How Do You Give A Set Of Functions A Layer Change?

Jul 25, 2006

I found this matrix animation and was thinking it would be neat to run inside an inset table within its background with text over it and an image behind the vertically running text, though as it is right now it over takes everything on its own, how would it be possible to place it in a layer, I am referring similar to z-indexing it, also I think its background would need to be made semi-transparent or simply removed and then the tables background used instead? Code:

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Netscape Layer Writing (layer Within Layer)??

Apr 4, 2002

Layer writing in Netscape. This is pretty straightforward >> However I'm trying to write to a <div> layer within a <div> layer.

My div:


<div id="blah">
<div id="aight">
I'm trying to write to "aight"

How should my code look?

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Mozilla - Change Layer Visibility

Jan 25, 2004

I have a script that when you click a link it changes a layer visibility. IE: one layer becomes visible while another hidden.

It works great in NS and IE but when I try it in mozilla(firebird) it won't work. Any have a code I could use or know of a resource where I can get one.

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Onclick: New Page And Layer Change At The Same Time?

Apr 23, 2001

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a location link and layer function assigned to a link at the same time. I can't get this to work:

<a href="" onClick="return layershow()">CLICKHERE</a>

I want to open the page specified by the href and call the layershow function at the same time. The above code runs the function fine, but seems to ignore the href.

How can I get it to do both?

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Simple Browser Detect Then Change Visibility Of A Layer?

Aug 22, 2011

I am using CSS text-shadow but of course IE doesn't like it. I've looked into some methods for achieving the same effect in IE, but it's not at all the same so I've opted for another method..I'm going to have two layers. In layer1, it will be standard text, shadowed with CSS. I then screenshotted that and will use the resulting jpeg for layer2.I was then planning to find a script that:1. Detects if browser is IE2. If IE, layer2 is visible, layer1 is invisible3. If not IE, layer1 is visible, layer2 is invisibleThe problem is that I can't find a simple script to detect if the browser's IE or not. I can find loads of scripts that check what version of IE someone's using. The version isn't important!

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Floating Layer - While Scrolling - The Layer Flickers Continuously

Jan 30, 2009

I have created a floating layer using Javascript that remains always on top of page on scrolling.Issue is,at some point while scrolling,the layer flickers continuously.

The html page is as follows:

Many common software systems, JavaScript has a history of security problems. Many of these problems could allow a person with malevolent intent to steal sensitive information from a visitor. The number and type of such holes in security vary among browsers and operating system versions. Most JavaScript security holes have been caught and fixed, but new ones are being discovered all the time. For a list of current security holes check out your browser's and operating system's Web pages. As a Web site author, it is your responsibility to keep up-to-date on the current status of known security holes in the applications you create.

Signing Scripts. In Chapter 11, I explained that JavaScript does not provide the ability to directly access files on the client computer. This can be a very large hurdle to overcome if you're trying to upload a file to a server from the client computer. Fortunately, file uploading is one of many functional enhancements that signed scripts provide. Signed scripts are specially packaged scripts that have been verified and signed to be correct and non-threatening. These scripts have additional rights on the client computer that allow a programmer to do many things that he wouldn't otherwise be able to.

With the introduction of Netscape 4.0, a new security model was put in place that would allow digitally signed scripts to bypass some of the restrictions that had previously been placed on them. A signed script can request expanded privileges from the visitor and, with the visitor's permission, gain access to restricted data. A signed script requests these additional permissions through LiveConnect, which allows your JavaScript code to communicate with the Java Capabilities API. The security model allows JavaScript to access certain classes in Java in order to extend its functionality while still maintaining tight security for the client.

A digital signature is a fingerprint of the original programmer, and it allows the security model of the browser to detect where (or from whom) it originated. A script signer can be a person or an organization. By signing a script, you acknowledge yourself as the author and accept responsibility for the program's actions. A signed script contains a cryptographic checksum, which is just a special value that ensures the signed script has not been changed. When a digital signature is detected, you are assured that the code has not been tampered with since the programmer signed it.

Once you finish writing a script, you can use the Netscape Signing Tool to digitally sign it. Signing a script does the following:

Unambiguously assigns ownership of the script to a person or organization.

Allows an HTML page to use multiple signed scripts.

Places the signed script into a Java Archive (JAR) file.

Places the source of the script in the JAR file.

Once a user confirms the origin of the script and is assured that it has not been tampered with since its signing, he or she can then decide whether to grant the privileges requested by the script based on the validated identity of the certificate owner and validated integrity of the script.



At some point while scrolling,the div 'movable' flickers continuously,while at some other point,it is perfectly stable.

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Show / Hide Div Layer / Change Link Color / When Radio Button Is Selected

Aug 16, 2010

I am trying to develop an exam system.Find my code below.I request you to copy the code and save it as an html file .I have 2 problems:

1. Kindly notice that when the quiz is loaded,it shows both the questions by default.I want only question 1 to be visible when the quiz loads.What happens presently is that ,both questions are visible even after I click on the link
Q.1( referring to question 1).However,when I click on
Q. 2,then only question 2 can be seen and then(after clicking on Q.2) if I click on Q.1,then only question 1 can be seen

What I want is that when the page loads only question 1 is visible.Then when I click on Q.2,I can see only question 2 and when I click on Q.1, I can see only question 1.I later plan on adding many questions,so it should be a general solution rather than a solution good only for 2 questions.

2.Also,what I want is that,if someone selects any of the answers of a particular question,it's link color should turn green to indicate to the user that he answered that question.So for,instance,if I select an answer to the first question(select one of London,New York,Seattle,Washington,Chicago), the link Q.1 should turn green.

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How To Give An ID Value From Tha Directory Name?

Dec 21, 2006

I shoud give a "value" to an DIV's ID that change following the name of the
directory where the file is.

For example the file is here:

Is it possible with javascript to give the value "01" to the DIV's ID?
<div id="namedirectory"something inside </div>
so it could be readed as:
<div id="01"something inside </div>

I found in internet this one:

<script language="JavaScript">
document.write('<br />');

it's something that could work?
I don't know how to recall the value in the ID...

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How To Give Onchange Events

Apr 15, 2009

I have two functions. How to give onchange events.

function toggleDivs(c) {
function disable3checkboxes(event, srcElement) {

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Why Does This Statement Give An Error When The I Hv One Checkbox?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a page with checkboxes generated by a script. Users are suppose to select the checkboxes and click on a button to process their selection. The codes work fine except when I only have one checkbox on the page. Then it will not register sReturn.....

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Give Individual Cell's A Border?

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to have just the top row cells of a table to have borders - is
this possible/easy? or do I have to make the title row another table?

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JQuery :: Access Querystring And Give It Value?

Mar 24, 2010

How do i acces variable: id inside <a href.. and append my querystring variable to it?

<div id="email">
<a href="Emaillist_3212.html?id="><img alt="list" src="pics/email32.png"/>
<span class="name">Emails (?)</span>


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JQuery :: How To Give Image ID Or Class

Aug 17, 2010

I'm working on this page: Work in progress
I'm using this tutorial:
On my work in progress link, I have two players on one page that just replace each other. The problem is with the left and right navigation arrows on the picture viewer. When you switch to the video player (grey video button on below player) the navigation arrows remain, I want them to only appear on the picture viewer. I think I can do this using z-index in css but need to give the two arrows some id's so I can select them. I can't seem to work it out in jquery! How to give the two images id's (see code below) or even better, make them only appear when you are on the picture viewer.

//** Step Carousel Viewer- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: [URL]
//** Script Download/ [URL]
//** Usage Terms: [URL]
//** Current version 1.9 (July 28th, 10'): See [URL] for details

var stepcarousel={
ajaxloadingmsg: '<div style="margin: 1em; font-weight: bold"><img src="ajaxloadr.gif" style="vertical-align: middle" /> Fetching Content. Please wait...</div>', //customize HTML to show while fetching Ajax content
defaultbuttonsfade: 0.4, //Fade degree for disabled nav buttons (0=completely transparent, 1=completely opaque)
configholder: {}, .....

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Give Focus When A Page Loads?

May 2, 2009

I have a text box to which I give focus when a page loads. There is more than one submit button on the form. When I enter something in the textbox then hit Enter the first submit button on the form is activated. Is there some simple code I can use to shift focus to the submit button I want as I press Enter?

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Checkbox To Give Hidden Field Value?

Aug 1, 2009

i have a page with lots of checkboxes and hidden fields. When i tick a checkbox i want it to give the hidden filed a value. But give it no value if it is not ticked. For every checkbox i have a hidden field is with it. Both the checkbox and the hidden field send information. I have used some js scripts but they don't seem to work with more than one checkbox.Example:

<input type="checkbox" name="box1" id="box1" value="4th July 2009,">
<input type="hidden" name="price1" id="price1" value="0">

So when box1 is ticked it then gives price1 a value. But if not ticked then the value remains at 0. I want it to give a value of 699.There will be about 100 checkboxes and hidden fields on the page. Also onclick behaviours do not work because it may still send the information if the checkbox is not checked.So for the next checkbox and hidden field i use box2 and price2.

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Give A Child Element Link?

Oct 5, 2009

I was wondering if there was any way I can give a child element, preferably the first one, a link through a parent element with an ID. code...

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Give A Hexagon Shape To An Image?

Nov 30, 2011

I have a image which need to be cropped from edges slightly to give a hexagon shape. see the attached image to see how the appear ance should be.

Would lik to crop images while loading on to this frames/boxes.

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Give Filepaths To XmlDoc.load()?

Sep 16, 2010

I am making a change to a .hta file. I did not write it, so I am trying to familiarize myself with it, and there doesn't seem to be very much documentation, so I have been stuck trying to figure this out on my own, but to no avail. Anyways, the code is opening an XML file. Previously, this XML file has always been in the same directory as the .hta file that was opening it, but then writing files to the program files directory is a bad idea, so we decided to change that. So how do you give a specific path to the load() function to tell it where to find an xml file? I have tried a variety of different things but they always give me an error. I'm not sure why it only seems to work if the XML file is in the same folder as the .hta. If there is a way to do this, is it possible to do it with environment variables too?I want to specify the temp folder. I have never done anything with javascripting before, so I don't know a whole lot about it. I was trying to find documentation for it, but there doesn't seem to be anything very comprehensive, like there is for other major languages like Java and C and C++ and etc.

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How To Give Table Alternating Row Colors

Jun 11, 2010

I read this article: [URL]...I want to Combine this example with the example given in Part 1 to give this table of revenues alternating row colors!

Here are my combining codes: It is quite clear there must be something with them because I can't see the expected result after running. Help me find that mistake.


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Give Users A Window Choice?

Feb 18, 2005

I have a form that opens a new window when submitted.

However, many people don't like new windows opening. So, I would like to create an option that would let users control whether the form result opens in a new window or in the same window. Can this be done?

I was thinking of adding a checkbox and if it would be chacked = new window, not checked = same window. How can I accomplish this?

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How To Give Xmlhttp Request For Netscape Browser

May 16, 2006

Exactly what i want to know is, In my product we are using
xmlhttp request to retrive some data from the server, And Im using IE
browser, its working fine in IE.

Now i want to work with netscape,I dont know how to pass the xmlhttp
request in Netscape. i got some code like below for netscape for

var oXML=new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","",false);

but its not woking, it shows some uncaught exception error.

So can u suggest me some code for xmlhttp request for Netscape,Im using
version 8.1 netscape browser.

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Using For Loop To Give An Array 10 Random Numbers?

Feb 18, 2009

I am working on a problem that wants me to use a for loop to give an array a random number for each of it's elements (total of 10) and then using a second loop to add them up and display the result.

<script type="text/javascript">
var sum;
var i=0;


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Filter Out Certain Characters And Give Error Message?

Jan 26, 2009

I'm using the following code

<script type="text/javascript">
function checkField() {
var filebox = document.getElementById("File");[code]...

to try and prevent users from uploading files in an <input type="file"> that have characters that are not conducive to downloading. The problem I'm finding is that the code above seems to look at the whole path that is in the input box as opposed to just the file name. I know absolutely nothing about javascript, does anyone know how I can manipulate this code to have it just look at the file name?I've also posted this question at the following links: http:[url].....

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Calendar To Give Unix Time Stamp?

Aug 26, 2009

user select a date/time for an input form. Once this form has been submitted i will use php to convert it into a unix timestamp for the db.

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JQuery :: Give Default Format In All Datepicker Control?

Mar 1, 2010

In my application having so many datepicker contols.where should i give this properties commonly.

how should i pass dynamically in my textbox ID (or) which .js file i will set this properties commonly.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
changeMonth: true,


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Modulus Operator Is Not Working If Give Number More Than 24 Digits

Dec 7, 2009

If number is more than 24 digits, modulus operator is not giving correct output [code]...

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