So, I'm using code like the following and getting errors: result = a list of cars with each property separated by ',' and each car separated by '|' This code creates and populates the array (seems to work)
var carList = new Array();
var cars = new Array();
var properties = new Array();
cars = result.split("|");
for(var i=0; i<cars.length;i++){
I am really hoping someone is willing to take the time to read this post and take a minute to take a look at my code. What is happening is there are some matches for a script I made and then an area for segments during an event. If you notice on the segment part of the form is that there is a dropdown that asks for where in the event that segment needs to go. With the Introduction or the different numbered matches. What I need to happen for a subArray I need it to take the introduction, all the matches, and all the segments and order them accordingly. With the introduction first, the matches in order based off there match number and then the segments in between the introduction or matches based off the user's input.[URL]..
Is there a way in Javascript or Jquery to return an array of all objects underneath a certain point, ie. the mouse position. Basically, I have a series of images which link to various web pages but I have a large semi transparent image positioned over the top of the other images. I want to find the href of the background image that the mouse pointer clicks over.
Firstly, apologies for my terrible JavaScript knowledge! I'm getting there! I have an array that is made up of the results of a few SQL queries. The queries return the record id and an integer. I need to sort the results of the queries by the integer. I am trying to store them in an array, using the record is as the key, then sorting the array. However, when I try to get the data out of the array, it has changed the key!
E.g. Original results [10605] = 141 [10744] = 116 [18835] = 166 [15304] = 166
initialize the counter and the array [code]I'm having trouble getting the names to show up as upper case before sorting and displaying and also having trouble with numbering the names. Does it have to do with numnames?
For example if I have this function name: function sortScores(myscores){ I would like to take an array of score records (each containing a score and a page number) and return a sorted version where the records are arranged in descending order of score.
so if I have this example call: sortScores( [ { score:0, Number:0 }, { score:2, Number:1 }, { score:1, NUmber:2 } ] )
I would get the example result:[ { score:2, Number:1 }, { score:1, Number:2 }, { score:0, Number:0 } ]
Where the results have been sorts in descending order of score. I've looked at this example, but it only deals with one one value -->[URL]..
I have a double select list box. it contains Alphanumeric values.I want to apply sorting on the but when i use Array.sort() function it doesnt work.Eg data
So now the first dimension will have a size of two (0 or 1) and the second dimension will have an unlimited size. I want to sort this array by the integer values held in myArray[1][x], where x is any number between zero and the size of my result set. That is, I want to reorder the array such that
I am trying to write a function that will take a random array as a var and split it into two arrays. My problem is I don't know how to show the split. I need to cut the array at the mid index. How do i write that so no matter what the length is the middle of the index is selected. I have wrote some code but the if isnt working and the var to set the two array lengths is not right Code:
I am in the process of editing the below code I found online, I have a from multi-select list and a to multi-select list. Before rewriting the to list, I want to sort it but ignore the "F - " and the "R - ". Ideas? Code:
I am currently working on building a library and having my functions(methods) within my library. I am having trouble find some code for JavaScript that can help me to do the following:
I need to give an array of objects and the name of a key, return the array sorted by the value of that key in each of the objects: "a" + [{a:2},{a:3},{a:1}] → [{a:1},{a:2},{a:3}]
As they all have the same property set but with different values I thought I'd try creating a servo object, the create an array of servo's but I don't think I'm getting anywhere fast. Heres what I have
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> [Code]...
Once this is done and I've got all the servo objects created with their properties, I'm hoping to be able to search for all servo's with a set property i.e all servo's with servo.application = 1 would that be possible, if not I geuss I'd be wasting all our time trying to create classes I can't use the way I'd like.
I have a list of about 70 servo's that I'd like to apply set properties too.As they all have the same property set but with different values I thought I'd try creating a servo object, the create an array of servo's but I don't think I'm getting anywhere fast.[code]...
Once this is done and I've got all the servo objects created with their properties, I'm hoping to be able to search for all servo's with a set property i.e all servo's with servo.application = 1 would that be possible, if not I geuss I'd be wasting all our time trying to create classes I can't use the way I'd like.
I want to use JavaScript so that i can look through the array of these div objects.
var helloDivs = document.getElementByName('hello'); var len = helloDivs.length; .....
So, it works for all the recent version of browsers but not for IE6. There is still about a 10% market share who are still using IE6. What is the workaround for this browser support?
If i were to print the variable len in IE6 says that is 0 and if i print helloDivs, it says it is an object as if helloDivs is a variable that contains an object but not an array of objects.
I have a simple function that removes an object from an Array of objects using splice. As per documentation I've been reading, Array::splice returns the removed element(s) (in this case, it should be object(s)).
When this method is called I receive 2 alert messages I've added for debug purposes
I have an array of objects that I would like to sort through and "join" objects that are the same. And if they are the same, I need to sum up the number value given for those two items. So I guess Im sorting through and maybe even recreating this array to get rid of duplicates while I tally quantities. see the screenshot of my array of objects to help understand better. The highlighted 'sPSPN' would indicate that it is a duplicate item and its 'fUnits' need to be totalled. in the end I would have a total of 3 objects, because 'sPSPN'= BT-221-44 would now be only one object with 'fUnits' = 35.
I am trying to add onclick event handler to many objects but I can't understand why it doesn't work. To assign event handler I use traditional approach as described in [URL]Heres the code (extract.js):
Code JavaScript: //the class function extract(){
I know that both select tags don't have options, but I generate them with JS because they hold sequential numbers and this part has no impact on the problem at hand.Both functions help select next or previous index in a given select tag for greater comfort
I'm trying to make use of XMLHTTP object, but I've come across a problem. It seems that there is no way to create dynamic array of such XMLHTTP objects (to make several requests) and handle them properly. I was trying to use such code: