Random Div Placement... (Advanced)
Oct 31, 2011I believe � can be solved pretty easily by an expert.It's about the script in this thread: http:[url].....how I can adapt the script to work with multiple div's in one page.
View 1 RepliesI believe � can be solved pretty easily by an expert.It's about the script in this thread: http:[url].....how I can adapt the script to work with multiple div's in one page.
View 1 RepliesAs someone who has a web site, there is this popup (not my own) that comes
up that I can't make go away when others view the page. Is there anyway,
at least, to make sure that the parent window supersedes and is the top
lawyer vs. this smaller pop-up using javascript?
I have recently decided to re-approach a function in the code I have been working on based on the recommendations of a few of you helpful folks. The current function takes data accumulated from form calculatiions, formats it for display then opens a fresh window and writes that data into the document using the document.write() method. This presented me with a bit of a problem when it came to saving the document, particularly in Internet Explorer. When I brought that problem up here on the boards, it was suggested that I go from document.write() to innerHTML and rather than open a blank document, I should open a document that at least has the basic coding set up, such as DOCTYPE, HEAD and BODY tags.
This is all fine and dandy and I understand the basic concepts of how it is supposed to work, but in working through the logic of the process, I discovered that my weakness in understanding how to implement the innerHTML method is holding me back a bit. So now I come seeking advice once more, however, before I go any further with this, let me explain how the document is meant to be displayed.
The data is sent to the document in two basic stages. The first of those stages is a visual or "graphical" representation of the data and consists of a foundation image (in this case, a polar chart) with secondary images (stellar bodies and/or stars) placed on top of it to represent the data in a positional format (basicly stars positioned by Right Accension and Declination Angle).
The second stage of the data transfer (which, at this point, I don't see any problem coding since it is pretty straight forward) is a text rendering of the processed information in a tabular format. For the most part, I intend to keep it in tabular format and simply send it to a specific DIV element.
My difficulties are coming from the first stage of the process. My first thought was to load the foundation image from the popup itself rather than using the function to insert it in the document and then send the positioning data to the document as a series of DIV elements in much the same fashion as I was doing before. These DIV elements, or so I assume, when sent to the document, would have to be placed in the body of the document in general. Therefore, I would assume that the body would have to have a name/id attribute that innerHTML could access. My question here is, where exactly does that data go when it is sent. Assuming the basic document has the following appearance; Code:
i have a link through which i am opening a showModelessDialog . in that page there is a link for Cancel and Next. when the user clicks on Cancel the window closes and when the user clicks on Next another showModelessDialog opens [Closing the existing one].The problem is it does the same thing but that second showModelessDialog takes top and left as 0 and goes to the top-left corner of the screen. i have set the center parameter to Yes then also the problem perist. below is my code:
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want the error messages to appear below the text boxes, not to the right. I have my own text after some of my text boxes and with the default settings the error appears between the text box and my text. Looks weird that way. I'd rather have the errors below each element. I tried with the below but didn't get anywhere. I want ALL errors below. Not sure what to do.
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
error.appendTo( element.parent("td").next("td") );
I am using jquery validate plugin to validate my form. The form is modified bassistance form, which is a table with various <tr> and <td>. Default placement is
error.appendTo( element.parent().next() );
But I want to append (or display) errors in a single td with id and name as "errorbox" located on the first row of my table. How to modify
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
error.appendTo( element.parent().next() );
I have a form where I am using the jquery validation plugin. In that form, I have a date field that is using a jquery datepicker plugin so a small calendar gif immediately follows the date field. The date is required. The problem is when the field fails validation, the error
message appears directly after the date input pushing the calendar gif to the right of the error message. I know there is an errorPlacement parameter that you can use, but isn't that for every field in the form? How can I get the error placement to go after the calendar gif
just for the date field. Here is my test code. I am also using an AJAX form submission plugin. The name of my date field is startDate.
submitHandler: function(form) {
I've been banging my head against the wall for about a week now. Everything in the code below works as expected. How I can make the error appear in the last <td> in my table below? It currently appears in <td> 4 along with the first input, but I need it in <td>7.
jQuery.extend(jQuery.validator.messages, {
required: "?"
$(document).ready(function() {
Table that prints out multiple sets of Radio Buttons
<td>4<input type='radio' name='".$row['name_id']."' value=$value1 class='required' >$value1</td>";
<td>6<input type='radio' name='".$row['name_id']."' value='$value2 class='required' >$value2</td>";
I am using both the jQuery Validation plugin and the datePicker plugin. I would like to get the error message for this showing after the calendar icon for the datePicker plugin. I have tried this and cannot get it to work and so far not found a solution on any website I have checked.
jQuery Validation code
$(document).ready(function() {
submitHandler: function(form) {
rules: {
date: {
required: true,
date: true
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if(element.type == 'input') {
} else {
Trying the sibling thing was my last probably silly attempt at getting this working.
HTML output when the field fails validation
<legend>Update Date</legend>
<label for="date" class="admin">Date of Run: </label>
<input type="text" class="date-pick dp-applied error" size="7" value="" name="date" id="date">
<label for="date" generated="true" class="error">This field is required.</label>
<a title="Choose date" class="dp-choose-date" href="#">Choose date</a>
As you can see the label for the error is placed inbetween the input field and <a> for the calendar image. How to get this label to show after the <a>.
I am using the jquery form validation plugin [URL] to get some simple validation done on my form. It's working perfect so far. When I set a particular form field to have the class "required" that makes it so that it can't be blank and when the user tries to submit the form, JQuery displays a "This field is required." text beside the field and focuses on it. The text generally appears right beside the input element. I was wondering whether it is possible to actually control where the error text appears? Say like I set an element div element which I want the error to appear. Is there a way to make it the error text appear in that div element?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm writing this web app.For each view, when required, I'll have one or more script files named after the view. Some functions are shared across the site. So I extracted and put them into separate .js files. Some views may have sub-views (such as the login box).
And I ended up with 10 <script> tags per page (includes 3 jquery must-haves). Although in some pages I can lower it to 6, I still think this is a pretty big number, as lots of extra HTTP transaction is required when loading the page.
I put the <script> tags at the end of the page, before closing <body>. Most scripts didn't use $(document).ready().
So is it bad to have 10 <script> tags on each page? Is there a magic number I should never surpass? Is it a good idea to put lots of (unrelated) functions into a single .js?
And is it bad to have scripts executing at the end of the page rather than $(document).ready ?
Here is a suggestion for the documentation. It can be added to General_Guidelines. This is important because, for me at least, I had to figure it out on my own how to deal with radio buttons. A suggestion in the documentation would have saved me a chunk of time. [URL] Error Placement for Radio Buttons (and perhaps checkboxes). If the default placement of the error message doesn't work for your radio buttons, here is a suggestion.
First, here is my customized message, in jQuery("#frm").validate. Notice the <br> tag.
messages: {
x_gender: " Select One<br/>",
Also in the validate function.
// the errorPlacement has to take the table layout into account
// "error" is the error message, as a jQuery object. The element is the first of the group of radio inputs.
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if ( element.is(":radio") ) {
error.prependTo( element.parent() );
} else { // This is the default behavior of the script
error.insertAfter( element );
I propose this as the default method for radio buttons. And perhaps checkboxes. This way, in my form html at least, the error message appears on a line just above the first radio button. Otherwise, it appeared immediately to the right of the button, between the button and the label.
After placing a div on each image I placed the comments following. However, prev and next lwon't work unless I uncenter the text alignment or move it up top. For some reason it just won't work when I have it centered bottom.
Size : 52.06 KB
Download : 360
I want to create a popup window that opens when the index.htm page
Within the popup window, I want to create a link to 'more info'.
When this link is clicked, I want the content to load in the main
window, not the popup, and I'd like the popup to close !
I have used a Javascript to prepopulate text fields and checkbox's etc. However I can't make it populate a text area.
Source code below:
Advanced Form Validation Example (http://phxnow.com/resources/Scripts/Validation%20Form/index2.htm)
Part I of 3
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Advanced Form Validation Script v6.2: Commented</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<!-- Start Javascript -->
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide Me
Advanced Form Validation Script v6.2
(C) 2000, 2001 Phoenix Now Inc.
Reproduction of this script is Prohibited
Unless this comment remains
Visit us Online at:
Contact Us at:
### NOTE ###
BEFORE you start to RIP this script appart, make a copy of it.
I have Commented the Areas you can change
and how to change them correctly. The following
denotes the special comment area of information.
## Special Comment Area ##
Set the title of your page, to what you want to be seen in the email.
The document title is used for the email title, and the subThanks window
// Focus the first form element
function focusIt() {
// Redirect the user to a thank you page
function redirectIt() {
window.document.location.replace("thanks.htm"); // ## Change the page name and or location to your thank you page. ##
// Reload the current page.
function reloadIt() {
// Build Thank you window based on form elements.
function subThanks() {
The subThanks page displays information to the sender about what has been sent.
This page also gives them a chance to print a hard copy for there records.
If you wish to change any of the format of this window, becareful, table information is
set in three areas. The first area is in the Variables below, col, cot, coz and brk.
The second area is in the newWin.document.write lines. this area is the top portion of the new
window. It displays a thank you, displays ths user email, the form name, last name and first name,
as well as the top print button. The third and final area, is what is used to generate the rest
of the table. You should not have to touch any of this, as all the cell formatting is done in the
top Variables.
If you change the name value of your First Name, Last Name and Email address, make sure to update
this information here in section two as well. reqRequestor_First_Name, reqRequestor_Last_Name
reqRequestor_Email are all called in the second section.
var bg = 0;
var daHeight = screen.height / 2;
var daWidth = screen.width / 2;
var topPos = 0;
var leftPos = 0;
if (screen) {
topPos = daHeight-200;
leftPos = daWidth-250;
var form = window.document.forms[0];
var doct = window.document.title.toString();
var now = new Date();
newWin = window.open('','thanks','scrollbars=1,width=570,height=450,left='+leftPos+',top='+topPos+'');
newWin.document.writeln("<html><head><title>" + doct + "</title><link rel='STYLESHEET' type='text/css' href='main.css'></head><body bgcolor='#ffffff' text='#000000'>");
newWin.document.writeln("<h1>Thank You!</h1>");
newWin.document.writeln(form.reqRequestor_First_Name.value + " " + form.reqRequestor_Last_Name.value + ", thank you for completing the " + doct + "<p>");
newWin.document.writeln("A Copy of the results below have been emailed to you at <a href='mailto:" + form.reqRequestor_Email.value + "'?subject='" + doct + "' class='mroller' title='Your Email Address'>" + form.reqRequestor_Email.value + "</a>. We sugguest that you print a copy for your records as well." + "<p>");
newWin.document.writeln("<form class='forma'><input type='button' name='print' class='forma' value='Print Doc' title='Print Document' onClick='window.print()'><p>");
newWin.document.writeln("<table width=' cellpadding=Ƈ' cellspacing=Ɖ' border=Ɔ' title='Form Information'>");
newWin.document.writeln("<tr><td colspan=ƈ' bgcolor='#bebebe' class='copy'>" + doct + " Submitted on " + now.toLocaleString() + "</td></tr>");
The below section is the third section for generating the subThanks window.
This section loops over the entire form, and then writes the information to
the new subThanks window. There are some rules to what is shown and what is
not shown in the subThanks window. Everything else is printed to the new window
accept the following.
1. Checkboxes and Radio buttons that are not checked
2. Button Types
3. Hidden fields
4. hidden form objects whos name ='s "=================================================="
This is used for a break, when the loop finds an element with the above equal signs, the
Variable brk is written which is equal to "<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=#e6e6e6> </td></tr>";
This break is definded above at line 89
5. The Table is closed when the loop hits a submit or reset button.
A very compact rollover only for IE 5+ that allows swapping the images with a transition
<script type="text/javascript">
Rollblend: Rollover + Blending script
by www.dimaster.com
Free use of this script is allowed as long as
this message remains intact.
if (document.all)
{document.onmouseover = rlvr;
document.onmouseout = rlvr;}
function rlvr()
if (e.osrc)
if (e.fx){e.filters[0].apply();e.filters[0].play();
<img src="Btn.jpg" osrc="Btn_ovr.jpg" fx=true style="filter:blendTrans(duration=1)"><br>
I'm looking to create a multiple selection drop down menu that has radio buttons & text. For example
[MENU] <-click
[MENU] <-after click
| (x) Selection one |
| (o) Selection two |
| (x) Selection three |
| (o) Selection four |
so basically, like a <select> except it has radio selections and you can pick several choices. When you select one, that whole row is highlighted (background color of that row changes). Would I use javascript/dhtml for this? I'm guessing so.
I want to use this code but there is no step by step instructions.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'm new to jQuery and SVG and my homerwork is to develope ECG chart. It should show data with: - 25mm/s - 50 mm/s - 1mm/mV - 5mm/mv I've decided to use Keith Wood jQuery plugin and have some questions. Is it possible to manipulate with gridlines when using graphing extension? I'd like every full second line to be thicker than the rest. Secondly, length on chart in every resolution should be equal to real length. Or should I make that chart step by step using drawing functions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to develop proper exception handling for a javascript framework I'm developing but I keep hitting an annoying dead end: caller and line numbers / stack trace.I have a basic exception class:
* Exception.js
* @classException
The problem is that the console.trace() function returns only one line: "log", referring to ExceptionHandler.log(e) (at least in webkit). What I'd love to do is have the Exception class get information as to (at the very least) what called it and also, although perhaps less viable, the line number it was called on. I don't think the line number is going to work though. I would _like_ this to happen automatically, but if I have to include another argument called_from it won't be the end of the world. I know about arguments.caller but this is depreciated (as of ECMAScript 1.3 (?)).
Can anyone tell how to make semi-advanced web browser?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to add a search feature into a literature review i'm converting to HTML for work. This is to be burnt to a cd and given to a client. At present I can only do a simple keyword search through the entire collection text (i'm NO programmer i'm afraid ), I need to add boolean features to this so that ppl can search for "word1 AND word2" sort of thing. Can anyone give me some pointers as to how I might accomplish this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to load multiple google maps with advanced directions on one page. I can't seem to get it to work. Any way to run the same multiple times on one page? Here is the code below. The first map and set of directions works, but not the second.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Google Maps JavaScript API Example: Advanced Directions</title>
<script src=" [URL] "
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans serif;
font-size: 11px;
margin: 2px;
} table.directions th {
} img {
color: #000000;
} .....
I'm trying to use Javascript to have an array of images that load randomly AND work in a slideshow manner so change every 3 seconds (in a logical order). The code I have below presents a random image but how do I get them to continue from the random image and change to the next every 3 seconds?
<script language="JavaScript">
images = new Array(3);
images[0] = "<a href = 'photo1.html'><img src='images/photo1.jpg' alt='Photo 1'></a>";
images[1] = "<a href = 'photo2.html'><img src='images/photo2.jpg' alt='Photo 2'></a>";
images[2] = "<a href = 'photo3.html'><img src='images/photo3.jpg' alt='Photo 3'></a>";
Advanced DHTML Dropdown List component (Javascript,ASP,.NET,PHP)
enhances usability of large dropdown lists with type & select feature.
It suggests possible matches for entries you type in the input box.
Works in all browser with DIV, CSS and JavaScript support: IE5+,
Netscape6+, Mozilla, Opera. The script allows full customization with
style sheets, single and multiple select mode. Code: