function go() {
var pic=new Image();
pic.onload=yo; // method 1
//pic.addEventListener("load",yo,false); // method 2
Code is in a file on it's own referenced from the xhtml. Using either
of the two methods indicated the function yo doesn't get called.
Code works as expected in Firefox, Mozilla, Konqueror, IE. If I
uncomment the alert in go() I can see that go does actually get called.
Nothing comes up in Opera's Javascript console.
What it is supposed to do is pull down the background image of my nav panel by setting the CSS height to match the length of the page. I got it to work in IE but it does not work in Opera or Firefox. I'm not sure how to access the correct object in Opera and FF.
To view the problem:
Well, I'm a new user so I can't post the link to the problem.
We are building an opera extension in which we are trying to use the document object property (document. body. innerHTML) in order to obtain the source of the main page of a site. In most cases it provides us with the correct page source but for certain sites (ones that have multiple document layers), it doesn't return the top most document. This perhaps has to do with how opera loads the document layers in a page. We did not face any issue with any other browser.How can we obtain the source of the main page URL... using the document object in Opera ?
The onload event appears to be firing before all the content of my window loads or something. In the stripped down example below, my browser tells me that it cannot find the object "thisThing." What gives?
i am trying to load/embed pdf inside a html object tag. since loadng of pdf content takes time, I want to capture onload complete event of object tag and take some action/msg to show usr that loading is complete. but i am not able to capture onload event of object tag. i get pdf content from an aspx page in bytestream and set it as data in object tag:
JS: function loadObjectsuccess() { alert('pdf has loaded now');
I am experiencing a problem with some images I am using for navigation. In Safari on my Mac everything displays as it should. The image loads ok, I mouse over the image and it goes black and white, mouse out and it goes back to colour.
When I tested this with Firefox and Opera on my Mac and IE8 and Firefox on my Windows laptop the onmouseover image does not appear and I am left with a text link and a lot of flickering as you move the mouse about.
I have almost zero knowledge when it comes to javascript and I've got the necessary code which according to everyone works from either books or the web.
I am completely stuck as to why this simple operation is not working.
you can see the page at this address: [url]
Only the left hand image has been set to onmouseover as I was testing to see if it worked first.
I have attached the CSS and HTM files in a zip file.
We've got a server-side page (status.php) that dynamically generates a GIF image. The displayed image depends on the value of a boolean field in a database. Just calling the page displays the current value of the boolean, calling it with a parameter switch (status.php?switch) flips the database value and generates a new image. We've included headers to prevent caching of the image by the browser.
Whenever our HTML page is displayed in the browser, we just include an image that shows the current status: img src='status.php'/
We want to allow the user to click the image, which then inverts the boolean status in the database: img src='status.php' onclick='this.src=status.php?switch;'/
This works great in Internet Explorer, but both Mozilla and Opera only allow to switch once. My idea of the problem is that those browsers think like this; after one click, the src is already 'status.php?switch', so changing the src again would be redundent in their eyes, so they won't do it.
We found a temporary solution by generating the current time as a parameter in the image URL: img src='status.php' onclick='this.src=status.php?switch+(new Date());'/ However, this is not a very elegant solution.
Does anyone know a proper solution to this? This means, forcing Mozilla and Opera to load an image using JavaScript, even though the URL of the image didn't change?
Is there a cross browser way to change the opacity of an image? I have found a way that works for IE and Firefox but would like it to work in Safari and Opera as well.
Before image upload I want users to preview their choice. For some reason JS doesn't work with all browsers except FF.When a user selects file, JS preview function should insert it into #addPreview div where preview.gif is located as a default picture. If everything goes OK preview.gif is replaced with new selected file. Otherwise wrong size or file type is detected. Alert message appears in #addPreviewAlert div.Here's my code:
Code: <!-- ALERTS --> <div id="addPreviewAlert"></div> <!-- END ALERTS -->[code]...
Tell me why Firefox works as desired, but all other browsers don't allow any preview. They don't show any JS error messages and alerts either.
With image elements I can do <IMG src="..." onLoad="..."> where the onLoad is supposed to fire upon the image loading. Is there an event that I can trap for once the background image in <BODY background="...url..."> is loaded?
I plan to render a series of maps which sometimes take a while to compute (on the server) so I'd like to know when subsequent ones come in.
Failing that, can I assign an already loaded image to the background?
I've got 2 questions if that's OK. I have a number of scripts running on a site i'm working on and I think I may be getting a clash with the image preload and another font resizing script. As I am new to javascript I have picked up the code from elsewehere. I am trying to get my head around it reading tutorials etc but am getting stuck when it comes to multiple scripts on the page
There are a number of scripts running: browser detect, png opacity, image preload, layer show/hide and a font resize.
here is the site
Q1 In IE5.5+ on the PC neither the font sizer nor the image preload is working - i think it is a clash of onload events. Can anyone suggest a fix?
Q2 I think there must be a better way to have my images preload. The current code is the dreamweaver version. Is there a better way?
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; }
function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} }
function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; }
function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} }
If I create an image element using the DOM methods and assign it an onload event handler, at what point is the image actually loaded and the event handler run?
So, given the following and assuming that "parent" references a node already in the document:
var elm = document.createElement("img"); elm.src = "myuglyface.jpg" // #1
addEvent(elm, "load", myHandler, false); // the standard cross-browser event adding mechanism
parent.appendChild(elm); // #2 Does the loading of the image begin at #1 or #2, ie when I first reference it or when it is added to the document? Can I even add an event handler at the point I do so?
I am trying to write a script that automatically changes an image on a web page on certain timings under the condition that a user never close or reload the page (for example, show black.jpg on Thursday 4:30-6:00 PM local time, show blue.jpg on Friday 3:15-5:00 PM local time and otherwise show red.jpg). The problem is that the black.jpg or blue.jpg never appears no matter how I change the numbers inside of, for example, "if (i>= 3204000 && i< 3205000)". Only the yellow.jpg and (approximately one second later) red.jpg. appear.
//DATE CONVERSION BEGINS: var today=new Date(); var dai=today.getDay(); var hrs=today.getHours(); var min=today.getMinutes(); var sec=today.getSeconds(); .....
The ones I find on Google all consist of white backgrounds that fade out to reveal an image... What I have at the moment are thumbnails that have hide/show div behaviors... But they look really boring at the moment and make my site boring... How I could make a png (a thumbnail border) fade in on the thumbnail whenever the mouse goes over it...
Been trying to get a short script I wrote to work 100%. Basically it checks to see if the main page image is =>375px and if it is shunts the text down below it. Its not a live site yet and due to it being so short I thought I would just copy and paste it here:
function checkImage(imageId) { if(document.getElementById) { var id = document.getElementById(imageId);
The problem is with IE6, it randomly decides not to work without any sign from the debugger that anything is wrong. This is my first time using onLoad with an image, is there any quirks with it such as page load order (e.g. if the image finishes loading before the text loads this wouldn't appear to run?).
I change inside a image.onload function. And surprisingly, I found that it runs the onload function on the same image again with the new style.width value. Javascript treats this as a new image! This is the same old image.
Is there a way to pervent it from runing onload the second time?
When I put the in, I get the error message "object doesn't support this action". I've also tried putting in after the </body> tag as another go.
I'm setting the cookie with these lines in another function: varScroll = document.body.scrollTop;document.cookie("Position") = varScroll;
Any clues/suggestions greatly appreciated. I recently posted a similar question, but rearranged how I was doing it, still no luck, so I'm trying again.
I am making a small gallery script. When a user clicks an image, I would like for a function to be called that tells the browser where that image is located in an object. For example:
It works, I just don't like it because it is messy and it seems sensible that some workaround exists.
I have a LARGE, hi-resolution image that I am trying to use as the background for a page. Because it is so large, it takes a while to download. Because of this, I wanted to load the image behind-the-scenes and show it once it is downloaded.
To accomplish this, I'm using the following JQuery code:
This code clearly downloads an image and appends it to my DIV element. However, I really want to set this downloaded image to the background-image CSS property of my DIV. The reason why is because I have content inside the DIV that should serve as the foreground.
How do I dynamically download an image, fade it in, and use it as a background?
I'm having a hard time figuring out why the onload event is not being called for the frameset window in the following simple example. It is being called for each of the component frames. Code:
Specifically, window.onload appears to fire before all the elements of the page have been rendered. As the difference is consistent across IE/Moz/Opera, I'm assuming it's deliberate - can anyone point me towards where this behaviour of window.onload is defined in the documentation? TIA. Code:
HI'm working on a website and i was asked to add a fancy fade in effect which after a ton of scourcing the web i managed to find and get to work
function fadein(){var fade=0, fadein=document.getElementById("Astuces").style,ms=(fadein.opacity==0)?0:1, pace=setInterval(Fade,30);[code]....
Now for the index page there are multiple images that i want to have fade in one after another. What i did was copy the above code a 5 times and change the function names. It worked like a charm in both Chrome and Firefox however IE as usual is being a partypooper. it appears that IE does can not handle multiple "window.onload" which causes only the first image to slowly fade in.Here is my current code, how can i make it IE competable?
function fadein(){var fade=0, fadein=document.getElementById("Astuces").style,ms=(fadein.opacity==0)?0:1, pace=setInterval(Fade,30);[code]....
I am a systems analyst and network admin for [url].... We already have an exisiting site, which has JS. We now need to add a lightbox effect onload that will basically overlay the page in grey and focus on a banner before you can access it. Thus, pushing everyone who visits to read a banner. I would also like to add an "x" graphic in the top right corner of the projected image to close the banner and return to veiwing our site.