ObjCount Function - JSON Key Number
Jun 2, 2009
I have the following function and JSON object as seen below and I need to be able to determine the number of entries for the day that are within June2009 (or whatever month/year is passed to the function) in the JSON object for example I have 2 for June2009 and I need to set the objCount in my function for 1 so I do not get a not defined error in my for loop. How can I get the correct # returned to use as my objCount. for example if June2009 was passed the for loop value of objCount should be 1 and if it was July the objCount should be 0 etc etc.
function getTest7(jsonData, month, year){
alert('running getTest7');
var tempItins = jsonData;
var monthYear = month + year;
var objCount = 0;
var objCount = need to get a valid count for example of June 2009 how many in array for June2009 which is 2 (or actually 1 since starts at 0)
for (var i = 0; i < objCount; i++){
alert('display depDay: ' + tempItins[monthYear][i].day);
}} .....
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Apr 4, 2010
I am writing this code
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON('{"a":"sss","b":"sss","question":"whi?"}');
How could I know how many objects variable obj has?
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm having a hard time executing a function inside JSON.[ code]...
How do I execute the errorPlacement function inside the lsmsValidate JSON?
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Oct 8, 2010
I am using a json from a Google spreadsheet and a jquery plugin which is called throught this HTML line <ul id="example">.The thing is that when I dynamically append elements to the <ul id="example"> from within the JSON callback function, these are not recognized by the jquery plugin
<ul id="example">BLA BLA BLA</ul>
If I insert an <ul id="example"> plus some <li> in the HTML code the plugin works perfect If I insert dynamically some <li> to the <ul id="example"> throught a javascrypt function before executing the callback (...json-in-script&callback=...) also work perfect.But when I insert dynamically the <li> elements within the callback function (in my case: cm_loadMapJSON) does not work well.
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Aug 23, 2011
I'm trying to put a function in a object created using JSON notation. The syntax looks like this...
historySet = { ajaxRunFunction: "updatePageCopy('" + pageID + "','','" + pageName + "')"};
It works fine in FF, but in IE it calls the function updatePageCopy when it creates the object history set. I don't want to call the function when the object is created.
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Aug 5, 2009
I have a very simple PHP script that returns JSON like this:
{"question":"What day is it?"}
And I'm trying to call it from another page using Ajax. My code looks like this:
var url = "/test.php";
$.each(data, function(i, value) {
}, "json"
When I run it I get each character printed out one at a time in a separate alert. And then when I used this line of code:
alert(typeof data);
It tells me that 'data' is a string. Shouldn't it be a JSON object?
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Jan 5, 2012
I have quite a few calls on my page at different points to populate dropdowns using jSon responses from the server. It is all working fine now apart from one issue. The name of the field that sets the value and text of the new Option(s) being put into the dropdown.
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May 3, 2011
How might I go about getting the parsed JSON object in the complete function? The json param shown below seems to just receive the http status text message.
My 2nd question would be how should I knwo if the first place what params I can receive to a callback function like this?
type: 'POST',
url: 'url.json',
dataType: 'json',
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Oct 9, 2011
I'm trying to fetch JSON contents via ajax() from a file using this code:
// grab pages via AJAX request
sm.pages = (function() {
var json = null;
async: false,
global: false,
url: 'pages.json',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
json = data;
return json;
One problem though. The success function doesn't seem to be firing at all even though I can see the request was successfully in Firebug.
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Oct 12, 2010
I'm trying to assign the values from the JSON data returned when I run this code into an array that's outside the callback function. The data is multidimensional, and I have been able to use this data within the callback function. However I want to use it outside that function. i.e. the jsdata returned in the code below is to be used outside the function
//do some stuff with JSON data or pass to global variable[code]..........
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Oct 20, 2010
I have a JSON structure in API.When I call the API in my code it returns as the same JSON .I have to print this JSON result as table with pagination in Javascript. The table should be dynamic with previous and next buttons and the table should populate the results according to the JSON and each page should have 20 entries and then the remaining entries should go on the next page and I should be able to go back and forth in the table using previous and next respectively.tell me the exact code of how to start with getting JSON from the API and then write the JSON data in the form of dynamic table with pagination.
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Jul 22, 2002
To round off a value to a specified number of digits:
function RoundIt(Value,Digits) {
var P=Math.pow(10,Digits);
var R=Math.round(Value*P)/P;
var G=true;
while(G) {
var L=R.length;
var I=R.indexOf('.');
if (I == -1) {
} else {
var D=L-I-1;
if (D < Digits) {
} else {
return R;
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Oct 29, 2009
I'm using simpleCart() javascript shopping machine for my page.The script accepts values in a specific syntax:onclick="simpleCart.add('name=Some name','price=23.4','quantity=1');"But because the price of the product is not always the same but comes up after previously made calculations, i want to parse the values in simpleCart() through another function. I have made the following one which gets the price from a textbox (resultAlmires) of a form (Almires), then converts it to american format (. instead of ,) makes it have one decimal only and finally parse it to simpleCart() with the use of a variable.However it doesn't seem to work:
function addAlmiri() {
var timi = document.Almires.resultAlmires.value;
timi = timi.replace(/,/,".");
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Dec 7, 2010
I am working on an HTML project that displays a field with a number in the field by each day. What it does is start at 0 on day one. Each day it adds a 1 to the field. Day 2, the field would say 1, then day 3 would say 2, and so on. I am not sure how to approach this. This is also displayed in an HTML format. I want to to be automatic and change as the date changesI will also need a way to reset it back to zero if possible.
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Apr 13, 2010
I am trying to write a code that tells if one number is a multiple of another and I type in the numbers from a text box...
<script type="text/javascript">
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May 5, 2010
Is there a built in function to format a number to 2 decimal places and to add commas like below.
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Oct 26, 2011
Create a function that prompts user for a number. Develop the program so that it continues to prompt until it receives valid information. Then create a multiplication table that displays the number multiplied by 1 through prompted number.
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Apr 18, 2010
i've got a program that gets input from a user, and then stores it in a cookie. That bit is fine, what is a problem is that its just overwriting the data each time a new entry is made, i believed this to be something do do with it not being numbered entry's, so i added a number into the entry, but for some reason it wont add 1 to the number variable each time the function is called
<title>Grader 101</title>
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Feb 19, 2011
I am working on form validation, i want to validate "Name" input field value . I want that in "Name" input field no number can be input.
Is there any function which search number/s from string ?? i.e if user inputs any number in that field with string i can display error message(Name can't be alpha numeric).
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Aug 9, 2011
I need date format of some javascript code I'm using.
Here's the code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function to add number of days (accepts number of days to add)
function AddDays(days) {
var thisDate = new Date();
thisDate.setDate(thisDate.getDate() + days);
return thisDate;
This is what I get: Thu Aug 09 2012 16:45:34 GMT-0500 (CDT)
I just want: Aug 09 2012
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Apr 22, 2009
How do I get a function to repeat itself an unspecifiednumber of times?BACKGROUND: I have created a digital clock with which I verysatisfied except for one shortcoming: it displays only once and stopsticking. The only way to keep track of the time is to refresh thepage. I have introduced the setInterval( ) function in a variety ofways to compel JSClock() to repeat itself, but to no avail.SOURCE CODE:
(function($) {
$.fn.JSClock = function() {
var today=new Date();
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Jul 2, 2011
I have a function that does some calculations and populates some text fields with the results. I also have a function that changes the font color of the numbers to red if they are less than zero. What I dont have is a way to make them work together. I imagine I need to pass the results of the calculation function to the change color function, but not sure how to go about doing that. Here is the calculation function:
function to calculate the total costs, gain/loss and return percent.
function calculate()
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Oct 26, 2011
- Create a function that prompts user for a number.
- Develop the program so that it continues to prompt until it receives valid information.
- Then create a multiplication table that displays the number multiplied by 1 through prompted number.
How to get the function to work.
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Sep 25, 2010
What this function does is countdown the value of an HTML table-cell to zero (minus 1 every second) then stop counting that specific cell when it's finished. This works perfectly, the problem is that when it is called AGAIN for a different table-cell, the previous cell starts reducing its value by 2 every second instead of 1. This function supports the Hour:Minuteecond format. So, how would I make this function so that I can call an infinite number of different table cells, and the previous table cells timers would not be affected (they would still countdown 1 per second as they should)?
This is the code which CALLS the function, where $i is 1-5 inclusive, defined by PHP:
timer('ff".$i."', ". rand(1,100) .");
This is the BODY of the function itself, called by the above command
var running = new Array(50);
function timer(data, id){
var id=new Array(50);
// usage: var id=new Array(50); timer('cq0');
var time=(dat.innerHTML).split(":");
var done=0;
if(dat.innerHTML == null) {
done = 1;
} if (time[2]>0) time[2]--;
else {
if (time[1]>0) time[1]--;
else {
if (time[0]>0) time[0]--;
else {
running[data] = 0;
if (!done){
id[data]=setTimeout("timer('"+data+"')", 1000);
running[data] = 1;
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Jan 5, 2010
How I can convert a string to a json array.
start code:
The problem is that .css treats snip[1] as a string but I need it to handle it as a json array.
Bad: .css
Good: .css
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Sep 11, 2010
I have a html file that I want to load, loop through the json data and for each json entry I want to add a new block of the html and insert the json data into the matching div/class of the html. json looks like this:
{"Super" : [{"Name" : "John Doe", "Age" : "30"}, {"Name" : "Jane Doe", "Age" : "40"}]};
html looks like this:
<div class="Name"></div><div class="Age"></div>
So for each json entry of name/age, I want to insert that into the html, and then add another row, until all json data has been fetched. After this I want to insert all of this into #box, which is just a divthat should contain that html. Looping like this obviously does not work, since I just keep replacing the same html through the loop.
var jsonData = {"Super" : [{"Name" : "John Doe", "Age" : "30"}, {"Name" : "Jane Doe", "Age" : "40"}]};
$.each(json.Super, function() {
$('#box .Name').html(this.Name);
$('#box .Age).html(this.Age);
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