I wanna make simple script that multiply any input by .51 and show the result automatic, without pressing any button, I got two scripts first script add value one to value two and show result auto, other script multiply but I have to press button, how to merge them and if there are script do the job better than those tell me. Input Box, when I input any value the result of multiply that value by .51 appear beside it automatic
Script One:
</head><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function autocalc(oText){
if (isNaN(oText.value)) //filter input{
alert('Numbers only!');
oText.value = '';
} var field, val, oForm = oText.form, total = a = 0;
for (a; a < arguments.length; ++a) //loop through text elements {
field = arguments[a];
val = parseFloat(field.value); //get value
if (!isNaN(val)) //number? {
total += val; //accumulate
}} oForm.total.value = total; //out
} .....
I have a site that writes a checkout table/cart from one window to another. Just to be current I've decided to allow the customer to change the quantity of the item ordered by putting an input type text in each rows 'quantity' column. The idea is that they can change the number of that rows particular item they wish to order. The onchange of the input element should multiply the new 'quantity' value by the 'cost' innerHTML of the cost column and then set the 'subtotal' innerHTML in the footer row to match. An 'onmouseover' changes the 'rowsubtotal' to match the footer 'subtotal' innerHTML. Unfortunatley the 'qtymultipl()' function called by input onchange only results with 'onmouseover' changing the 'rowsubtotal' and footer 'subtotal' to 0.00.
I have three input fields as UNITPRICE & UNITQUANTITY and TOTALPRICE. UNITPRICE's value depends on a product chosen in the preceding tab. Now, I want UNITPRICE & UNITQUANTITY fields multiplied and result shown on TOTALPRICE input field. How can I do it?
I pull product price from another page. Then I multiply it with quantity entered in the quantity input field. The problem is, if I forget to enter quantity value before I pull product information or if I change the quantity field later, the final total price is not updated.
getting dynamic rows inputs to multiply 'onchange' of the value in the input in each row. It works in the first row inserted no matter what rowindex that row is moved to. All following rows only accept the initial input value and never change the 'cost' innerHTML of the colRow[i]. I figure I need a parentNode.parentNode syntax to make this function work in all rows.
Every thing is Client-side javascript and all rows are inserted to 'cartbody.insertRow[0]'. 'qtymultiply()' Function As is:
function qtymultiply(){ var cartitems=document.getElementsByClassName('itemrow'); var colRows=cartitems;
I'm new to Javascript, and just trying to make a simple program that adds two numbers and displays the result automatically in the third field without clicking a button "onclick".I have the following so far, but still not working properly: ttp://pastie.org/private/sy8lkdhvfunudvrizbjjca
If I want to show the result of a database query, every second or so, is the best method using javascript/ajax with a set interval of a second to call a PHP script and update the DOM, or is there some other method better suited to this that would not have the cpu overhead if there were many users on the site.
does 'focus' method show a 'stable' result? i call this method on a node if this one is not absolutely positioned it seems nothing happens.so does this method only apply to absolutely positioned element?also, in FF, aNode.focus() has no effect whereas in IE document will scroll until that node is visible if the node is partially invisible at the bottom.is this a bug in FF?scroll the document until the text is half-visible at the bottom. click on it in IE it will scroll up while in FF nothing happens besides, if it is not absolutely positioned, nothing happens either.
at center of page there is a heading "Recently Posted Job" i want that functionality to make for my project i.e. changing of text or heading after a particular interval of time.
I'm trying to create a simple hangman script, i want to enter a letter in the guess box and have it detect whether its in the secret word or not and print out the result to the another text input eg:
need urgent help with javascript arrays. I need to store the checked value of the radiobutton into an array and then display the result from that array.I have created an empty array to store the input from the textbox of the form using the JS insert() function and then used show() function to display the result... but I am unable to display which option the user has selected from the radiobutton.if you look at it in the browser, and type in a name in the name textbox and click submit....it displays the result (which was stored in the inputarray) but the radiobutton doesnt work...gives.."undefined" and should give either Male or Female, depending on what the user selects.
I have taken a class on PHP and started making some math homework and drills for the tutoring I do. I have asked my kids for feedback and they are telling me that it is inconvenient to hit tab to go to the next text box (They have small arms/fingers..)I then thought of a brilliant ideaLet�s say it was 12 divided by 3. If they wrote a 4 in the input area, the JavaScript would recognize the correct answer and automatically move to the next box. However, if they wrote a 3 in the box, the JavaScript wouldn't move over.This kills two birds with one stone. The inconvenience of hitting tab or clicking on the next box disappears, and they are forced to put in the correct answer.Ironically, I have learned PHP and skipped over JavaScript. Which code would I use to do this?
I have a form with input boxes in it. The type that tells you what to put in the box is automatically written in the box, so you have to erase it to type in your entry... How do I make it so that when you click in the input field, it automatically erases the type so you don't have to manually erase it before entering your information?
I'm not quite sure what this is called (tooltip, dialogue, popup, show/hide) but I've seen it around... I'd like to accomplish the following, as indicated in the attached image.
I want an image to automatically appear upon a user's visit 'pointing' to a specific link on my nav bar.
Ideally, this will load on users visit, then not load if/when they click the [x]...
I have 3 divs (boxes) next to each other, I can input text via a textarea to each. I need all 3 to resize - be the same size on text overflow - so if box a gets 100 lines of code and resizes, the other 2 should follow. I have written this js, and added it to the button which moves the text to the boxes (to the onclick)
Now i just want to edit one thing, when you search for something, results are shown under the search field, when you click on each result, goes to a link.
I want when clicking on a result, not going to link, just show that result string on the search field. where should i edit in script?
I am doing a lottery project in which i have 10 textbox and i want to add contents of each textbox and show result in another textbox say 11th textbox.
I am having the fallowing codes below on jsp page.
I want to add contents of textbox from(n50,n51.....n59) and show result in another textbox named (n60)
My question is that the valus stored in textbox is numeric and when i enter the value in any two of the textbox say named (n50 and n51) then the addition of its value must be seen in the result textbox say (n60) here. it does not wait for another textbox value which is left blank. the result of addition should be displayed simelteneously as i enter the value in text box.
Below is the script and form fields I am working with. What I want to do is sum the two textbox fields and have the result show in the total textbox. The code works fine and the total textbox is updated with the value of form1.basic. The problem occurs when I add the "+ parseInt(document.form2.supporter.value)" code in the script section.
i've found this really nice fading ticker script by Alex Francois and i'ld like to use it as a bbcode on my forum. the only problem is that only the first instance of it works, so i think all i need to do edit the script so it uses a unique ID every time its run. how can i do this?
I'm multiplying 3 drop downs to give me a total sq ft. I then want to take that variable and multiply it by a fixed number. i.e. qty*width*length equals a total of 8 sq ft, then take that 8 and multiply it by a fixed number (8*1.75), I want it to calculate without any submit buttons and show the total sq ft and the final value.