JQuery :: JSON To Array (How To Know Number Of Objects)

Apr 4, 2010

I am writing this code
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON('{"a":"sss","b":"sss","question":"whi?"}');
How could I know how many objects variable obj has?

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JQuery :: Convert A String Version Of A Json Array To An Actual Json Array

Jan 5, 2010

How I can convert a string to a json array.

start code:

The problem is that .css treats snip[1] as a string but I need it to handle it as a json array.

Bad: .css

Good: .css

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Objects Under Mouse - Return An Array Of All Objects Underneath A Certain Point

Apr 17, 2011

Is there a way in Javascript or Jquery to return an array of all objects underneath a certain point, ie. the mouse position. Basically, I have a series of images which link to various web pages but I have a large semi transparent image positioned over the top of the other images. I want to find the href of the background image that the mouse pointer clicks over.

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Combining Two JSON Objects ?

Mar 25, 2010

I am currently generating two different JSON objects from Coldfusion. I've read several things about how to merge JSON objects but they always modify the first object if it has the same Key. What I want to do is append the second objects contents to the end of the first objects contents under the same key.

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Sorting Objects Inside Of Multidiminsional Array For Main Array?

Apr 25, 2011

I am really hoping someone is willing to take the time to read this post and take a minute to take a look at my code. What is happening is there are some matches for a script I made and then an area for segments during an event. If you notice on the segment part of the form is that there is a dropdown that asks for where in the event that segment needs to go. With the Introduction or the different numbered matches. What I need to happen for a subArray I need it to take the introduction, all the matches, and all the segments and order them accordingly. With the introduction first, the matches in order based off there match number and then the segments in between the introduction or matches based off the user's input.[URL]..

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Creating Instantatable Objects Using Pure JSON? -- No Prototyping!

Apr 23, 2007

I've been pretty infatuated with JSON for some time now since
"discovering" it a while back. (It's been there all along in
JavaScript, but it was just never "noticed" or used by most until
recently -- or maybe I should just speak for myself.)

The fact that JSON is more elegant goes without saying, yet I can't
seem to find a way to use JSON the way I *really* want to use it: to
create objects that can be instantated into multiple instances without
prototyping. I've seen (and used) JSON for singleton object instances
-- this not a problem and this is how it works right out of the gate.

But given the following custom object written the past "normal" way, I
would like to write it in JSON format, and then be able to create new
instances from the one definition. Here's an example using the "old
way" most who have been writing JavaScript for years have seen:

function Two( x, y ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

Two.prototype.sum = function () { return this.x + this.y }
Two.prototype.max = function () { return this.x this.y ? this.x :
this.y }
Two.prototype.min = function () { return this.x this.y ? this.y :
this.x }
Two.prototype.pow = function () { return Math.pow( this.x, this.y ) }

Now, I know I can get all "fancy" with the above and do either this:

Two.prototype = {
sum : function { return this.x + this.y },
max : function () { return this.x this.y ? this.x : this.y },
min : function () { return this.x this.y ? this.y : this.x },
pow : function () { return Math.pow( this.x, this.y ) }

Or this:

function Two( x, y ) {
// Properties.
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

// Methods.
this.sum = function () { return this.x + this.y }
this.max = function () { return this.x this.y ? this.x : this.y }
this.min = function () { return this.x this.y ? this.y : this.x }
this.pow = function () { return Math.pow( this.x, this.y ) }

(The later seems to work without prototyping...!)

But neither are really as close to pure JSON as I would like, so that
I can instantate those:

var hisPair = new Two( 11, 22 );
var herPair = new Two( 33, 44 );

What I'd like is a way in PURE JSON to be able to create the Two class
(as an example) using pure JSON. I've not seen anything yet on the
web that addresses this directly aside from some pages which require
you to include another JS to allow "deep embedding" of classes using
other helper "classes" (that are created the "old way" it seems), etc.

The best I've found so far on using pure JSON to create a class that
allows *multiple* instances is something like this:

function Two( x, y ) {

var class = {
x : x,
y : y,
sum : function { return this.x + this.y }
max : function () { return this.x this.y ? this.x : this.y }
min : function () { return this.x this.y ? this.y : this.x }
pow : function () { return Math.pow( this.x, this.y ) }

for (var element in class) this[element] = class[element];


Now *THAT* works, but it's still not as "pure" I would like. But it's
acceptable for now, I guess, since I *am* creating the entire "class"
as a JSON object, and I consider the outside function "wrapper" as the
necessary "constructor." But I keep wondering... There HAS to be a
better way.

I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a place that discusses JSON used
in situations like the above. Again, I've seen an ABUNDANCE of pages
and sites that discuss JSON in Singleton usage, but nothing that
discusses it as I am wanting here.

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JSON.stringify() Acceptable - Send All Of The Data From These Objects To PHP

Apr 27, 2010

I'm working on a very Javascript heavy application, and we've set up a number of different Objects to handle the data on the page. Very often, we'll need to send all of the data from these objects to PHP. Right now, we're using JSON.stringify. Are there any issues with this? It seem's like it does exactly what we need, but are there any downsides?

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JQuery :: Place An Array Of 2 (or More) Objects Into A <ul>?

Aug 19, 2011

I know that I can retrieve the values from a single object and place them in a <ul> with the following code :

var employees = {
name: 'Mary Brown',


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JQuery :: Setting Array Of Objects Dynamically?

Jun 27, 2011

I have part of a script like so:

var audioPlaylist = new Playlist("2", [


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JQuery :: Use Multiple Array Objects As Methods For A Plugin?

Dec 7, 2011

I have a set of functions that will transition/fade photos in and out as background images. Easy. But now I would like to run the same functions on a different html page with different photos (each different page represents a different JavaScript array).

I've been reading online on how jQuery methods can be called into functions. So my thought process is to create 2 methods (1 for the original images and the 2nd method for the other images).

So here is my base code which works...
$.landingpage = function() {

/*Enable background image cycles on landing page*/
var images=new Array('/image01.jpg','/image02.jpg');
var nextimage=0;


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JQuery :: Accessing An Objects Array From An $.ajax Call?

Jan 12, 2010

I have an object with a member function that changes something on the objects state. This works perfectly fine in the easy case. But when I use an $.ajax call within the function it doesn't work. Here is the example code and failing QUnit tests: [URL]

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AJAX :: Request + Pass Json Objects To The Server? - Firefox Error: No Element Found

Feb 8, 2010

I'm making this ajax call:

url = "/GeoAdaptaApp/geoLogger/logGuiEvents?json="+aLotOfJSONStuff;
encUrl = encodeURI(url,"UTF-8");
new Ajax.Request(encUrl, {
method: 'get',
onSuccess: this.sendQueueToServerSuccess( this,logConsole ),

The JSON string seems correct (I checked it with a validator) and it worked on an Ajax.updater (but i need a request now). Firefox keeps telling me:


The call always end up in the onFailure block. Full request here: [URL] It's very strange, Is there a better way to pass json objects to the server?

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JQuery :: Associative Array To JSON?

Jun 21, 2009

I have been trying to figure out how I could go from an associative array to JSON. Is there a function for this?

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JQuery :: Multidimensional Array To JSON?

Apr 28, 2011

I am having trouble converting my multidimensional array to JSON. I have the following code:

var questions = [];
$('.questionContainer').each(function(i) {
questions[i] = [];
questions[i]["question"] = "hey";


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JQuery :: Correctly Loop Through An Array Of DOM Objects And Assign Events To Them?

Mar 16, 2011

I have kind of a complicated setup, and I was hoping to bounce this off some one's head who's more experienced with JavaScript.Assuming I have the following HTML markup:

<div id="one-root">
<div id="one">


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Correct Syntax For An Nested Array Where Each Array Element Has 3 Elements, A Number And Two Text Strings?

Sep 17, 2010

What is the correct syntax for an nested array where each array element has 3 elements, a number and two text strings?


array = ['1, Old Man, Old Man','2 Black Sheep, Black Sheep',....]

should the text strings be in double quotes("")?


array = ['1, "Old Man", "Old Man"','2 "Black Sheep", "Black Sheep"',....]

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ObjCount Function - JSON Key Number

Jun 2, 2009

I have the following function and JSON object as seen below and I need to be able to determine the number of entries for the day that are within June2009 (or whatever month/year is passed to the function) in the JSON object for example I have 2 for June2009 and I need to set the objCount in my function for 1 so I do not get a not defined error in my for loop. How can I get the correct # returned to use as my objCount. for example if June2009 was passed the for loop value of objCount should be 1 and if it was July the objCount should be 0 etc etc.

function getTest7(jsonData, month, year){
alert('running getTest7');
var tempItins = jsonData;
var monthYear = month + year;
var objCount = 0;
var objCount = need to get a valid count for example of June 2009 how many in array for June2009 which is 2 (or actually 1 since starts at 0)
for (var i = 0; i < objCount; i++){
alert('display depDay: ' + tempItins[monthYear][i].day);
}} .....

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JQuery :: Parse A JSON Response Array?

Feb 26, 2011

How can I adequately parse a JSON response I'm getting from the server, which happens to be an array?

The array I'm getting back is actually this one:


I believe this one is valid JSON, but my attempts to parse it are always failing when I do it like this:

function(data, textStatus, xhr)
var photos = jQuery.parseJSON(data);

The above code displays 'null', and the documentation says a null occurs when the JSON isn't valid. so, what's going on ?

I need to know the codes to parse as well as access the values in the parsed response.

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JQuery :: Set Value And Item - JSON Array Position

Jun 6, 2011

I've a function build in PHP that return this JSON: [URL]. In the HTML page where this PHP function is called via jQuery AJAX I have this code: [URL], this populate two select as you notice, something like this: [URL], But I need the same but in this way: [URL] value come from Json array position.

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JQuery :: MySQL PHP Associative Array To Via JSON?

Jun 5, 2009

Your table-driven application has a MySQL table on the server side and you want a Javascript associative array on the client side to do rapid look-ups.For example: My application uses the value selected from the form’s drop-down menu to choose which other form fields to hide or show. This choice of a 'Long Form' is table-driven from product data in a MySQL table.

Convert the MySQL table to an associative array in JavaScript.I am using the jQuery library to manage the presentation and form validation on the client side and PHP and MySQL on the server side.Since a JavaScript Object is an associative array and the MySQL table is being used as a look-up table (associative array) I use the PHP function json_encode to create a JSON string - JSON is JavaScript Object Notation - on the server which is then evaluated as a JavaScript Object on the client. The two parts (server and client) of the code are listed below.All very straightforward then. So why the blog?This is what I do (here's the PHP code):

do { $key = $row['ProductKind'];
$value = ($row['LongForm'] ? True : False);
$arr[$key] = $value;


As a newcomer to jQuery this is a good opportunity to show my appreciation to John Resig and the people that have contributed to the jQuery library ... not forgetting those who have integrated all the MySQL and JSON stuff into PHP. It's all very neat ... when you get to understand it!You could just eval(data) to turn the JSON string into a JavaScript Object (a.k.a. associative array), but JSON.parse protects your code against evaluating malicious scripts that could be embedded in the JSON string. This function is found in the json2.js downloadable until included in native browser JavaScript engines.The PHP Booleans translate automatically into JavaScript Boolean types.

[Skip this: My application has a MySQL table of product categories that tell me whether I need to present the administrator with a long form or a short form in the HTML. So, as products are added over time, I want to the administrator to choose whether a new product category can take the short form plus some default values or will require the explicit input of all product values in the long form. As the administrator assigns a category to a new product - and changes his mind half a dozen times - I don’t want to keep on going to the server to do the look-up but want to have the table in Javascript to keep the form presentation responsive. Also, the MySQL tables are on a third party’s server remote from the web server.]

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Array Of Objects And The Name Of A Key?

Dec 14, 2011

I am currently working on building a library and having my functions(methods) within my library. I am having trouble find some code for JavaScript that can help me to do the following:

I need to give an array of objects and the name of a key, return the array sorted by the value of that key in each of the objects: "a" + [{a:2},{a:3},{a:1}] → [{a:1},{a:2},{a:3}]

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Jquery :: GetJSON() Assigning JSON Returned To An Array/var Outside Callback Function?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm trying to assign the values from the JSON data returned when I run this code into an array that's outside the callback function. The data is multidimensional, and I have been able to use this data within the callback function. However I want to use it outside that function. i.e. the jsdata returned in the code below is to be used outside the function

//do some stuff with JSON data or pass to global variable[code]..........

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Jquery :: JSON Submit - Decode Empty Array At Server Side

Feb 22, 2011

I am doing a password reset form using Jquery and PHP. If I try to submit an email id it should sent and email and report back the response text as success so that the user knows email has been sent. But I am stuck with JSON submit as I have an empty array to decode at the serverside. I am using minified version of json2.js from the official json.org website

Here is the code.
Code JavaScript:
var formdata = $("#log-box").serializeArray();
formdata = JSON.stringify(formdata);
var notifymsg;
type: "POST",
url: "forgot-pass.php",
contentType: 'application/json',
data: formdata,
success: function(responsedata){
var some = responsedata.split("&");
$.each(some, function(index,value){
error: function(o, s, e){
alert("Form not posted
formdata alerted gives:

PHP forgot-pass.php
Code PHP:

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Set A Properti Of An Array Of Objects

Jul 20, 2005

I need to make a functions with this characteristics:

- params: an array of strings with the names of components in a page
(for example, some inputs)

- body: i need to assign to the property readOnly the value true for
all the objects in the array

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Possible To Create An Array Of Objects?

Jan 8, 2011

Is it possible to create an array of objects? I require a two dimensional array of objects.

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Sorting An Array Of Objects?

Apr 22, 2011

So, I'm using code like the following and getting errors: result = a list of cars with each property separated by ',' and each car separated by '|' This code creates and populates the array (seems to work)

var carList = new Array();
var cars = new Array();
var properties = new Array();
cars = result.split("|");
for(var i=0; i<cars.length;i++){


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