Sorting An Array Of Scores?
Nov 7, 2010
For example if I have this function name: function sortScores(myscores){ I would like to take an array of score records (each containing a score and a page number) and return a sorted version where the records are arranged in descending order of score.
so if I have this example call: sortScores( [ { score:0, Number:0 }, { score:2, Number:1 }, { score:1, NUmber:2 } ] )
I would get the example result:[ { score:2, Number:1 }, { score:1, Number:2 }, { score:0, Number:0 } ]
Where the results have been sorts in descending order of score. I've looked at this example, but it only deals with one one value -->[URL]..
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Nov 4, 2009
I was working on this problem that asks me to return an array of scores for each string (only for its content part, not URL) in the global variable, which is an array. For example, alert a score of 0 if the string z is not found, 1 if found once, and 2 for twice. My problem is that I can get the code to alert if it has found the word (ex. "the"), but I cannot manage to :
a) Assign separate scores for each string.
b) Make the search case insensitive i.e. "the" will appear in 0,1, but not in 2, where it is capitalized
var c = ["[] Facebook is the best social networking site to coccent with your friends. ", "[] Google is the worldwide search engine. ", "[] The best news source for starting your day. "];
function findScore(z) {
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Apr 25, 2011
I am really hoping someone is willing to take the time to read this post and take a minute to take a look at my code. What is happening is there are some matches for a script I made and then an area for segments during an event. If you notice on the segment part of the form is that there is a dropdown that asks for where in the event that segment needs to go. With the Introduction or the different numbered matches. What I need to happen for a subArray I need it to take the introduction, all the matches, and all the segments and order them accordingly. With the introduction first, the matches in order based off there match number and then the segments in between the introduction or matches based off the user's input.[URL]..
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Jan 26, 2010
Firstly, apologies for my terrible JavaScript knowledge! I'm getting there! I have an array that is made up of the results of a few SQL queries. The queries return the record id and an integer. I need to sort the results of the queries by the integer. I am trying to store them in an array, using the record is as the key, then sorting the array. However, when I try to get the data out of the array, it has changed the key!
Original results
[10605] = 141
[10744] = 116
[18835] = 166
[15304] = 166
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Apr 22, 2011
So, I'm using code like the following and getting errors: result = a list of cars with each property separated by ',' and each car separated by '|' This code creates and populates the array (seems to work)
var carList = new Array();
var cars = new Array();
var properties = new Array();
cars = result.split("|");
for(var i=0; i<cars.length;i++){
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Aug 11, 2009
initialize the counter and the array [code]I'm having trouble getting the names to show up as upper case before sorting and displaying and also having trouble with numbering the names. Does it have to do with numnames?
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May 16, 2011
Below is a simple code trying to sort a 2 dimensional array. The code is sorting the array by element 1 and 2 in ascending order.
var myArray = [
["1 test street","400","1"],
["19 smith street","350","2"],[code]......
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Dec 14, 2011
I have a double select list box. it contains Alphanumeric values.I want to apply sorting on the but when i use Array.sort() function it doesnt work.Eg data
Week 10
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Oct 12, 2010
I am declaring a 2D array like this...
var myArray = [];
myArray[0] = [];
myArray[1] = [];
So now the first dimension will have a size of two (0 or 1) and the second dimension will have an unlimited size. I want to sort this array by the integer values held in myArray[1][x], where x is any number between zero and the size of my result set. That is, I want to reorder the array such that
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Dec 7, 2009
I am trying to write a function that will take a random array as a var and split it into two arrays. My problem is I don't know how to show the split. I need to cut the array at the mid index. How do i write that so no matter what the length is the middle of the index is selected. I have wrote some code but the if isnt working and the var to set the two array lengths is not right Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I am in the process of editing the below code I found online, I have a
from multi-select list and a to multi-select list. Before rewriting
the to list, I want to sort it but ignore the "F - " and the "R - ".
Ideas? Code:
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Dec 17, 2009
I don't know why that does not work? I can not sorting the array!
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Jul 23, 2005
I have an associative array like this:
arr[x1]=30; arr[x2]=20;arr[x3]=40;arr[x4]=10;
I want the sort function to sort keys in ascending order of the values
on the right hand side with the following result:
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Jan 17, 2007
Say I have two arrays with the same number of elements that are related:
var a1 = [1,3,2];
var b2 = ["a","b","c"];
I need to sort a1 but have the order of the elements in b2 reflect the
any new order in a1. So if a1 sorts as
[1,2,3] then b2 becomes
or if a1 sorts as
[3,2,1] then b2 becomes
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Feb 13, 2007
I have a team website that has several games for entertainment. One
of the games is a javascript version of yahtzee. Can someone suggest
a way, using javascript, to record a high score for the game instead
of a high score for a particular user, session, or computer. Perhaps
someone already has code written to do this.
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Feb 1, 2011
How do I get the following phrases to output along with their corresponding scores for my algorithm below?
Here are the phrases I'd like to see along side the outputted score
And here's my formula that asks for 4 values then spits out a number.
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Jul 27, 2009
I would like to dynamically update a score as you select radio buttons on a form. I would like to update the actual score and the possible score every time a radio button is clicked.
If "yes" is selected, they get the points. If "no" is selected, they don't get the points. If "N/A" is selected, the points aren't counted (in either the actual score or the possible score).
So, when either "yes" or "no" is selected the possible points need to be increased by the number of points that question is worth, and the actual points need to be added if they got "yes". I would like it to display their score (total percentage and running score) as you click the radio buttons, so I'm assuming you would need to call a function on each click which passes the point values along?
Here's my basic form so you know what I mean:
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Nov 4, 2010
I want to make a simple quiz in HTML using JavaScript. I have made a web page called scoreboard which contains two tables. I have attached the screen shot of how the web page looks as well as the coding here with this msg. below is the description of my web page. If you find it lengthy or not understandable, pls refer my attached image of the web page.
Description: one table contains two rows - one for direct answers and another for answers which are given during their pass chance in the quiz. There are four buttons - Team A, Team B, Team C and Team D for both the direct and pass. And the second table contains four text boxes which which displays the score for each Team.
Now, in my web page i have typed the required coding so that when in click the TeamA, TeamB,...buttons in the direct row, the score board for Team A adds up 10 points.
Now i want to add 5 points for the respective teams when i click their team button in the pass row. I am not able to code that. the code goes below.
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Nov 2, 2009
I have written this program:
var scores=[];
function sortScores(scoreRecs){
to take an array of variables in calling the function (ie sortScores), place these variables into an empty array("scores"), apply the bubble sort to scores, and then alert scores in sorted form. When I use test values like I have above, where they are all just numbers, this program works perfectly and alerts the "scores" array, correctly sorted. However, what I would like to do is to call the function with an array of records, each containing two fields, and apply the same sort to the array of records, based on the value in the first field of each record.To illustrate, i'd like to be able to call the function thus:
sortScores([{score:0,index:0},{score:2, index:1},{score:1,index:2}]);
and for it to sort the records in descending order of the value of the "score" field. So the above call would alert:
however, i'm not sure how i'd reference the numeric part of the f1 of each record in the sort?
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Jan 1, 2010
I have a form at work that was created to allow for clients information to be inputted into this form. However when the row is inserted it is sorted oldest to newest. I would like to change this however i'm not really sure were to start. Below I have added the javascript code that refers to the addrow function.
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Jul 28, 2005
If I had a date in the format "01-Jan-05" it does not sort properly with my sort routine:
function compareDate(a,b)
var date_a = new Date(a);
var date_b = new Date(b);
if (date_a < date_b)
{ return -1; }
if (date_a > date_b)
{ return 1; }
{ return 0; }
I guess it expects the date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Do I have to change:
var date_a = new Date(a);
var date_b = new Date(b);
so it recognizes a correct format?
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Nov 22, 2006
I need a javascript for sorting DIV's based on their ID. some of them
may be nested (all of them have the same class) e.g. my structure:
DIV ID="abc-123" class="myclass"
DIV ID="abc-127" class="myclass"
DIV ID="abc-124" class="myclass"
DIV ID="abc-125" class="myclass"
DIV ID="abc-126" class="myclass"
and I need a script to cut out all "myclass" divs and place them on the
same position but sorted and unnested like this:
DIV ID="abc-123" class="myclass"
DIV ID="abc-124" class="myclass"
DIV ID="abc-125" class="myclass"
DIV ID="abc-127" class="myclass"
DIV ID="abc-128" class="myclass"
Can you help me how to do it?
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Jun 13, 2007
I am tring to sort some six numbers..the problem is that it doesnt work when
I use "document.getElementById" instead of "document.write()
my program is supposed to write six numbers every second..line by line
Could you get it work ?
function sortN()
for(var m=1;m<=6;m++)
arr[m] = Math.floor(Math.random()*49)+1;
} }
<div id="kut"></div>
<input type="button" value="baslat"onclick="sortN()">
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Jan 6, 2006
Anyone ever use TrimPath? Had any luck sorting tables with this?
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Nov 16, 2010
i`m having two kind of divs with different classes. Like:
<div class="test class1
">Class 1</div>
<div class="test class1
">Class 1</div>
<div class="test class2
">Class 2</div>
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm trying to sort these divs based on they're id after they've been outputted to the screen. How can I do this?
<div class="dateids" id="APR-13-2010"></div>
<div class="dateids" id="APR-13-2010"></div>
<div class="dateids" id="APR-14-2010"></div>[code].....
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