Long JavaScript Processes Prevent Animated GIFs Animation
Oct 26, 2007
I am working on some JavaScript, that amongst other things does
searches in an index. The search can take a couple of seconds, and I
would like to disable the form button that the user clicked to trigger
the search. In addition I would like an animated GIF to appear,
visualizing that a search process is ongoing.
My problem is: While the procedure that implements the search is
executed, the browser window is not refreshed. The button stays in
"down" mode, the gif freezes.
Is there some command I could insert in between my code statements
that lets the browser refresh it's window's contents?
I used a javascript function to pass a php variable to a pop up window. The problem is that when the new widow opens the old main page's animated gifs stop cycling. I have to re-load the page to get them working again once the pop up is closed. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
I'd like to write Javascript that stops animated gifs from animating.
On Firefox, at least, window.stop(); does the trick, although it stops everything on the page and is kind of unpredictable. If I connect it to the onload event, sometimes only half the page will be displayed. Does the onload even fire before rendering?
Does anyone know a reasonable way to accomplish my original goal of stopping animating gifs from animating?
Does anyone have an explanation for why animated .gifs might not animate in FF, Chrome, etc.? Only IE does it right for me.
I suspect it might have something to do with tables squeezing the graphic (if the .gif is inside a table with a 100% width cell... but even giving the cell with the .gif a width doesn't seem to help.)
Is it true?
I realise tables are not best used for this purpose, but did this also happen in the good old tables days?
I am trying to make a simple image change involving an animated gif using javascript. After 5 seconds, the original image (which is simply a transparent pixel gif) changes to an animated gif.
in the body:
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I know this isn't a problem with the gif itself, because displaying the gif in firefox does not produce any issues. Does anyone know why these problems are occurring in firefox? I'd like not to have to use a broken src link to make it work, and it's weird that that's a way to solve the animation issues.
I've got a slideshow which has animated gifs in it. But the timing goes out after a few slides. I need to find out how to get each gif to restart when it is shown but without having to re download the image each time. The website address is below, the slide show is just below the body text.
Problem occures when image is clicked another time(you have to click quick to see the problem) before end of animation. I think that preventing it from being clicked would solve the problem but im not sure.
Code: $(function() { $('#gallery img').click(function() { var zIn=$(this).css('zIndex');[code].....
How can I make the script below "stop responding" when it's already animating?I want the script below to animate ONCE and STOP animating (even if mouse is still on element #s2) until I take mouse off it and hover again. This is what I'm using:
I wrote a small javascript tooltip script.It supports creation of animated tooltips and translucent tooltips. I have only tested with FireFox and IE.Try it out....
I am new to jQuery and wrote a tool for my job that uses the accordion and tab plugins a lot.
However, I find the ability to only load one draw at a time to be limiting.
I am looking for a plugin that functions exactly like the accordion and processes the HTML in the exact same way, while using the standard UI css that allows for more than one draw to be open at any time. I still want the first draw to be loaded first, and would like a 2nd click on a draw header to collapse the draw.
Anyone care to either assist or help out? I have dabbled, but everything I have tried so far requires css be added to the base html which I do not want.
I want this:
To be handled just like the accordion would handle it, while allowing more than one draw to be open at once.
I have a select dropdown and 5 text fields. based on the option selected (which are the units - cm/mm/inches/ft/yard etc), i change the values in the text fields using javascript to the corresponding units.
my problem is that when the options are selected very quickly(for eg using the keyboard's up/down keys) then quickly, the text field values lose their connection with the select box and the values become illegal.
I suspect that the javascript function is being called even before the earlier execution has not terminated. I tried using a global variable and using it as a lock, but still no success.
Is there some way from preventing the JavaScript code in a document loaded into an iframe from executing? I don't have access to the pages being loaded into the i-frame so I can't modify then. They are being loaded from a server.
I am trying to make a progress animation so that the user knows that there files are correctly being checked in. Trying to animate papers moving from the computer to the server pics. I'm brand new at this language, however, I've been programming in C++ for awhile. This is my code for that part of it. And I call the startAnimation() function when the button finish is clicked on. Code:
I'm currently using this method to refer to my JavaScript files:
<script type="text/javascript" src="filename.js"></script> While doing work for some clients I have made changes to the the JavaScript file referenced above. Because their browser has cached it, they end up getting errors on the page unless they hard refresh and get the new version of the file.
Is there anyway to make the JavaScript file come down fresh if it has been modified since the last download?
how do i code such that all gifs are loaded without missing any one of them ? I always get missing few gifs when the page loading with 30 gifs. I use IE6 to browse many <a href='myurl'><img src='mygif.gif'></a>
Here is the issue I am having: In my project, I have a index.php page with a sidebar menu and a div id called œcontent.The user can select different menu items and perform searches from the database and make updates to their account. Im using ajax to load all of the menu items and all of the forms into the div id "content" on the index page. The Forms all load into the target div as they are suppose to with ajax.
However, on the mysettings page I have two forms and two different buttons, one called save and the other called update. When a user wants to edit their account information and makes changes to their account they clicks on either button and the form processes the information and updates or inserts data into the database correctly but the problem is that after that the form or page does not display the form back in the div id "content" like how it was loaded originally in the index.php page. The problem is that it reloads or refreshes the form page without the index.php page being involved. That is does not get reloaded or updated inside the index.php page content div again.
What I would like do is have all of my forms process whatever is submitted on the page and display the results back inside the same content div on the index.php page again. I know I am missing something because all of my forms are doing the same thing. I am hoping someone can help me out. I would be very grateful for example code that I can learn from since I am still relatively new to web development. I am posting some sample code below.
I have a button which is animated with a rollover effect, obtained through jQuery of course. I wish to open a lightbox clicking that button and I tried with a simple, self-made lightbox and with FancyBox but in either case the lightbox is displayed without animation.I post the code for my buttons and the lightboxHTML for buttons:
I've been messing with this code to make a fade in animation with setTimout. The only thing is addition isn't working on the fade in. A subtraction on a negative works though. This seems strange to me.
changeit.style.opacity -= -0.01; works but when it's changed to changeit.style.opacity += 0.01; there's no fade in. It's the only thing I change. My intuition says to me it should work with addition, but maybe there's something I'm not understanding.
changeit.style.opacity -= -0.01; if this is set to changeit.style.opacity += 0.01; it doesn't work. What?
Of course this is all just for Firefox for now. If I put this in something useful I'll change it so it'll work in other browsers later.
I'm building an upload page and I'm using javascipt to show/hide an animated gif when they click the upload button but when it is displayed the animation stops during the upload process? Is this because of the cpu load or any ideas on what could be causing this? I'm using PHP to upload the file. Here is my code to show/hide the gif.
Can javascript build animated .gif or .jpeg ....I mean files *gif or *.jpeg that show animated images when are opened ( or is it another language that do it ? ) ?
I want an div#breadcrumb to animate when some other divs are hovered. This is my code: var BrHo = $('#breadcumb') + $('#nKnapper') + $('#Navigation'); BrHo.hover(function(){ $('#Breadcumb').animate({ opacity: '1', fontSize: '14px', }, 2000) }, function(){ $('#Breadcumb').animate({ opacity: '0.1', fontSize: '10px', }, 2000) }); It's not working. It seems like I have to convert BrHo variable to an Array? Is that right?