I am not sure this is possible but it seems like it should be. I want to populate a javascript array with all the image files in a dorectory. I want this to be dynamic so that when I add an image to the directory it get included in the array.
Any ideas? I am sure there are many javascript wizards out there who can point me in the right direction.
Looking for a little bit of help. I created a simple script a while back in PHP which reads all the images from a directory and assigns them to an array (reading for loading into a document). Would I be able to do this in JavaScript or does it not have these kind of privileges?
There is a slideshow on my website that reads in the address of local images and puts them in a slideshow rotation to be displayed on the page. I currently have to "hard code" the addresses in, similar to the JavaScript below:
However, I want to be able to place images in the Images directory without having to make sure the files are named the same as in the code. I would like JavaScript to go out to a local directory, see what's in there, grab anything in jpeg format (regardless of the name), and put it in the slideshow rotation.
I'm trying to combine two scripts I found online to make a preloader for all the images in a folder. The javascript part works when you manually enter in a list of images, so I was trying to make a php array to get all the names of the images in one directory, then use that to list them. Here's what I tried:
I have some images 5 or 6 that are 800 x 300 i use in my website banner.The start loading but when number one is 1/3 of the way teh next one starts then the next, it looks real messy nee some way to preload them ... like black square or something .code i used below
<script language="JavaScript"> // configuration structure var A_TPL = {[code].....
I've created a jquery slideshow what I wanna do is to pull files from a directory and add them to the slideshow like open file dialog or any other technique.
I am working on a page where the user will select a location from a dynamically generated dropdown list. I was able to create the php multidimensional array (tested and working) from a MySql database using the users information at login, but I'm having problems converting it to a javascript multidimensional array. I need to be able to access variables that I can pass to a number of text fields within an html form.For instance, if a user belongs to a company with multiple addresses, I need to be able to let them select the address they need to prepopulate specific text fields.
I am having a difficult time with scope. I'm using the following code to populate an array from XML data:
var Point = function(pX, pY) { this.x = pX; this.y = pY;
When I break at the for loop in firebug the points array is empty but if I break in the jquery each loop I see the the point object being added to the points array.
I have a div what will contain a various number on images and I need to put all their src's into an array. Is this doable? Heres the code: <div id="imageHolder"> <!-- ONLY CHANGE THE SRC, NOTHING ELSE --> <div style="width:770px;height:400px;overflow-y:auto;margin-bottom:5px;"> <img src="[URL]" alt="" width="750" id="mainImage"/> <br /><br /></div> <img src="[URL]" alt="" width="240" height="120" onmouseover="Images = this.src;alert(Images)" /> <img src="[URL]" alt="" width="240" height="120" onmouseover="Images = this.src;alert(Images)"/> <img src="[URL]" alt="" width="240" height="120" onmouseover="Images = this.src;alert(Images)"/> </div> Ignore the onmouseover code I was attempting to do this but so far no luck.
I have a pre-populated array in a JavaScript. How to populate TEXTAREA field with the text from that array, each entry on different line on page load? Say, value at index 1 will come at line 1; value at index 2 will come at line 2 and so on.
I'm having some issues with my code. I'm trying to pull data from one array and use it to populate a new array. With my initial array I can get the results of certain properties using 'servos[i].application'. Any servos that share their value with that of my filter box should be put into a new array called matches and allow me to referance them in a similar way 'matches[i].application'. At the minute I've got my code to populate the new matches array, i'm pretty sure, but when I try to get data out of the second array using the 'matches[i].application' style of query it says its undefined. I already have an array called servos which is full of 49 different servo objects. I've added the function containing this code and commented it too.
PHP Code: function dataPull(){ //create servoStore to build page for display //var servoStore=""; // search and get servos meeting application filter settings // create new array called matches with set properties var matches = new Array("application", "sclass", "type", "motor", "bearings", "gears", "modelno", "name", "speed", "v3_3", "v4_8", "v6_0", "v7_2", "weight", "dimensions", "opvoltage", "image", "description"); .....
I want to use arrays to populate an HTML list. I can populate the main list items but I can't seem to get the sub list items to work. <HTML> <Body> <ul> <script> var pages = ["page1", "page2","page3"]; var subPages = ["sub1","sub2"]; for(var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++){ var page = pages[i]; document.write('<li>' + page + '</li>'); if (page == "page2"){ document.write('<ul>'); for(var i = 0; i < subPages.length; i++){ var subPage = subPages[i]; document.write('<li>' + subPage + '</li>'); } document.write('</ul'>); }} </script> </ul> </body> </HTML>
I'm working on a project for work and I'm having some issue trying to distribute to program the smoothes as possible, on idea I had was using Javascript, Im kind of new at this so ill explain to you what Im hoping to do. Basically Im looking for a onload= function when the .hta opens it would get a file from lets say G:\path\path1\path2\file.hta to C:\path\path1\folder So it would take the file and copy past it in another folder from a different directory. If a popup message could popup saying completed
I seem to keep chaging my mind about the best way to do this. I am trying to make a gallery that will display images on a page (without a database!) from a folder when a link is cliked. I have used PHP to read the file paths into an array - and this seems to work perfectly. Its output is similar to this:
Okay, so I've been trying to pick up JavaScript and JQuery. And I have a few questions, would be very grateful for answers: -If I'm making a sliding image gallery with JQuery, how do I store my images in an array? I take it this is the best way? I've made a JQuery gallery by assigning each image an ID, and hiding the ones that aren't required. This looks like bad practice though.
I take it it should work with a standard JavaScript array, then reference the position of the image I've loaded? like [0][1][2] etc, but something must be amiss in my code. So basically, I've animated my image in, and there's a next button that I want to take me to the next image in the sequence.
i want all of the images to preload, but i want to do it in such a way that i don't have to list all of the images a second time.. I want it to somehow grab all the images from the array and load them. is there a simple or relatively easy way of doing that?
manipulate the code below so rather than it rotate 1 image it rotates an array of images of say 3 images. Which will be placed in different places on the page.
1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Add the last code into the BODY of your HTML document -->
<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document --> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->
I know I probably have to recode this, but is there a simple answer?
var ImageArr1 = new Array("images/sponsors/deanst.png","images/sponsors/vroom.png","images/sponsors/lfest.png","images/sponsors/beontrack.png"); var ImageHolder1 = document.getElementById('Rotating1'); var ImageArr2 = new Array("images/sponsors/paulmitchell.png","images/sponsors/sinnersaint.png","images/sponsors/pinksofa.png","images/sponsors
I have a random image JS that I need to add links to ( well, the same link but to all images) something I am doing is not working. I just need to add a link (asp/course_tool/default.asp) to each jpeg. Code:
First off, The application in question can be found at:[URL]... It uses pixastic, then the "convert to png" button converts the canvas to a saveable image. The application is going to produce a slideshow using the edited images. I obviously have the option of allowing my users to save the edited images locally, and then reload them to create the slideshow.
Ideally though, I would like this image loading process to be done from within the browser though.
I have an image sitting in a <td> tag, and I want the image to change every 5 seconds. I have a total of 3 images that I need to cycle, and I need it to go back to image1 after displaying image3 for 5 seconds.
I want to call the changeAd() function from the setInterval method within the startAdPAge() function because I am going to be adding more statements to the startAdPage() function, so the body onload event will call the startAdPage() function, which will in turn, call all the other functions.
I was using an if/else statement in the changeAd(), but that only changed between image1 and image2, so i am trying this array, but now it is not changing at all.
The script works if the images are stored within the HTML but when I try to store them in the JS array, it fails. Is there any way to store the images in JS with this script?
Below is the code I use to populate a textboxes (compaddress) when I select the compname from the dropdown. I would like to be able to populate other textboxes such as the compdescription, compmaincontact and others when I select the compname from the dropdown. I think that I need an array but I really would like some advice on how to do it as all of my attempts have failed so far