Phrases Based On Outputted Scores?
Feb 1, 2011
How do I get the following phrases to output along with their corresponding scores for my algorithm below?
Here are the phrases I'd like to see along side the outputted score
And here's my formula that asks for 4 values then spits out a number.
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Dec 10, 2010
I am looking to use the outputted data of the US Census' world population clock as the raw data for a javascript function on another site - does anyone know if it is possible, looking at their site?
Or there's an rss feed of it here (xml) here:
feed:// [url]
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Feb 3, 2011
I have a set of regular expressions that make heavy use of the | operator on sections that I do not really need to extract a match from. For example:
var regexp = /([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) (jumps( high)?|leaps|bounds) over ([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) and (grabs|snags|gets) (a|an|the) (apple|orange|pear|grapes)/
The important part for extracting from the match array after using regexp.exec() are the names (the ([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) parts), I don't care which of the other things are matched. The problem is that using the | operator seems to necessitate using the () and adding a term to the match. This makes it difficult to know which term in the array will be the names, especially after editing the middle.So I'd like to be able to use the | operator on words and phrases without adding terms to the match array.
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Feb 13, 2007
I have a team website that has several games for entertainment. One
of the games is a javascript version of yahtzee. Can someone suggest
a way, using javascript, to record a high score for the game instead
of a high score for a particular user, session, or computer. Perhaps
someone already has code written to do this.
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Nov 7, 2010
For example if I have this function name: function sortScores(myscores){ I would like to take an array of score records (each containing a score and a page number) and return a sorted version where the records are arranged in descending order of score.
so if I have this example call: sortScores( [ { score:0, Number:0 }, { score:2, Number:1 }, { score:1, NUmber:2 } ] )
I would get the example result:[ { score:2, Number:1 }, { score:1, Number:2 }, { score:0, Number:0 } ]
Where the results have been sorts in descending order of score. I've looked at this example, but it only deals with one one value -->[URL]..
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Jul 27, 2009
I would like to dynamically update a score as you select radio buttons on a form. I would like to update the actual score and the possible score every time a radio button is clicked.
If "yes" is selected, they get the points. If "no" is selected, they don't get the points. If "N/A" is selected, the points aren't counted (in either the actual score or the possible score).
So, when either "yes" or "no" is selected the possible points need to be increased by the number of points that question is worth, and the actual points need to be added if they got "yes". I would like it to display their score (total percentage and running score) as you click the radio buttons, so I'm assuming you would need to call a function on each click which passes the point values along?
Here's my basic form so you know what I mean:
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Nov 4, 2009
I was working on this problem that asks me to return an array of scores for each string (only for its content part, not URL) in the global variable, which is an array. For example, alert a score of 0 if the string z is not found, 1 if found once, and 2 for twice. My problem is that I can get the code to alert if it has found the word (ex. "the"), but I cannot manage to :
a) Assign separate scores for each string.
b) Make the search case insensitive i.e. "the" will appear in 0,1, but not in 2, where it is capitalized
var c = ["[] Facebook is the best social networking site to coccent with your friends. ", "[] Google is the worldwide search engine. ", "[] The best news source for starting your day. "];
function findScore(z) {
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Nov 4, 2010
I want to make a simple quiz in HTML using JavaScript. I have made a web page called scoreboard which contains two tables. I have attached the screen shot of how the web page looks as well as the coding here with this msg. below is the description of my web page. If you find it lengthy or not understandable, pls refer my attached image of the web page.
Description: one table contains two rows - one for direct answers and another for answers which are given during their pass chance in the quiz. There are four buttons - Team A, Team B, Team C and Team D for both the direct and pass. And the second table contains four text boxes which which displays the score for each Team.
Now, in my web page i have typed the required coding so that when in click the TeamA, TeamB,...buttons in the direct row, the score board for Team A adds up 10 points.
Now i want to add 5 points for the respective teams when i click their team button in the pass row. I am not able to code that. the code goes below.
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Apr 9, 2010
Im using a jQuery script to show/hide a div based based on the selection made via a dropdown.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
The problem im having is that the value used in the dropdown lists are price values eg 10.00
Consequently jQuery seems to interprit these as css notations, meaning the code doesnt work.
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Oct 20, 2011
Given the following input tag which is enclosed within a hidden div tag:<input id="X" class="Y"/> this call (id-based) locates the tag: $(this).find("#X")but this one doesn't (class-based)I couldn't find any documentation indicating find() working differently when using id-based vs class-based selectors.
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Apr 29, 2010
I would like to show a Div based on the URL.
I'm using PHP to update a database and the page just refreshes when it's done. I'd like to set the URL to something like [URL]
So if the URL had ud=y in it, it would show a div with a specific ID.
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Nov 22, 2009
I'm working on a project where I have to read in XML data. Well, I found out something interesting in my code. Firefox is 1 based. Seriously? I mean, I have an XML document like this.
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Sep 27, 2011
I got a piece of code off the net which bases one combo box on another, which works perfectly the only problem i need to base it on records in a table as ive a few hundred records for the "Site" combo box
how I would go about changing the below to look at an SQL table
<script type="text/javascript">
var regiondb = new Object()
regiondb["2"] = [{value:"1", text:"Site1"},
{value:"2", text:"Site2"},
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Oct 6, 2005
I want to build an Ajax based autocomplete feature. Being a server side guy, I have little knowledge regarding layers and DHTML stuff. Having already implemented the AJAX part of the app, I am stuck with the layers thing.
The Google Suggest autocomplete is cool. Has anybody written code (free) or adapted Google Suggest kind of thing for their own use (like querying from database and showing results) ? Can you point me to some links or resources on the net.
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Mar 12, 2006
how is it possible to backdoor a java based chat room?
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Dec 30, 2010
I am trying to set the age of a user when their birthday is selected using datepicker. This is not an issue with datepicker - but more a problem understanding process and jquery syntax. Here is the code I have now.
This works fine to get the value of the datepicker - But I need help figuring out how to get the YEAR from that value, the year from the current date, and then figuring the actual age.
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Aug 6, 2009
I have the following snippet I'm trying to make work in Firefox:
for(var j=0; j<sBox.options.length; j++){
if(sBox.options[j].value == 68)
sBox.selectedIndex = j;
No errors are thrown and the correct index is not selected.
However, when I add the following line to the snippet, it magically works fine:
for(var j=0; j<sBox.options.length; j++){
if(sBox.options[j].value == 68)
sBox.selectedIndex = j;
Instead of using alert, I've tried simply assigning sBox.options.length to throwaway variable, but I end up with the same results as the first snippet.
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm trying to sort these divs based on they're id after they've been outputted to the screen. How can I do this?
<div class="dateids" id="APR-13-2010"></div>
<div class="dateids" id="APR-13-2010"></div>
<div class="dateids" id="APR-14-2010"></div>[code].....
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Mar 8, 2009
I have two textfields. They use each other to determine values inclusive and exclusive of VAT (the VAT rate being 14% over here).
So, if I type in a number (float) into the top textfield it must take that number, divide it by 1.14 and show it in the bottom textfield.
Reciprocally, if I type a number (float again) into the bottom field, it must take that number, MULTIPLY it by 1.14 and show the value in the top field.
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Aug 19, 2009
I have 5 divs, and I want to have each of them visible seperately on a certain weekday. In pseudo-code:
if today=monday, show div "bla1"
if today=tuesday, show div "bla2"
"bla2" should not be visible if it's monday, etc.
I've struggled with trying to bend existing scripts to this purpose but I can't get it working.
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Nov 23, 2010
I am trying to calculate age based on the date of birth input into a text field.
the date field should allow users to enter a one or two digit month, one or two digit date and a two or four digit year. Users should be able to enter any of the following date formats: 11-2-10, 1-25-2010, or 01/25/2010. On some days it works and others it wont, like 11-1-91 returns that the user is under 18.
function checkAge(){
var stDate = document.getElementById("birth").value;
var dayPartToDate = parseInt(stDate.substring(0,2),10);
var monPartToDate = parseInt(stDate.substring(3,5),10);
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Jun 12, 2011
Can anyone tell me how I can check to see if a checkbox has actually been checked or not? The code I need to use this in basically gets data from a form which has alot of dropdowns and a checkbox in it. The function builds a query based on the values it finds in these variables. I was trying to check to see if the checkbox was selected and if so assign a value to another var but I can't seem to get it to work.
The checkbox is called pics.
if (pics.checked) {
var photos = "Yes";
else {
var photos = "No";
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Sep 1, 2007
I am trying to create a conditional comment scenario that is based on a web address. I am working with an ecommerce site that I want to put a nav menu promotion on all the pages except the home page. The system we are using only allows a post promotion to ALL or one specified URL.
I have tried everything I can think of to create a URL condition based comment but nothing has worked. I tried modifying the code below to change the if output to a variable comment tag and then write the variable further in the script with a document.write.
if (url=="") {alert("Welcome To sitename")}
else {alert("welcome")};
// -->
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Sep 29, 2005
I've got multiple domain names parked on my site, and want to redirect domain1 to domain/specific page and domain2 to /other page, etc.
I would prefer it to happen automatically, before the page loads. Is anything available in JS?
What browser issues will I have with a JavaScript redirect?
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Oct 13, 2005
I've got the following function which works perfectly...
for (x=1;x<howMany;x++){
what = "b_" + whichProcess + "_" + x;
document.getElementById(what).style.display = ''
the function will pass how many elements there are to be changed along with their ID numbers... it's used to hide rows on tables... eg:
<tr id="b_1_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_3"></tr>
the above hide perfectly... but I have other rows such as
<tr id="b_1_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_3"></tr>
<tr id="b_2_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_2_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_3_1"></tr>
my question is how can I make a loop which will hide ALL elements which begin with "b_"
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Oct 3, 2006
I'm trying to create the following visual feature on my page ( if you notice, there is a border-right: 1px solid grey; on the 'links' div. I would like to do the following:
onload, i would like the height of the 'links' div to be saved into a variable
i assume this would be done using a variation of 'var minHeight = document.getElementByID('links').offsetHeight'
onclick, i would like the height of the div about to be loaded (aka unhidden) to be saved into a variable... say var newHeight for ex.
IF newheight > minHeight, set document.getElementByID('links').height = 'newHeight' + px;
here's how i tried to code it:
<script language="JavaScript">
function setBorderHeight(divName)
var minHeight = document.getElementByID('links').offsetHeight;
var newHeight = document.getElementByID(divName).offsetHeight;
if (newHeight > minHeight)
document.getElementByID('links').style.height = 'newHeight' + px;
here's an example of a link:
<a class="mainLinks" href="learnMore" onclick="setBorderHeight('learnMore'); ball(this.previousSibling); return toggle('learnMore', 0);"
onmouseover="zxcMseOver(this,1);" onmouseout="zxcMseOver(this,-1);">Learn More</a>
what went wrong?
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