Loading And Playing A Sound With Javascript
Jan 17, 2006I was wondering if there was a way to load a streaming/static
mp3, wav etc. with javascript and then beign able to control its
playing, pausing etc.
I was wondering if there was a way to load a streaming/static
mp3, wav etc. with javascript and then beign able to control its
playing, pausing etc.
Is there any universal way (for all browsers) of using JavaScript to play some sound when you mouse over some link? If yes can somebody link me to this code or at least write me how one would do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I play a sound when I click an image, without the information bar popping up at top? I've looked all over, and I've tried a few javascript-only methods but none have worked for me.. Is flash the only way to go?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am developing a web application where each page shows a series of small jpg images each with an onClick event which plays a small mp3 file using javascript.
It all works perfectly but is a bit slow to load, so the customer wondered if we might develop a local version which, although the page was accessed via the web, the images and mp3s were installed on a users local pc (will be machine specific application anyway).
I have managed to do this for the images by using:
<img src="file:///C|/folder/home.jpg" onClick="EvalSound('shortname')">
and adding the site as a trusted site in IE7 (after much head scratching!).
However, my embed statement to embed the local mp3 files doesn't seem to work. I am using:
<embed src="file:///C|/folder/filename.mp3" autostart=false width=0 height=0 name="shortname" enablejavascript="true">
I have tried all sorts of versions of this path and nothing seems to work. I just get an 'unspecified error' when I click the image.
I can play a sound on my local machine, but when I upload to a server the same code it does not play. I cannot work out why, the link below gives the code. The multi channel code is here:
I installed Firebug and insepcted the Net components and can see that the .wav files are being ought out but returning a 304 and then 404 error. This would be fine, however the path being sought is correct. Going to link does'nt play the sound, but removing the file and paring back to the directory brings you to the directory on the server and clicking the file does play the sound. The code works locally, and I simply cannot see what could be causing the issue in the server versions on both Firefox and Chrome.
Is it possible to play a sound file when a visitor to my website moves their mouse/pointer over a single image no matter what browser they are using?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using this fancy box code to smoothly pop up an image on click, I got it working on my main index page but that's not where I want to put it. My site has a menu where it loads external webpages inside the main index one, I would like to use the code on one of those pages but something is not working.
I have been told its a DOCTYPE issue but I am not able to use the specified DOCTYPE, however I find that it works all the same with my current DOCTYPE choice. If I use the given one in addition to the one I use now (and need) then my site does not work properly, further if I replace it I get the same results.
My existing doctype:
<DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
I even tried using the exact code from the example in that linked .htm page but it doesn't make a difference, it probably even hinders the code as it looks at the main html page. However loading the page on its own the code will work, so its related to the menu and the way that works.
I am using this fancy box code to smoothly pop up an image on click, I got it working on my main index page but that's not where I want to put it. My site has a menu where it loads webpages inside the main index one, I would like to use the code on one of those pages but something is not working.I am not able to use the specified DOCTYPE but find that it works all the same with my current one, however if I use the given one in addition to the one I have now (and need) then my site does not work properly, further if I replace it I get the same results.My existing doctype:
<DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"
I need to create sound with Javascript. Until now all the code I have
been trying doesn't work width Firefox. can some one please show me
how to do it, or give me a link to a good article?
can have a system(CPU) beep sound through JAVASCRIPT??
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use the following code to make the source of a embedded sound switch to different sound files based on which link is clicked:
scales=Array("sounds/scales/Mscale.wma", "sounds/scales/hminscale.wma", "sounds/scales/nminscale.wma", "sounds/scales/mminscale.wma", "sounds/scales/chrscale.wma");
function Mscale() {
User clicks on image map that displays DIV1 with player id="Player1". When user clicks on another part of the map, DIV2 appears with another video - but DIV1's player "Player1" keeps playing. How can I stop the event after going to another div? Lots of efforts "out there" but I've yet to find out just how to do it successfully.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi need code in javascript to make the player select playing with the computer or other player and select who player beginning playing
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing XMLHTTP and DOM I'm able to load new HTML page content.
I'd now like to load small snippets of javascript with the HTML markup
and have that <script> incorporated into the page. If any of the loaded
script exists outside a function definition (eg: a call to a function),
I'd like that code to be executed as soon as its added to the DOM.
Can anyone suggest the best way to do this? I've Googled but not found
anything comprehensive. Do I need to use the eval() method or is there
a better way?
I have created a Javascript menu for my site which uses frames. The first
stage loads fine but I want two drill down menus ("About Me Menu" and
"Projects Menu"). The pages load fine, but the images aren't displayed,
instead the alt text is shown. The images come up after you "Mouse Over"
them but not before......can anybody spot any errors in my code which could
be doing this please. For info, I have 4 images for each button, to take
into acount whether the button had been used and to give a mouse-over image
for each state. I have also deleted the code for items 3-5 as they are
commercially sensitive. Code:
As we all know, JavaScript is client side and php is server side, (the php
code is 'allowed' to do stuff on the server that JavaScript cannot).
The problem with php is that it timeout after a while, (and the user also
has no clue as to what is going on for a long time).
I need to run a script on the server that could take a very long time.
So what I was thinking is mixing both JavaScript and PHP
Something like,
var endvalue = 1000; /* some number that the server can calculate
quickly */
var i = 0
while (i<=endvalue)
call a php file that will do some work
That way the server does the work, while the client keeps it going.
Ideally I would also get a return value/string from the php script.
I am using this to load the client JavaScript for a web application
when it is selected by the user) via an Ajax connection to the server.
I have found only two ways of loading new JavaScript after the web page
is loaded.
1. Create a new script element (where head is the id of the head tag):
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('src', 'scripts/myscript.js');
s.setAttribute('defer', false);
2. eval() of a string sent from the server via XmlHttpRequest.
The first method does not work with Apple Macintosh Safari. There is an
article on the apple support website
Does anyone know of any other methods that are cross-browser?
I already know about the IFrame workaround, but I have not been able to
determine if that is really portable and practical. Does anybody have
experience with this?
im trying to get values from a database and assign them to icons which display on my page. The icons that are generated on the page are generated in javascript- and they do work. Howver i want icons to hold the names that are in the database/table.
how would i do this? would this be using a query result in asp to get the values from the database?? how would i do this? please provide code or guide.
then, how would i assign the database value with the icons???? ive heard javascript arrays??? how would i assign the values??
I am working on a client's site and he has some external javascript code that his affiliates can put on their websites to fetch some data. However, when my client's site goes down, the affiliates' sites cease to load thus taking their sites down with it.
Is there any way I can have the javascript check to see if the website is up before loading, and if it is, run this: Code:
I m facing a problem with 'javascript:void(0)'
Software Environ:-
IE: 6.0.2600.0000
OS: Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4
I have a webpage with several links (<A> tags), now i have added
onClick and blocked HREF using 'javascript:void(0)' as below:-
<a href="javascript:void(0)"
Here 'some_function' is opening the 'pagename' in a new customised
This page also contains a few images weighing 50kb. Now if I click the
<a> links before the images are loaded fully, following happens (on my
pc it works well but it happens when i test it online):-
1. The new page opens in a window as required
2. But the page loading is ABORTED and the images are not loaded.
I have been struggling with a cross browser solution to loading
external javascript files on the fly.
I have been successful using the following code in IE6:
var newScr = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
newScr.src = "newScr.js";
I believe the reason is that IE is loading the external file
syncronously while Firefox is not. Is there an onload event for
creating an element (if so I do not see it in Venkman). I have seen the
solution of using XMLHTTP to load the script but I am trying to get
around any dependency (atleast at this stage of the library) on
I have an XML page I'm trying to load with javascript to display on Mozilla Firefox. I can get this to work on Internet Explorer but it would not work on Firefox. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can someone glance at my short piece of code below and tell me why this wouldn't work on firefox? Code:
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'm using a little "ajax" loader script to dynamically load files into
different "div" tags on my main site. the code for this part looks
I'm using HTML 4 Strict and looking for a way to preload a sound.....
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone now where I can find a javascript that plays a .wav file when someone moves there mouse over an image? I was looking around for a while and the closest one I could find didn't work in Internet Explorer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedBelow is the script. Just insert the name of your sound file where it says car3.wav.
At some point, the script turns from a sound loader into an image loader -- that begins at this line:
if (document.images)
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
var aySound = new Array();
// Below: source for sound files to be preloaded
aySound[0] = "car3.wav";
// DO NOT edit below this line
document.write('<BGSOUND ID="auIEContainer">')
IE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1 && document.all)? 1:0;
NS = (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.plugins["LiveAudio"])? 1:0;
ver4 = IE||NS? 1:0;
function auPreload() {
if (!ver4) return;
if (NS) auEmb = new Layer(0,window);
else {
Str = "<DIV ID='auEmb' STYLE='position:absolute;'></DIV>";
var Str = ''
for (i=0;i<aySound.length;i++)
Str += "<EMBED SRC='"+aySound[i]+"' AUTOSTART='FALSE' HIDDEN='TRUE'>"
if (IE) auEmb.innerHTML = Str;
else {
auCon = IE? document.all.auIEContainer:auEmb;
auCon.control = auCtrl;
function auCtrl(whSound,play) {
if (IE) this.src = play? aySound[whSound]:''
else eval("this.document.embeds[whSound]." + (play? "play()":"stop()"))
function playSound(whSound) { if (window.auCon) auCon.control(whSound,true); }
function stopSound(whSound) { if (window.auCon) auCon.control(whSound,false); }
if (document.images)
{img1on = new Image();
img1on.src = "CI-on.gif";
img1off = new Image();
img1off.src = "CI-off.gif";}
function imgOn(imgName) {
if (document.images) {
document[imgName].src = eval(imgName + "on.src");}
function imgOff(imgName) {
if (document.images) {
document[imgName].src = eval(imgName + "off.src");}
There are five links buttons in the demo but only the introduction of "img1" is shown in this sample script.
In the document body, an anchor uses an onMouseOver to call for both the image flip AND the sound play.
Then it uses an onMouseOut to both revert the image and stop the sound play.
<P><A HREF="http://www.jeffs-icons.net/RZ/CI-F.html" TARGET=_top onMouseOver="imgOn('img1'), playSound(0)" onMouseOut="stopSound(0), imgOff('img1')"><IMG SRC="CI-off.gif" NAME="img1" border=0 ALT="Club Info"></A>