Mozilla - Change Layer Visibility

Jan 25, 2004

I have a script that when you click a link it changes a layer visibility. IE: one layer becomes visible while another hidden.

It works great in NS and IE but when I try it in mozilla(firebird) it won't work. Any have a code I could use or know of a resource where I can get one.

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Simple Browser Detect Then Change Visibility Of A Layer?

Aug 22, 2011

I am using CSS text-shadow but of course IE doesn't like it. I've looked into some methods for achieving the same effect in IE, but it's not at all the same so I've opted for another method..I'm going to have two layers. In layer1, it will be standard text, shadowed with CSS. I then screenshotted that and will use the resulting jpeg for layer2.I was then planning to find a script that:1. Detects if browser is IE2. If IE, layer2 is visible, layer1 is invisible3. If not IE, layer1 is visible, layer2 is invisibleThe problem is that I can't find a simple script to detect if the browser's IE or not. I can find loads of scripts that check what version of IE someone's using. The version isn't important!

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Css Visibility - Second Layer To Appear When Hover Over The First

May 1, 2010

This is my code:

Now i want the second layer to appear when i hover over the first, which it does. however i want it so that when i move my cursor away from the second layer it dissapears but the problem is it doesn't seem to work.

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Curious Behavior While Manipulating Z-index And Visibility Of A Layer

Nov 21, 2005

I want to have a single window with 6 or so links at the top that display fixed pages for the first 4 and the final two "Brow" and "se-H" or "se-S". When you double click "Brow" a script prompt asks to enter where they want to go. The script then adds http:// to the front of it and places it as the src for an iframe in a <div></div> layer that has its visibility as hidden. "se-H"/"se-S" Hide and show the layer wich has a zindex higher than that of all other layers on the screen. The other links that just have the code strung out in the onClick action are working just fine as does the Brow link the only resultant error is the "se-H"/"se-S" links they change back and forth indicating the script is running and the outerHTML code is ok but the zindex just isn't changing nor the visibility. I am asking for any suggestions and if I have not included all necessary code please tell me as I only took the pieces I thought may be causing the trouble:

function show()

function hide()

var go_to=""
function disp_pop()
/*disp_pop */{
go_to = prompt("Where do you want to go? ","")
/*disp_pop */}

function get_there()
/*get_there */{
if(go_to !="" && go_to!=null)
fun2.outerHTML='<div id=fun2 style="position:absolute; top:55; left:10; z-index:15; overflow:scroll;"><iframe src="http://'+go_to+'" width=475 height=395></iframe></div>'
fun2.outerHTML='<div id=fun2 style="position:absolute; top:55; left:10; z-index:15; overflow:scroll;"><iframe src="" width=475 height=395></iframe></div>''visible'
/*Everyone else back*/;;;
/*Everyone else back*/

/*get there */}

var swap_1 ='<a id=myH4 onclick="this.outerHTML=swap_2;hide();">wse-H</a>'
var swap_2 ='<a id=myH4 onclick="this.outerHTML=swap_1;show();">wse-S</a>'

The links I am using in the page are as follows

<a href="#" onclick=";;;">Mail</a>
<a href="#" onclick=";;;">TxGuide</A>
<a href="#" onclick=";;;">Guidelines</A>
<A HREF="#" onmouseover="reappear()" onmouseout="disappear()">AuxDetail</A>
<A HREF="#" ondblclick="tada()" onclick="hideit()">Fun</A>
<a onClick='toggleAddress("")'>Refresh</a>
<a id=myH3 ondblclick="disp_pop()" onclick="get_there()">Bro</a>
<a id=myH4 onclick="this.outerHTML=swap_1;show();">wse-S</a>

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Object Properties Between Browsers - Layer Opacity/visibility

Aug 11, 2003

if I'm using IE only I can get around just fine, but I haven't really had a lot of experience sniffing out other browsers and trying to create different code branches to create the same effect on a particular browser.

In this case I've got a series of layers that correspond to some links. When someone mouses over the link, the layer becomes visible. When someone mouses out, I want the layer to fade out. Code:

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Show Hide Layer In Firefox/mozilla??

Aug 6, 2005

Found a simple script to show and hide layers. Using this to have an ad with 60px height and onMouseOver 350px

function adtechhideElement(elmID)
for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(elmID).length; i++)
obj = document.all.tags(elmID)[i];
if (! obj || ! obj.offsetParent) continue; = "hidden";
function adtechshowElement(elmID)
for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(elmID).length; i++)
obj = document.all.tags(elmID)[i];
if (! obj || ! obj.offsetParent) continue; = "";
but the thing is this doesn't work in firefox/mozilla.

Where should I alter this to get it working in firefox?

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On Change ; > 1 { Visibility

Jul 28, 2006

I have two text inputs. The second input is "visibility hidden".

I need to have it visible when the first input value is changed to something that is > 1.

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Change The Visibility??

Dec 5, 2001

Im trying to change the visibility of a div from hidden to visible "onMouseOver" .. Code:

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Change Visibility Of An Element

Nov 23, 2010

I'm back from a web dev hiatus. I'm writing a new site but have found myself a bit rusty. I'm trying to change the visibility of an element with no luck. nothing happens. I'll supply the code. Don't lick the kitten.

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Show/ Hide Div - Change The Visibility

May 7, 2010

I m using the below is working fine...

Just i want change the visibility of that by default div is visible...but i want default div should be hidden.....look into the below code..

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JQuery :: Change Visibility Of A Html Control

Jun 25, 2011

How to change the visibility of a html control using jquery

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Change SPAN Visibility With SELECT OPTION?

Jan 1, 2010

I know this will have been covered but search isn't working for me at the moment. Easy one for people who know JS anyway, I'm sure: I have a SELECT box that precedes a text input, however, when a particular option is selected (the value of which is "BETWEEN") I need a hidden SPAN to become visible. It is hidden as default with "visibility:hidden;" so I need to just change it to "visibility:visible;" if memory serves. Anyway, likewise, if it is already visible, I need it to be both hidden and have the input in that span have an empty value. Any tips? I need to apply this to many rows in a table, so a function that I can call with the span and input IDs would be best I reckon.

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Netscape Layer Writing (layer Within Layer)??

Apr 4, 2002

Layer writing in Netscape. This is pretty straightforward >> However I'm trying to write to a <div> layer within a <div> layer.

My div:


<div id="blah">
<div id="aight">
I'm trying to write to "aight"

How should my code look?

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How Do You Give A Set Of Functions A Layer Change?

Jul 25, 2006

I found this matrix animation and was thinking it would be neat to run inside an inset table within its background with text over it and an image behind the vertically running text, though as it is right now it over takes everything on its own, how would it be possible to place it in a layer, I am referring similar to z-indexing it, also I think its background would need to be made semi-transparent or simply removed and then the tables background used instead? Code:

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Onclick: New Page And Layer Change At The Same Time?

Apr 23, 2001

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a location link and layer function assigned to a link at the same time. I can't get this to work:

<a href="" onClick="return layershow()">CLICKHERE</a>

I want to open the page specified by the href and call the layershow function at the same time. The above code runs the function fine, but seems to ignore the href.

How can I get it to do both?

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Floating Layer - While Scrolling - The Layer Flickers Continuously

Jan 30, 2009

I have created a floating layer using Javascript that remains always on top of page on scrolling.Issue is,at some point while scrolling,the layer flickers continuously.

The html page is as follows:

Many common software systems, JavaScript has a history of security problems. Many of these problems could allow a person with malevolent intent to steal sensitive information from a visitor. The number and type of such holes in security vary among browsers and operating system versions. Most JavaScript security holes have been caught and fixed, but new ones are being discovered all the time. For a list of current security holes check out your browser's and operating system's Web pages. As a Web site author, it is your responsibility to keep up-to-date on the current status of known security holes in the applications you create.

Signing Scripts. In Chapter 11, I explained that JavaScript does not provide the ability to directly access files on the client computer. This can be a very large hurdle to overcome if you're trying to upload a file to a server from the client computer. Fortunately, file uploading is one of many functional enhancements that signed scripts provide. Signed scripts are specially packaged scripts that have been verified and signed to be correct and non-threatening. These scripts have additional rights on the client computer that allow a programmer to do many things that he wouldn't otherwise be able to.

With the introduction of Netscape 4.0, a new security model was put in place that would allow digitally signed scripts to bypass some of the restrictions that had previously been placed on them. A signed script can request expanded privileges from the visitor and, with the visitor's permission, gain access to restricted data. A signed script requests these additional permissions through LiveConnect, which allows your JavaScript code to communicate with the Java Capabilities API. The security model allows JavaScript to access certain classes in Java in order to extend its functionality while still maintaining tight security for the client.

A digital signature is a fingerprint of the original programmer, and it allows the security model of the browser to detect where (or from whom) it originated. A script signer can be a person or an organization. By signing a script, you acknowledge yourself as the author and accept responsibility for the program's actions. A signed script contains a cryptographic checksum, which is just a special value that ensures the signed script has not been changed. When a digital signature is detected, you are assured that the code has not been tampered with since the programmer signed it.

Once you finish writing a script, you can use the Netscape Signing Tool to digitally sign it. Signing a script does the following:

Unambiguously assigns ownership of the script to a person or organization.

Allows an HTML page to use multiple signed scripts.

Places the signed script into a Java Archive (JAR) file.

Places the source of the script in the JAR file.

Once a user confirms the origin of the script and is assured that it has not been tampered with since its signing, he or she can then decide whether to grant the privileges requested by the script based on the validated identity of the certificate owner and validated integrity of the script.



At some point while scrolling,the div 'movable' flickers continuously,while at some other point,it is perfectly stable.

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Show / Hide Div Layer / Change Link Color / When Radio Button Is Selected

Aug 16, 2010

I am trying to develop an exam system.Find my code below.I request you to copy the code and save it as an html file .I have 2 problems:

1. Kindly notice that when the quiz is loaded,it shows both the questions by default.I want only question 1 to be visible when the quiz loads.What happens presently is that ,both questions are visible even after I click on the link
Q.1( referring to question 1).However,when I click on
Q. 2,then only question 2 can be seen and then(after clicking on Q.2) if I click on Q.1,then only question 1 can be seen

What I want is that when the page loads only question 1 is visible.Then when I click on Q.2,I can see only question 2 and when I click on Q.1, I can see only question 1.I later plan on adding many questions,so it should be a general solution rather than a solution good only for 2 questions.

2.Also,what I want is that,if someone selects any of the answers of a particular question,it's link color should turn green to indicate to the user that he answered that question.So for,instance,if I select an answer to the first question(select one of London,New York,Seattle,Washington,Chicago), the link Q.1 should turn green.

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Change Table Width In Mozilla?

Jun 3, 2009

I want to change the table width by dragging img next to the TD of the table using javascript in Mozilla.

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Mozilla - Making Opacity Of Images Change When Called

May 13, 2010

I have a script that makes opacity of images change when it's called, but the problem is, in IE work perfectly, but not in mozilla. Here's the script :
function submitkeytest(){
showbanners = true;
multy = false;
x = 0;
while (x<2){
document.getElementById('b'+x).style.filter = "alpha(opacity=100)";
document.getElementById('b'+x).style.MozOpacity = 100;
document.getElementById('b'+x).style.opacity = 100;
document.getElementById('b'+x).style.filter = "alpha(opacity=20)";
document.getElementById('b'+x).style.MozOpacity = 20;
document.getElementById('b'+x).style.opacity = 20;
What exactly did I do wrong?

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When The Images Rotate In Mozilla In Between The Rotations, Mozilla Browser Adds A Little Colored Square That Represents A Blank Image?

Jul 16, 2009

had this in browsers areas but people told me I should put it here in Javascript because more people here would probably have seen it before and know why it happens. I have basic Javascript that rotates images. I've noticed any kind of Javascript code that rotates images has this same problem only in Mozilla. When the images rotate in Mozilla in between the rotations, Mozilla browser adds a little colored square that represents a blank image that are able to be seen does anyone know why Mozilla Browser adds that? For example when looking at this page in Mozilla can see it. if you know if this is some Mozilla problem with Javascript and images. Doesn't happen with IE and other browsers shows the images only and nothing else.

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Porting App To Mozilla - Work On Both IE/Mozilla ?

Nov 30, 2010

I've a BIG Problem With a HUGE JS application , i'm modifying its javaScript code to work on both IE/Mozilla , currently it works fine on IE but not on Mozilla.

My main Point now is events.

Lets try with a little module, consider this function :

And it is attached in this place like :

This works fine in IE , i want to modify it to work on Mozilla.

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Scroll Bar Visibility

Jul 20, 2005

I was wondering if there is anyway to capture an event for when the scroll bar would appear while rendering a page with dymanic results driven questions. Such that answer to q1 would lead to another question, need to know what would be the last question before the scroll bar would appear.

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Image Visibility In IE

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to set up a page where there are a couple of checkboxes, and
based on the selected checkbox, certain input fields are required. For the
required fields, I want to display a red asterick as an image (
required.jpg ) next to the field iteslf. Thus, I am trying to write a
JavaScript function that will get called via the "onchange" action for each
checkbox.... this function willl either set the visibility to "visible" or
"hidden" for the red asterick ( required.jpg ) next to each input ( name,
address, email, etc... ). I am able to get this working in Netscape (
7.02 ), however I can't seem to get it to work for Internet Explorer (
6.02 ).

Here is a trimmed down, working ( at least in Netscape ) sample of what I am
trying to do. Any idea on what I need to do differently to get this to work
in IE? Code:

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Changing Visibility Of DIV

Aug 18, 2006

I would like to change the visibility of the contents of a DIV by clicking a button or link. If possible, I'd like the button to toggle the visibility on/off. If not, I'll just have two buttons, one to make it visible, the other to hide it.

Also, I'd like the page content under the DIV to move up/down as the DIV is hidden/visible (as if the text inside the DIV did not exist when the it was hidden).

The code I tried before posting was this:
function visibility(id){
I couldn't find any documentation on the Visibility property, so I didn't know how to use it correctly. Also if there is a better way to achieve the effect I want than using style.visibility, please post it.

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Changing DIV Visibility

Jun 19, 2006

I want to add a caption to certain images on a website I'm building when the user moves their mouse over it, along the lines of "Click to Enlarge". The HTML code I've got is as follows:

<div class="overlay">
<a href="#"><img src="image/example-4.jpg" alt="Example Image" /></a>
<div><p>Click to enlarge image</p></div>
The DIV with the caption is set in the CSS to display:none; and I have the following JavaScript code which is supposed to change this property to block on hover:

window.onload = function(){
var overlay = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for(var i=0; i<overlay.length; i++){
if(overlay[i].className == 'overlay') {
overlay[i].onmouseover = function() { this.getElementsByTagName('div').style.display = 'block' }
} } }

But this gives this error:

Error: this.getElementsByTagName("div").style has no properties
Any idea what I've done wrong?

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Turn Visibility On And Off?

Jul 8, 2011

I have a web page that has javascript running an html5 page where as the embedded movie plays, the captions play below the movie. What I'd like to do is to have a button that turns the captions' visibility on and off, but I can't seem to get it to work. Probably easier to just show you the web page so you can see the files and view source: [URL] Click the test.html file and hit the play button for the movies to see the captions. I think it might have something to do with the captions being within the media div, but I'm not sure how to address the caption id other than the way I have.

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