Make Semi-advanced Web Browser?

Feb 9, 2010

Can anyone tell how to make semi-advanced web browser?

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Make A Background Fade Out To A Semi-transparent State After / During Upload?

Dec 5, 2011

i have been tasked to create a web page that includes a fading background. (It must become semi transparent once the page has loaded,and remain until a new page is selected. I want to use a similar concept to: [URL]. However instead of fading out to black, i need it to fade out to white (between 10-15% image opacity). I would also need a similar central, transparent, scrollable frame/div (where each page will load up within and like the above link,i need a different background image to each page.

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JQuery :: Make A Background Fadeout To A Semi Transparent State After Upload?

Dec 5, 2011

For a college assignment, i have been tasked to create a web page that includes a fading background. (It must become semi transparent once the page has loaded,and remain until a new page is selected. I want to use a similar concept [URL]. However instead of fading out to black, i need it to fade out to white (between 10-15% image opacity).

I would also need a similar central, transparent, scrollable frame/div (where each page will load up within and like the above link,i need a different background image to each page.

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Jul 20, 2005

I am never sure of when a semi-colon is required in javascript. Is
there a definite rule? Code:

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Caching Of 'semi' Dynamic JavaScript (IIS, ASP, IE6)

Jul 23, 2005

We have a dynamically created javascript menu (from ASP), which is
customised per user (Have already taken all the static code out into
separate cached .js file)

The size of the 'dynamic' menu content can be as much as 10kB, and the
menu typically does not change for the duration of the user's session
- i.e. it would be nice to get the browser to 'cache' this. It is an
Intranet application, and is typically aimed at IE6 clients only.

Have considered the following strategies

1) Cookies - although the last thing I want is the whole menu coming
back to the server on every HTTP request - but would be useful IF
there is e.g. a header option the cookie to 'send' the cookie (Server
-> Browser) without the browser ever sending it back to the server
(but the browser still being able to 'read' the cookie?)

2) Creating 'dynamic' javascript files - i.e. send the output per user
to a mangled .js file (e.g. with a session ID in the filename), into a
cached js file. Would however need to cleanup the files quite
regularly, and giving IUSR file creation access doesn't seem a good
idea. Would then get the browser to include the JS by generating ASP
along the lines of.
<script language="JavaScript"

Is there any other way?

Second Question : Is there any way to get IE to stop sending up the
HTTP REFERER header up to the server (e.g. RegKey) - this is pretty
pointless on an Intranet App (I know there is a way to do in

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If One Or Either Of Variable Orbital Period Or Semi-Major Axis Is A Zero

Nov 16, 2009

I am having difficulties with my code and i've tried many ways to do everything from do while to if else statements. i've got everything in my code down but that pesky loop statement, and i'm trying to write my code where it says if one of either of variable Orbital Period or Semi-Major Axis is a zero, then it should use different way to read the inputed information.

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Make Browser Without Toolbars?

Mar 17, 2010

I am building a site for use on a local server and I want it so that when you launch the file it will it automatically remove the toolbars.

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Make A New Browser Tab To Blink (or) Get Focused ?

Jun 22, 2009

I have a requirement as explained below:

I click on a link...(say facebook) from the current window. It opens up in a new browser tab. Until here i got it working. Now when i get back to my previous window and click on the same link, then the tab already displaying the facebook site should either get focused or at least blink, so as to alert the user.

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Make Website Browser Independent?

Aug 31, 2010

Am designig a web site i want that sote to be appear same in all browser is their any script which makes my site look same in all browsers

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JQuery :: Make The Web Page Fit The Mobile Browser

Jan 20, 2011

I know jqm can do it, but it's also force to add many template and format to the page, all I want is a simple web site structure, how to do that?

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JQuery :: How To Make Text Selectable When Using IE Browser

Sep 18, 2009

We recently had our site redeveloped by a professional firm. We originally requested that users not be able to copy and paste text from our site. This has created an outcry and we would like to have text be selectable. I see that they achieved this by using jquery which I am not familiar. I believe that I have found the snippet of code that turns this ability off/on but I do not know how to write the correct code to allow selection of text. This is an IE specific issue, not a problem in Firefox. I have done some investigation online and found this: [URL]. It looks cut and dry but placing this solution in the js file does nothing.

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Advanced POP Up Window Functions

Jul 23, 2005

I want to create a popup window that opens when the index.htm page

Within the popup window, I want to create a link to 'more info'.

When this link is clicked, I want the content to load in the main
window, not the popup, and I'd like the popup to close !

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Advanced - Prepopulate Fields Using URL

Jun 18, 2010

I have used a Javascript to prepopulate text fields and checkbox's etc. However I can't make it populate a text area.

Source code below:

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Advanced Form Validation

Dec 8, 2002

Advanced Form Validation Example (

Part I of 3

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<title>Advanced Form Validation Script v6.2: Commented</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<!-- Start Javascript -->
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide Me

Advanced Form Validation Script v6.2
(C) 2000, 2001 Phoenix Now Inc.

Reproduction of this script is Prohibited
Unless this comment remains

Visit us Online at:

Contact Us at:

### NOTE ###
BEFORE you start to RIP this script appart, make a copy of it.

I have Commented the Areas you can change
and how to change them correctly. The following
denotes the special comment area of information.

## Special Comment Area ##

Set the title of your page, to what you want to be seen in the email.
The document title is used for the email title, and the subThanks window

// Focus the first form element
function focusIt() {

// Redirect the user to a thank you page
function redirectIt() {
window.document.location.replace("thanks.htm"); // ## Change the page name and or location to your thank you page. ##

// Reload the current page.
function reloadIt() {

// Build Thank you window based on form elements.
function subThanks() {
The subThanks page displays information to the sender about what has been sent.
This page also gives them a chance to print a hard copy for there records.
If you wish to change any of the format of this window, becareful, table information is
set in three areas. The first area is in the Variables below, col, cot, coz and brk.
The second area is in the newWin.document.write lines. this area is the top portion of the new
window. It displays a thank you, displays ths user email, the form name, last name and first name,
as well as the top print button. The third and final area, is what is used to generate the rest
of the table. You should not have to touch any of this, as all the cell formatting is done in the
top Variables.

If you change the name value of your First Name, Last Name and Email address, make sure to update
this information here in section two as well. reqRequestor_First_Name, reqRequestor_Last_Name
reqRequestor_Email are all called in the second section.
var bg = 0;
var daHeight = screen.height / 2;
var daWidth = screen.width / 2;
var topPos = 0;
var leftPos = 0;
if (screen) {
topPos = daHeight-200;
leftPos = daWidth-250;
var form = window.document.forms[0];
var doct = window.document.title.toString();
var now = new Date();
newWin ='','thanks','scrollbars=1,width=570,height=450,left='+leftPos+',top='+topPos+'');
newWin.document.writeln("<html><head><title>" + doct + "</title><link rel='STYLESHEET' type='text/css' href='main.css'></head><body bgcolor='#ffffff' text='#000000'>");
newWin.document.writeln("<h1>Thank You!</h1>");
newWin.document.writeln(form.reqRequestor_First_Name.value + " " + form.reqRequestor_Last_Name.value + ", thank you for completing the " + doct + "<p>");
newWin.document.writeln("A Copy of the results below have been emailed to you at <a href='mailto:" + form.reqRequestor_Email.value + "'?subject='" + doct + "' class='mroller' title='Your Email Address'>" + form.reqRequestor_Email.value + "</a>. We sugguest that you print a copy for your records as well." + "<p>");
newWin.document.writeln("<form class='forma'><input type='button' name='print' class='forma' value='Print Doc' title='Print Document' onClick='window.print()'><p>");
newWin.document.writeln("<table width=' cellpadding=&#391;' cellspacing=&#393;' border=&#390;' title='Form Information'>");
newWin.document.writeln("<tr><td colspan=&#392;' bgcolor='#bebebe' class='copy'>" + doct + " Submitted on " + now.toLocaleString() + "</td></tr>");
The below section is the third section for generating the subThanks window.
This section loops over the entire form, and then writes the information to
the new subThanks window. There are some rules to what is shown and what is
not shown in the subThanks window. Everything else is printed to the new window
accept the following.

1. Checkboxes and Radio buttons that are not checked
2. Button Types
3. Hidden fields
4. hidden form objects whos name ='s "=================================================="
This is used for a break, when the loop finds an element with the above equal signs, the
Variable brk is written which is equal to "<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=#e6e6e6>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
This break is definded above at line 89
5. The Table is closed when the loop hits a submit or reset button.

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Advanced Rollover - RollBlend

Oct 30, 2002

A very compact rollover only for IE 5+ that allows swapping the images with a transition

<script type="text/javascript">

Rollblend: Rollover + Blending script
Free use of this script is allowed as long as
this message remains intact.

if (document.all)
{document.onmouseover = rlvr;
document.onmouseout = rlvr;}

function rlvr()
if (e.osrc)
if (e.fx){e.filters[0].apply();e.filters[0].play();


<img src="Btn.jpg" osrc="Btn_ovr.jpg" fx=true style="filter:blendTrans(duration=1)"><br>

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Advanced Select Menu?

Jun 4, 2004

I'm looking to create a multiple selection drop down menu that has radio buttons & text. For example

[MENU] <-click

[MENU] <-after click
| (x) Selection one |
| (o) Selection two |
| (x) Selection three |
| (o) Selection four |

so basically, like a <select> except it has radio selections and you can pick several choices. When you select one, that whole row is highlighted (background color of that row changes). Would I use javascript/dhtml for this? I'm guessing so.

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Advanced Password Checker ?

Jun 4, 2011

I want to use this code but there is no step by step instructions.

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Random Div Placement... (Advanced)

Oct 31, 2011

I believe � can be solved pretty easily by an expert.It's about the script in this thread: http:[url] I can adapt the script to work with multiple div's in one page.

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JQuery :: Developing Advanced SVG Chart?

Nov 10, 2011

i'm new to jQuery and SVG and my homerwork is to develope ECG chart. It should show data with: - 25mm/s - 50 mm/s - 1mm/mV - 5mm/mv I've decided to use Keith Wood jQuery plugin and have some questions. Is it possible to manipulate with gridlines when using graphing extension? I'd like every full second line to be thicker than the rest. Secondly, length on chart in every resolution should be equal to real length. Or should I make that chart step by step using drawing functions?

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Slightly Advanced Exception Handling?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to develop proper exception handling for a javascript framework I'm developing but I keep hitting an annoying dead end: caller and line numbers / stack trace.I have a basic exception class:


* Exception.js
* @classException


The problem is that the console.trace() function returns only one line: "log", referring to ExceptionHandler.log(e) (at least in webkit). What I'd love to do is have the Exception class get information as to (at the very least) what called it and also, although perhaps less viable, the line number it was called on. I don't think the line number is going to work though. I would _like_ this to happen automatically, but if I have to include another argument called_from it won't be the end of the world. I know about arguments.caller but this is depreciated (as of ECMAScript 1.3 (?)).

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How To Add Advanced Features Into A Client Side Search Form?

Jan 28, 2004

I'm trying to add a search feature into a literature review i'm converting to HTML for work. This is to be burnt to a cd and given to a client. At present I can only do a simple keyword search through the entire collection text (i'm NO programmer i'm afraid ), I need to add boolean features to this so that ppl can search for "word1 AND word2" sort of thing. Can anyone give me some pointers as to how I might accomplish this?

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Multiple Google Maps On One Page With Advanced Directions

Sep 22, 2010

I am trying to load multiple google maps with advanced directions on one page. I can't seem to get it to work. Any way to run the same multiple times on one page? Here is the code below. The first map and set of directions works, but not the second.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Google Maps JavaScript API Example: Advanced Directions</title>
<script src=" [URL] "
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans serif;
font-size: 11px;
margin: 2px;
} table.directions th {
} img {
color: #000000;
} .....

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Advanced DHTML Dropdown List Component With Autofilter Feature

Jul 20, 2005

Advanced DHTML Dropdown List component (Javascript,ASP,.NET,PHP)
enhances usability of large dropdown lists with type & select feature.
It suggests possible matches for entries you type in the input box.
Works in all browser with DIV, CSS and JavaScript support: IE5+,
Netscape6+, Mozilla, Opera. The script allows full customization with
style sheets, single and multiple select mode. Code:

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Create Multiple Google Maps On One Page With Advanced Directions?

Sep 22, 2010

I am trying to create multiple google maps with multiple directions that load on one page. I have tried duplicating the var and function names but I haven't been able to get it to work.code...

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JQuery :: Advanced Image Fader - Animate A Number Of Thumbnails In A Gallery

Oct 27, 2011

I would like to animate a number of thumbnails in a gallery. My idea is to have each thumb transit to another thumb, i.e. you put your mouse over a thumbnail, and it slowly fades to a different image. I have spent a lot of time trying to get this to work, using exhaustive combinations of fadeToggle() and stop(false, false) etc etc and I still can't get a smooth effect.

I have created my own fade engine using a variable that drives the opacity of the image that fades in/out over the other image. My issue is that I would like to get this into a function, as it works beautifully for one image, or if you simply duplicate the code for other thumbnails. The problem is there could be up to 32 thumbnails on the page, which means a lot of repeated code.


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(jQuery) Hiding Columns \ User To Be Able To Toggle Main And Advanced As Visible/invisible?

May 26, 2009

I have 3 types of columns and they are identified by their class (in the TD and TH)... they are1. Always - cells that always appear - includes a primary key2. Main - cells that are necessary to be shown, but can be toggled3. Advanced - cells that are superfluous but helpful for the viewer.I want the user to be able to toggle Main and Advanced as visible/invisible. I tried the below code, which works, but, but since there's so much data it will lock up the browser and even invokes this ff error: "A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete. Script: jquery-1.3.2.min.js:19"My questions are basically, can this be done without freezing up the browser? (e.g. can I group columns together and hide each column, since I believe it's the sheer amount of cells that I am hiding?)Here is my code:here's my javascript (on top of jquery's inclusion)

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {


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