HTA, since there is no history for HTA's. Understand this requires an array, is there any sample code out there

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Adding JS Popup Feature To Webpage

Apr 15, 2009

I am trying to add a feature to one of my webpages where when you scroll over a specific word, a popup appears. However, for some reason the code I am using isn't working.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
"[URL]"> <html xmlns="[URL]"> <head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>JavaScript-based Pop-Up Div</title>
<style type="text/css"> body{
padding: 0; margin: 0; background: #fff;
} h1 {
font: bold 24px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #000; }

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Adding Alert Feature With PHP Variable?

Mar 25, 2010

I am pretty new to javascript, I've made a php game and I am adding the last touches. Ive got. When I press m it goes to your mailbox. Now what I want is the alert feature. Now I have that. I want it to say. You have COUNT new message(s). How do I get my php variable into that javascript.

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Make A Digital Timer Feature ?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm going to make a digital timer feature with javascript (maybe JQuery) and was wondering if anyone has some good links to get me thinking in the right direction.. for example just a simple: every 4 seconds increment the time (in seconds)..

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Trying To Build A Drop Down With An Extra Feature

Nov 18, 2004

I am trying to build a vertical drop down where when you click on one of the main headers the sub nav below will drop down. If you then click on another header they previous header's sub nav items will disappear and the new nav's sub nav will appear.

This part I have built. The problem is that I also want to use a ">" to point to the main header that is active and have the ">" disappear when you click on another main header and appear next to that header. This part I can't get to work. I can't get the ">" to appear and then reappear. Code:

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Advise On Creating A Rendering Feature

Jan 13, 2011

May be this is more of a design question rather than JavaScript but guess many of you will have experience in these things. whats exactly happening behind the scenes in this link. [URL] One of the members already pointed out that the website is using transparent layered images to bring the effect. Now, my question is, are they real images or is a texture really applied to a frame on the fly?

I can imagine bringing that effect by using Photoshop filters but how can we do it for Stripes and Checks. If you notice the sleeve for a stripes shirt, you can see that the stripes are aligned as if it were a real shirt. Do we need real photos of shirts for this?

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Scrolling Feature - Previous / Next Buttons For IFrame

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to display testimonials on my website in an iframe. This way I can utilize the scrolling feature if needed and keep the page from changing sizes due to the length of the testimonial. I can also change the testimonials order and content easily. I am trying to make a "next" and "previous" button that will sit on the main page (not in the iframe) and cycle through the testimonials. However I am having trouble with this as I am trying to use an array. This is my current code for the Next button. The idea is to check to see if the testimonial is on the last document. If so display the first testimonial in the array. "Else" change to the next testimonial in the array.

var myTests=new Array();
var numTests = myTests.length;
var curTests = 0
function nextTests()
if (curTest <= numTests)
Then I am using a simple button to call the function "onclick"
<button type="button" onclick="nextTests()">next</button>

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Writing A Dynamic Dropdown Menu Feature

Mar 13, 2003

I've downloaded a couple of example scripts, but they are pretty specific to whatever the authors needs were, and basically I don't really understand the script (actually, the best example I found was in french, so all the variable names are in untranslatable French, haha).

I was wondering if somebody could possibly help me out with getting some skeleton code written out in Javascript for this. I know PHP, MySQL, C, some Java, but there's so much with Javascript that I'm just not understanding the examples.

I will be grabbing data from a MySQL table, and will be using PHP array's to temporarily store that data so it can be displayed, and I understand how to work with PHP and Javascripts, but I need the some skeleton code for the actual dynamic dropdown menu algorithm.

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SetTimeOut - DHTML - CSS Driven Zoom Feature

May 25, 2010

I have a CSS driven zoom feature which shrinks a large image down to a specified size and when hovered over, the image enlarges to its full size. I need to be able to either make it stay opened (enlarged) when clicked, unless it is clicked to close OR to have the hovered (enlarged) image on a time delay to stay open for a specified amount of time.

I have already tried 2 scripts that I've found, but they are very over-complicated for what I need.

I thought, I'd only need to put something in the <a> tag or <img> tag, but I'm so new to Javascript and it is wearing me so out that I'm exhausted.

I did, however, get the effect that I wanted when I applied a:Active, instead of a:Hover) - It's just that can't get the image to close upon a second click.

My guess is that I need a js with an if open then onclick close it - but I'm not sure how to construct it or exactly where it wiill go.

Here is the CSS that operates the zoom (external CSS):


Here is the markup for the image:


The example can be seen here: [url]

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JQuery :: Adding .min.js - Tabbed Content Box Feature That Calls

Apr 10, 2010

I have 2 separate things going on my homepage using jQuery. One is a menu calling the following jQuery:

The other is a tabbed content box feature that calls the following jQuery:

Everything works with great with the menu until I call jquery.min.js then the tabbed content box works great and the jquery for the menu is broken. If I'm not mistaken, I cant use jquery no conflict because that only separates jquery from mootools or something like that. So, what is the solution when jquery interferes with itself?

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